12 research outputs found

    Characterization of the behavior of carotenoids from pitanga (Eugenia uniflora) and buriti (Mauritia flexuosa) during microemulsion production and in a dynamic gastrointestinal system

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    Uncommon tropical fruits are emerging as raw-material for new food products with health benefits. This work aimed at formulating and processing microemulsions from pitanga (Eugenia uniflora) and buriti (Mauritia flexuosa) fruits, since they are very rich in carotenoids (particularly lycopene and -carotene), in order to encapsulate and increase carotenoids bioaccessibility. Pitanga and buriti microemulsions were produced by applying a direct processing (high-speed homogenization at 15,000 rpm and ultrasound with 20 kHz probe at 40% amplitude) of the whole pulp together with surfactant (Tween 80 or Whey Protein Isolate at 2%) and corn oil (5%). All treatments (HSHUS for 04, 40, 44, 48 minmin) applied were able to increase the amount of carotenoid released. However, the processing also decreased the total amount of carotenoids in the whole pulp of studied fruits. The impact of processing during microemulsion production was not severe. The overall data suggest that the presence of surfactant and oil during processing may protect the carotenoids in fruits and microemulsions. Final recovery of total carotenoids, after passing the samples through a dynamic gastrointestinal system that simulates the human digestion, was higher for microemulsions than for whole pulps. High losses of total carotenoids in buriti and -carotene and lycopene in pitanga occurred during jejunum and ileum phases. The present work confirms that it is possible to increase -carotene and lycopene bioaccessibility from fruits by directly processing microemulsions (p<0.01).This work was supported by the São Paulo Research Foundation—FAPESP through research funding [Grant #2015/15507-9] and Ph.D. scholarship for Paulo Berni [Grant #2014/15119-6] and a Research Internships Abroad (BEPE) support [Grant #2016/13355-0]. The author Ana C. Pinheiro is recipient of a fellowship from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) [Grant SFRH/BPD/101181/2014]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Perfil sociodemográfico e condições de saúde e trabalho dos professores de nove escolas estaduais paulistas Perfil Sociodemográfico y las condiciones de salud y trabajo de profesores de nueve Escuelas Estatales Paulistas Socio-demographic profile and health and working conditions of teachers of nine state of são paulo public schools

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    Estudo transversal realizado em nove escolas estaduais de Campinas e São José do Rio Pardo, com 258 professores com o objetivo de caracterizar o perfil sociodemográfico, estilos de vida, condições de saúde e de trabalho. A amostra foi composta por mulheres (81,8%) e homens (18,2%), sendo casados (60,8%), com média de idade de 41,4 anos (DP 9,2), que realizavam atividade física (56,6%), lazer (93,4%) e tarefas domésticas (88,4%). Quanto à saúde, 20,9% não dormiam bem à noite; 82,1% possuíam doença com diagnóstico médico: músculo-esquelética e respiratória (27,1%); acidentes e doenças digestivas (22,1%) e transtornos mentais (20,9%). Tais doenças estavam relacionadas aos riscos relatados: movimentos repetitivos, presença de poeira de giz, trabalho estressante, longas jornadas, atividade em mais de uma escola e baixa remuneração. Concluiu-se que os professores eram expostos a riscos nas escolas e que medidas de promoção à saúde e prevenção deveriam ser tomadas pelos governantes.<br>Se trata de un estudio transversal realizado en nueve escuelas estatales de Campinas y Sao José do Rio Pardo, con 258 profesores con el objetivo de caracterizar el perfil sociodemográfico, estilos de vida, condiciones de salud y de trabajo. La muestra estuvo constituida por mujeres (81,8%) y hombres (18,2%), siendo casados (60,8%), con un promedio de edad de 41,4 años (DP 9,2), que realizaban actividad física (56,6%), descanso (93,4%) y tareas domésticas (88,4%). En cuanto a la salud, 20,9% no dormían bien por la noche; 82,1% tenían enfermedad con diagnóstico médico: músculo-esquelético y respiratoria (27,1%); accidentes y enfermedades digestivas (22,1%) y trastornos mentales (20,9%). Las referidas enfermedades estaban relacionadas a los riesgos relatados: movimientos repetitivos, presencia de polvo de tiza, trabajo estresante, jornadas largas, actividad en más de una escuela y baja remuneración. Se concluye que los profesores estaban expuestos a riesgos en las escuelas y que las medidas de promoción a la salud y prevención deberían ser tomadas por los gobernantes.<br>This is a crosssectional study carried out with 258 teachers in nine public schools located in the cities of Campinas and São José do Rio Pardo, in the State of São Paulo, in order to describe their socio-demographic profiles, lifestyles and health and working conditions. The sample was comprised mostly by females (81.8%), married (60.8%), averaging 41.4 years of age (SD 9.2), working out (56.6%), with leisure time (93.4%) and performing home duties (88.4%). In terms of health, 20.9% did not sleep well at night and 82.1% had one of following diseases diagnosed by a physician: musculoskeletal and respiratory diseases (27.1%); injuries due to accidents and digestive diseases (22.1%), and mental disorders (20.9%). These diseases were related to the professional risks that were described: repetitive movements, chalk dust, stressing work, long working hours, work in more of one school and low wage. It was concluded that teachers are exposed to risks at schools and that prevention and health care policies should be taken by the authorities

