180 research outputs found

    Inter-regional correlation in tree-growth variations in the western United States, 1513-1964, at ENSO, sunspot, and longer frequency bands

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    Cross-spectral analysis of regional tree-ring data suggests the spatial pattern of correlation between moisture variations in the Sierra Nevada of central California and in other parts of the western United States is frequency dependent. Short wavelengths (2.8 to 10.7 years), perhaps associated with El Niño/Southern Oscillation, are strongly coherent both to the north (Oregon) and to the south (Southern California). Longer wavelengths (45 to 75 years) are strongly coherent only to the north. Frequency bands corresponding to annual sunspot series were associated with relatively weak patterns of spatial correlation

    Nutritional environment at secondary schools in Bloemfontein, South Africa

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    Objective: The objective was to determine the nutritional environment at secondary schools in Bloemfontein, Free State province.Design: This was a cross-sectional, descriptive study.Subjects and setting: The subjects were secondary school principals in Bloemfontein, Free State province, in 2006.Method: Principals of 10 secondary schools who were already participating in a larger study on 26 schools completed structured questionnaireson nutrition practices.Results: Four schools utilised nutrition education programmes. None had vending machines. Two schools sold dairy products. Biscuits andchocolates were sold at eight schools, and sweets, crisps and fast food at all of the schools.Conclusion: The nutrition environment at Bloemfontein secondary schools does not support healthy eating habits. Nutrition policies need tobe introduced to improve the nutritional environment at schools as the available food for learners at the tuck shops and/or via the vendorswas mostly unhealthy

    Inferences from tree rings on low frequency variations in runoff in the interior western United States

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    EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Low frequency variations in runoff, AD 1700-1964, in the interior western United States are inferred from smoothed tree-ring series averaged over north, central, and south regions. ... Relative locations of peaks and troughs in streamflow, precipitation, temperature, and tree-ring series suggest that annual precipitation and warm season evapotranspiration variations may both be important to low frequency fluctuations in tree growth and in streamflow

    Process based model sheds light on climate sensitivity of Mediterranean tree-ring width

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    We use the process-based VS (Vaganov-Shashkin) model to investigate whether a regional <i>Pinus halepensis</i> tree-ring chronology from Tunisia can be simulated as a function of climate alone by employing a biological model linking day length and daily temperature and precipitation (AD 1959–2004) from a climate station to ring-width variations. We check performance of the model on independent data by a validation exercise in which the model's parameters are tuned using data for 1982–2004 and the model is applied to generate tree-ring indices for 1959–1981. The validation exercise yields a highly significant positive correlation between the residual chronology and estimated growth curve (<i>r</i>=0.76 <i>p</i><0.0001, <i>n</i>=23). The model shows that the average duration of the growing season is 191 days, with considerable variation from year to year. On average, soil moisture limits tree-ring growth for 128 days and temperature for 63 days. Model results depend on chosen values of parameters, in particular a parameter specifying a balance ratio between soil moisture and precipitation. Future work in the Mediterranean region should include multi-year natural experiments to verify patterns of cambial-growth variation suggested by the VS model


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    Masalah gizi kurang sangat tinggi di NTT. Salah satu intervensi yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan pemberian makanan inovatif dan menarik yang diperkaya dengan vitamin dan mineral. Salah satu tanaman yang kaya akan vitamin dan mineral adalah kelor (Moringa oleifera). Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh pemberian pudding sari daun kelor terhadap perubahan status gizi anak di SD Inpres Noelbaki Kabupaten Kupang. Metode penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental dengan rancangan pre-test and post-test with kontrol group yang dilakukan pada anak sekolah dasar berusia 10-12 tahun di SD Inpres Noelbaki Kabupaten Kupang. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan probability sampling dengan jumlah sampel 66 anak, yang terdiri dari 33 anak pada kelompok perlakuan dan 33 anak pada kontrol. Pada kelompok perlakuan diberikan puding sari daun kelor selama 14 hari. Uji analisis yang digunakan adalah Paired T test untuk membandingkan perubahan nilai Pre-Post setiap kelompok dan Unpaired T Test untuk membandingkan nilai akhir kelompok Intervensi - kontrol. Hasil dari penelitian ini  terdapat peningkatan status gizi yang signifikan pada kelompok perlakuan setelah diberikan pudding sari daun selama 14 hari. Pada kelompok terdapat 33 anak mengalami peningkatan satatus gizi. Sedangkan pada kelompok control hanya terdapat 3 anak mengalami peningkatan status gizi. Pada kelompok intervensi terdapat perubahan yang signifikan (p<0,05) dan pada kelompok control tidak didapatkan adanya perubahan yang signifikan setelah dilakukan penelitian selama 14 hari. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian ini terdapat pengaruh pemberian pudding sari daun kelor terhadap perubahan status gizi anak di SD Inpres Noelbaki Kabupaten Kupang (p<0,05) dengan cara meningkatkan nafsu makan ana


