16 research outputs found

    Obama og amerikansk utenriks- og sikkerhetspolitikk

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    Popular expectations for President Obama are high, not least concerning his foreign and security policy. It is too early to draw any conclusions about how the new administration will handle various foreign policy questions, and how much Obama’s actions will differ from those of his predecessor. The main intention of this study is to explore the new president’s foreign policy thinking, to find the general approach he is likely to adopt and to discuss the potential for change. The study begins with an evaluation of the international and domestic conditions of US foreign policy and a presentation of the main elements of G­eorge W. Bush’s foreign policy. It then moves on to an extensive description of the foreign policy arguments made by Obama during his presidential campaign and actions taken during his first weeks in office. This study will argue that it is highly probable that Obama’s foreign and security policy will be formed upon principles of realism and liberal institutionalism combined, and that this opens up for both major departure from and continuation of the Bush doctrine

    Obama-administrasjonens nye nasjonale sikkerhetsstrategi

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    President Obamas første nasjonale sikkerhetsstrategi (National Security Strategy of The United States – NSS 2010) ble offentliggjort 27. mai. Den har som intensjon å stake ut administrasjonens sikkerhetspolitiske hovedkurs, og anvise prioriteringer. Strategidokumentet gir en god innføring i grunnkonseptet som administrasjonen bygger sin politikk på. Det preges i for stor grad av en ren opplistning av saksfelter til å formidle hva som er Obamas prioriteringsliste. Strategien anviser heller ingen klare oppskrifter på hvordan administrasjonen rent konkret vil gå frem for å håndtere USAs hovedutfordringer. NSS 2010 etterlater derfor flere spørsmål enn den gir svar

    Traceability in Model Driven Engineering

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    Model Driven Engineering (MDE) is an initiative to rais the level of abstraction and ease the complexity in the system development process, trough the use of domain specific languages and transformations. Extensive use of transformations do howerver make it more difficult to see how different artefacts involved in the system development process are related, as the logic of a transformation may not be straight forward. By maintaining traceability links between the various artefacts involved in a development process, it may become easier to analyse the process that have led to certain point in the evolution of a system. The goals of this thesis is to provide a generic tool that makes it posible to define traceability types and to capture traceability information of these types, and to define a simple classification scheme for traceability in MDE

    Perifere tilskuere eller sentrale aktører: Demokratene og utformingen av amerikansk utenrikspolitikk

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    -In critically important parts of the cold war era the Democratic Party was the steward of American foreign policy. But since September 11. 2001, the party has, however, mostly been a bystander to the major transformation of U.S. foreign policy carried out by the Bush administration. Will the party continue to play such a passive and reactive role or will it be able to formulate a coherent and realistic alternative the Bush foreign policy? Both the U.S. international behavior and world politics will be greatly affected by the outcome of the ongoing internal debate in the party. This paper takes a closer look at this debate and the various fractions that now compete for being the foreign policy face of the party. It is still too early to tell the outcome of this jockeying for power, and consequently the Bush administration will most likely continue as the dominant force behind American foreign policy

    Perifere tilskuere eller sentrale aktører: Demokratene og utformingen av amerikansk utenrikspolitikk

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    In critically important parts of the cold war era the Democratic Party was the steward of American foreign policy. But since September 11. 2001, the party has, however, mostly been a bystander to the major transformation of U.S. foreign policy carried out by the Bush administration. Will the party continue to play such a passive and reactive role or will it be able to formulate a coherent and realistic alternative the Bush foreign policy? Both the U.S. international behavior and world politics will be greatly affected by the outcome of the ongoing internal debate in the party. This paper takes a closer look at this debate and the various fractions that now compete for being the foreign policy face of the party. It is still too early to tell the outcome of this jockeying for power, and consequently the Bush administration will most likely continue as the dominant force behind American foreign policy