595 research outputs found

    Stochastic Query Covering for Fast Approximate Document Retrieval

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    We design algorithms that, given a collection of documents and a distribution over user queries, return a small subset of the document collection in such a way that we can efficiently provide high-quality answers to user queries using only the selected subset. This approach has applications when space is a constraint or when the query-processing time increases significantly with the size of the collection. We study our algorithms through the lens of stochastic analysis and prove that even though they use only a small fraction of the entire collection, they can provide answers to most user queries, achieving a performance close to the optimal. To complement our theoretical findings, we experimentally show the versatility of our approach by considering two important cases in the context of Web search. In the first case, we favor the retrieval of documents that are relevant to the query, whereas in the second case we aim for document diversification. Both the theoretical and the experimental analysis provide strong evidence of the potential value of query covering in diverse application scenarios

    Anomalous Higgs-boson coupling effects in HWW production at the LHC

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    We study the LHC associated production of a Higgs boson and a W^+W^- vector-boson pair at 14 TeV, in the Standard Model and beyond. We consider different signatures corresponding to the cleanest H and W decay channels, and discuss the potential of the high-luminosity phase of the LHC. In particular, we investigate the sensitivity of the HWW production to possible anomalous Higgs couplings to vector bosons and fermions. Since the b-quark initiated partonic channel contributes significantly to this process, we find a moderate sensitivity to both the size and sign of an anomalous top-quark Yukawa coupling, because perturbative unitarity in the standard model implies a destructive interference in the b b-bar subprocess. We show that a combination of various signatures can reach a ~9 standard-deviation sensitivity in the presently allowed negative region of the top-Higgs coupling, if not previously excluded.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Finite-element modeling of neuromodulation via controlled delivery of potassium ions using conductive polymer-coated microelectrodes

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    : Objective. The controlled delivery of potassium is an interesting neuromodulation modality, being potassium ions involved in shaping neuron excitability, synaptic transmission, network synchronization, and playing a key role in pathological conditions like epilepsy and spreading depression. Despite many successful examples of pre-clinical devices able to influence the extracellular potassium concentration, computational frameworks capturing the corresponding impact on neuronal activity are still missing.Approach. We present a finite-element model describing a PEDOT:PSS-coated microelectrode (herein, simplyionic actuator) able to release potassium and thus modulate the activity of a cortical neuron in anin-vitro-like setting. The dynamics of ions in the ionic actuator, the neural membrane, and the cellular fluids are solved self-consistently.Main results. We showcase the capability of the model to describe on a physical basis the modulation of the intrinsic excitability of the cell and of the synaptic transmission following the electro-ionic stimulation produced by the actuator. We consider three case studies for the ionic actuator with different levels of selectivity to potassium: ideal selectivity, no selectivity, and selectivity achieved by embedding ionophores in the polymer.Significance. This work is the first step toward a comprehensive computational framework aimed to investigate novel neuromodulation devices targeting specific ionic species, as well as to optimize their design and performance, in terms of the induced modulation of neural activity

    Multiphysics Finite-Element Modeling of the Neuron/Electrode Electrodiffusive Interaction

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    Understanding the biological-electrical transduction mechanisms is essential for reliable neural signal recording and feature extraction. As an alternative to state-of-the-art lumped-element circuit models, here we adopt a multiscale-multiphysics finite-element modeling framework. The model couples ion transport with the Hodgkin-Huxley model and the readout circuit, and is used to investigate a few relevant case studies. This approach is amenable to explore ion transport in the extracellular medium otherwise invisible to circuit model analysis

    Multivariate factor analysis of milk fatty acid composition in relation to the somatic cell count of single udder quarters

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    The present study investigated whether the fatty acid composition of milk changes in relation to an increase in the milk somatic cell count (SCC) of separate udder quarters. We investigated the potential of multivariate factor analysis to extract metabolic evidence from data on the quantity and quality of milk of quarters characterized by different SCC levels. We collected data from individual milk samples taken from single quarters of 49 Italian Holstein cows from the same dairy farm. Factor analysis was carried out on 64 individual fatty acids. In line with a previous study on multivariate factor analysis, a variable was considered to be associated with a specific factor if the absolute value of its correlation with the factor was ≥0.60. Seven factors were extracted that explained the following groups of fatty acids or functions: de novo synthesis, energy balance, uptake of dietary fatty acids, biohydrogenation, short-chain fatty acids, very long chain fatty acids, and odd- and branched-chain fatty acids. An ANOVA of factor scores highlighted the significant effects of the SCC level on de novo fatty acids and biohydrogenation. The de novo fatty acid factor decreased significantly with a high level of SCC, from just 10,000 cells/mL, whereas the biohydrogenation factor showed a significantly higher level in quarters with SCC levels greater than 400,000 cells/mL. This statistical approach enabled us to reduce the number of variables to a few latent factors with biological significance and to represent groups of fatty acids with a common origin and function. Multivariate factor analysis could therefore be key to studying the influence of SCC on the lipid metabolism of single quarters. This approach also demonstrated the metabolic differences between quarters of the same animal showing a different level of SCC

