73 research outputs found

    Response to: Pre-referral rectal artesunate in severe malaria: a flawed trial

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    A response to and comment on Pre-referral rectal artesunate in severe malaria: a flawed trial, by Karim F Hirji and Zulfiqarali G Premji

    The impact of education on earnings and occupational mobility in Kenya.

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    The present study attempts to assess the extent to which economic differences between ethnic groups and between individuals have been reduced or eliminated by the expansion of educational opportunities in Kenya, By analysing the patterns of wage income distribution, the conditions which affect them and some of their consequences, the study attempts to explain part of the process of perpetuating income inequalities in the country. From the analysis of a considerable amount of empirical data, a picture is painted of a society in which economic status is inherited. For although the economic success of individuals in the labour market is strongly influenced by their educational attainments, the prior influence of inherited characteristics such as birth-order, family-size, ethnic and occupational origins on these scholastic achievements has served to create profound inequalities in individual access to income. In addition, the increasing tendency of the urban labour market to recruit the sons of other wage employees suggests that economic ties are being strengthened and perpetuated across generations

    Factors influencing adherence to referral advice following pre-referral treatment with artesunate suppositories in children in rural Tanzania

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    Objective: WHO recommends artemisinin suppository formulations as pre-referral treatment for children who are unable to take oral medication and cannot rapidly reach a facility for parenteral treatment. We investigated factors influencing caretakers’ adherence to referral advice following pre-referral treatment of their children with rectal artesunate suppositories. Methods: The study was nested within an intervention study that involved pre-referral treatment of all children who came to a community dispenser for treatment because they were unable to take oral medications because of repeated vomiting, lethargy, convulsions or altered consciousness. All patients who did not comply with referral advice were stratified by actions taken post-referral: taking their children to a drug shop, a traditional healer, or not seeking further treatment, and added to a random selection of patients who complied with referral advice. Caretakers of the children were interviewed about their socio-economic status (SES), knowledge about malaria, referral advice given and actions they took following pre-referral treatment. Interview data for 587 caretakers were matched with symptoms of the children, the time of treatment, arrival at a health facility or other actions taken post–pre-referral treatment. Results: The majority (93.5%) of caretakers reported being given referral advice by the community drug dispenser. The odds of adherence with this advice were three times greater for children with altered consciousness and/or convulsions than for children with other symptoms [odds ratio (OR) 3.47, 95% confidence interval (CI) 2.32–5.17, P \u3c 0.001]. When questioned, caretakers who remembered when (OR 2.19, 95% CI 1.48–3.23, P \u3c 0.001) and why (OR 1.77, 95% CI 1.07–2.95, P = 0.026) they were advised to proceed to health facility – were more likely to follow referral advice. Cost did not influence adherence except within a catchment area of facilities that charged for services. In these areas, costs deterred adherence by four to five times for those who had previously paid for laboratory services (OR = 0.25, 95% CI: 0.09–0.67, P = 0.006) or consultation (OR 0.20, 95% CI: 0.06–0.61, P = 0.005) compared with those who had not. Conclusion: When given referral advice, caretakers of patients with life-threatening symptoms adhere to referral advice more readily than other caretakers. Health service charges deter adherence

    Ensuring sustained ACT production and reliable artemisinin supply

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>This paper reviews recent trends in the production, supply and price of the active ingredients as well as finished ACT products. Production and cost data provided in this paper are based on an ongoing project (Artepal). Stability data are derived from a development project on rectal artesunate.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The artemisinin raw material and its derivatives appear to be very stable compared to the finished products. Supply of artemisinin changed in May 2004 when the Global Fund shifted financial support to qualified countries from chloroquine or sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine to an ACT for treatment of malaria. First, there was a sudden shortage of the starting material, and short term scarcity led to a steep rise in API price: it increased dramatically in 2004, from 350perkgtomorethan350 per kg to more than 1000. Second, there was a parallel increase in the number of companies extracting artemisinin from 10 to 80 between 2003 and 2005 in China, and from 3 to 20 in Vietnam. Commercial cultivation began also in East Africa and Madagascar.</p> <p>A steady and predictable demand for the crop can eliminate such wide fluctuations and indirectly contribute to price stability of the herb, the API and ACT. With appropriate mechanisms to reduce those fluctuations, the cost of artemisinin might decrease sustainably to US$ 250–300 per kg.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Today the global health community is facing the risk of another cyclical swing with lower demand feeding into reduced planting of <it>A. annua </it>and, thereafter, a new shortage of the raw material and higher API prices. International donors, the largest purchasers for ACTs could better coordinate their activities, in order to guarantee purchase of ACTs and consequently of API with manufacturers. In parallel, the base of quality producers of APIs and finished ACT products needs to be broadened.</p> <p>While the ACT programme is still in its early stages, the consequences of another wave of artemisinin and ACT shortages would permanently discredit it and impede any progress in rolling malaria back.</p

    Protocol for a drugs exposure pregnancy registry for implementation in resource-limited settings

