905 research outputs found


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    Con la pronuncia pregiudiziale sul caso Huawei, la Corte di giustizia \ue8 intervenuta per la prima volta sul conflitto tra titolari di brevetti essenziali per l\u2019implementazione di uno standard e richiedenti licenze su tali brevetti, in un contesto caratterizzato dall\u2019esistenza di impegni FRAND. Sebbene la questione attenga all\u2019applicazione dell\u2019art. 102 del TFUE, la Corte ha eluso la fondamentale questione della sussistenza dei presupposti per tale applicazione. Inoltre, nessun contributo la pronuncia reca alla individuazione di criteri per la determinazione degli impegni FRAND. La Corte ha invece aderito all\u2019approccio metodologico affermatosi nella giurisprudenza tedesca, pur non condividendone fino in fondo gli sviluppi, sostanzialmente limitandosi a dettare linee di comportamento che le parti dovrebbero seguire al fine di non essere ritenute poi responsabili per il fallimento della trattativa e l\u2019insorgere della lite.With the Huawei preliminary ruling, the Court of Justice intervened for the first time on the conflict between owners of standard essential patents and licence seekers, when FRAND commitments are provided. Although the question relates to the application of EU antitrust law, the Court did not assess the prerequisites for that application. In addition, it gave no answer to the key question of the identification of FRAND conditions. Yet, the Court adhered to the methodological approach established in the German case law, limiting itself to dictate behavioral guidelines that the parties should follow, in order not to be held responsible for the failure of negotiations and the onset of the dispute

    La resale price maintenance nel commercio librario. Limitare la concorrenza per promuovere la cultura?

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    Traendo spunto dalle vicende della legge n. 128/2011, che limita lo sconto massimo praticabile al pubblico sul prezzo di copertina dei libri, pprovata con largo consenso e presto abrogata nell\u2019indifferenza generale, l\u2019articolo propone una approfondita analisi del modello nel quale tale legge si inscrive e delle soluzioni alternative che si riscontrano nel contesto europeo. L\u2019indagine intende, quindi, riflettere sulla fondatezza degli assunti tradizionalmente posti alla base della difesa della Rpm libraria.Taking the cue from the events of the Law n. 128/2011, limiting the discounts on books cover price, which was passed by broad consensus and soon implicitly repealed amid the general indifference, the paper proposes a thorough analysis of the model of intervention to which the law was inspired and of the alternative approaches that may be found in different European legal systems. The investigation aims, in particular, to assess the merits of the assumptions which form the basis of the defense of the Rpm in the books market

    Il conto corrente di base tra inclusione finanziaria e controllo della circolazione della ricchezza

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    Lo scritto prende spunto dalle disposizioni del d.l. 6 dicembre 2011, n. 201, conv. con l. n. 214/2011, introduttive del "contro corrente di base", per ricostruire l'evoluzione, anche su scala sovranazionale, delle politiche di inclusione finanziaria. Esamina quindi le modalit\ue0 del loro ingresso nel contesto italiano e sottolinea le ambiguit\ue0 e le insufficienze della neo-introdotta normativa.The essay was inspired by the provisions of Legislative Decree 6 December 2011, n. 201 (conv. in Law Nr. 214/2011), that has introduced tha "basic banking account", and traces the evolution, even on a supranational scale, of the policies on the so-called financial inclusion. The paper then examines the way these policies have been implemented in the Italian context, and highlights ambiguities and shortcomings of the new legislation

    Soppressione del libro dei soci nella s.r.l. e limiti alla circolazione delle quote

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    Con l'art. 16, commi 12-quater - 12-undecies, del d.1. 29 novembre 2008, n. 185, convertito in 1. 28 gennaio 2009, n. 2, sono stati disposti la soppressione del libro dei soci nella s.r.1. ed il trasferimento delle sue funzioni al registro delle imprese. Il lavoro affronta in prima lettura le conseguenze di tale precipitosa innovazione e le possibili solluzioni ai problemi che essa pone nella circolazione delle quote societarie

    Concentrazioni [dir. comm.]

