27 research outputs found
Surveillance of Sulfur Fuel Content in Ships at the Great Belt Bridge 2020
Results are reported from stack gas emission measurements of individual ships at the Great Belt Bridge in Denmark. From the data the fuel sulfur content (FSC) used by the ships has been estimated. The project has been carried out on behalf of the Danish Environmental Pro-tection Agency and this report covers the period December 2019 to November 9, 2020. The overall aim of the project was to carry out operational surveillance of ships with respect to the EU sulfur directive that was entered into force in 2015 and which is implemented in the Danish legislation. It requires the usage of low sulfur marine fuel in SECAs (0.10 %) or using abate-ment technique (e.g. scrubber), The main purpose of the surveillance was to guide further port state control of ships at the destination harbors of the ships, both in Denmark and other ports, and to gather general statistics about compliance rates.This report describes the technical systems and their performance and discusses the general compliance levels with respect to the EU sulfur directive and Danish legislation. The surveil-lance measurements were conducted by automatic gas sniffer measurements at the Great Belt Bridge, reporting in real time to a web database. The measurement systems have been developed by Chalmers University of Technology through Swedish national funding and EU projects. The measurement system at the Great Belt Bridge has been in operation since 2015.In the period December 2019 to November 9, 2020, 3910 valid sniffer measurements of indi-vidual ships were carried out at the Great Belt Bridge with medium and good quality. The pre-cision of the fixed sniffer is estimated as 0.04 FSC % (1Ï) and therefore only ships running with an FSC of 0.18 % (2Ï) or higher can be detected as non-compliant ships with reasonable statistical confidence. The sniffer also has an estimated systematic bias of - 0.077 % FSC for the measurements in 2020, based on comparisons with port state control authorities. This bias, together with the measurement precision, is accounted for when determining the non-compliance threshold value. The data for the period December 2019 to November 9, 2020 shows a compliance rate of 98.6 %. This corresponds to 55 non-compliant ships (1.4 %) and out of these only 1 ship (i.e. 0.03 %) was in gross non-compliance, i.e. running with FSC above 0.3 % while the rest had an FSC below 0.14 %. This is slightly lower than in 2019 (4 ships corresponding to 0.075% above FSC 0.3 %) and it can be compared to the correspond-ing numbers for 2018 when the compliance rate was 95.3 % and 1.8 % of the ships were in gross noncompliance. One reason for the improvements could be that scrubber installations appears to work better in 2019 and 2020 compared to the previous years.The observed high and improved compliance rate in 2020 is similar to the measurements in 2019 and consistent with other measurement studies in northern Europe during 2019. Airborne mini-sniffer measurements of 600 ships around the coast of Denmark, on behalf of the Danish EPA, shows 50 % less noncompliance between 2018 and 2019, with only 3 ships above FSC of 0.3 %. Sniffer measurements carried out in Belgian waters, in the English Channel, by fixed wing aircraft show that the non-compliance rates of ships with FSC above 0.4% changed from 4.9 % to 0.4 % between 2018 and 2019, with similar values in 2020. Fixed site measurements in the ship channel to Hamburg shows improved compliance rates since 2015 with noncompli-ance rates less than 1 % in Wedel and Bremerhaven in 2019. Sniffer measurements at the
6resund Bridge by Chalmers University of Technology, on behalf of Swedish transport agency, shows 99.7% compliance rates in 2020 with no ships in gross noncompliance.https://www2.mst.dk/Udgiv/publications/2020/12/978-87-7038-250-2.pd
Surveillance of Sulfur Fuel Content in Ships at the Great Belt Bridge 2019
Sulfur,\ua0 compliance monitoring, remote surveillanc
Myeloma Treatment on SĂS â Does it conform to good national standard?
Myeloma Treatment on SĂS â Does it conform to good national standard?
Stefan Carslöv
Supervisor: Ulf-Henrik Mellqvist
Department of Medicine, Södra Ălvsborg Hospital, BorĂ„s, Sweden
Myeloma has an incidence of approximately 600 patient per year in Sweden. There are several
different treatment to choose from, and the cost for the clinic can drastically rise when using the
newest treatments.
The aim was to study the treatment of myeloma on SĂS, BorĂ„s compared to the national results.
The results was measured as total survival. Also, differences in treatment regimes were studied.