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    The purpose of this study is to determine the low ability of students in beginning reading due to several problems, namely students lacking to unite letters even though they already know letters, teachers still use conventional methods and strategies and do not use the right media in learning to read, so in this study there are three problems that will be examined as follows how the implementation of learning by using word card media improves the ability to read beginning, how are the learning outcomes of students in beginning reading through learning by using word card media, what obstacles are encountered in learning to read beginning by using word card media and how to overcome them This research is in the form of classroom action research using qualitative descriptive methods. The subjects were teachers and first grade students of SDN Pakis V Surabaya, totaling 29 students. This research design went through three stages, namely planning, implementation and observation, and reflection. This research was conducted in two cycles with each cycle having two meetings. Data collection techniques using observation sheets, test sheets and field notes. The results of the research in cycle I, for the implementation of learning reached 73.6%, the classical student learning outcomes were 73.6%, and the field notes were that the teacher needed to manage time well and students were not used to learning with word card media. The results of the research in cycle II were for the implementation of learning 93.6%, student learning outcomes 89.4%, and field notes that the teacher was good at managing time in learning and students were able to accept learning well and enthusiastically. From these results it can be concluded that using word card media can improve learning implementation to improve early reading skills

    Kongres Bahasa Indonesia 8 Panel

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    Biogeographic, Atmospheric, and Climatic Factors Influencing Tree Growth in Mediterranean Aleppo Pine Forests

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    There is a lack of knowledge on how tree species respond to climatic constraints like water shortages and related atmospheric patterns across broad spatial and temporal scales. These assessments are needed to project which populations will better tolerate or respond to global warming across the tree species distribution range. Warmer and drier conditions have been forecasted for the Mediterranean Basin, where Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensisMill.) is the most widely distributed conifer in dry sites. This species shows plastic growth responses to climate, being particularly sensitive to drought. We evaluated how 32 Aleppo pine forests responded to climate during the second half of the 20th century by using dendrochronology. Climatic constraints of radial growth were inferred by fitting the Vaganov-Shashkin (VS-Lite) growth model to ring-width data from our Aleppo pine forest network. Our findings reported that Aleppo pine growth decreased and showed the highest common coherence among trees in dry, continental sites located in southeastern and eastern inland Spain and Algeria. In contrast, growth increased in wetter sites located in northeastern Spain. Overall, across the Aleppo pine network tree growth was enhanced by prior wet winters and cool and wet springs, whilst warm summers were associated with less growth. The relationships between site ring-width chronologies were higher in nearby forests. This explains why Aleppo pine growth was distinctly linked to indices of atmospheric circulation patterns depending on the geographical location of the forests. The western forests were more influenced by moisture and temperature conditions driven by the Western Mediterranean Oscillation (WeMO) and the Northern Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), the southern forests by the East Atlantic (EA) and the august NAO, while the Balearic, Tunisian and northeastern sites by the Arctic Oscillation (AO) and the Scandinavian pattern (SCA). The climatic constraints for Aleppo pine tree growth and its biogeographical variability were well captured by the VS-Lite model. The model performed better in dry and continental sites, showing strong growth coherence between trees and climatic limitations of growth. Further research using similar broad-scale approaches to climate-growth relationships in drought-prone regions deserves more attention

    Biogeographic, atmospheric, and climatic factors influencing tree growth in Mediterranean Aleppo pine forests

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    There is a lack of knowledge on how tree species respond to climatic constraintslike water shortages and related atmospheric patterns across broad spatial and temporal scales.These assessments are needed to project which populations will better tolerate or respond to globalwarming across the tree species distribution range. Warmer and drier conditions have been forecastedfor the Mediterranean Basin, where Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensisMill.) is the most widely distributedconifer in dry sites. This species shows plastic growth responses to climate, being particularly sensitiveto drought. We evaluated how 32 Aleppo pine forests responded to climate during the second half ofthe 20th century by using dendrochronology. Climatic constraints of radial growth were inferred byfitting the Vaganov-Shashkin (VS-Lite) growth model to ring-width data from our Aleppo pine forestnetwork. Our findings reported that Aleppo pine growth decreased and showed the highest commoncoherence among trees in dry, continental sites located in southeastern and eastern inland Spain andAlgeria. In contrast, growth increased in wetter sites located in northeastern Spain. Overall, across theAleppo pine network tree growth was enhanced by prior wet winters and cool and wet springs,whilst warm summers were associated with less growth. The relationships between site ring-widthchronologies were higher in nearby forests. This explains why Aleppo pine growth was distinctlylinked to indices of atmospheric circulation patterns depending on the geographical location of theforests. The western forests were more influenced by moisture and temperature conditions drivenby the Western Mediterranean Oscillation (WeMO) and the Northern Atlantic Oscillation (NAO),the southern forests by the East Atlantic (EA) and the august NAO, while the Balearic, Tunisian andnortheastern sites by the Arctic Oscillation (AO) and the Scandinavian pattern (SCA). The climaticconstraints for Aleppo pine tree growth and its biogeographical variability were well captured by theVS-Lite model. The model performed better in dry and continental sites, showing strong growthcoherence between trees and climatic limitations of growth. Further research using similar broad-scaleapproaches to climate-growth relationships in drought-prone regions deserves more attention
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