11 research outputs found

    Utjecaj transformacija arhitektonske profesije na arhitekturu grada Zagreba od 1945. do 1961.; Doktorska disertacija [sažetak]

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    Radom se istražuje i bilježi tijek i učinak transformacija arhitektonske profesije nakon Drugoga svjetskog rata te kauzalnost tih promjena na odabrana arhitektonska ostvarenja u vremenu između 1945. i 1961. godine. Prijelaz od ‘klasičnih’ metoda rada, koje počivaju na sporijem obrtničkom radu u građevinarstvu, prema industrijskoj proizvodnji arhitektonskih elemenata, rezultirao je i razotkrio latentnu temu rascijepa i sukoba nastalih transformacijom struke u specifičnom trenutku u vremenu. Tada se dogodio prijelaz od ustaljenog vrednovanja individualnog doprinosa u arhitekturi kriterijem autorskog udjela prema industrijalizaciji građevinarstva proizvodnjom industrijskih arhitektonskih elemenata i posljedično tome transformaciji arhitektonske profesije u veće građevinsko-izvođačke firme unutar kojih su arhitekti postali tek jedni od stručnjaka

    Co-operative ”Arhitekt” in Zagreb; About Freedom of Architectural Profession in the 1950s

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    Zadrugarstvo je u arhitekturi kao bitna stručna inicijativa nakon Drugoga svjetskog rata bilo jamac profesionalne autonomije prakticirajućih arhitekata. Ukazujući na pravu problematiku rada i poslovanja unutar arhitektonske profesije, Zadruga je otvorila mogućnost nalaženja prostora slobode zbog kojih su dosezi rada prve zadruge u podruèju arhitekture na prostorima Federativne Narodne Republike Jugoslavije djelovali izuzetno emancipacijski za struku. Ovim se radom prvi put razotkriva osnivanje i djelovanje Zadruge Arhitekt koje se bitni učinci prikazuju u širemu društvenom i političkom kontekstu poslijeratne arhitektonske profesije.Cooperative movement in architecture was an important professional initiative launched after WW II in order to assure professional autonomy of practising architects. By addressing the real issues of working and doing business in architectural profession, the Architect paved the way for architects to achieve greater freedom. It thus played a crucial role as a catalyst for much needed independence of architectural profession in the former Yugoslavia. This article for the first time reveals the establishment and activities of the cooperative Architect whose effects are assessed in a wider social and political context of post-war architectural profession

    Architect Ivo Bartolić; Modernist Architecture of Sisak; City Museum in Sisak 25/11/2016 - 15/01/2017

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    In November 2016 the City Museum of Sisak hosted the exhibition ”Architect Ivan Bartolić - the Modernist Architecture of Sisak”. The exhibition presented Bartolić’s works between the 1950s and the 1960s as well as a documentary about architecture and standards of the workers’ new housing developments in Sisak. The accompanying catalogue contains three texts about the entire collection of Bartoliæ’s works, the historical context of the city’s housing construction, and an overview of Bartolić’s architecture in Sisak. A valuable catalogue of Bartolić’s exhibited projects is also included as well as the architect’s detailed biography. It is expected that this fruitful collaboration will continue into the future and result in a monograph edition dedicated to Ivo Bartolić and his entire work

    Ernest Weissmann; Socially Engaged Architecture, 1926-1939; Tamara Bjažić Klarin

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    The monograph Ernest Weissmann - Društveno angažirana arhitektura [Socially Engaged Architecture] 1926-1939 presents the life and work of one of the leading figures of Croatian Modern architecture between the two World Wars. In this bilingual edition, the author chronologically traces his architectural career both at home and on the international architectural scene. The book vividly portrays Weissmann as a prolific and versatile architect with keen interest in architecture, theoretical issues and lively debates on the most progressive ideas in the field. The monograph also presents his entire architectural work. Some further research into Weissmann’s work after 1939 and his international career in the United Nations would round off this monograph and provide the answers to the questions that might have remained unanswered. It would thus effectively contribute to a detailed profile of Ernest Weissmann and his architectural career

    Balansiranje identiteta; Radovi arhitekta Branka Petrovića u Addis Abebi (1962.-1969.)

