27,354 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kualitas Produk, Store Atmosphere, Dan Lokasi Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Untuk Produk Fashion Pada Distro Di Kota Palembang

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    This study was conducted to determine the effect of product quality, store atmosphere, and the location of the purchasing decision for fashion products in the city of Palembang. This type of research is done by using a field study / survey. The population in this study are all consumers who never make purchases in the distribution of fashion products. Used as a sample of 100 respondents and using purposive sampling technique. Hypothesis testing using multiple regression method with SPSS ver. 17.0. Data analysis techniques used are validity, reliability test, classic assumption test, multiple regression analysis, t test and F test validity test results showed all the data is valid, reliability testing showed all the data is reliable. The results of multiple regression test showed the quality products, store atmosphere and the location has a positive and significant impact on purchasing decisions

    English-language writing instruction in Poland: Adapting to the local EFL context

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    This paper is intended to foster reflection about the development of a locally-suitable approach to English-language writing instruction in Poland. In order to provide background information to contextualize a subsequent discussion of English-language writing, the paper starts with a brief overview of the history of L2 writing instruction, including an overview of the four most influential approaches to teaching ESL composition in the U.S. from 1945–1990: Controlled Composition, Current-Traditional Rhetoric, the Process Approach, and English for Academic Purposes. This is followed by a discussion of the concept of a „needs analysis,” where it is noted that needs analysis is complex in foreign language contexts such as Poland, where students may not have obvious, immediate needs for writing in English after graduation. The notion of needs analysis is illustrated with an example drawn from the English Institute at the University of Łódź. The needs analysis indicated that some students of English had negative attitudes and/or anxiety towards writing in English, but some had positive attitudes based on previous experiences with creative and expressive writing. Additionally, it was determined that students needed to learn many skills for writing academic papers that they had not learned in secondary school and that require extensive instruction and practice. Based on the needs analysis, it was determined that the purposes of a new writing course for first-year English majors should be to foster and develop positive attitudes toward writing and to support students’ academic work. The assignments and activities for the course are described. Additionally, a description is provided of the possible purposes that Polish students in general might have for writing in English, the goals that instructors might pursue in assigning writing, and the types of writing teachers might assign. Recommendations are provided for responding to student writing

    Women\u27s Resistance to Apartheid

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    In lieu of an abstract, below is the essay\u27s first paragraph.Apartheid was an oppressively destructive system that influenced many lives, not only in South Africa, but also in many nearby provinces and countries. This influence occurred because apartheid was so morally wrong. It forced many men, women and children to be slaves in their own country. These people could not live their own lives. They were made to obey the laws of the white people with a nightmarish force that terrified all and killed thousands. Even those blacks that lived under apartheid lived in conditions that were more horrible than anything anyone could ever possibly imagine. They were forced into overcrowded cities whose pollution and poverty caused the death of many, made to work for wages that could barely keep one individual alive , let alone an entire family, and given no opportunity to better themselves through a decent education. These horrific conditions ultimately resulted in a struggle of resistance against the system by many individuals of South Africa. Surprisingly, this resistance was greatly influenced and aided by a very large group of women fighters . Even more surprising is the fact that this group of women consisted not only of black women but also white women

    Typical Elements in Limited English Proficiency Plans

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    EqualityCivilRights__Key_Elements_for_an_LEP_Plan.pdf: 15 downloads, before Oct. 1, 2020