708 research outputs found

    Two-loop electroweak corrections at high energies

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    We discuss two-loop leading and angular-dependent next-to-leading logarithmic electroweak virtual corrections to arbitrary processes at energies above the electroweak scale. The relevant Feynman diagrams involving soft-collinear gauge bosons gamma, Z, W, have been evaluated in eikonal approximation. We present results obtained from the analytic evaluation of massive loop integrals. To isolate mass singularities we used the Sudakov method and alternatively the sector decomposition method in the Feynman-parameter representation.Comment: 5 pages. Talk presented by S.P. at the International Symposium on Radiative Corrections RADCOR 2002, September 8-13, Kloster Banz, Germany. To appear in the proceeding

    Logarithmic electroweak corrections to hadronic Z+1 jet production at large transverse momentum

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    We consider hadronic production of a Z boson in association with a jet and study one- and two-loop electroweak logarithmic corrections in the region of high Z-boson transverse momentum, p_T >> M_Z, including leading and next-to-leading logarithms. Numerical results for the LHC and Tevatron colliders are presented. At the LHC these corrections amount to tens of per cent and will be important for interpretation of the measurements.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures; one reference added; minor improvements. Accepted for publication in Phys. Lett.

    Two-loop electroweak angular-dependent logarithms at high energies

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    We present results on the two-loop leading and angular-dependent next-to-leading logarithmic virtual corrections to arbitrary processes at energies above the electroweak scale. In the `t Hooft-Feynman gauge the relevant Feynman diagrams involving soft and collinear gauge bosons \gamma, Z, W^\pm coupling to external legs are evaluated in the eikonal approximation in the region where all kinematical invariants are much larger than the electroweak scale. The logarithmic mass singularities are extracted from massive multi-scale loop integrals using the Sudakov method and alternatively the sector-decomposition method in the Feynman-parameter representation. The derivations are performed within the spontaneously broken phase of the electroweak theory, and the two-loop results are in agreement with the exponentiation prescriptions that have been proposed in the literature based on a symmetric SU(2) x U(1) theory matched with QED at the electroweak scale.Comment: 31 pages, LaTe

    Next-to-leading mass singularities in two-loop electroweak singlet form factors

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    We consider virtual electroweak corrections to the form factors for massless chiral fermions coupling to an SU(2)xU(1) singlet gauge boson in the asymptotic region sMW2s\gg M_W^2, where the invariant mass ss of the external gauge boson is much higher than the weak-boson mass scale. Using the sector-decomposition method we compute mass singularities, which arise as logarithms of s/MW2s/M_W^2 and 1/ϵ1/\epsilon poles in D=42ϵD=4-2\epsilon dimensions, to one- and two-loop next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy. In this approximation we include all contributions of order αlϵklogj+k(s/MW2)\alpha^l \epsilon^{k} log^{j+k}(s/M_W^2), with l=1,2l=1,2 and j=2l,2l1j=2l,2l-1. We find that the electroweak two-loop leading- and next-to-leading-logarithmic mass singularities can be written in a form that corresponds to a generalization of Catani's formula for massless QCD.Comment: 38 pages. Minor modifications. Version published in Nucl.Phys.

    An algorithm for the high-energy expansion of multi-loop diagrams to next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy

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    We present an algorithm to compute arbitrary multi-loop massive Feynman diagrams in the region where the typical energy scale \sqrt{s} is much larger than the typical mass scale M, i.e. s>>M^2, while various different energy and mass parameters may be present. In this region we perform an asymptotic expansion and, using sector decomposition, we extract the leading contributions resulting from ultraviolet and mass singularities, which consist of large logarithms log(s/M^2) and 1/\epsilon poles in D=4-2\epsilon dimensions. To next-to-leading accuracy, at L loops all terms of the form \alpha^L \epsilon^{-k} log^j(s/M^2) with j+k=2L and j+k=2L-1 are taken into account. This algorithm permits, in particular, to compute higher-order next-to-leading logarithmic electroweak corrections for processes involving various kinematical invariants of the order of hundreds of GeV and masses M_W \sim M_Z \sim M_H \sim M_t of the order of the electroweak scale, in the approximation where the masses of the light fermions are neglected.Comment: 30 pages, LaTeX. The complete paper is also available via the www at http://www-ttp.physik.uni-karlsruhe.de/Preprints