The study was retrospective and the data was collected from the national quality register for
myeloma. For survival all patients diagnosed between 2008-01-01 to 2013-12-31 was extracted
from the database and after that the patient at SĂS, BorĂ„s was separated. The treatments given was
also extracted from the database.
The total survival at SĂS, BorĂ„s was lower than the national survival. The results was not
statistically significant, but when an age standardization was done the significance rose and a
difference of almost 2 years lower survival at SĂS was seen. The most used treatment at SĂS was
autologous stem cell transplantation for patients <65 years old, and
melphalan+steroids+thalidomide for patients >65 years old.
The difference in survival might depend on that the VÀstra Götalandsregionen is very restrictive
using autologous stem cell transplantation as treatment modality in elderly patients. Another
possibility is differences in reporting patients not receiving active treatment due to comorbidities.
The findings in this study needs further evaluation and follow up but it has already lead to a more
liberal approach to use autologous transplantation as treatment also for the elderly
Traditionsprincipens vara eller inte vara i svensk rÀtt
Traditionsprincipen har successivt blivit gĂ€llande rĂ€tt i Sverige under 1800-talet utan att för den delen vara lagreglerad. Den innebĂ€r att en köpare uppnĂ„r skydd mot sĂ€ljarens borgenĂ€rer först nĂ€r köpt lösöre har traderats och kommit ur sĂ€ljarens besittning. Tidigare var avtalsprincipen rĂ„dande i Sverige, den innebĂ€r att skyddet mot sĂ€ljarens borgenĂ€rer uppstĂ„r direkt i samband med köpeavtalet. Det var de ekonomiska förhĂ„llandena pĂ„ tidigt 1800-tal som var början till Sveriges övergĂ„ng till traditionsprincipen. Idag har dock stĂ„ndpunkten i Sverige svĂ€ngt och traditionsprincipen Ă€r omdiskuterad i den rĂ€ttsliga debatten. Under 2013 beslutade regeringen om en utredning i frĂ„gan om traditionsprincipens vara eller icke vara. Flertalet författare har föresprĂ„kat en övergĂ„ng tillbaka till avtalsprincipen, bland annat med hĂ€nsyn till att förhĂ„llandena i Sverige inte Ă€r som de var pĂ„ 1800-talet och att traditionsprincipen inte Ă€r en bra lösning för att hindra borgenĂ€rsbedrĂ€gerier. Andra hĂ€vdar dock att traditionsprincipen ska vara kvar dels pĂ„ grund av att den visst motverkar skentransaktioner och liknande men Ă€ven pĂ„ grund av dess tradition och osĂ€kerheten som skulle infinna sig vid ett byta till avtalsprincipen. Avtalsprincipen i finsk rĂ€tt har jĂ€mförts med den svenska traditionsprincipen detta för att ge en större inblick i hur avtalsprincipen anvĂ€nds och vilka för- och nackdelar de olika principerna har i sin anvĂ€ndning. Trots att avtalsprincipen har sina fördelar Ă€r det tveksamt att dessa Ă€r sĂ„ pass stora att ett byte av princip och gĂ€llande rĂ€tt ska bli aktuellt eftersom traditionsprincipen ocksĂ„ har fördelar och övertaget med att den redan Ă€r gĂ€llande rĂ€tt och beprövad i Sverige.The doctrine of traditio has gradually became established law in Sweden during the 19th century even though it has not been laid down in law. The principle means that a buyer of property obtains protection against the sellerâs creditors when the possession of the property have been transferred out of the sellerâs possession. Prior to the doctrine of traditio, the doctrine of consensus was the law in Sweden. The doctrine of consensus means that the buyer obtains protection against the sellerâs creditors directly by the contract. The reason for Swedenâs change in principle was the economic situation during the early 19th century. But as for today the doctrine of traditio has lost its position as the best principle according to some writers and it is a disputed subject in the judicial debate. The reason that some wants to change back to the doctrine of consensus is that Sweden is not in the same situation as they were during the 19th century and the doctrine of traditio is not an effective way to prevent deceptive behavior against the sellerâs creditors. Other writers however, argues that the doctrine of tradition indeed does prevent this deceptive behavior and also that it is a principle with great tradition which is preferable instead of the insecurity that comes with a shift of applicable law. The doctrine of consensus in Finnish law has been compared to the Swedish doctrine of traditio. The reason for this is to get a better insight in how the doctrine of consensus is used and what pros and cons the different principles have to offer in their daily usages. Even though the doctrine of consensus has advantages it is doubtful that these are strong enough that a shift of principle and applicable law will happen. Since the doctrine of tradito also has advantages and the upper hand of already being the established law in Sweden
