18 research outputs found

    As estrelas estão alinhadas: As enfermeiras devem exercer a sua voz

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    The author develops in this editorial a claiming discourse whose purpose is to draw attention to the nurses to make their voices heard at a particularly propitious time for it (the stars are aligned). Afaf Meleis describes the current situation as the ideal for the nursing profession, finally, exercise your voice and contribute to optimizer health care through greater presence of nursing in all areas related to health. Demographic, educational, social and health changes, increasingly require the presence of nurses to optimize the quality of care, especially self-care.La autora desarrolla en esta editorial un discurso reivincativo cuyo propósito es llamar la atención a los profesionales de enfermería para que hagan oír sus voces en un momento especialmente propicio para ello (las estrellas están alineadas). Afaf Meleis describe la situación actual como la idónea para que el colectivo enfermero, por fin, ejercite su voz y contribuya a optimizar los cuidados de salud mediante una mayor presencia de la enfermería en todos los ámbitos relacionados con la salud. Los cambios demográficos, educativos, sociales y de salud, requieren cada vez más la presencia de las enfermeras para optimizar la calidad de los cuidados, especialmente de los autocuidados.O autor desenvolve neste editorial discurso um vingativo cujo objetivo é chamar a atenção para os enfermeiros para fazer suas vozes ouvidas em um momento particularmente propício para isso (as estrelas estão alinhadas). Afaf Meleis descreve a situação atual como o ideal para a profissão de enfermagem, finalmente, exercer a sua voz e contribuir para o otimizador de cuidados de saúde através de uma maior presença de enfermagem em todas as áreas relacionadas com a saúde. Mudanças sociais e demográficas de educação em saúde, cada vez mais exigem a presença de enfermeiros para otimizar a qualidade dos cuidados, especialmente auto-cuidado

    The evolving nursing scholarliness

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    The thesis of this discussion is that nursing is involved in a scholarly evolution, that this evolution has properties and norms that have evolved from previous stages of development, and that every previous stage had a major contribution leading to our current evolution. The discussion is based on the premise that a reflective stance and self-analysis are essential to growth and development and that meaning and ideas are enhanced when one is able to trace their origins, the problems that motivated their development, the conceptualizations to which they relate, and the knowledge of how one intellectual tradition grows from another. Progress in nursing theory is a most significant aspect of this scholarly evolution and a cornerstone of the discipline of nursing. It behooves us, therefore, to review the events that influenced the current stage of nursing scholarliness and the contributions of nursing theory to it. In its search for professional identity and meaning, nursing has proceeded through several stages. Self-analysis and evaluation and the view and status accorded nursing in our patriarchal society made it appear as if each successive stage was a deviation from the goal of establishing the discipline of nursing. But in essence each stage has sharpened and clarified the dimensions needed for establishing the scientific discipline, prompting or leading to the scholarly evolution in nursing

    The health of women and girls determines the health and well-being of our modern world: A White Paper From the International Council on Women's Health Issues

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    The International Council on Women's Health Issues (ICOWHI) is an international nonprofit association dedicated to the goal of promoting health, health care, and well-being of women and girls throughout the world through participation, empowerment, advocacy, education, and research. We are a multidisciplinary network of women's health providers, planners, and advocates from all over the globe. We constitute an international professional and lay network of those committed to improving women and girl's health and quality of life. This document provides a description of our organization mission, vision, and commitment to improving the health and well-being of women and girls globally

    Issues in Health Care of Middle Eastern Patients

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    Relationships between Middle Eastern patients and Western health care professionals are often troubled by mutual misunderstanding of culturally influenced values and communication styles. Although Middle Easterners vary ethnically, they do share a core of common values and behavior that include the importance of affiliation and family, time and space orientations, interactional style and attitudes toward health and illness. Problems in providing health care involve obtaining adequate information, “demanding behavior” by a patient's family, conflicting beliefs about planning ahead and differing patterns of communicating grave diagnoses or “bad news.” There are guidelines that will provide an understanding of the cultural characteristics of Middle Easterners and, therefore, will improve rather than impede their health care. A personal approach and continuity of care by the same health care professional help to bridge the gap between Middle Eastern cultures and Western medical culture. In addition, periodic use of cultural interpreters helps ameliorate the intensity of some cultural issues

    "Teach more, do less" - Förderung von Health Literacy als Aufgabe der Pflege

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    Ewers M, Schaeffer D, Meleis AI. "Teach more, do less" - Förderung von Health Literacy als Aufgabe der Pflege. In: Schaeffer D, Pelikan JM, eds. Health Literacy. Forschungsstand und Perspektiven. Bern: Hogrefe; 2017: 237-257