237 research outputs found

    The legal characterization of the accrual of assets and liabilities from a public enterprise to a shareholding company in light of privatization laws in Kuwait: Comment on the current and recommended theory

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    حدد القانون رقم 6 لسنة 2008 في شأن تحويل مؤسسة الخطوط الجوية الكويتية إلى شركة مساهمة والقانون رقم 37 لسنة 2010 في شأن تنظيم برامج وعمليات التخصيص، إجراءات تخصيص المشروعات العامة على نحو أيلولة أصول وخصوم المشروع العام إلى شركة المساهمة وتحل هذه الشركة محل المشروع العام في تنفيذ أغراضه وفيما له من حقوق وما عليه من التزامات، ويدور محور هذا التعليق في التكييف القانوني لهذه الأيلولة، ومن ثم تحديد النتائج التي تترتب على ذلك، من أجل تحديد النظرية المقترحة التي من شأنها تفادي النتائج السلبية التي نتجت عن التكييف القانوني الذي أرساه المشرعThe law No. 6 of 2008 regarding transferring Kuwait Airways to a public company and the law No. 37 of 2010 regarding the regulation of programs and operations of privatization, have defined the procedures for privatizing public enterprises, i.e., the accrual of assets and liabilities from a public enterprise to a shareholding company so that the latter replaces the public enterprise with regard to fulfilling its objectives, rights and commitments. The objective of this work is to study the legal characterization for the accrual of assets and liabilities and to evaluate the results that have emanated from such characterization in order to determine the proposed theory that avoids any negative consequences

    The Predictive Ability of the Dimensions of the Future Time Perspective in Self-regulated Learning among Yarmouk University Students

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    The study aimed to identify the most common dimensions of the future time perspective and to know the level of self-regulated learning among Yarmouk University students. It also aimed to investigate the predictive ability of the dimensions of the future time perspective in self-regulated learning. The study sample consisted of 704 students, 335 males and 369 females, who were selected based on a convenience sample method from among the students enrolled in the compulsory university requirements during the summer semester of the academic year 2017/2018. To achieve the objectives of the study, the Zimbardo and Boyed’s (1999) measure was used to measure the future time perspective, and Purdie’s scale for measuring self-regulated learning. The results showed that the future dimension was the most common among the sample of the study, and that the level of self-regulated learning was moderate, whether at the total score or the various dimensions. The study concluded that the dimensions of the future time perspective explained 18.8% of the variance in self-regulated learning

    Coverage of Food Security and Environmental Sustainability Issues in Saudi Arabias Electronic Press

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    This study aimed to investigate the importance of food security and environmental sustainability in achieving the goals of Vision 2023 in Saudi Arabia. Data was collected using a survey approach with a questionnaire administered to 200 male and female students at different educational stages in the Faculty of Education at King Faisal University. Results showed that 82.5% of the total sample read Saudi electronic newspapers for at least one hour a day, with 14% reading for 1-3 hours, and 3.5% reading for three or more hours per day

    The Reality of Agriculture in Nahia of Souran and The Prospects of Its Development

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     The research aims to study and analyze the agricultural activity in terms of cultivation, spread and importance in the nahia of Souran to give us a clear and real picture of the agricultural process and agricultural activity in the area. The methodology of the study depends on the descriptive-analytical approach in analyzing the data that provided by the Central Bureau of Statistics and the agricultural units , to get the intended results for the investment of agriculture. The quantitative - statistical method was used for processing the statistical data and organizing them in statistical tables, in addition to the use of Arc Map 9.3 to produce local maps for the province of Hama. The study had been divided to three dialogists. The one is studying the importance, kinds and types of investment of agriculture. The second axis focused on agricultural production in Souran. The third axis dealt with the agricultural problems and the prospects of their future development. The study concluded with a group of the results, the most important was the nahia of Souran was excellent agricultural area. The Geographical location played a distinct role in agriculture. There are many problems and constraints that limit the development of the agricultural sector in Souran, followed by a set of proposals to develop the reality of agricultural activity in the study area, to get maximize use from the geographical location of the study area to serve the agricultural sector. working on the limit the impact of negative natural factors on the reality of agricultural activity in the region, reducing the problems that hinder agricultural development. The need of stimulate the agricultural investment in the research area to provide benefit the population of the region. To apply the results of agricultural research in the study area in order to get more benefits from the results of such researchs

    Employing the Internet of Things to Attain Resilience Across Supply Chain

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    This paper investigates and analyses the features of sustainable warehousing by conducting a systematic literature review (SLR) to create a significant insight of the expanding and growing trends of sustainable warehousing, to fit perfectly within the net-zero supply chain strategies and adapting to the new value adding practices of Industry 5.0. Using a set of 65 publications, including journal papers, conference papers, and reviews, for the last 10 years, between 2013 and 2023, the SLR highlights and considers several green logistics areas that are essential to help redesign the features of sustainable warehouses. The paper also emphasizes the need for further research to develop new models for warehouses that can be implemented in the Industry 5.0 supply chain to achieve net-zero goals. In other words, the paper is trying to understand the current state of sustainable warehousing and identify areas where improvements can be made to make warehouses more sustainable and environmentally friendly, and to help the industry move towards a net-zero supply chain. Additionally, the paper is suggesting that there is a need for more research to be done to create new models for warehouses that can be applied in the Industry 5.0 supply chain, in order to reach net-zero goals

