276 research outputs found

    The role of c-Jun in controlling the EPAC1-dependent induction of the SOCS3 gene in HUVECs

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    The cyclic AMP sensor, EPAC1, activates AP1-mediated transcription in HUVECs. Correspondingly, induction of the SOCS3 minimal promoter by EPAC1 requires a single AP1 site that constitutively binds phosphorylated (Ser63) c-Jun in DNA-pull-down assays. c-Jun (Ser63) becomes further phosphorylated following cyclic AMP stimulation and specific activation of protein kinase A (PKA), but not through selective activation of EPAC1. Moreover, despite a requirement for c-Jun for SOCS3 induction in fibroblasts, phospho-null c-Jun (Ser63/73Ala) had little effect on SOCS3 induction by cyclic AMP in HUVECs. AP1 activation and SOCS3 induction by EPAC1 in HUVECs therefore occur independently of c-Jun phosphorylation on Ser63

    Improvement in the Reproducibility and Accuracy of DNA Microarray Quantification by Optimizing Hybridization Conditions

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    BACKGROUND: DNA microarrays, which have been increasingly used to monitor mRNA transcripts at a global level, can provide detailed insight into cellular processes involved in response to drugs and toxins. This is leading to new understandings of signaling networks that operate in the cell, and the molecular basis of diseases. Custom printed oligonucleotide arrays have proven to be an effective way to facilitate the applications of DNA microarray technology. A successful microarray experiment, however, involves many steps: well-designed oligonucleotide probes, printing, RNA extraction and labeling, hybridization, and imaging. Optimization is essential to generate reliable microarray data. RESULTS: Hybridization and washing steps are crucial for a successful microarray experiment. By following the hybridization and washing conditions recommended by an oligonucleotide provider, it was found that the expression ratios were compressed greater than expected and data analysis revealed a high degree of non-specific binding. A series of experiments was conducted using rat mixed tissue RNA reference material (MTRRM) and other RNA samples to optimize the hybridization and washing conditions. The optimized hybridization and washing conditions greatly reduced the non-specific binding and improved the accuracy of spot intensity measurements. CONCLUSION: The results from the optimized hybridization and washing conditions greatly improved the reproducibility and accuracy of expression ratios. These experiments also suggested the importance of probe designs using better bioinformatics approaches and the need for common reference RNA samples for platform performance evaluation in order to fulfill the potential of DNA microarray technology

    Cell-Type Specific Expression of a Dominant Negative PKA Mutation in Mice

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    We employed the Cre recombinase/loxP system to create a mouse line in which PKA activity can be inhibited in any cell-type that expresses Cre recombinase. The mouse line carries a mutant Prkar1a allele encoding a glycine to aspartate substitution at position 324 in the carboxy-terminal cAMP-binding domain (site B). This mutation produces a dominant negative RIα regulatory subunit (RIαB) and leads to inhibition of PKA activity. Insertion of a loxP-flanked neomycin cassette in the intron preceding the site B mutation prevents expression of the mutant RIαB allele until Cre-mediated excision of the cassette occurs. Embryonic stem cells expressing RIαB demonstrated a reduction in PKA activity and inhibition of cAMP-responsive gene expression. Mice expressing RIαB in hepatocytes exhibited reduced PKA activity, normal fasting induced gene expression, and enhanced glucose disposal. Activation of the RIαB allele in vivo provides a novel system for the analysis of PKA function in physiology

    Comparison of serum hepatitis B virus replication markers in patients with chronic hepatitis B: studies on HBeAg/Anti-HBe system, viral dna polymerase and HBV-DNA

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    The detection of HBV-DNA in serum by molecular hybridization is the most sensitive and specific marker of replication and infectivity of hepatitis B virus and currently is proposed as a routine diagnostic technique in the follow-up of HBV - related diseases. Comparing different techniques already described, we found that direct spotting of serum samples on nitrocellulose membranes under vacuum filtration, followed by denaturing and neutralizing washes is more practical, simple, sensible and reproducible. DNA polymerase assay using phosphonoformic acid as specific viral inhibitor has shown 86.8% of concordance with HBV-DNA detection, and so, it is an useful alternative in the follow-up of hepatitis B chronic patients. We found 19.2% HBeAg positive samples with no other markers of viral replication and no anti-HBe positive sample had detectable HBV-DNA. Discordance between the 2 systems have been extensively described, and we confirm this for the first time in our country. Molecular biological techniques are essential to determine the replication status of chronic hepatitis B patients.A detecção do genoma do HBV no soro por hibridização molecular é o mais sensível e específico marcador da replicação e infectividade do HBV, sendo sua utilização proposta como técnica rotineira no acompanhamento de doenças relacionadas a este vírus. Comparando diferentes técnicas descritas anteriormente, escolhemos a deposição direta das amostras séricas sobre a membrana de nitrocelulose sob filtração a vácuo, seguida de banhos desnaturantes e neutralisantes como mais prática e simples, com sensibilidade equivalente. O ensaio da DNA polimerase usando ácido fosfonofórmico como inibidor virai específico mostrou 86.8% de concordância com a detecção direta do DNA viral, sendo, portanto, uma alternativa viável no acompanhamento de pacientes com hepatite crônica B. Encontramos 19,2% das amostras AgHBe positivos sem outros marcadores de replicação viral. Por outro lado, nenhuma amostra anti-HBe positiva teve HBV-DNA detectável. Discordância entre estes dois sistemas foi extensamente descrita, e confirmamos pela primeira vez este fato em pacientes com hepatite crônica B em nosso país. Técnicas de biologia molecular são, portanto, fundamentais na determinação da replicação viral em cada paciente


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    In this study, we detected Leishmania spp. infection in R. sanguineus collected from dogs that were naturally infected with L. (L.) infantum. We examined 35 dogs of both sexes and unknown ages. The infected dogs were serologically positive by the immunofluorescence antibody test (IFAT), enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and Quick Test-DPP (Dual Path Platform), as well as parasitological examination of a positive skin biopsy or sternal bone marrow aspiration. Ten negative dogs were included as controls. The ticks that infested these dogs were collected in pools of 10 adult females per animal. The PCR was performed with specific primers for Leishmania spp., which amplified a 720-bp fragment. Of the 35 analyzed samples, a product was observed in eight samples (8/35; 22.9%). We conclude that the presence of parasite DNA suggests that ticks participate in the zoonotic cycle of canine visceral leishmaniasis, in the city of Teresina, Piauí