    Exact Differential O(alpha**2) Results for Hard Bremsstrahlung in e+e- Annihilation to 2f At and Beyond LEP2 Energies

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    We present the exact O(alpha) correction to the process e+ e- -> f f-bar + gamma, f neq e, for ISR oplus FSR at and beyond LEP2 energies. We give explicit formulas for the completely differential cross section. As an important application, we compute the size of the respective sub-leading corrections of O(alpha L) to the f f-bar cross section, where L is the respective big logarithm in the renormalization group sense so that it is identifiable as L = ln |s|/m_e^2 when s is the squared e+e- cms energy. Comparisons are made with the available literature. We show explicitly that our results have the correct infrared limit, as a cross-check. Some comments are made about the implementation of our results in the framework of the Monte Carlo event generator KK MC.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figs.;improved discussion, figs. and definitions;corrected misprint

    Light Higgs production at the Compton Collider

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    We have studied the production of a light Higgs boson with a mass of 120 GeV in photon-photon collisions at a Compton collider. The event generator for the backgrounds to a Higgs signal due to bbbar and ccbar heavy quark pair production in polarized gamma-gamma collisions is based on a complete next-to-leading order (NLO) perturbative QCD calculation. For J_z=0 the large double-logarithmic corrections up to four loops are also included. It is shown that the two-photon width of the Higgs boson can be measured with high statistical accuracy of about 2 % for integrated gamma-gamma luminosity in the hard part of the spectrum of 40 fb**-1. As a result the total Higgs boson width can be calculated in a model independent way to an accuracy of about 14 %Comment: submitted to the proceedings of the International Workshop on Linear Colliders (LCWS99) at Sitges, Spain, 28 April - 5 May 199

    Two-loop electroweak next-to-leading logarithmic corrections to massless fermionic processes

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    We consider two-loop leading and next-to-leading logarithmic virtual corrections to arbitrary processes with external massless fermions in the electroweak Standard Model at energies well above the electroweak scale. Using the sector-decomposition method and alternatively the strategy of regions we calculate the mass singularities that arise as logarithms of Q^2/MW^2, where Q is the energy scale of the considered process, and 1/\epsilon poles in D=4-2\epsilon dimensions, to one- and two-loop next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy. The derivations are performed within the complete electroweak theory with spontaneous symmetry breaking. Our results indicate a close analogy between the form of two-loop electroweak logarithmic corrections and the singular structure of scattering amplitudes in massless QCD. We find agreement with the resummation prescriptions that have been proposed in the literature based on a symmetric SU(2) \times U(1) theory matched with QED at the electroweak scale and provide new next-to-leading contributions proportional to ln(MZ^2/MW^2).Comment: 63 pages, LaTeX, references updated, some typos corrected, version to appear in Nucl. Phys.

    Charged Higgs Production in the 1 TeV Domain as a Probe of Supersymmetric Models

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    We consider the production, at future lepton colliders, of charged Higgs pairs in supersymmetric models. Assuming a relatively light SUSY scenario, and working in the MSSM, we show that, for c.m. energies in the one TeV range, a one-loop logarithmic Sudakov expansion that includes an "effective" next-to subleading order term is adequate to the expected level of experimental accuracy. We consider then the coefficient of the linear (subleading) SUSY Sudakov logarithm and the SUSY next to subleading term of the expansion and show that their dependence on the supersymmetric parameters of the model is drastically different. In particular the coefficient of the SUSY logarithm is only dependent on tanβ\tan\beta while the next to subleading term depends on a larger set of SUSY parameters. This would allow to extract from the data separate informations and tests of the model.Comment: 18 pages and 13 figures e-mail: [email protected]