Cheese Making with Bacteriophage Resistant Bacteria
A method is provided for reducing or preventing bacteriophage attack on bacteria used in a cheese making process. The method includes (a) treating a blocker peptide precursor with a protease enzyme that hydrolyzes the precursor to produce blocker peptides; (b) collecting the blocker peptides so produced; (c) formulating a starter media with the blocker peptides; (d) growing bulk cultures of cheese making bacteria in the inoculated starter media; and (e) adding bacteria grown in the inoculated starter media to a fermentation medium for producing cheese. The present invention also includes a method of making cheese and cheese produced by the method
Ur askan i elden? Om avvisningsregler som skydd mot krÀnkande bevisning för sexualbrottsoffer
Every so often it is noted in the media that character evidence and questions regarding sexual assault victims are admitted in court. The media paints the picture of trials in which the defence use circumstances such as the victimâs clothing, sexual history and character to blacken and blame the victim. This thesis examines the admissibility of such evidence under Swedish law. Through a questionnaire answered by trial lawyers and judges the extent to which irrelevant evidence exists and is ruled inadmissible in Swedish sexual assault cases is assessed. In conclusion the problems and conflicts of interest surrounding exclusionary rules in Swedish evidence law are discussed. The principle of free submission of evidence is the foundation of Swedish procedural law. Therefore as a principal rule no evidence is inadmissible per se, branding all exclusionary rules exceptions. In connection with the defendants right to a fair trial this creates restrictiveness towards the exclusion of evidence. Strengthening that restrictiveness is the requirement for exclusion that the evidence is apparently irrelevant. The questionnaire shows difficulties in examining the (apparent) (ir)relevance before the evidence is presented in court, leading to irrelevant evidence to some extent being admitted in sexual assault cases. The legislator avoids rules too circumscribing to the free submission of evidence. Therefore, priority is given to the defendantâs legal rights over the avoidance of possible insult and injury inflicted upon the sexual assault victim from admitting irrelevant evidence.Med jĂ€mna mellanrum uppmĂ€rksammas i media att bevisning och frĂ„gor angĂ„ende sexualbrottsoffers person tillĂ„ts under rĂ€ttegĂ„ngen. SĂ€rskilt uppmĂ€rksammade och ifrĂ„gasatta Ă€r omstĂ€ndigheter som offrets karaktĂ€r, klĂ€dsel och sexuella erfarenheter som Ă„beropas av försvaret för att svartmĂ„la och skuldbelĂ€gga offret sjĂ€lv för övergreppet. Personer som blivit utsatta för sexuella övergrepp riskerar i sĂ„dana rĂ€ttegĂ„ngar ytterligare pĂ„frestningar och krĂ€nkningar. Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka avvisningsmöjligheterna för sĂ„dan bevisning. Genom en enkĂ€tundersökning bland yrkesverksamma jurister kartlĂ€ggs omfattningen av irrelevant bevisning i sexualbrottsmĂ„l samt hur ofta sĂ„dan bevisning avvisas. Avslutningsvis diskuteras problematiken och de intressekonflikter som uppkommer vid bevisavvisning i svensk rĂ€tt. Principen om fri bevisföring Ă€r utgĂ„ngspunkten för svensk processrĂ€tt. Parterna har sĂ„ledes som huvudregel rĂ€tt att föra fram all bevisning de önskar. Sammankopplad med den fria bevisföringen Ă€r den tilltalades rĂ€tt till en rĂ€ttvis rĂ€ttegĂ„ng. Dessa bĂ„da utgĂ„ngspunkter leder till en restriktiv tillĂ€mpning av avvisningsreglerna som krĂ€ver att det ska vara uppenbart att bevisningen helt saknar vĂ€rde för mĂ„let för att den ska kunna avvisas. Undersökningen visar pĂ„ svĂ„righeter att pĂ„ förhand avgöra bevisnings (uppenbara) irrelevans, vilket leder till att irrelevant bevisning i viss mĂ„n förekommer i sexualbrottsmĂ„l. DĂ„ lagstiftaren inte vill inskrĂ€nka för mycket i den fria bevisföringen prioriteras den tilltalades rĂ€ttssĂ€kerhet framför undvikandet av eventuell skada pĂ„ sexualbrottsoffer pĂ„ grund av krĂ€nkande irrelevant bevisning
