Architectural Compositions of Alfred Albini


Tekstom se prikazuju četiri antologijske realizacije istaknutoga hrvatskog arhitekta 20. stoljeća Alfreda Albinija. Njegove arhitektonske kompozicije u prostoru grada, unutarnjoj organizaciji i arhitektonskom detalju pružaju okvir za vremensku permanentnost i jasnijima pokazuju Albinijevu arhitekturu u hrvatskoj arhitektonskoj produkciji 20. stoljeća te cjelokupnu slojevitost i nijansiranost modernističnog naslijeđa, koju on svojim opusom obogaćuje.The paper presents four classic works by the esteemed 20th Century Croatian architect Alfred Albini. With their location in the urban space and their inner organization and detail, Albini’s architectural compositions provide a framework for temporal permanence. They also show his work in the 20th Century Croatian architectural production, and the contribution of his oeuvre to the general complexities and nuances of modernist architectural heritage

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