    Oral administration of chestnut tannins to reduce the duration of neonatal calf diarrhea

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    Background: Neonatal calf diarrhea is generally caused by infectious agents and is a very common disease in bovine practice, leading to substantial economic losses. Tannins are known for their astringent and anti- inflammatory properties in the gastro-enteric tract. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the oral administration of chestnut tannins (Castanea sativa Mill.) in order to reduce the duration of calf neonatal diarrhea. Twenty-four Italian Friesian calves affected by neonatal diarrhea were included. The duration of the diarrheic episode (DDE) was recorded and the animals were divided into a control group (C), which received Effydral® in 2 l of warm water, and a tannin-treated group (T), which received Effydral® in 2 l of warm water plus 10 g of extract of chestnut tannins powder. A Mann-Whitney test was performed to verify differences for the DDE values between the two groups. Results: The DDE was significantly higher in group C than in group T (p = 0.02), resulting in 10.1 ± 3.2 and 6.6 ± 3. 8 days, respectively. Conclusions: Phytotherapic treatments for various diseases have become more common both in human and in veterinary medicine, in order to reduce the presence of antibiotic molecules in the food chain and in the environment. Administration of tannins in calves with diarrhea seemed to shorten the DDE in T by almost 4 days compared to C, suggesting an effective astringent action of chestnut tannins in the calf, as already reported in humans. The use of chestnut tannins in calves could represent an effective, low-impact treatment for neonatal diarrhea

    Data Preservation at LEP

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    The four LEP experiments ALEPH, DELPHI, L3 and OPAL successfully recorded e+e- collision data during the years 1989 to 2000. As part of the ordinary evolution in High Energy Physics, these experiments can not be repeated and their data is therefore unique. This article briefly reviews the data preservation efforts undertaken by the four experiments beyond the end of data taking. The current status of the preserved data and associated tools is summarised.Comment: 7 pages, contribution to proceedings of the "First Workshop on Data Preservation and Long Term Analysis in HEP

    An RFID-Based Tracing and Tracking System for the Fresh Vegetables Supply Chain

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    The paper presents an innovative gapless traceability system able to improve the main business processes of the fresh vegetables supply chain. The performed analysis highlighted some critical aspects in the management of the whole supply chain, from the land to the table of the end consumer, and allowed us to reengineer the most important processes. In particular, the first steps of the supply chain, which include cultivation in greenhouses and manufacturing of packaged vegetables, were analyzed. The re-engineered model was designed by exploiting the potentialities derived from the combined use of innovative Radio Frequency technologies, such as RFID and NFC, and important international standards, such as EPCglobal. The proposed tracing and tracking system allows the end consumer to know the complete history of the purchased product. Furthermore, in order to evaluate the potential benefits of the reengineered processes in a real supply chain, a pilot project was implemented in an Italian food company, which produces ready-to-eat vegetables, known asIV gammaproducts. Finally, some important metrics have been chosen to carry out the analysis of the potential benefits derived from the use of the re-engineered model

    Designing statistical models for holstein rearing heifers’ weight estimation from birth to 15 months old using body measurements

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    Body measurements could be used to estimate body weight (BW) with no need for a scale. The aim was to estimate heifers weight based on their body dimension characteristics. Twenty-five Holstein heifers represent the study group (SG); another 13 animals were evaluated as a validation group (VG). All the heifers were weighed (BW) and their wither height (WH), shin circumference (SC), heart girth circumference (HG), body length (BL), hip width (HW) and body condition score (BCS) were measured immediately after birth, and then weekly until 2 months and monthly until 15 months old. Equations were built with a stepwise regression in order to estimate the BW at each time using body measures for the SG. A linear regression was applied to evaluate the relationship between the estimated BW and the real BW. Equations found were to be statistically significant (r2 = 0.688 to 0.894; p < 0.0001). Three variables or fewer were needed for BW estimation a total of 11/23 times. Regression analysis indicated that the use of HG was promising in all the equations built for BW estimation. These models were feasible in the field; further studies will evaluate possible modifications to our equations based on different growing rate targets
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