    Towards Solving Cocktail-Party: The First Method to Build a Realistic Dataset with Ground Truths for Speech Separation

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    Speech separation is very important in real-world applications such as human-machine interaction, hearing aids devices, and automatic meeting transcription. In recent years, a significant improvement occurred towards the solution based on deep learning. In fact, much attention has been drawn to supervised learning methods using synthetic mixtures datasets despite their being not representative of real-world mixtures. The difficulty in building a realistic dataset led researchers to use unsupervised learning methods, because of their ability to handle realistic mixtures directly. The results of unsupervised learning methods are still unconvincing. In this paper, a method is introduced to create a realistic dataset with ground truth sources for speech separation. The main challenge in designing a realistic dataset is the unavailability of ground truths for speakers’ signals. To address this, we propose a method for simultaneously recording two speakers and obtaining the ground truth for each. We present a methodology for benchmarking our realistic dataset using a deep learning model based on Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Units (BGRU) and clustering algorithm. The experiments show that our proposed dataset improved SI-SDR (Scale Invariant Signal to Distortion Ratio) by 1.65 dB and PESQ (Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality) by approximately 0.5. We also evaluated the effectiveness of our method at different distances between the microphone and the speakers, and found that it improved the stability of the learned model

    The Relative Contribution of Learning Resources in Academic Buoyancy and Satisfaction with Learning Experience among Distance Learning Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Jordan

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    ملخص: هدفت الدراسة إلى الكشف عن درجة إسهام مصادر التعلم بالنهوض الأكاديمي، والرضا عن الخبرة الدراسية، والفروق فيها تبعًا لمتغيرات الجنس، والمرحلة العمرية، ومكان السكن لدى عينة تكونت من (2659) طالبًا وطالبة تم اختيارهم بالطريقة المتيسرة من المرحلة الأساسية في المدارس الحكومية الأردنية، خلال الفصل الأول من العام الدراسي 2020/2019.  ولتحقيق أهداف الدراسة، تم تطبيق ثلاثة مقاييس: مصادر التعلم، والنهوض الأكاديمي، والرضا عن الخبرة الدراسية. أظهرت النتائج أن المتوسطات الحسابية للإناث أعلى منها للذكور على مصادر (التعلم الذاتي، ومنصة درسك المتلفزة، والتواصل مع المعلم) والنهوض الأكاديمي، والرضا عن الخبرة الدراسية، وأن المتوسطات الحسابية لدى الأطفال على مصادر(التعلم الأسري، والتواصل مع المعلم) كانت أعلى منها لدى المراهقين، في حين كانت المتوسطات الحسابية على مصادر(التعلم الذاتي، والدروس الخصوصية) ومستوى النهوض الأكاديمي لدى المراهقين أعلى منها للأطفال، وبينت النتائج أن المتوسطات الحسابية على مصادر التعلم، والنهوض الأكاديمي، والرضا عن الخبرة الدراسية كانت لدى الأطفال والمراهقين من سكان المخيم هي الأعلى. وأخيرًا، أظهرت النتائج أن مصادر التعلم، والمرحلة العمرية فسرت ما نسبته (55.9%) من التباين في مستوى النهوض الأكاديمي، و(59.1%) في الرضا عن الخبرة الدراسية. ومن أبرز توصيات الدراسة ضرورة تقديم الرعاية الأكاديمية والنفسية المناسبة لطلبة التعلم عن بعد.Abstract: The study aimed to explore the contribution of learning resources to academic buoyancy and satisfaction with learning experience as well as their level according to gender, age stage and living place among (2659) primary stage distance learning students who were chosen from the governmental schools in Jordan using the convenience sampling method. To achieve the purposes of the study three scales were administrated to the study sample measuring learning resources, academic buoyancy and satisfaction with learning experience. The results showed that means of females were higher than for males in (self-learning, Darsak platform and the regular teacher) learning resources, academic buoyancy and satisfaction with learning experience, and that means of children were higher than for adolescents in (family-learning and the regular teacher) learning resources, while they were higher for adolescents than for children in (self-learning and special classes) learning resources and academic buoyancy. The results also showed that the means of students living in camps were the highest in general on learning resources, academic buoyancy and satisfaction with learning experience scales according to the living place variable. Finally, the results showed that learning resources and age stage explained (55.9%) of the variance in academic buoyancy and (59.1%) of the variance in the satisfaction with learning experience. One of the main recommendations of the study was the need to provide appropriate academic and psychological care for distance learning students

    Estimating Self and Spouse Intelligence among Jordanians

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    The current study aimed at exploring self and spouse estimates of general and multiple intelligences among a sample of married Jordanian Students. Two-hundred and ten participants, recruited from Yarmouk and Al-Balqaa Universities, Jordan, completed a brief questionnaire based on those used in previous research which included an estimation of general IQ and each of the multiple intelligence sub-types. Results of the study partially replicated the results from other multiple intelligence self-estimate studies showing sex differences on general and logical intelligences, and confirmed previous research results that estimated verbal (linguistic) intelligence followed by numerical (logical) intelligence are the best significant predictors of estimated general intelligence. These results were discussed in terms of sex and cultural differences and some recommendations were mad

