5,679 research outputs found

    Neutrinos, Axions and Conformal Symmetry

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    We demonstrate that radiative breaking of conformal symmetry (and simultaneously electroweak symmetry) in the Standard Model with right-chiral neutrinos and a minimally enlarged scalar sector induces spontaneous breaking of lepton number symmetry, which naturally gives rise to an axion-like particle with some unusual features. The couplings of this `axion' to Standard Model particles, in particular photons and gluons, are entirely determined (and computable) via the conformal anomaly, and their smallness turns out to be directly related to the smallness of the masses of light neutrinos.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, expanded version, to be published in EPJ

    (B-L) Symmetry vs. Neutrino Seesaw

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    We compute the effective coupling of the Majoron to W bosons at \cO(\hbar) by evaluating the matrix element of the (B-L) current between the vacuum and a W+WW^+W^- state. The (B-L) anomaly vanishes, but the amplitude does not vanish as a result of a UV finite and non-local contribution which is entirely due to the mixing between left-chiral and right-chiral neutrinos. The result shows how anomaly-like couplings may arise in spite of the fact that the (B-L) current remains exactly conserved to all orders in \hbar, lending additional support to our previous proposal to identify the Majoron with the axion.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure, with additional explanations and clarification

    The status quo of research on South Africa’s water resource management institutions

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    The South African water resource management institutional landscape has seen some dramatic changes since the new dispensation came into power in 1994. Not only have legislation and policies changed, but there has also been a significant increase in the number of non-state actors in the policy development process. Water resource governance has therefore become more complex and its regulatory component is being implemented by a number of legislative institutions: catchment management agencies, water user associations, irrigation boards, and international water management bodies. Policy development is influenced by a myriad of non-state actors, scientists included. A comprehensive literature review of research on water resource management institutions published between 1997 and 2011 shows that scientists are focusing predominantly on catchment management agencies and aspects regarding their institutionalisation and organisational functionality. There is much less of a focus on other entities, such as advisory committees, international water management bodies, irrigation boards, the water tribunal and water user associations. What the review has also revealed is that research on water resource management institutions has been conducted predominantly by scientists from the natural sciences. There is therefore an evident need for a research focus on water resource management institutions other than catchment management agencies. In addition, there should be a focus on informal aspects of water resource governance and new theoretical developments, also from disciplines other than the natural sciences, in the fields of water resource governance and politics.Keywords: Water resource management institutions, literature review, catchment management agencies,water user associations, legislation, irrigation boards, catchment forums, international water management bodie

    B=3 Tetrahedrally Symmetric Solitons in the Chiral Quark Soliton Model

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    In this paper, B=3 soliton solutions with tetrahedral symmetry are obtained numerically in the chiral quark soliton model using the rational map ansatz. The solution exhibits a triply degenerate bound spectrum of the quark orbits in the background of tetrahedrally symmetric pion field configuration. The corresponding baryon density is tetrahedral in shape. Our numerical technique is independent on the baryon number and its application to B4B \geq 4 is straightforward.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Bose Condensation and the BTZ Black Hole

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    Although all popular approaches to quantum gravity are able to recover the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy-area law in the thermodynamic limit, there are significant differences in their descriptions of the microstates and in the application of statistics. Therefore they can have significantly different phenomenological implications. For example, requiring indistinguishability of the elementary degrees of freedom should lead to changes in the black hole's radiative porperties away from the thermodynamic limit and at low temperatures. We demonstrate this for the Ba\~nados-Teitelboim-Zanelli (BTZ) black hole. The energy eigenstates and statistical entropy in the thermodynamic limit of the BTZ black hole were obtained earlier by us via symmetry reduced canonical quantum gravity. In that model the BTZ black hole behaves as a system of Bosonic mass shells moving in a one dimensional harmonic trap. Bose condensation does not occur in the thermodynamic limit but this system possesses a finite critical temperature, TcT_c, and exhibits a large condensate fraction below TcT_c when the number of shells is finite.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures. Published versio

    Domain walls without cosmological constant in higher order gravity

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    We consider a class of higher order corrections with arbitrary power nn of the curvature tensor to the standard gravity action in arbitrary space-time dimension DD. The corrections are in the form of Euler densities and are unique at each nn and DD. We present a generating functional and an explicit form of the corresponding conserved energy-momentum tensors. The case of conformally flat metrics is discussed in detail. We show that this class of corrections allows for domain wall solutions since, despite the presence of higher powers of the curvature tensor, the singularity structure at the wall is of the same type as in the standard gravity. However, models with higher order corrections have larger set of domain wall solutions and the existence of these solutions no longer depends on the presence of cosmological constants. We find for example that the Randall-Sundrum scenario can be realized without any need for bulk and/or brane cosmological constant.Comment: latex, 10 pages, introduction extended, references added, typos correcte

    A Model of Graceful Exit in String Cosmology

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    We construct, for the first time, a model of graceful exit transition from a dilaton-driven inflationary phase to a decelerated Friedman-Robertson-Walker era. Exploiting a demonstration that classical corrections can stabilize a high curvature string phase while the evolution is still in the weakly coupled regime, we show that if additional terms of the type that may result from quantum corrections to the string effective action exist, and induce violation of the null energy condition, then evolution towards a decelerated Friedman-Robertson-Walker phase is possible. We also observe that stabilizing the dilaton at a fixed value, either by capture in a potential minimum or by radiation production, may require that these quantum corrections are turned off, perhaps by non-perturbative effects or higher order contributions which overturn the null energy condition violation.Comment: 17 pages including 9 figures, RevTeX. Uses epsfi

    O(d,d) invariance at two and three loops

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    We show that in a two-dimensional sigma-model whose fields only depend on one target space co-ordinate, the O(d,d) invariance of the conformal invariance conditions observed at one loop is preserved at two loops (in the general case with torsion) and at three loops (in the case without torsion).Comment: 21 pages. Plain Tex. Uses Harvmac ("b" option). Revised Version with references added and minor errors correcte

    Plasma Magnetohydrodynamics and Energy Conversion

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    Contains reports on four research projects.United States Air Force, Aeronautical Systems Division (Contract AF33(616)-7624)United States Air Force, Aeronautical Systems Division, Aeronautical Accessories Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (Contract AF33(616)-7624


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    Health funding  the writing on the wall - A personal viewAcute intermittent porphyria an underdiagnosed cause of abdominal painBottled dange