136 research outputs found

    Adherence to subcutaneous interferon beta-1a treatment using an electronic injection device:a prospective open-label Scandinavian noninterventional study (the ScanSmart study)

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    Background: Disease modifying drugs help control the course of relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS); however, good adherence is needed for long-term outcomes. Objective: To evaluate patient adherence to treatment with subcutaneous interferon beta-1a using RebiSmart® and assess injection-site reactions and treatment satisfaction. Methods: This prospective, single-arm, open-label, noninterventional multicenter Phase IV trial included disease modifying drug-experienced mobile patients with RRMS. Adherence was measured over 12 weeks. Items 13–23, 35, 37, and 38 of the Multiple Sclerosis Treatment Concerns Questionnaire (injection-site reactions and treatment satisfaction) were recorded at 12 weeks. Results: Sixty patients were recruited (mean age 43.7 [±SD 7.9] years; 83% female; mean years since multiple sclerosis diagnosis 6.7 [SD 4.5]). Adherence data were obtained in 54 patients only due to technical problems with six devices. Over 12 weeks, 89% (n=48) of patients had ≥90% adherence to treatment. Most patients experienced mild influenza-like symptoms and injection-site reactions, and global side effects were minimal. Most patients (78%) rated the convenience as the most important aspect of the device, and most experienced no or mild pain. Conclusion: RRMS patients treated with subcutaneous interferon beta-1a, administered with RebiSmart, demonstrated generally good adherence, and the treatment was generally well tolerated

    Dust vertical profile impact on global radiative forcing estimation using a coupled chemical-transport–radiative-transfer model

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    Atmospheric mineral dust particles exert significant direct radiative forcings and are important drivers of climate and climate change. We used the GEOS-Chem global three-dimensional chemical transport model (CTM) coupled with the Fu-Liou-Gu (FLG) radiative transfer model (RTM) to investigate the dust radiative forcing and heating rate based on different vertical profiles for April 2006. We attempt to actually quantify the sensitivities of radiative forcing to dust vertical profiles, especially the discrepancies between using realistic and climatological vertical profiles. In these calculations, dust emissions were constrained by observations of aerosol optical depth (AOD). The coupled calculations utilizing a more realistic dust vertical profile simulated by GEOS-Chem minimize the physical inconsistencies between 3-D CTM aerosol fields and the RTM. The use of GEOS-Chem simulated vertical profile of dust extinction, as opposed to the FLG prescribed vertical profile, leads to greater and more spatially heterogeneous changes in the estimated radiative forcing and heating rate produced by dust. Both changes can be attributed to a different vertical structure between dust and non-dust source regions. Values of the dust vertically resolved AOD per grid level (VRAOD) are much larger in the middle troposphere, though smaller at the surface when the GEOS-Chem simulated vertical profile is used, which leads to a much stronger heating rate in the middle troposphere. Compared to the FLG vertical profile, the use of GEOS-Chem vertical profile reduces the solar radiative forcing at the top of atmosphere (TOA) by approximately 0.2–0.25 W m−2 over the African and Asian dust source regions. While the Infrared (IR) radiative forcing decreases 0.2 W m−2 over African dust belt, it increases 0.06 W m−2 over the Asian dust belt when the GEOS-Chem vertical profile is used. Differences in the solar radiative forcing at the surface between the use of the GEOS-Chem and FLG vertical profiles are most significant over the Gobi desert with a value of about 1.1 W m−2. The radiative forcing effect of dust particles is more pronounced at the surface over the Sahara and Gobi deserts by using FLG vertical profile, while it is less significant over the downwind area of Eastern Asia

    Genetic Identity and Diversity of Apple Accessions within a Candidate Collection for the Norwegian National Clonal Germplasm Repository

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    In order to best conserve, as well as utilize, traditional apple germplasm in Norway, an apple heritage cultivar collection was established in Ullensvang, western Norway, which aims to become the National Clonal Germplasm Repository. The establishment of the apple heritage cultivar collection was preceded by a molecular study that aimed to genotype a large number of apple accessions maintained in various ex situ sites in western and south-eastern Norway, using a rather small set of eight SSR markers. However limited, the marker set managed to identify synonyms, homonyms, and duplicates within and among the investigated collections. In this study, 171 apple accessions from the Ullensvang apple heritage cultivar collection were genotyped using a set of 20 different SSR markers. Approximately half of the accessions have been previously genotyped using eight SSR markers, enabling an assessment of whether the use of a larger marker set would yield a more accurate characterization. Based on the obtained molecular data, the apple heritage cultivar collection was determined to hold a key part of the overall genetic diversity of the Norwegian apple germplasm. Furthermore, the twelve additional SSR markers were able to differentiate several accessions groups originally thought to be synonyms, as well as to provide a more detailed insight into the genetic structure of this germplasm. © 2022 by the authors

