293 research outputs found

    Contained rupture of an aortic arch aneurysm in a patient with syphilitic aortitis. A case report

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    Syphilitic aortitis is a rare complication of tertiary syphilis, which can lead to aortic aneurysm formation, aortic valvular insufficiency, and ostial coronary stenosis. Syphilis has re-emerged worldwide over recent decades and vascular surgeons should be aware of its cardiovascular manifestations. Atypical clinical presentation, such as hemoptysis and a computed tomography angiography pattern of a thicker aneurysmal wall with ulcer-like aneurysm projections, should raise suspicion of syphilitic aortic aneurysm. An early diagnosis and appropriate surgical and medical therapies significantly contribute to successful treatment and favorable prognosis. Herein is reported the case of an 82-year-old male patient, positive for syphilis infection, with impending aortic arch aneurysm rupture treated with a hybrid arch repair. After 7 months, the patient was brought to the emergency room in cardiac arrest. Unsuccessful cardiopulmonary resuscitation maneuvers were performed, and an autopsy showed cardiac tamponade due to rupture of the ascending aorta

    Insediamenti e territorio nella Puglia meridionale in età romana

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    This paper aims to offer a summary of the archaeological data coming from southern Apulia and referring to population dynamics in the Roman age. Through the investigation of the long period going from the Roman conquest in the third century B.C. up to the late imperial age, we analyse the changes in settlement system in relation to the historical framework and to socio-political, administrative and economic structures. We also propose some observations about the presence of the best known categories of artefacts, mainly examining the aspects of production and circulation of the pottery classes

    Fate of the Visceral Aortic Patch After Thoracoabdominal Aortic Repair

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    AbstractObjectiveTo analyse the fate of a visceral aortic patch (VAP) in patients that underwent thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm (TAAA) repair.MethodsWe reviewed 204 consecutive patients (158 M, 46 F) treated for TAAA between 1988 and 2004. We performed VAP in 182 cases. Among the 149 survivors at 6 months, we followed 138 cases, mean follow-up 7 years (range 0.6–16 years). The mean graft diameter we used was 29mm (range 24–34mm) from 1988 to 1999 (83 patients), and 21.7mm (range 16–24mm) from 2000 to 2003 (55 patients). In 23% of cases we performed a separate bypass to the left renal artery.ResultsWe observed 16 (12%) VAP dilatations (<5cm), 6 (4%) VAP aneurysms (>5cm) and one VAP pseudoaneurysm, at a mean time of 6 years after atherosclerotic TAAA was atherosclerotic repair. There were no VAP dilatations/aneurysms in the group of patients with separate left renal revascularization. Five VAP aneurysms were treated electively. In four cases the operation was performed with thoracophrenolaparotomy, in one case with a bilateral subcostal laparotomy. In all cases the visceral aorta was re-grafted. Reimplantation of a single undersized VAP was performed in one case, separate revascularization of visceral arteries was performed in the other four cases. Selective intraoperative hypothermic perfusion of visceral and renal arteries was used in all the patients. There was 1 perioperative death; 2 patients with preoperative renal failure required dialysis. The last VAP aneurysm has remained asymptomatic and stable at annual CT surveillance. The VAP pseudoaneurysm was successfully treated with an emergency thoracophrenolaparotomy and refashioning the left side suture line.ConclusionsAneurysm of VAP is not uncommon in the patients operated on using larger grafts with a single VAP that includes the LRA (7.4%, 5/67 cases). Its treatment carries significant morbidity and mortality

    Endovascular Treatment of Aortic Arch Aneurysms

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    AbstractIntroductionThe aim of this study was to review our clinical experience with endovascular treatment of aortic arch aneurysms using different commercially available grafts (Gore, Talent, Endomed, Cook).MethodsFrom 1999 to 2004, 97 patients received endovascular treatment for diseases of the thoracic aorta. In 30 cases (26 males, 4 females) the aortic arch was involved.The left subclavian artery was overstented (Ishimaru zone ‘2’) in 18 cases (60%). Only in the first three cases had the subclavian artery been revascularized. The left common and subclavian arteries were covered (zone ‘1’) in 6 (20%) cases—all had the carotid artery reconstructed, either simultaneously (five cases) or as a staged procedure (one case). Finally, the whole aortic arch was over-stented (zone ‘0’) in 6 (20%) cases, with simultaneous (five cases) or staged (one case) grafting of the supra-aortic vessels from the ascending aorta.ResultsPerioperative mortality was 2/30 (7%), due to graft migration (zone ‘2’) and intra-operative stroke (zone ‘0’), respectively. One minor stroke was observed. No cases of paraplegia were recorded. Three type I endoleaks were observed. Two resolved at 6 months follow-up; one zone ‘0’ graft is still being followed. There was one surgical conversion for endograft failure 2 weeks after implantation. Thus, the technical success rate was 87% (26/30) cases. The mean follow-up time was 23±17 months. No new onset endoleaks or aneurysm-related deaths were recorded.ConclusionsCurrently available grafts may be deployed in the aortic arch in most instances. De-branching of the aortic arch with surgical revascularization for zone ‘0’ and ‘1’ seems to be adequate to obtain a satisfactory proximal landing zone

    Sex Influence on Fenestrated and Branched Endovascular Aortic Aneurysm Repair: Outcomes From a National Multicenter Registry