    A gene risk score using missense variants in SLCO1B1 is associated with earlier onset statin intolerance

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    Background and aims The efficacy of statin therapy is hindered by intolerance to the therapy, leading to discontinuation. Variants in SLCO1B1, which encodes the hepatic transporter OATB1B1, influence statin pharmacokinetics, resulting in altered plasma concentrations of the drug and its metabolites. Current pharmacogenetic guidelines require sequencing of the SLCO1B1 gene, which is more expensive and less accessible than genotyping. In this study, we aimed to develop an easy, clinically implementable functional gene risk score (GRS) of common variants in SLCO1B1 to identify patients at risk of statin intolerance. Methods and results A GRS was developed from four common variants in SLCO1B1. In statin users from Tayside, Scotland, UK, those with a high-risk GRS had increased odds across three phenotypes of statin intolerance [general statin intolerance (GSI): ORGSI 2.42; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.29–4.31, P = 0.003; statin-related myopathy: ORSRM 2.51; 95% CI: 1.28–4.53, P = 0.004; statin-related suspected rhabdomyolysis: ORSRSR 2.85; 95% CI: 1.03–6.65, P = 0.02]. In contrast, using the Val174Ala genotype alone or the recommended OATP1B1 functional phenotypes produced weaker and less reliable results. A meta-analysis with results from adjudicated cases of statin-induced myopathy in the PREDICTION-ADR Consortium confirmed these findings (ORVal174Ala 1.99; 95% CI: 1.01–3.95, P = 0.048; ORGRS 1.76; 95% CI: 1.16–2.69, P = 0.008). For those requiring high-dose statin therapy, the high-risk GRS was more consistently associated with the time to onset of statin intolerance amongst the three phenotypes compared with Val174Ala (GSI: HRVal174Ala 2.49; 95% CI: 1.09–5.68, P = 0.03; HRGRS 2.44; 95% CI: 1.46–4.08, P < 0.001). Finally, sequence kernel association testing confirmed that rare variants in SLCO1B1 are associated with the risk of intolerance (P = 0.02). Conclusion We provide evidence that a GRS based on four common SLCO1B1 variants provides an easily implemented genetic tool that is more reliable than the current recommended practice in estimating the risk and predicting early-onset statin intolerance

    Administrative empowerment and its relationship to job performance in special education centres in Karak Governorate: the employee perspective

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    Introduction. Administrative empowerment in special education centres is of great interest because it involves changing approaches to organisational management in the system of special (correctional) education. This, in turn, impacts the success and sustainability of the activities of such centres. Aim. The present research aimed to quantify the extent to which employees in special education centres felt empowered by their supervisors and how that empowerment correlated with their job productivity. Methodology and research methods. To achieve the research objective, the authors utilised the correlational survey method and created two questionnaires. The first questionnaire examined the administrative empowerment transferred to staff members. The second questionnaire was administered to assess the employees’ job performance following the implementation of administrative empowerment. 112 employees of special education centres participated in the study voluntarily. Results. The results of the study showed a positive correlation between administrative empowerment and the growth of labour productivity in the centre. At the same time, there were differences in job performance based on variables such as gender, years of experience, academic qualifications, and attendance at training courses. Scientific novelty. The study identified key factors that can enhance job performance in special education centres to support students with special needs. Practical significance. The research findings will be of interest to academics, scholars, and educators working in the field of special education.Введение. Расширение административных полномочий сотрудников центров специального образования представляет большой интерес, поскольку касается вопросов изменения подходов к организационному управлению в системе специального (коррекционного) образования, что, в свою очередь, оказывает влияние на успех и устойчивость деятельности таких центров. Цель. Исследование направлено на количественную оценку того, в какой степени расширение административных полномочий сотрудников путем предоставления им автономии, ресурсов и прав для принятия решений и действий влияет на повышение производительности их труда и результатов организации в целом. Методология, методы и методики. Для достижения цели исследования был использован метод корреляционного опроса. Были разработаны две анкеты. Первая представляла собой вопросник, в котором рассматривались передаваемые сотрудникам административные полномочия, а вторая использовалась для оценки эффективности работы после расширения административных полномочий. В исследовании на добровольной основе приняли участие 112 работников центров специального образования. Результаты. Результаты исследования показали, что существует положительная корреляционная связь между расширением административных полномочий у сотрудников и ростом производительности труда в центре. В то же время были выявлены различия в эффективности работы сотрудников по ряду переменных (пол, стаж, академическая квалификация, посещение курсов повышения квалификации). Научная новизна. Исследование способствовало выявлению ключевых факторов, которые способны повысить эффективность работы специальных образовательных центров в интересах поддержки учащихся с особыми потребностями. Практическая значимость. Результаты исследования будут интересны ученым и педагогам, работающим в системе специального (коррекционного) образования