4 research outputs found

    Análise de sistemas híbridos com células a combustível de oxido sólido e microturbinas a gás

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    The following work presents a study of the simulation of high Fuel Cells temperature, SOFC, and the operation integrated with gas microturbines into combined cycle. The principal aim is to reach high fuel utilization efficiencies cycles. Three mathematical models are developed for the SOFC study and a commercial program of simulation is used for simulation of the microturbina integrated in to SOFC using and supplying the exit and entrance data of SOFC, respectively. It is made an evaluation of the influences of the temperature and pressure in the SOFC operation, alone and integrated with the micro turbine. Two different configurations are evaluated: pressurized and atmospheric pressure operating. It is also made an evaluation of these two systems operating in partial loads.O seguinte trabalho apresenta uma analise de células a combustível de alta temperatura, SOFC, e sua operação integrada com microturbinas a gás em ciclo combinado. Para isto são desenvolvidos diferentes modelos de simulação, se partido de uma célula simples até uma planta integrada. O objetivo principal é avaliar ciclos com elevada eficiência de utilização do combustível. São desenvolvidos três modelos matemáticos para o estudo da SOFC e se utiliza um programa de simulação comercial para simulação da microturbina integrada à SOFC utilizando e fornecendo os dados de saída e entrada da SOFC respectivamente. Com os modelos desenvolvidos é feita uma avaliação da influencia da temperatura e pressão na operação da SOFC isolada e integrada com a microturbina a gás. São utilizadas configurações diferentes: SOFC pressurizada pela própria turbina gás e operando a pressão atmosférica. Também é feita uma avaliação destes dois sistemas operando em cargas variáveis

    Analysis of labour market needs for engineers with enhanced knowledge in renewable energy in some European and Latin-American Countries

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    One of the main challenges related to the renewable energy labour market is that of human capital and as a consequence the educational profile of future employees is of paramount importance. Unfortunately, the skill level gained at University does not always fit with the practical needs of industry thus reducing the benefit-cost ratio of new employees and slowing down the transition to a green economy. Within this context, ‘The Crux’ project co-funded by EU under the framework of the Erasmus + programme aims at improving the renewable energy engineering curriculum at different university levels in several Universities of Latin America and Europe. In order to better appreciate the potential impact of the project, a survey on the labour market need for specialists with enhanced knowledge and skills in renewable and sustainable energy technologies has been conducted in the related EU and Latin America countries. More precisely, 60 organizations have been interviewed and almost 70% of them are interested in employing engineers with enhanced knowledge on renewable energy in the next three years. The analysis has shown significant discrepancies between EU and Latin American organizations. In fact, while future employees in EU countries will be mainly related to solar energy and management, the former together with wind and biomass will represent the main renewable energy working sector in Latin American countries. Moreover, MSc level will be the most demanded in EU while bachelor education seems to satisfy the future industry requirements in Latin America. Despite each country having its own needs, the research carried out under this EU project confirms the potential of renewable energy education on the global labour market in the near future

    Análise técnico econômico e normativo para a implementação da geração distribuída

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