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    The paper deals with the facets of work by the Croatian architect and urban planner Branko Petrović in Addis Ababa, where he served as the chief architect in the Ethiopian Ministry of Public Works and Communications from 1962 to 1969. Translation of the expertise stemming from the domicile practice and adaptation to a specific construction momentum in the city are thereby being considered. The modalities of technical cooperation are simultaneously examined as a form of international knowledge exchange in the field of architecture.Rad se bavi facetama djelovanja hrvatskog arhitekta i urbanista Branka Petrovića u Addis Abebi, gdje je od 1962. do 1969. godine bio glavni arhitekt Ministarstva javnih radova i komunikacija Etiopije. Pritom se razmatraju aspekti prijenosa znanja proizlazećeg iz iskustva domicilnih praksi i prilagodbe situaciji građevinskog zamaha bez presedana u razvoju grada. Istovremeno se ispituju modaliteti tehničke suradnje kao forme međunarodne razmjene u domeni arhitektonske profesije

    Architectural Compositions of Alfred Albini

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    Tekstom se prikazuju četiri antologijske realizacije istaknutoga hrvatskog arhitekta 20. stoljeća Alfreda Albinija. Njegove arhitektonske kompozicije u prostoru grada, unutarnjoj organizaciji i arhitektonskom detalju pružaju okvir za vremensku permanentnost i jasnijima pokazuju Albinijevu arhitekturu u hrvatskoj arhitektonskoj produkciji 20. stoljeća te cjelokupnu slojevitost i nijansiranost modernističnog naslijeđa, koju on svojim opusom obogaćuje.The paper presents four classic works by the esteemed 20th Century Croatian architect Alfred Albini. With their location in the urban space and their inner organization and detail, Albini’s architectural compositions provide a framework for temporal permanence. They also show his work in the 20th Century Croatian architectural production, and the contribution of his oeuvre to the general complexities and nuances of modernist architectural heritage

    Foregrounding of Individual Lots in Zagreb – From Sensible Critique Towards Rampant Speculation

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    In the 1980s, in parallel to the decline of large-scale planning, a local critique of modernist urbanism came to dominate the planning discourse in Zagreb, one that sought to implement strategies of urban regeneration on the omnipresent strata of persisting agricultural lots, and would soon be inscribed as the guiding ethos in the last socialist general plan. Concentrating their efforts on the central area of Trnje, then littered with scattered zones of informal construction that had hitherto resisted generation after generation of ambitious plans to convert it into a central representative and commercial part of Zagreb, local urban planners gradually formulated an innovative system of urban renewal that would enable its programmatic and morphological integration with the historic city. Breaking with the already exhausted expansionist strategy of large-scale greenfield planning, they strove to direct the future development of the city towards the densification and improvement of urban quality for previously “skipped-over” areas, with a newly found appreciation for the idiosyncrasies and complexities of the existing agricultural morphologies and heterogeneous buildings. The peculiar and deliberate choice of this kind of underlying urban strata as the basis of process-based urban renewal to harness the potential of both commercial and private actors promised a pronouncedly different urban outcome than the tabula rasa approach deployed at the apex of modernist urban planning only a decade earlier. However, the complex gestation process of required executive documents, the failure to create sufficient mechanisms of control, and the subsequent ascension of private ownership as the dominant spatial value all helped to usher in a period of frantic individual construction, signalling an abrupt end of this experiment. Rather than mere manifestations of capitalist transition, these processes will be framed as unintended echoes of the paradigm shift within the plans themselves

    Interpretation of Bartol Felbinger’s Works as a Way to Establish a School

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    Radom su tematizirana djela Bartola Felbingera kroz prizmu njemu svojstvenih, i danas aktualnih i pozitivno evaluiranih, koncepcijskih razina projektantskog pristupa. Takvim je postupkom djelovanje arhitekta percipirano u kontekstu profilacije zagrebačkih gradograditeljskih uzusa odnosno inicijacije duktusa hrvatske moderne arhitekture. Usporedno su obuhvaćene Felbingerovu djelu inherentne teme klasicizma i bidermajera u domeni arhitektonske kulture kontinentalne Hrvatske.This paper deals with the architecture of Bartol Felbinger in the context of the relevant and positively evaluated conceptual levels of design. The architect’s work is thus perceived in the context of building up the City of Zagreb and the initiation of Croatian Modern architecture. Furthermore, the paper looks into Classicism and Biedermeir inherently linked with Felbinger’s work. They are viewed here in the context of the architectural culture of continental Croatia

    Ernest Weissmann; Socially Engaged Architecture, 1926-1939; Tamara Bjažić Klarin

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    The monograph Ernest Weissmann - Društveno angažirana arhitektura [Socially Engaged Architecture] 1926-1939 presents the life and work of one of the leading figures of Croatian Modern architecture between the two World Wars. In this bilingual edition, the author chronologically traces his architectural career both at home and on the international architectural scene. The book vividly portrays Weissmann as a prolific and versatile architect with keen interest in architecture, theoretical issues and lively debates on the most progressive ideas in the field. The monograph also presents his entire architectural work. Some further research into Weissmann’s work after 1939 and his international career in the United Nations would round off this monograph and provide the answers to the questions that might have remained unanswered. It would thus effectively contribute to a detailed profile of Ernest Weissmann and his architectural career