    On the early and developed stages of surface condensation: competition mechanism between interfacial and condensate bulk thermal resistances

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    Financial supports from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51406205), the Beijing Natural Science Foundation (3142021) and the Engineering and Physics Science Research Council (EPSRC) of the UK (EP/L001233/1) are acknowledged.Financial supports from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51406205), the Beijing Natural Science Foundation (3142021) and the Engineering and Physics Science Research Council (EPSRC) of the UK (EP/L001233/1) are acknowledged.Financial supports from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51406205), the Beijing Natural Science Foundation (3142021) and the Engineering and Physics Science Research Council (EPSRC) of the UK (EP/L001233/1) are acknowledged.We use molecular dynamics simulation to investigate the early and developed stages of surface condensation. We find that the liquid-vapor and solid-liquid interfacial thermal resistances depend on the properties of solid and fluid, which are time-independent, while the condensate bulk thermal resistance depends on the condensate thickness, which is time-dependent. There exists intrinsic competition between the interfacial and condensate bulk thermal resistances in timeline and the resultant total thermal resistance determines the condensation intensity for a given vapor-solid temperature difference. We reveal the competition mechanism that the interfacial thermal resistance dominates at the onset of condensation and holds afterwards while the condensate bulk thermal resistance gradually takes over with condensate thickness growing. The weaker the solid-liquid bonding, the later the takeover occurs. This competition mechanism suggests that only when the condensate bulk thermal resistance is reduced after it takes over the domination can the condensation be effectively intensified. We propose a unified theoretical model for the thermal resistance analysis by making dropwise condensation equivalent to filmwise condensation. We further find that near a critical point (contact angle being ca. 153°) the bulk thermal resistance has the least opportunity to take over the domination while away from it the probability increases.Financial supports from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51406205), the Beijing Natural Science Foundation (3142021) and the Engineering and Physics Science Research Council (EPSRC) of the UK (EP/L001233/1) are acknowledged

    In Vitro and In Vivo Performance of Plum (Prunus domestica L.) Pollen from the Anthers Stored at Distinct Temperatures for Different Periods

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    A study was conducted to investigate the effect of different storage periods and temperatures on pollen viability in vitro and in vivo in plum genotypes ‘Valerija’, ‘Čačanska Lepotica’ and ‘Valjevka’. In vitro pollen viability was tested at day 0 (fresh dry pollen) and after 3, 6, 9 and 12 months of storage at four different temperatures (4, −20, −80 and −196◦C), and in vivo after 12 months of storage at distinct temperatures. In vitro germination and fluorescein diacetate (FDA) staining methods were used to test pollen viability, while aniline blue staining was used for observing in vivo pollen tube growth. Fresh pollen germination and viability ranged from 42.35 to 63.79% (‘Valjevka’ and ‘Čačanska Lepotica’, respectively) and 54.58 to 62.15%, (‘Valjevka’ and ‘Valerija’, respectively). With storage at 4◦C, pollen viability and germination decreased over the period, with the lowest value after 12 months of storage. Pollen germination and viability for the other storage temperatures (−20, −80 and −196◦C) were higher than 30% by the end of the 12 months. Pollination using pollen stored at 4◦C showed that pollen tube growth mostly ended in the lower part of the style. With the other storage temperatures, pollen tube growth was similar, ranging between 50 and 100% of the pistils with pollen tubes penetrated into the nucellus of the ovule in the genotype ‘Čačanska Lepotica’. The results of these findings will have implications for plum pollen breeding and conservation. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Biochemical and structural features of diverse bacterial glucuronoyl esterases facilitating recalcitrant biomass conversion

