18 research outputs found

    Тяжелый грипп как фактор риска развития инвазивного аспергиллёза лёгких (клинический случай)

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    During  last  years  the  frequency  of  invasive  pulmonary aspergillosis  (IPA)  in  immunocompetent  patients  has  increased. Clinical case report of successful treatment invasive aspergillosis  with  influenza  A(H1N1)  presented  in  the  article. We analyzed the special literature of patients with IPA following influenza infection. The timely identification and treatment of these patients are necessary.В последние годы увеличилась частота инвазивного аспергиллеза у больных без типичных факторов риска. В статье представлен случай успешного лечения инвазивного аспергиллёза лёгких, возникшего на фоне гриппа A(H1N1), и обзор литературы. Показана необходимость своевременной диагностики и адекватной антимикотической терапии у больных тяжелым гриппом

    Diagnostic and conservative treatment nuances in patients with obstructive jaundice: in the wake of Russian consensus

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    Educational inquiring activity as means of formation of educational and informative competence of younger teenage age at the lessons of English

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    Now in the conditions of informatization of society more and more attention is given to the process of education and training. Modern teenagers have considerable shifts in processes of perception and thinking, motivational and emotional-volitional spheres, valuable reference points, space of activity and emotional stress. The most effective way of improvement of the quality of teaching and educational motivation of younger teenagers is the organization of educational inquiring activity at lessons as implementation of educational inquiry helps to teach school students to be independent, to create informative motives and research abilities, to initiate, plan, competently realize and estimate results of any activity. The article gives the definition of educational inquiring activity and describes the way it can be applied in the process of education at school as it trains to ask correct questions while planning that will allow being successful at any activity. Training of educational inquiring activity can be correlated to training of independence of school students, too. The organization of inquiring activity contributes to the formation of educational and cognitive competence of younger teenagers as is develops stronger motivation, a high level of concentration of attention, and critical thinking; helps to focus on the acquisition of knowledge, positive attitudes to the assessment of the teacher and classmates, as well as self-assessment. Training of educational inquiring activity can help students “to learn to study” during all life; and the gained knowledge and skills become means of formation of students as active and creative persons, responsible for their choice

    The clinical and laboratory algorithm for the diagnosis of acute cytomegalovirus infection in children

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    The aim. of the study is to optimize the Iaboratory diagnosis of cytomegaIovirus infection in chiIdren by finding cIinicaI and Iaboratory predictors corresponding to the acute stage of infection.MateriaIs and methods. The resuIts of 65 chiIdren age from 1 to 3 years outpatient of with cytomegaIovirus mono-nucIeosis are presented. Markers of herpes virus infections (CMV, EBV, HHV-6 type) were determined by PCR-reaI time (bIood, saIiva) and seroIogicaIIy (IgM, IgG).ResuIts. It has been estabIished. that acute cytomegaIovirus infection can occur both, in the form of infectious mononu-cIeosis and. be atypicaI accompanied, by proIonged fever and. severe Iymphadenopathy in most cases. Indirect Iaboratory markers of acute cytomegaIovirus infection are neutropenia and. hypoimmunogIobuIinemia IgA and. IgG. Acute cytomeg-aIovirus infection is accompanied by the virus shedding in both bIood and saIiva in aImost aII patients and the median vaIues of the viraI Ioad are different: 3,9 Ig DNA copies / mI for bIood, 4,9 Ig DNA copies / ml for saIiva. Using mathemati-caI modeIing, the “cut off" vaIue of viraI Ioad. for saIiva was determined, to be 4,1 Ig DNA copies / mI corresponding to 65.0% of the probabiIity of deveIoping acute CMV infection.ConcIusion. The study made it possibIe to substantiate the aIgorithm. for diagnosing acute cytomegaIovirus infection. in young chiIdren which. incIudes the most significant cIinicaI Iaboratory predictors, as weII as the caIcuIated. “cut off" vaIue of viraI Ioad. for saIiva equaI to 4,1 Ig DNA copies / mI. Determining the viraI Ioad in the saIiva of patients can be used, as an additionaI diagnostic criterion for the atypicaI form of acute cytomegaIovirus infection

    Invasive pulmonary aspergillosisas a complication of severe influenza (case report)

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    During  last  years  the  frequency  of  invasive  pulmonary aspergillosis  (IPA)  in  immunocompetent  patients  has  increased. Clinical case report of successful treatment invasive aspergillosis  with  influenza  A(H1N1)  presented  in  the  article. We analyzed the special literature of patients with IPA following influenza infection. The timely identification and treatment of these patients are necessary