Vierasvelkavakuudenantajan, vakuusvelkojan ja konkurssipesÀn asema takaisinsaantilain mukaisessa perÀytymistilanteessa
KÀsittelen tutkielmassani takaisinsaantilain 19 ja 21.2 §:n sÀÀnnöksiÀ ja niiden vaikutusta vakuudenantajan, vakuusvelkojan ja konkurssipesÀn asemaan ja oikeuksiin takaisinsaantilain mukaisessa perÀytymistilanteessa. Vierasvelkavakuuksin turvatun velan maksu lakkauttaa velallisen ja velkojan vÀlisen velkasuhteen. Velkasuhteen pÀÀttyminen vapauttaa vakuudenantajan vakuusvastuusta, jolloin hÀn on oikeutettu saamaan myös velan vakuudeksi antamansa vakuudet takaisin. Velallisen jouduttua konkurssiin velkojan saaman maksun perÀytymistÀ arvioidaan TakSL 19 §:n perusteella. TakSL 21.2 §:n mukaan arvioidaan puolestaan vakuudet takaisin saaneen vakuudenantajan korvausvelvollisuutta.
KÀsittelen aihetta takaisinsaantilain historian ja kehityksen kautta. Sen jÀlkeen selvennÀn takaisinsaantiin liittyvÀÀ asiavaltuutta ja kanneoikeutta. KÀyn lÀpi myös vierasvelkapanttausta ja takauslakiin sisÀltyviÀ yksityishenkilöÀ suojaavia pakottavia sÀÀnnöksiÀ. Velkojan saaman maksun perÀytymistÀ ja vakuudenantajan korvausvelvollisuutta tarkastelen lain esitöiden, lainsÀÀdÀnnön, oikeustapausten ja oikeuskirjallisuudessa esitetyn pohjalta. Tuon esille myös muun asiaan vaikuttavan lainsÀÀdÀnnön.
Takaisinsaantiin liittyviÀ asioita ratkaistaessa on aina ensin tarpeen selvittÀÀ myös tuomioistuimen toimivaltaa ja sovellettavaa lakia koskevia kysymyksiÀ. NiitÀ koskevien asioiden osalta tutkielmassa on omat osionsa. Tutkielman loppuosassa kÀsittelen aihetta oikeustapausten ja oikeuskirjallisuudessa esitetyn pohjalta. PyrkimyksenÀ on selventÀÀ siihen liittyvÀÀ problematiikkaa ja lain tulkintaan
Digitalization of the planning and building permit process : for a smart and sustainable urban development
Enligt Sveriges regering ska Sverige vara bÀst i vÀrlden pÄ att anvÀnda digitaliseringens möjligheter. Boverket, LantmÀteriet och Myndigheten för digital förvaltning Àr tre av de myndigheter som pÄ uppdrag av regeringen ska driva digitaliseringsarbetet i rÀtt riktning. Uppsatsens syfte Àr att undersöka vilken verkan digitalisering har pÄ plan- och bygglovsprocessen. Med svenska myndigheter och kommuner i fokus undersöks hur en digital omstÀllning korrelerar med plan- och bygglovsprocessen utifrÄn teorier om smarta stÀder, hÄllbar stadsutveckling och ekonomisk tillvÀxt. MÄlet Àr att genom besvarade frÄgestÀllningar visa hur nulÀget ser ut samt att undersöka hur digitaliseringen av plan- och bygglovsprocessen bör gÄ till för att den ska frÀmja en hÄllbar stadsutveckling, ekonomisk tillvÀxt samt vara smart och ekonomiskt hÄllbar. För att bemöta uppsatsen syfte anvÀnds kvalitativa metoder i form av litteraturstudier och semistrukturerade intervjuer med sakkunniga inom Àmnet. I uppsatsen visar sig flertalet utmaningar som hindrar arbetet för en smidig övergÄng till ett digitaliserat Sverige. Det handlar bland annat om brister i svensk lagstiftning, bristande kommunikationen mellan uppdragsgivare och uppdragstagare, avsaknandet av resurser samt bristande finansiering för den digitala omstÀllningen. Samtidigt ska Sverige arbeta för en hÄllbar utveckling, nÄgot som mÄste innefattas i arbetet för digitaliseringen. Uppsatsen visar att digitaliseringen av plan- och bygglovsprocessen kan bidra till en hÄllbar stadsutveckling genom att information tillgÀngliggörs. PÄ sÄ vis möjliggörs mer effektiva beslut och bedömningar avseende hÄllbarhet. Digitaliseringens pÄverkan pÄ ekonomisk tillvÀxt i kommunerna beror pÄ hur kommunerna anpassar sig till omstÀllningen. För att digitaliseringen av plan- och bygglovsprocessen ska vara smart krÀvs lagÀndringar, finansiering och kompetens. Slutligen krÀvs ett bÀttre förvaltningsövergripande samarbete som endast kan uppnÄs om regeringen, myndigheter och kommuner tar ett gemensamt krafttag och tar sitt ansvar i arbetet.The Swedish government has the ambition for Sweden to be the best country at utilizing the possibilities of digitalization. The prerequisites for digitalization in the Swedish planning process differentiates in the country's municipalities depending on available resources and what growth visions municipalities have. The National Board of Housing, Building and Planning (Boverket), the Swedish Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registration Authority (LantmÀteriet) and the Swedish Agency for Digital Administration (DIGG) are three of the authorities that, on behalf of the government, will lead digitalisation in the right direction. