5 research outputs found


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    In the following work arises the importance in the education of key elements such as creativity and divergent thinking. This article has as main objective the review of the studies of visual disability and creativity. This study aims to a systematic reflection of the synthetic quantitative estimate of all of the available studies, posing a theoretical framework linking creativity in the education of students with visual impairment, providing personal assessments. Inside the findings evidenced the function of the creative potential, through divergent thinking in the creation of concepts and ideas, solving problems, with interest not only in education but in any area of life.En el siguiente trabajo se plantea la importancia en la educaci贸n de elementos clave como son la creatividad, y el pensamiento divergente. Esta exposici贸n tiene como principal objetivo la revisi贸n de los estudios de discapacidad visual y creatividad. Pretendemos una reflexi贸n sistematizada de la estimaci贸n cuantitativa sint茅tica de todos los estudios disponibles, planteando un marco te贸rico relacionando la creatividad en la educaci贸n de alumnos con deficiencia visual, aport谩ndose valoraciones personales. Dentro de las conclusiones obtenidas, se evidencia la funci贸n del potencial creativo, por medio del pensamiento divergente en la creaci贸n de conceptos e ideas, para la resoluci贸n de problemas, con inter茅s no solo en la educaci贸n, sino en cualquier 谩mbito de la vid


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    There are few studies dealing with the relationship between the family, disability, and health and education professionals. He present work has as main objective it review of them studies on the role of families of people with functional diversity and its relationship with the professionals involved. We want a systematic reflection of the synthetic quantitative estimate of all of the available studies, establishing a theoretical framework on the situation of the families of people with functional diversity and its relationship with health and education professionals. In this study provides personal estimations about the above mentioned variables. Within them conclusions obtained, is evidence the relevance of the cooperation joint of family and professional for an education effective, with an involvement more significant from the parents in the school.Son escasos los estudios que tratan la relaci贸n entre la familia, la discapacidad y los profesionales de la educaci贸n y la salud. El presente trabajo tiene como principal objetivo la revisi贸n de los estudios sobre el papel de las familias de las personas con diversidad funcional y su relaci贸n con los profesionales implicados. Pretendemos una reflexi贸n sistematizada de la estimaci贸n cuantitativa sint茅tica de todos los estudios disponibles, estableciendo un marco te贸rico sobre la situaci贸n de las familias de personas con diversidad funcional y su relaci贸n con los profesionales de la salud y la educaci贸n. En este estudio se aportan valoraciones personales acerca de las variables anteriormente citadas. Dentro de las conclusiones obtenidas, se evidencia la relevancia de la cooperaci贸n conjunta de familiares y profesionales para una educaci贸n eficaz, con una implicaci贸n m谩s significativa por parte de los padres en la escuela.


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    There are few studies that try it relationship between the family and it disability, as well as the importance of it quality of life and the relationship between it education and the family. He present work has as main objective it review of them studies on the paper of them families of them people with diversity functional and its quality of life. Intend to a reflection systematized of the estimate quantitative synthetic of all them studies available, establishing a framework theoretical about the relationship between them families with diversity functional and the quality of life. In this study provides personal estimations about the above mentioned variables. Within the findings, it is evident that the family plays a fundamental role as the first educational core. However, has of combine is efforts for a work joint with them professional with greater involvement in the education, without diminishing the role that exercise them parents, betting is by a well common.Existen pocos estudios que traten la relaci贸n entre la familia y la discapacidad, as铆 como la importancia de la calidad de vida y la relaci贸n entre la educaci贸n y la familia. El presente trabajo tiene como principal objetivo la revisi贸n de los estudios sobre el papel de las familias de las personas con diversidad funcional y su calidad de vida. Pretendemos una reflexi贸n sistematizada de la estimaci贸n cuantitativa sint茅tica de todos los estudios disponibles, estableciendo un marco te贸rico sobre la relaci贸n entre las familias con diversidad funcional y la calidad de vida. En este estudio se aportan valoraciones personales acerca de las variables anteriormente citadas. Dentro de las conclusiones obtenidas, se evidencia que la familia juega un papel fundamental como primer n煤cleo educativo. No obstante, ha de aunarse esfuerzos para una labor conjunta con los profesionales con mayor implicaci贸n en la educaci贸n, sin desmerecer el papel que ejercen los progenitores, apost谩ndose por un bien com煤n


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    In the following work arises the importance in the education of key elements such as creativity and divergent thinking. This article has as main objective the review of the studies of visual disability and creativity. This study aims to a systematic reflection of the synthetic quantitative estimate of all of the available studies, posing a theoretical framework linking creativity in the education of students with visual impairment, providing personal assessments. Inside the findings evidenced the function of the creative potential, through divergent thinking in the creation of concepts and ideas, solving problems, with interest not only in education but in any area of life.En el siguiente trabajo se plantea la importancia en la educaci贸n de elementos clave como son la creatividad, y el pensamiento divergente. Esta exposici贸n tiene como principal objetivo la revisi贸n de los estudios de discapacidad visual y creatividad. Pretendemos una reflexi贸n sistematizada de la estimaci贸n cuantitativa sint茅tica de todos los estudios disponibles, planteando un marco te贸rico relacionando la creatividad en la educaci贸n de alumnos con deficiencia visual, aport谩ndose valoraciones personales. Dentro de las conclusiones obtenidas, se evidencia la funci贸n del potencial creativo, por medio del pensamiento divergente en la creaci贸n de conceptos e ideas, para la resoluci贸n de problemas, con inter茅s no solo en la educaci贸n, sino en cualquier 谩mbito de la vida

    Beyond the audit expectations gap

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    In seeking to encourage a broader, European dimension to research on auditing and audit expectations, this paper examines the recent history of auditing and its regulation in Spain within the context of international developments in the accounting profession. The more expansive role being assigned to the audit function in Spain following the implementation of the Fourth and Eighth European Company Law Directives is generally viewed by Spanish writers as a progressive step, with largely positive effects. Such views stand in some contrast to the history of auditing in Britain, where the prevalence of an 'audit expectations gap' suggests a rather more problematic state of affairs. In exploring both the Spanish context and the nature of the audit expectations gap in Britain, however, the paper reveals a common underlying belief in the potential of auditing. Through this comparative analysis, and by drawing on recent audit research challenging certain long-held assumptions about auditing, a number of questions are asked of the current form and status of auditing and auditing expectations in Britain and Spain. In so doing, the paper raises issues that go beyond the current confines of the audit expectations gap debate, stressing, in particular, the need for greater consideration to be given, through less Anglo-centric analyses, to the varying nature and capabilities of European audit practice.