16 research outputs found

    Gene Expression Profiling of Corpus luteum Reveals Important Insights about Early Pregnancy in Domestic Sheep

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    The majority of pregnancy loss in ruminants occurs during the preimplantation stage, which is thus the most critical period determining reproductive success. Here, we performed a comparative transcriptome study by sequencing total mRNA from corpus luteum (CL) collected during the preimplantation stage of pregnancy in Finnsheep, Texel and F1 crosses. A total of 21,287 genes were expressed in our data. Highly expressed autosomal genes in the CL were associated with biological processes such as progesterone formation (STAR, CYP11A1, and HSD3B1) and embryo implantation (e.g., TIMP1, TIMP2 and TCTP). Among the list of differentially expressed genes, sialic acid-binding immunoglobulin (Ig)-like lectins (SIGLEC3, SIGLEC14, SIGLEC8), ribosomal proteins (RPL17, RPL34, RPS3A, MRPS33) and chemokines (CCL5, CCL24, CXCL13, CXCL9) were upregulated in Finnsheep, while four multidrug resistance-associated proteins (MRPs) were upregulated in Texel ewes. A total of 17 known genes and two uncharacterized noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) were differentially expressed in breed-wise comparisons owing to the flushing diet effect. The significantly upregulated TXNL1 gene indicated potential for embryonic diapause in Finnsheep and F1. Moreover, we report, for the first time in any species, several genes that are active in the CL during early pregnancy (including TXNL1, SIGLEC14, SIGLEC8, MRP4, and CA5A).202

    Differences in Adipose Gene Expression Profiles between Male and Female Even Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) in Sakha (Yakutia)

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    Reindeer are native to harsh northern Eurasian environments which are characterized by long and cold winters, short summers, and limited pasture vegetation. Adipose tissues play a significant role in these animals by modulating energy metabolism, immunity, and reproduction. Here, we have investigated the transcriptome profiles of metacarpal, perirenal, and prescapular adipose tissues in Even reindeer and searched for genes that were differentially expressed in male and female individuals. A total of 15,551 genes were expressed, where the transcriptome profile of metacarpal adipose tissue was found to be distinct from that of perirenal and prescapular adipose tissues. Interestingly, 10 genes, including PRDM9, which is known to have an important role in adaptation and speciation in reindeer, were always upregulated in all three tissues of male reindeer

    Whole-genome sequencing provides novel insights into the evolutionary history and genetic adaptation of reindeer populations in northern Eurasia

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    Domestic reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) play a vital role in the culture and livelihoods of indigenous people across northern Eurasia. These animals are well adapted to harsh environmental conditions, such as extreme cold, limited feed availability and long migration distances. Therefore, understanding the genomics of reindeer is crucial for improving their management, conservation and utilisation. In this study, we have generated a new genome assembly for the Fennoscandian domestic reindeer with high contiguity, making it the most complete reference genome for reindeer to date. The new genome assembly was utilised to explore genetic diversity, population structure and selective sweeps in Eurasian Rangifer tarandus populations which was based on the largest population genomic dataset for reindeer, encompassing 58 individuals from diverse populations. Phylogenetic analyses revealed distinct genetic clusters, with the Finnish wild forest reindeer (Rangifer tarandus fennicus) standing out as a unique subspecies. Divergence time estimates suggested a separation of ~ 52 thousand years ago (Kya) between the northern European Rangifer tarandus fennicus and Rangifer tarandus tarandus. Our study identified four main genetic clusters: Fennoscandian, the eastern/northern Russian and Alaskan group, the Finnish forest reindeer, and the Svalbard reindeer. Furthermore, two independent reindeer domestication processes were inferred, suggesting separate origins for the domestic Fennoscandian and eastern/northern Russian reindeer. Notably, shared genes under selection, including retroviral genes, point towards molecular domestication processes that aided adaptation of this species to diverse environments

    Genomic characterization of northern Eurasian cattle (Bos taurus) and reindeer (Rangifer tarandus)

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    Arktiset olosuhteet muokkasivat poron ja pohjoisten alkuperäisnautojen perimää

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    Arktiset olosuhteet muokkasivat poron perimän

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