6 research outputs found

    Physical Fitness of the bodyguards of the Police of the Czech Republic

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    Title of the work: Phycical fitness of personal protectors of the Police of the Czech Republic. Objectives: The main aim of the work was to determine and evaluate the profile of physical fitness of the members of the Close Protection Division, Protective Services of the Police of the Czech Republic. Methods: The work has character of emprical research, its main method was observation. Research sample was composed of 21members (age range 28-55) of the Close Protection Division of Protection Service of the Police of Czech Republic. Within complex testing were used non-invasive methods (anthropomotoric testing, analysis of body composition, anaerobic and aerobic testing, tests for local power and tests of reactivity). An invasive method was also used to test a capillary blood sample to determine the cholesterol level and the postworkout lactate level in blood. Somatic factors were eveluated individualy (antropometry, somatotype, body composition). Conditioning claims were also evaluated (anaerobic, aerobic, lokal power). Within psychophysiological requirements as tested reactivity on acustic and optical signal and as a last there were found out information from health area, blood pressure was measured and compared to level of cholesterol of research sample. Results: The results of observation has..

    Crossfit in military and firemen unit in the Czech Republic

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    TITLE OF THE WORK The use of CrossFit in armed forces and fire brigade in the Czech Republic. DEFINITION OF THE PROBLEM This work focuses primarily on the detection of awareness of the members of the Czech Republic army, of the Czech Republic police and of the Czech Republic fire brigade about the CrossFit as possible way of training which leads to better physical condition according to present rules and legal norms of system of physical trainig, as well as in present practiced form of physical training. MAIN GOALS The main objective is to determine what is the awareness of CrossFit in the CzechArmy, Police of the Czech Republic and finally the Fire Brigade of the Czech Republic. At the same time, this work aims to find out how CrossFit used in these folders. PLAN OF PROCESSING At the beggining of bachelor theses will be introduced CrossFit as complex, all-purpose program and life style. Next will be introduced phylosophy of changes of tests of motorical abilities of soldiers of US army and present incorporation of CrossFitt in to the physical preparation of most of the troops acting in USA. As further will be introduced to complete the implementation of the system of physical training at the OS operating in the Czech Republic and the Fire and Rescue Service in the Czech Republic. To determine the..

    Gas engine with electronic control system :$beng

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    Crossfit in military and firemen unit in the Czech Republic

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    TITLE OF THE WORK The use of CrossFit in armed forces and fire brigade in the Czech Republic. DEFINITION OF THE PROBLEM This work focuses primarily on the detection of awareness of the members of the Czech Republic army, of the Czech Republic police and of the Czech Republic fire brigade about the CrossFit as possible way of training which leads to better physical condition according to present rules and legal norms of system of physical trainig, as well as in present practiced form of physical training. MAIN GOALS The main objective is to determine what is the awareness of CrossFit in the CzechArmy, Police of the Czech Republic and finally the Fire Brigade of the Czech Republic. At the same time, this work aims to find out how CrossFit used in these folders. PLAN OF PROCESSING At the beggining of bachelor theses will be introduced CrossFit as complex, all-purpose program and life style. Next will be introduced phylosophy of changes of tests of motorical abilities of soldiers of US army and present incorporation of CrossFitt in to the physical preparation of most of the troops acting in USA. As further will be introduced to complete the implementation of the system of physical training at the OS operating in the Czech Republic and the Fire and Rescue Service in the Czech Republic. To determine the..

    Nakládání s vodami v evropsky významné lokalitě Krkonoše a jeho potencionální vliv na populace vranky obecné =Water-use in SCI Krkonoše and its potential impact on population of the European Bullhead

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    Nakládání s vodami na území evropsky významné lokality (EVL) Krkonoše, kde je jedním z předmětů ochrany vranka obecná (Cottus gobio), je orientováno na provozy malých vodních elektráren, čerpání vod pro zasněžování lyžařských areálů a vodárenské účely. V povodí Jizery, Labe a Úpy je evidováno celkem 201 případů nakládání s vodami. Ty v různé míře způsobují změnu hydrologických poměrů a dalších charakteristik vodních ekosystémů. Stávající praxe správy vodních toků a vodoprávních řízení není koncepčně ukotvená a jejím důsledkem je snižující se kvalita stanovišť vodních toků. Je proto nutné nastavit přísnější pravidla, která budou zároveň jasnější pro investory. Jako zásadní se jeví budoucí nastavení právní legislativy vedoucí ke sjednocení postupu správních úřadů při přípravě manipulačních řádů odběrných zařízení pro celá povodí a k revizi stávajících povolení k nakládání s vodami. Klíčové je přitom vhodné nastavení hodnot minimálního zůstatkového průtoku v jednotlivých profi lech a určení technologie odběru vody, včetně možného maxima jejího čerpání.113