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate what effect digitalization has on the planning and building permit process. By focusing on Swedish authorities and municipalities, it is investigated how a digital transformation correlates with the planning and building permit process based on theory of smart cities, sustainable urban development and economic growth. The aim is to show the current state of the digitization process and to investigate how it's supposed to progress in order to foster sustainable urban development, economic growth while also being smart and economically sustainable. The thesis entails the use of qualitative methods in the form of literature studies and semi-structured interviews. The thesis reveals a number of challenges that hinders a smooth transition to a digitalized Sweden. These include, but are not limited to, lacking Swedish legislation, lack of communication between actors within the planning and building permit process and lack of resources for the digital transformation. Simultaneously Sweden must work for sustainable development, something that's pivotal in the work for a digitalization. The thesis shows that the digitalisation of the planning and building permit process can contribute to sustainable urban development through availability and accessibility of information. This enables more efficient decision-making and assessments regarding sustainability. The impact of digitalization regarding economic growth in the municipalities depends on how the municipalities adapt to the transition. In order for the digitalization of the planning and building permit process to be smart there is a need for amendments, funding and competence. Finally, it requires cross-administrative cooperation which can only be achieved if the government and municipalities take a joint stand and meet their respective responsibilities
The role of outdoor activities in elderly day center facilities during COVID-19 : a qualitative interview study in Stockholms Stad
Denna kvalitativa intervjustudie undersöker utevistelsens roll i Àldreomsorgens förebyggande
verksamhet under det pandemidrabbade Ă„ret 2020 samt huruvida den kontext som COVID-19 skapat
har gett upphov till nya insikter om utemiljön som framtida resurs. Genom semistrukturerade
intervjuer med personal frÄn fem olika stadsdelar i Stockholms Stad samlas erfarenheter som i tvÄ
resultatdelar visar pÄ En förÀndrad anvÀndning av utemiljön under 2020 och En förÀndrad syn pÄ
framtida anvÀndning av utemiljön. Under respektive del identifieras underliggande teman dÀr den
förÀndrade anvÀndningen kopplas till utflyttade aktiviteter, fler och nya aktiviteter samt ett behov
av variation, en utökad anvÀndning av stadsdelsomrÄdet, ökad synlighet, en lÀngre sÀsong för
uteaktivitet och en ny öppenhet till naturen. UtifrÄn dessa teman kopplas den förÀndrade synen pÄ
utemiljöns framtida anvÀndning vidare till en sÀnkt tröskel för uteaktivitet och ett ökat intresse för
uteverksamhet. Dessa teman relateras sedan till Grahns Pyramid av stödjande miljöer dÀr
platsegenskaper för en hÀlsofrÀmjande stadsdel pekas ut som viktiga sett till den utveckling som
resultatet pekar pÄ. Den förÀndrade anvÀndningen av utemiljön tyder pÄ att Àldre fÄtt tillfÀlle att
aktivera sig sett till pyramidens olika nivÄer. Den utökade anvÀndningen av stadsdelsomrÄdet visar
en utveckling dÀr utemiljön som arena för förebyggande verksamhet har vuxit. Slutsatsen mynnar
sÄledes ut i att situationen bidragit till insikter gÀllande utemiljöns roll, och att detta tillfÀlle, dÀr
vikten av förebyggande arbete och hÀlsofrÀmjande ÄtgÀrder fÄtt gehör, samt dÀr det identifierats en
ny öppenhet och förstÄelse för naturens hÀlsofrÀmjande effekter, Àr ett tillfÀlle att ta i akt för att
vidare utveckla utevistelsens roll i förebyggande Àldreomsorg.This qualitative interview study examines the role of outdoor activities in the preventive operations