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    BackgroundLignocellulose is highly recalcitrant to enzymatic deconstruction, where the recalcitrance primarily results from chemical linkages between lignin and carbohydrates. Glucuronoyl esterases (GEs) from carbohydrate esterase family 15 (CE15) have been suggested to play key roles in reducing lignocellulose recalcitrance by cleaving covalent ester bonds found between lignin and glucuronoxylan. However, only a limited number of GEs have been biochemically characterized and structurally determined to date, limiting our understanding of these enzymes and their potential exploration.ResultsTen CE15 enzymes from three bacterial species, sharing as little as 20% sequence identity, were characterized on a range of model substrates; two protein structures were solved, and insights into their regulation and biological roles were gained through gene expression analysis and enzymatic assays on complex biomass. Several enzymes with higher catalytic efficiencies on a wider range of model substrates than previously characterized fungal GEs were identified. Similarities and differences regarding substrate specificity between the investigated GEs were observed and putatively linked to their positioning in the CE15 phylogenetic tree. The bacterial GEs were able to utilize substrates lacking 4-OH methyl substitutions, known to be important for fungal enzymes. In addition, certain bacterial GEs were able to efficiently cleave esters of galacturonate, a functionality not previously described within the family. The two solved structures revealed similar overall folds to known structures, but also indicated active site regions allowing for more promiscuous substrate specificities. The gene expression analysis demonstrated that bacterial GE-encoding genes were differentially expressed as response to different carbon sources. Further, improved enzymatic saccharification of milled corn cob by a commercial lignocellulolytic enzyme cocktail when supplemented with GEs showcased their synergistic potential with other enzyme types on native biomass.ConclusionsBacterial GEs exhibit much larger diversity than fungal counterparts. In this study, we significantly expanded the existing knowledge on CE15 with the in-depth characterization of ten bacterial GEs broadly spanning the phylogenetic tree, and also presented two novel enzyme structures. Variations in transcriptional responses of CE15-encoding genes under different growth conditions suggest nonredundant functions for enzymes found in species with multiple CE15 genes and further illuminate the importance of GEs in native lignin–carbohydrate disassembly

    Nanofluidic transport governed by the liquid/vapour interface

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    Liquid/vapour interfaces govern the behaviour of a wide range of systems but remain poorly understood, leaving ample margin for the exploitation of intriguing functionalities for applications. Here, we systematically investigate the role of liquid/vapour interfaces in the transport of water across apposing liquid menisci in osmosis membranes comprising short hydrophobic nanopores that separate two fluid reservoirs. We show experimentally that mass transport is limited by molecular reflection from the liquid/vapour interface below a certain length scale, which depends on the transmission probability of water molecules across the nanopores and on the condensation probability of a water molecule incident on the liquid surface. This fundamental yet elusive condensation property of water is measured under near-equilibrium conditions and found to decrease from 0.36 ± 0.21 at 30 °C to 0.18 ± 0.09 at 60 °C. These findings define the regime in which liquid/vapour interfaces govern nanofluidic transport and have implications for understanding mass transport in nanofluidic devices, droplets and bubbles, biological components and porous media involving liquid/vapour interfaces.Center for Clean Water and Clean Energy at MIT and KFUPM (Project R10-CW-09

    Clinical emergence of neurometastatic merkel cell carcinoma: a surgical case series and literature review

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    Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is a rare cutaneous neuroendocrine neoplasm of possible viral origin and is known for its aggressive behavior. The incidence of MCC has increased in the last 15 years. Merkel cell carcinoma has the potential to metastasize, but rarely involves the central nervous system. Herein, we report three consecutive surgical cases of MCC presenting at a single institution within 1 year. We used intracavitary BCNU wafers (Gliadel®) in two cases. Pathological features, including CK20 positivity, consistent with MCC, were present in all cases. We found 33 published cases of MCC with CNS involvement. We suggest that the incidence of neurometastatic MCC may be increasing, parallel to the increasing incidence of primary MCC. We propose a role for intracavitary BCNU wafers in the treatment of intra-axial neurometastatic MCC

    Biofield Therapies: Helpful or Full of Hype? A Best Evidence Synthesis

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    Biofield therapies (such as Reiki, therapeutic touch, and healing touch) are complementary medicine modalities that remain controversial and are utilized by a significant number of patients, with little information regarding their efficacy. This systematic review examines 66 clinical studies with a variety of biofield therapies in different patient populations. We conducted a quality assessment as well as a best evidence synthesis approach to examine evidence for biofield therapies in relevant outcomes for different clinical populations. Studies overall are of medium quality, and generally meet minimum standards for validity of inferences. Biofield therapies show strong evidence for reducing pain intensity in pain populations, and moderate evidence for reducing pain intensity hospitalized and cancer populations. There is moderate evidence for decreasing negative behavioral symptoms in dementia and moderate evidence for decreasing anxiety for hospitalized populations. There is equivocal evidence for biofield therapies' effects on fatigue and quality of life for cancer patients, as well as for comprehensive pain outcomes and affect in pain patients, and for decreasing anxiety in cardiovascular patients. There is a need for further high-quality studies in this area. Implications and future research directions are discussed