156 research outputs found

    Educación y liberación homosexual en el cine del tardofranquismo

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    Entroncando con el reciente diálogo sobre el papel de los medios de comunicación en la Transición, se estudian las primeras representaciones de homosexuales en el cine democrático, centrándose en la importancia de la educación, de gran relevancia para el activismo de la época. Se utilizan distintas fuentes teóricas, desde relevantes estudios de la teoría queer y de género hasta material de archivo de grupos pro-gays del tardofranquismo. Se estudia cómo el interés por desmentir mitos en torno a la homosexualidad y convencer a la nueva sociedad democrática de la importancia de la aceptación de la diversidad sexual orientó el primer activismo, que recurrió a la estrategia del «caballo de Troya» para introducir en la sociedad, a través de los medios de comunicación, mensajes educativos. Se toma como ejemplo Los placeres ocultos (1976), para indagar en las dificultades planteadas por el uso de las narrativas fílmicas con intenciones pedagógicas, y entender los primeros pasos en la creación de unos discursos de escasa tradición en la cultura española.Following the recent and vivid dialogue around the relevant role of the media in the Spanish transition to democracy, this article studies the first representations of homosexual characters in the democratic cinema, focusing on the importance of the question of education, of great significance for the LGTB activism of the time. It refers to different theoretical sources, including significant works of queer and gender theorists and archival material of the gay activism of the late Francoism. It studies how the first activism aimed to prove wrong old myths around homosexuality and to convince the new democratic society of the importance of the acceptance of sexual diversity, and how the so-called strategy of the «Trojan horse» was used in order to introduce, making use of the media, educational messages. The film Los placeres ocultos is taken as a case study to examine the legacy of the connection between education and LGTB liberation in cinema; the analysis is helpful to explore the difficulties of the use of film narratives with educational intentions, as well as to understand the first steps in the creation of innovative discourses of little tradition in Spanish culture

    A companion to spanish cinema. Jo Labanyi y Tatjana Pavlovic (Coords.). Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013, 664 páginas

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    Topic 3. Introduction to Film Studies

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    Material de la asignatura "Introduction to Communication and Media Studies"

    Protein O-mannosyltransferases participate in ER protein quality control

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    In eukaryotic cells, proteins enter the secretory pathway at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) as linear polypeptides and fold after translocation across or insertion into the membrane. If correct folding fails, many proteins are O-mannosylated inside the ER by an O-mannosyltransferase, the Pmt1p-Pmt2p complex. The consequences of this modification are controversial and the cellular role of the Pmt1p-Pmt2p complex in this respect is unclear. Here, we have identified the binding partners of yeast Pmt1p and Pmt2p. These include ER chaperones involved in oxidative protein folding; the Hrd1p complex, which is involved in ER-associated protein degradation (ERAD); and the p24 protein complex involved in ER export. The results suggest that the Pmt1p-Pmt2p complex participates in these processes. We tested this assumption in a functional assay and found that whereas the Pmt1p-Pmt2p complex promotes fast ER export of the GPI-anchored protein Gas1p, it retains the misfolded version Gas1*p and targets it to the Hrd1p complex for subsequent degradation. Our results reveal previously unknown cellular roles of the Pmt1p-Pmt2p complex in connection with the ERAD machinery and show its participation in ER protein quality control.Ministerio de Ciencia BFU2009-0729

    Topic 6. Introduction to New Media

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    Material de la asignatura "Introduction to Communication and Media Studies"

    New Bodies, New Sounds: Rediscovering the Eroticism of the Transition

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    This chapter was written as part of the research project 'Cinema and Television in PostTransition Spain (1979-1992)' funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the Spanish Governmen

    Topic 1. Introduction to Media Studies

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    Material de la asignatura "Introduction to Communication and Media Studies"

    Topic 4. Introduction to Cultural Studies

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    Material de la asignatura "Introduction to Communication and Media Studies"

    Topic 2. Introduction to Scriptwriting

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    Material de la asignatura "Introduction to Communication and Media Studies"

    Censorship and the Construction of Homosexual Desire in Mario Camus's Muere una mujer (1965)

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    The representation of homosexuality and homosexual desire in cinema was strictly banned under Franco's dictatorship. However, a limited number of filmmakers managed to portray homosexual characters in their films. The popular melodramas of the 1960s were a good chance for these novel representations, and filmmakers of younger generations explored new cinematic discourses on sexuality. This article studies Mario Camus's Muere una mujer (1965), an important work in the construction of the film discourses on sexual minorities that would flourish during the transition to democracy. This film can therefore be considered a valuable source for understanding future homosexual narratives. Despite the strict demands of the 'Junta Nacional de Censura' - the Board of Censors - Camus managed to include homosexual characters who, very exceptionally, expressed their desires. The study of the censorship files, which can be found in the Archivo de Alcala (Madrid), contribute to the analysis of the complex processes of narration and deletion of homosexual desire.La representación de la homosexualidad y del deseo homosexual en el cine estaba estrictamente prohibida durante el Franquismo. Sin embargo, un pequeño grupo de cineastas se las ingeniaron para mostrar personajes homosexuales en sus películas. Los melodramas populares de los años sesenta suponían una buena oportunidad para este tipo de representaciones, y cineastas de generaciones más jóvenes exploraron estos nuevos discursos en el cine. Este artículo estudia Muere una mujer (1965), de Mario Camus. Se trata de un trabajo importante en la construcción de discursos cinematográficos en torno a las minorías sexuales, que proliferarían en la transición a la democracia. Esta película se puede considerar, por lo tanto, una fuente muy valiosa para el estudio de las futuras narrativas homosexuales. A pesar de las estrictas exigencias de la censura, Camus consiguió incluir personajes homosexuales que, excepcionalmente, expresaron sus deseos. El estudio de los expedientes de censura, que se encuentran en el Archivo de Alcalá (Madrid) contribuye al análisis de los complejos procesos de narración y eliminación del deseo homosexualThe research leading to this article has been funded by ‘Cine y televisión en España 1986- 1995: modernidad y emergencia de la cultura global’, CSO2016-78354-P, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Plan Nacional I+D 200
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