of elderly care facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, searching for experiences that tell
whether the context has given rise to new insights about outdoor activities and the outdoor
environment. Through semi-structured interviews with staff from five different districts in the City
of Stockholm, experience is gathered and displayed in two parts: a changed use of the outdoor
environment in 2020 and a changed view of future use of the outdoor environment. Under each part,
underlying themes are identified. The changed use in 2020 connects to relocated activities, more
and new activities as well as a need for variety, an increased use of the district area, increased
visibility, a longer season for outdoor activities and a new openness to nature. Based on these
themes, the changed view of the future use of the outdoor environment is linked to a lowered
threshold for implementing outdoor activity and an increased interest in outdoor aspects. The
analysis then relates these themes to Grahn's Pyramid of supportive environments where healthïżœpromoting characteristics are pointed out as important in terms of the development that the themes
point towards. Furthermore, the changed use of the outdoor environment indicates that the elderly
have had the opportunity to activate themselves at the different levels of the pyramid. Further
analysis also links the expanded use of the district area to a development where the outdoor
environment as an arena for preventive activities has been expanded. The conclusion thus results in
the situation contributing to insights regarding the role of the outdoor environment, where the
importance of preventive work and health promotion measures has been heard, and where a new
openness and understanding of nature's health promoting effects has been identified, is an
opportunity for acting further to develop the role of the outdoor environment in preventive care for
the elderly
Shifting Heat Sources Between Ground-Source Heatpumps and District Heating: A simulation study on the economic impact of hourly energy prices on residential hybrid heating systems
In recent years, Swedenâs residential energy market has become increasingly complex.
Energy prices for electricity and district heating have been steadily increasing.
During 2022, fluctuations in electricity prices reached new heights, and interest in
energy-smart, price-governed hybrid heating solutions has since grown. This master
thesis aims to analyze the potential economic gains in yearly energy costs using a
heating system that shifts the energy source between district heating (DH) and a
ground-source heat pump (GSHP) based on hourly energy prices. The economic
evaluation is conducted in greater detail by developing and validating a simulation
model incorporating the specific system with the building energy simulation software
The evaluation showed that varying spot-price levels for electricity and fees for power
subscriptions for DH significantly influence yearly energy costs. Using electrical spot
prices from 2021-2023 demonstrated that the hybrid solutions had approximately
the same yearly energy costs, even though the amount of shifted energy varied.
Comparisons with solutions involving only DH or GSHP as heating providers, based
on the electrical prices in 2022, revealed the sensitivity to electric spot price levels,
making it difficult to distinguish between the yearly costs for hybrid or GSHP systems.
The study could not show that the evaluated hybrid configuration had lower
yearly energy costs than only GSHP. Since combining DH and GSHP will come with
higher investment costs than choosing only one, customers may need other motivational
factors to invest in a hybrid heating system.
The conclusion is that although this system type could provide benefits such as
redundancy and flexibility for property owners and energy suppliers, it is not currently
promoted under the existing DH price models. To increase the adoption of
such systems, refinements of price models are encouraged. This kind of system can
play an important role in the future energy landscape; by combining the effective
heat pump technology with the robustness of the district heating network, the hybrid
system could help balance both the district heating and electrical networks if
utilized correctly