45 research outputs found

    An Anthropology of Well-Being: Local Perspectives and Cultural Constructions in the Bolivian Altiplano

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    This thesis focuses on individual and collective definitions of 'the good life' in the Bolivian plateau. Drawing on ethnographic research conducted in the urban area of EI Alto, the thesis explores potential contradictions between different orientations and models of well-being. The increasing interest amongst a group of Aymara intellectuals (GTZ) in an indigenous perspective on this topic provides the point of departure for an exploration of the complexity of ideas relating to this issue and an account of different definitions of 'the good life' among Aymara people. The thesis makes a contribution to debates regarding poverty and well-being and the problems attached to universal definitions, which tend to be based on simplified and economic criteria. By considering what different people value and prioritise in terms of their own well-being and, where applicable, their children's well-being and happiness, the thesis offers a contribution to Andean anthropology and to the understanding of 'poverty'. This entails an exploration of the moments of tension and synergy that exist between Aymara and Bolivian identity. It offers a detailed analysis of different collective and individual actions adopted for the achievement of well-being. In particular, these include social protests, moments of fiesta, household cooperation, and the resort to supernatural forces and 'making of luck (suerte), with a specific focus on gender and generational differences

    Toxic legacies and health inequalities of the Anthropocene : perspectives from the margins

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    Based on research in Matamoros (Mexico) and Naples (Italy), this article critically deconstructs embodiments and social histories of toxicity, addressing uneven power relations and health inequalities generated through late capitalism of the Anthropocene. By focusing on food and water consumption in regions at the margins of borders and defined as toxic wastelands, it sheds light on the multidimensional power structures of the global economy. Whether through reference to the illegal dumping of toxic waste by mafia-structured organised crime groups, or the contamination caused by foreign-owned assembly plants, the article illustrates how mechanisms taking place in the individual realm are ‘subsumed’ (Breihl 2019, 33) within more complex historical, economic, and environmental processes. These two case studies are the point of departure to reflect upon the undisclosed but powerful impact that commercial determinants of health have on individuals’ wellbeing, feeding profound north–south inequalities

    Vivir bien - entre utopía y realidad

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    Los paradigmas dominantes del bienestar siguen empeñándose en entender lo que este término significa. De igual manera, los diseñadores de políticas públicas ( policy makers ) se empeñan en hacer realidad las visiones dominantes de bienestar. este artículo examina la noción del bienestar adoptada recientemente por la constitución boliviana. se da gran relevancia a las nociones indígenas de «vivir bien», concepto que podría traducirse como «vivir bien en grupo» bajo los principios de sociabilidad y la promoción de valores de reciprocidad. adoptado por los bolivianos en su Constitución de 2009 como uno de los valores fundamentales, el artículo explora la contribución que puede hacer a las nociones de bienestar. sostiene que «vivir bien» constituye progreso en nuestras nociones de bienestar por el énfasis que hace el concepto en las relaciones armónicas, no solo en la sociedad, sino también con la naturaleza (la pachamama —nuestra Madre tierra—), brindando un nexo con la sostenibilidad que las actuales concepciones de bienestar a menudo no logran

    Supporting girls and young women victims of sexual harassment in schools : "me and you and everyone we know"

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    This article highlights an innovative project, across three European countries (Italy, Sweden and Romania), that used a pictorial co-design educational tool to empower young women to counter sexual harassment and abuse. Data is very hard to obtain on levels of sexual harassment and the project revealed that there was a need to educate female and male students, as well as professionals of its long-term impact. The co-designed cards generated discussion and comments both with the young participants and educational professionals. Focus groups were organised in the three countries with students using the co-design tool. What emerged from those focus groups are different attitudes towards sexual harassment and how this may affect girls and young women in the three participating countries. This article reflects upon the use of a transnational co-design tool to prevent sexual harassment and abuse in schools. The main aim was to promote a dialogue with young people on the complexity of issues surrounding this topic in order to promote change in this area. Findings from this project revealed that there was much variation between the three countries in a number of important areas, such as the support and knowledge base on the issue

    Perceived impact on efficiency and safety of experienced American physician assistants / associates in acute hospital care in England : findings from a multi-site case organisational study

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    Summary Objectives To investigate the contribution, efficiency and safety of experienced physician associates included in the staffing of medical/surgical teams in acute hospitals in England, including facilitating and hindering factors. Design Mixed methods longitudinal, multi-site evaluation of a two-year programme employing 27 American physician associates: interviews and documentary analysis. Setting Eight acute hospitals, England. Participants 36 medical directors, consultants, junior doctors, nurses and manager, 198 documents. Results Over time, the experienced physician associates became viewed as a positive asset to medical and surgical teams, even in services where high levels of scepticism were initially expressed. Their positive contribution was described as bringing continuity to the medical/surgical team which benefited patients, consultants, doctors-in-training, nurses and the overall efficiency of the service. This is the first report of the positive impact that, including physician associates in medical/surgical teams, had on achieving safe working hours for doctors in training. Many reported the lack of physician associates regulation with attendant legislated authority to prescribe medicines and order ionising radiation was a hindrance in their deployment and employment. However, by the end of the programme, seven hospitals had published plans to increase the numbers of physician associates employed and host clinical placements for student physician associates. Conclusions The programme demonstrated the types of contributions the experienced physician associates made to patient experience, junior doctor experience and acute care services with medical workforce shortages. The General Medical Council will regulate the profession in the future. Robust quantitative research is now required