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    Introduction: Women are generally underrepresented in trials focusing on aortic aneurysm. Nevertheless, sex-related differences have recently emerged from several studies and registries. The aim of this research was to assess whether sex-related anatomical disparities existed in fenestrated and branched aortic repair candidates and whether these discrepancies could influence endovascular repair outcomes. Methods: Data from all consecutive patients treated during the 2008–2019 period within the Italian Multicenter fenestrated or branched endovascular aortic repair (F/BEVAR) Registry were included in the present study. Propensity matching was performed using a logistic regression model adjusted for demographic data and comorbidities to obtain comparable male and female samples. The selection model led to a final study population of 176 patients (88 women and 88 men) among the total initial cohort of 596. Study endpoints were technical and clinical success, overall survival, aneurysm-related death, and reintervention rates evaluated at 30 days and during follow-up. Results: Twenty-eight patients (15.9%) received urgent/emergent repair. In most of the cases (71.6%), women received treatment for extensive thoracoabdominal pathology (Crawford type I, II, or III aneurysm rather than type IV or juxta-pararenal) versus 46.6% of men (p=0.001). Female patients presented with more challenging iliac accesses with at least one side considered hostile in 27.3% of the cases (vs 13.6% in male patients, p=0.039). Finally, women had significantly smaller visceral vessels. Women had significantly worse operative outcomes, with an 86.2% technical success rate versus 96.6% in the male population (p=0.016). No differences were recorded in terms of 30-day reinterventions between men and women. The 5-year estimate of freedom from late reintervention, according to Kaplan-Meier analysis, was 85.6% in men versus 81.6% in women (p=ns). No aneurysm-related death was recorded during follow-up (median observational time, 23 months [interquartile range, 7–45 months]). Conclusion: Women presented a significantly higher incidence of thoracoabdominal aneurysms, smaller visceral vessels, and more complex iliofemoral accesses, resulting in a significantly lower technical success after F/BEVAR. Further studies assessing sex-related differences are needed to properly determine the impact on outcomes and stratify procedural risks. Clinical Impact: Women are generally underrepresented in trials focusing on aortic aneurysms. Aiming to assess whether sex may affect outcomes after a complex endovascular aortic repair, a propensity score selection was applied to a total population of 596 patients receiving F/BEVAR aortic repair with the Cook platform, matching each treated female patient with a corresponding male patient. Women presented more frequently a thoracoabdominal aneurysm extent, smaller visceral vessels, and complex iliofemoral accesses, resulting in significantly worse operative outcomes, with an 86.2% technical success versus 96.6% (p=0.016). No differences were recorded in terms of short-term and mid-term reinterventions. According to these results, careful and critical assessment should be posed in case of female patients receiving complex aortic repair, especially regarding preoperative anatomical evaluation and clinical selection with appropriate surgical risk stratification

    Impact of covid-19 pandemic on remote monitoring of cardiac implantable electronic devices in italy: Results of a survey promoted by aiac (italian association of arrhythmology and cardiac pacing)

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    11noopenThe COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on the organisation of health care in Italy, with an acceleration in the development of telemedicine. To assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the spread of remote monitoring (RM) of cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIEDs) in Italy, a survey addressed to cardiologists operating in all Italian CIED-implanting centres was launched. A total of 127 cardiologists from 116 Italian arrhythmia centres took part in the survey, 41.0% of all 283 CIED-implanting centres operating in Italy in 2019. All participating centres declared to use RM of CIEDs. COVID-19 pandemic resulted in an increase in the use of RM in 83 (71.6%) participating centres. In a temporal perspective, an increase in the median number of patients per centre followed up by RM was found from 2012 to 2017, followed by an exponential increase from 2017 to 2020. In 36 participating centres (31.0%) a telehealth visits service was activated as a replacement for in-person outpatient visits (in patients with or without CIED) during the COVID-19 pandemic. COVID-19 pandemic has caused an acceleration in the use of RM of CIEDs and in the use of telemedicine in the clinical practice of cardiology.openMaines M.; Palmisano P.; Del Greco M.; Melissano D.; De Bonis S.; Baccillieri S.; Zanotto G.; D'onofrio A.; Ricci R.P.; De Ponti R.; Boriani G.Maines, M.; Palmisano, P.; Del Greco, M.; Melissano, D.; De Bonis, S.; Baccillieri, S.; Zanotto, G.; D'Onofrio, A.; Ricci, R. P.; De Ponti, R.; Boriani, G

    Synthesis and characterization of UV-curable nanocellulose/ZnO/AlN acrylic flexible films: thermal, dynamic mechanical and piezoelectric response

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    This work is aimed at fabricating nanocomposites based on zinc oxide (ZnO) nanostructures and nanocellulose dispersed in a UV-cured acrylic matrix (EC) for application as functional coatings for self-powered applications. Morphological, thermal, and dynamic mechanical properties of the nanocomposites were characterized by X-Ray diffractometry (XRD), scanning electron microscopy, and differential scanning calorimetry. The piezoelectric behavior was evaluated in terms of root mean square (RMS) open circuit voltage, at different accelerations applied to cantilever beams. The generated voltage was correlated with ZnO nanostructures morphology, aluminum nitride film integration on the beam and proof mass insertion at the tip. Nitride layer increased the RMS voltage from 1 to 2.4 mV up to 3.9 mV (using ZnO nanoflowers). As confirmed by XRD analyses, the incorporation of ZnO nanostructures into the acrylic matrix favored an ordered structural arrangement of the deposited AlN layer, hence improving the piezoelectric response of the resulting nanocomposites. With proof mass insertion, the output voltage was further increased, reaching 4.5 mV for the AlN-coated system containing ZnO nanoflowers