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    BACKGROUND: The absence of robust evidence of safety of medicines in pregnancy, particularly those for major diseases provided by public health programmes in developing countries, has resulted in cautious recommendations on their use. We describe a protocol for a Pregnancy Registry adapted to resource-limited settings aimed at providing evidence on the safety of medicines in pregnancy.METHODS/DESIGN:Sentinel health facilities are chosen where women come for prenatal care and are likely to come for delivery. Staff capacity is improved to provide better care during the pregnancy, to identify visible birth defects at delivery and refer infants with major anomalies for surgical or clinical evaluation and treatment. Consenting women are enrolled at their first antenatal visit and careful medical, obstetric and drug-exposure histories taken; medical record linkage is encouraged. Enrolled women are followed up prospectively and their histories are updated at each subsequent visit. The enrolled woman is encouraged to deliver at the facility, where she and her baby can be assessed.DISCUSSION:In addition to data pooling into a common WHO database, the WHO Pregnancy Registry has three important features: First is the inclusion of pregnant women coming for antenatal care, enabling comparison of birth outcomes of women who have been exposed to a medicine with those who have not. Second is its applicability to resource-poor settings regardless of drug or disease. Third is improvement of reproductive health care during pregnancies and at delivery. Facility delivery enables better health outcomes, timely evaluation and management of the newborn, and the collection of reliable clinical data. The Registry aims to improve maternal and neonatal care and also provide much needed information on the safety of medicines in pregnancy

    Out-of-Pocket Costs and Other Determinants of Access to Healthcare for Children with Febrile Illnesses: A Case-Control Study in Rural Tanzania.

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    To study private costs and other determinants of access to healthcare for childhood fevers in rural Tanzania. A case-control study was conducted in Tanzania to establish factors that determine access to a health facility in acute febrile illnesses in children less than 5 years of age. Carers of eligible children were interviewed in the community; cases were represented by patients who went to a facility and controls by those who did not. A Household Wealth Index was estimated using principal components analysis. A multivariable logistic regression analysis was performed to understand the factors which influenced attendance of healthcare facility including severity of the illness and household wealth/socio-demographic indicators. To complement the data on costs from community interviews, a hospital-based study obtained details of private expenditures for hospitalised children under the age of 5. Severe febrile illness is strongly associated with health facility attendance (OR: 35.76, 95%CI: 3.68-347.43, p = 0.002 compared with less severe febrile illness). Overall, the private costs of an illness for patients who went to a hospital were six times larger than private costs of controls (5.68vs.5.68 vs. 0.90, p<0.0001). Household wealth was not significantly correlated with total costs incurred. The separate hospital based cost study indicated that private costs were three times greater for admissions at the mission versus public hospital: 13.68missionvs.13.68 mission vs. 4.47 public hospital (difference $ 9.21 (95% CI: 7.89 -10.52), p<0.0001). In both locations, approximately 50% of the cost was determined by the duration of admission, with each day in hospital increasing private costs by about 12% (95% CI: 5% - 21%). The more severely ill a child, the higher the probability of attending hospital. We did not find association between household wealth and attending a health facility; nor was there an association between household wealth and private cost

    Influences on participant reporting in the World Health Organisation drugs exposure pregnancy registry; a qualitative study

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    Background: The World Health Organisation has designed a pregnancy registry to investigate the effect of maternal drug use on pregnancy outcomes in resource-limited settings. In this sentinel surveillance system, detailed health and drug use data are prospectively collected from the first antenatal clinic visit until delivery. Over and above other clinical records, the registry relies on accurate participant reports about the drugs they use. Qualitative methods were incorporated into a pilot registry study during 2010 and 2011 to examine barriers to women reporting these drugs and other exposures at antenatal clinics, and how they might be overcome. Methods: Twenty-seven focus group discussions were conducted in Ghana, Kenya and Uganda with a total of 208 women either enrolled in the registry or from its source communities. A question guide was designed to uncover the types of exposure data under- or inaccurately reported at antenatal clinics, the underlying reasons, and how women prefer to be asked questions. Transcripts were analysed thematically. Results: Women said it was important for them to report everything they had used during pregnancy. However, they expressed reservations about revealing their consumption of traditional, over-the-counter medicines and alcohol to antenatal staff because of anticipated negative reactions. Some enrolled participants' improved relationship with registry staff facilitated information sharing and the registry tools helped overcome problems with recall and naming of medicines. Decisions about where women sought care, which influenced medicines used and antenatal clinic attendance, were influenced by pressure within and outside of the formal healthcare system to conform to conflicting behaviours. Conversations also reflected women's responsibilities for producing a healthy baby. Conclusions: Women in this study commonly take traditional medicines in pregnancy, and to a lesser extent over-the-counter medicines and alcohol. The World Health Organisation pregnancy registry shows potential to enhance their reporting of these substances at the antenatal clinic. However, more work is needed to find optimal techniques for eliciting accurate reports, especially where the detail of constituents may never be known. It will also be important to find ways of sustaining such drug exposure surveillance systems in busy antenatal clinics