    Transtornos mentais comuns em médicos e seu cotidiano de trabalho Common mental disorders among physicians and their everyday practice

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    OBJETIVO: Comparar o cotidiano de trabalho e a prevalência dos transtornos mentais comuns (TMC) dos médicos que exerciam suas atividades profissionais no serviço de emergência com os da UTI e enfermarias de um hospital geral da rede estadual em Recife, em 2004. MÉTODOS:Estudo de prevalência tendo utilizado como instrumentos um questionário sobre o Cotidiano de Trabalho Médico e o Self Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20), para identificar os TMC. Foram descritas características demográficas, socioeconômicas e do cotidiano de trabalho dos médicos do hospital. Calculou-se a prevalência global dos TMC e por setor de trabalho. RESULTADOS: Comparando os médicos da emergência com os da UTI e enfermarias, aqueles tinham vínculo empregatício com o Estado (p < 0,0001), múltiplos empregos (p = 0,004), maior carga horária semanal de trabalho (> 71 horas) (p = 0,007), maior sensação de sobrecarga de trabalho (95,74%, p = 0,015) e recebiam no hospital até 5 salários mínimos (p < 0,0001). Embora a diferença não tenha sido estatisticamente significante, a prevalência de TMC foi maior nos médicos da emergência (32,00%), comparando-se aos da UTI (17,65%) e enfermarias (17,54%). CONCLUSÃO: Identificou-se a emergência como setor de maior prevalência de TMC e com médicos vivenciando piores condições de trabalho.<br>OBJECTIVE: To compare the day-to-day workload and prevalence of common mental disorders (CMD) among physicians that exercise their professional activities in the emergency service with those of the ICU and infirmaries of a state-run general emergency hospital in the city of Recife in 2004. METHODS: Cross-sectional study which used a questionnaire elaborated to obtain information on the Physician’s Day-to-day Workload and the Self Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20), to identify CMD. Demographic, socio-economic and day-to-day workload characteristics of the physicians of the hospital were described. The global prevalence of CMD and stratified by working sector was calculated. RESULTS: Comparing the physicians of the emergency service with those of the ICU and infirmaries, the formers worked for the state (p < 0.0001), had multiple jobs (p = 0.004), had a greater weekly workload (> 71 hours) (p = 0.007), presented a greater sensation of being overworked (95.74%, p = 0.015) and received up to 5 times the minimum salary at the hospital (p < 0.0001). Although the difference was not statistically significant, the prevalence of CMD was higher among those physicians in the emergency service (32.00%) in comparison to those of the ICU (17.65%) and the infirmaries (17.54%). CONCLUSION: The emergency service was identified as the sector with the highest prevalence of CMD and with physicians experiencing the worst day-to-day working conditions