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    Il controllo delle concentrazioni \ue8, insieme alla repressione delle intese restrittive della concorrenza e degli abusi di posizione dominante, parte essenziale di tutte le discipline antitrust vigenti nel modo industrializzato. La disciplina italiana, contenuta nella l. n. 287/90, \ue8 largamente ispirata a quella europea, introdotta con il Reg. n. 4064/89, anche se tra i due sistemi sussistevano alcune differenze, per lo pi\uf9 limitate ad aspetti procedimentali. Con il Reg. 139/04 la disciplina europea ha per\uf2 subito modifiche anche di rilievo sostanziale, alle quali il legislatore italiano non ha ritenuto, fino ad oggi, di doversi conformare.Merger control is, along with the repression of anti-competitive agreements and abuses of dominant position, an essential part of Antitrust Law. The Italian discipline, provided by the Law No. 287/90, was widely inspired by the European one, which was introduced by Regulation No. 4064/89. Nonetheless, between the two systems there were some differences, mainly related to procedural aspects. With Regulation No. 139/04 the European merger control has been substantially modified, and the difference with the Italian legislation has increased

    Active Galactic Nuclei with Starbursts: Sources for Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays

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    Ultra high energy cosmic ray events presently show a spectrum, which we interpret here as galactic cosmic rays due to a starburst in the radio galaxy Cen A pushed up in energy by the shock of a relativistic jet. The knee feature and the particles with energy immediately higher in galactic cosmic rays then turn into the bulk of ultra high energy cosmic rays. This entails that all ultra high energy cosmic rays are heavy nuclei. This picture is viable if the majority of the observed ultra high energy events come from the radio galaxy Cen A, and are scattered by intergalactic magnetic fields across most of the sky.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, proceedings of "High-Energy Gamma-rays and Neutrinos from Extra-Galactic Sources", Heidelber

    Neuroprotection by erythropoietin administration after experimental traumatic brain injury.

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    A large body of evidence indicates that the hormone erythropoietin (EPO) exerts beneficial effects in the central nervous system (CNS). To date, EPO's effect has been assessed in several experimental models of brain and spinal cord injury. This study was conducted to validate whether treatment with recombinant human EPO (rHuEPO) would limit the extent of injury following experimental TBI. Experimental TBI was induced in rats by a cryogenic injury model. rHuEPO or placebo was injected intraperitoneally immediately after the injury and then every 8 h until 2 or 14 days. Forty-eight hours after injury brain water content, an indicator of brain edema, was measured with the wet-dry method and blood-brain barrier (BBB) breakdown was evaluated by assay of Evans blue extravasation. Furthermore, extent of cerebral damage was assessed. Administration of rHuEPO markedly improved recovery from motor dysfunction compared with placebo group (P < 0.05). Brain edema was significantly reduced in the cortex of the EPO-treated group relative to that in the placebo-treated group (80.6 \ub1 0.3% versus 91.8% \ub1 0.8% respectively, P < 0.05). BBB breakdown was significantly lower in EPO-treated group than in the placebo-treated group (66.2 \ub1 18.7 \u3bcg/g versus 181.3 \ub1 21 \u3bcg/g, respectively, P < 0.05). EPO treatment reduced injury volume significantly compared with placebo group (17.4 \ub1 5.4 mm3 versus 37.1 \ub1 5.3 mm3, P < 0.05). EPO, administered in its recombinant form, affords significant neuroprotection in experimental TBI model and may hold promise for future clinical applications. \ua9 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Teleology and Realism in Leibniz's Philosophy of Science

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    This paper argues for an interpretation of Leibniz’s claim that physics requires both mechanical and teleological principles as a view regarding the interpretation of physical theories. Granting that Leibniz’s fundamental ontology remains non-physical, or mentalistic, it argues that teleological principles nevertheless ground a realist commitment about mechanical descriptions of phenomena. The empirical results of the new sciences, according to Leibniz, have genuine truth conditions: there is a fact of the matter about the regularities observed in experience. Taking this stance, however, requires bringing non-empirical reasons to bear upon mechanical causal claims. This paper first evaluates extant interpretations of Leibniz’s thesis that there are two realms in physics as describing parallel, self-sufficient sets of laws. It then examines Leibniz’s use of teleological principles to interpret scientific results in the context of his interventions in debates in seventeenth-century kinematic theory, and in the teaching of Copernicanism. Leibniz’s use of the principle of continuity and the principle of simplicity, for instance, reveal an underlying commitment to the truth-aptness, or approximate truth-aptness, of the new natural sciences. The paper concludes with a brief remark on the relation between metaphysics, theology, and physics in Leibniz

    Colorimetric response to anions by a "robust" copper(II) complex of a [9]aneN3 pendant arm derivative: CN- and I- selective sensing

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    The 1 : 1 complex [Cu(L)](BF4)2MeCN (1) of the tetradentate ligand 1-(2-quinolinylmethyl)-1,4,7-triazacyclononane (L) selectively changes its colour in the presence of CN in H2O and MeCN (without undergoing decomplexation from the macrocyclic ligand). The same complex in MeCN assumes different colours in the presence of CN or I
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