    Understanding caretakers' dilemma in deciding whether or not to adhere with referral advice after pre-referral treatment with rectal artesunate

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    BACKGROUND: Malaria kills. A single rectal dose of artesunate before referral can reduce mortality and prevent permanent disability. However, the success of this intervention depends on caretakers' adherence to referral advice for follow-up care. This paper explores the dilemma facing caretakers when they are in the process of deciding whether or not to transit their child to a health facility after pre-referral treatment with rectal artesunate. METHODS: Four focus group discussions were held in each of three purposively selected villages in Mtwara rural district of Tanzania. Data were analysed manually using latent qualitative content analysis. RESULTS: The theme "Caretakers dilemma in deciding whether or not to adhere with referral advice after pre-referral treatment with rectal artesunate" depicts the challenge they face. Caretakers' understanding of the rationale for going to hospital after treatment--when and why they should adhere--influenced adherence. Caretakers, whose children did not improve, usually adhered to referral advice. If a child had noticeably improved with pre-referral treatment however, caretakers weighed whether they should proceed to the facility, balancing the child's improved condition against other competing priorities, difficulties in reaching the health facilities, and the perceived quality of care at the health facility. Some misinterpretation were found regarding the urgency and rationale for adherence among some caretakers of children who improved which were attributed to be possibly due to their prior understanding. CONCLUSION: Some caretakers did not adhere when their children improved and some who adhered did so without understanding why they should proceed to the facility. Successful implementation of the rectal artesunate strategy depends upon effective communication regarding referral to clinic

    Metástase Gástrica de Câncer de Mama: Relato de Caso e Revisão de Literatura

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    Introdução: O câncer de mama é a neoplasia mais incidente no sexo feminino com 48.930 novos casos estimados em 2006, no Brasil. Os principais sítios de metástases são: ossos, pele, linfonodos, pulmões, pleura, fígado e cérebro. Metástases gástricas são raras e pouco citadas na literatura, sendo o câncer de mama o segundo principal responsável. À endoscopia digestiva alta, apresentam-se mais comumente sob a forma de infiltração intramural difusa, assemelhando-se à linite plástica, e predominam em tumores do tipo lobular. A comparação histológica dos espécimes é obrigatória, porém a imunoistoquímica também pode ser útil. O prognóstico é ruim, visto que a doença metastática raramente se restringe ao estômago. O tratamento é paliativo e inclui quimioterapia, terapia hormonal e radioterapia. Relato de caso: Paciente com câncer de mama em tratamento adjuvante com anastrozol apresentou-se ao serviço com queixa de plenitude gástrica e emagrecimento. Havia massa endurecida em epigástrio, dolorosa à palpação profunda. Ao exame endoscópico, observou-se lesão infiltrante, comprometendo o fundo e metade proximal do corpo gástrico. Foi verificado carcinoma ductal com áreas secretoras de muco e células em "anel de sinete" metastático para o estômago; CK7 positivo, CK20 e receptor hormonal negativos. Sem evidência de doença em outros focos, a paciente foi tratada com seis ciclos de docetaxel, obtendo-se resposta patológica gástrica completa. Discussão: Apesar de rara, a metástase gástrica é causa de considerável morbidade em pacientes com câncer de mama e pode responder ao tratamento sistêmico apropriado

    Recognition, Perceptions and Treatment Practices for Severe Malaria in Rural Tanzania: Implications for Accessing Rectal Artesunate as a Pre-Referral

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    OBJECTIVES: Preparatory to a community trial investigating how best to deliver rectal artesunate as pre-referral treatment for severe malaria; local understanding, perceptions of signs/symptoms of severe malaria and treatment-seeking patterns for and barriers to seeking biomedical treatment were investigated. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: 19 key informant interviews, 12 in-depth interviews and 14 focus group discussions targeting care-givers, opinion leaders, and formal and informal health care providers were conducted. Monthly fever episodes and danger signs or symptoms associated with severe malaria among under-fives were recorded. Respondents recognized convulsions, altered consciousness and coma, and were aware of their risks if not treated. But, these symptoms were perceived to be caused by supernatural forces, and traditional healers were identified as primary care providers. With some delay, mothers eventually visited a health facility when convulsions were part of the illness, despite pressures against this. Although vomiting and failure to eat/suck/drink were associated with malaria, they were not considered as indicators of danger signs unless combined with another more severe symptom. Study communities were familiar with rectal application of medicines. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Communities' recognition and awareness of major symptoms of severe malaria could encourage action, but perceptions of their causes and poor discrimination of other danger signs – vomiting and failure to feed – might impede early treatment. An effective health education targeting parents/guardians, decision-makers/advisors, and formal and informal care providers might be a prerequisite for successful introduction of rectal artemisinins as an emergency treatment. Role of traditional healers in delivering such medication to the community should be explored