52 research outputs found

    Serum Vitamin D, PTH, and Calcium Levels in Patients with and without Early Childhood Caries

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    Purpose: The purpose was to determine differences in serum vitamin D, parathyroid hormone (PTH), and calcium levels between patients with early childhood caries (ECC) and patients without dental decay. Materials and Methods: Serum vitamin D, PTH, and calcium levels were obtained from 30 children without dental decay who acted as controls and 60 children with ECC. A questionnaire was filled out by the parent/guardian of each participant consisting of questions regarding medical and dental history, exposure to sources of vitamin D and demographic information. Results: The difference in the vitamin D levels of the participants was most strongly associated with race. African American participants demonstrated lower levels of vitamin D than non-African Americans. After adjusting for race- related differences there was no significant difference in the Vitamin D levels in the ECC cases and the healthy controls. Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that vitamin D levels, at least among non-African Americans, are unrelated to caries development. Future research in this area must control for important confounding factors such as skin pigmentation, season of measurement of serum vitamin D, sun exposure, fluoride exposure, water fluoridation status and tooth brushing in order to allow for vitamin D levels to be better tested against caries experience

    Produtividade e valor nutritivo de pasto de capim-elefante manejado sob princípios agroecológicos.

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    Objetivou-se avaliar o valor nutritivo do capim-elefante, quanto aos teores de PB e FDN e a digestibilidade in vitro da MS (DIVMS), submetido a algumas práticas agroecológicas. Foram usados dois piquetes (0,15 ha cada), onde foi estabelecido o capim-elefante, em 2001, com espaçamento entrelinhas de três metros. Nas entrelinhas, estabeleceram-se aveia (Avena strigosa Schreb.) e azevém (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) no período hibernal e, no estival, permitiu-se o desenvolvimento de espécies de crescimento espontâneo. A adubação foi feita com fertilizantes orgânicos (150 kg de N /ha). No período experimental (24/04/2004 a 05/05/2005), foram conduzidos sete pastejos. Os animais experimentais foram vacas da raça Holandesa que receberam, como complementação alimentar, 3,5 kg/dia de concentrado. Avaliaram-se a massa de forragem inicial, composição botânica do pasto e os componentes estruturais. Para as análises de valor nutritivo do pasto, foram feitas amostragens simulando o pastejo. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos ao acaso com duas repetições (piquetes) e sete tratamentos (pastejos). Os melhores resultados do valor nutritivo foram obtidos no período hibernal. Foram encontradas correlações negativas da PB e DIVMS e positivas da FDN com a biomassa de lâminas foliares do capim-elefante. O capim-elefante, manejado sob princípios agroecológicos, apresentou alto valor nutritivo e produtividade, tanto no verão quanto no inverno, possibilitando que a produção animal seja mais sustentável no decorrer do ano

    Valor nutritivo de pastagens de capim-elefante manejadas sob sistema convencional e agroecológico.

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    O capim-elefante é utilizado, na sua grande maioria, em sistemas convencionais de produção animal. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar o valor nutritivo do capimelefante em sistemas de manejo agroecológico e convencional, quanto a proteína bruta (PB), fibra em detergente neutro (FDN) e digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca (DIVMS). Foram usados quatro piquetes, com 0,12ha cada um. No sistema convencional, o capim-elefante foi estabelecido singularmente. No sistema agroecológico, o plantio foi feito em linhas afastadas de 3m. Nas entrelinhas, estabeleceu-se a aveia e o azevém no período hibernal, enquanto que no período estival permitiu-se o desenvolvimento de espécies espontâneas. A adubação foi feita com fertilizantes orgânicos (150kg ha-1 de N). No sistema agroecológico, foram conduzidos sete pastejos, de 24/04/2004 a 05/05/2005. Na pastagem convencional, usouse a mesma quantidade de N (uréia), sendo conduzidos quatro ciclos de pastejo, de 06/10/2004 a 05/05/2005. Para ambos os sistemas foram utilizadas vacas da raça Holandês, recebendo complementação alimentar de 3,5kg dia-1 de concentrado com 20% de proteína bruta, constituindo-se nos animais experimentais. Nas avaliações, considerou-se a massa de forragem inicial com base na matéria seca (MS), os componentes botânicos da pastagem e estruturais do capimelefante. As análises de qualidade foram feitas em amostras de pastejo simulado. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado com dois tratamentos, convencional e agroecológico, duas repetições (piquetes) e em parcelas incompletas subdivididas no tempo (pastejos). Houve interação (P<0,05) entre tratamentos e pastejos em todas as variáveis. Na pastagem agroecológica, o modelo que melhor se ajustou foi o cúbico para todas as variáveis, em função do tempo de pastejo. Na pastagem convencional, a PB e a DIVMS ajustaram-se melhor ao modelo linear, com taxa positiva de crescimento, sendo observado comportamento inverso para FDN, com o decorrer dos pastejos. Tanto na pastagem convencional quanto na agroecológica encontraram-se associações negativas entre lâmina foliar do capim-elefante com PB e DIVMS e positiva com FDN. Ambos os sistemas apresentaram teores qualitativos elevados das pastagens, considerando-se a adubação, o manejo e o tempo de utilização

    Anastrozole versus tamoxifen for the prevention of locoregional and contralateral breast cancer in postmenopausal women with locally excised ductal carcinoma in situ (IBIS-II DCIS): a double-blind, randomised controlled trial

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    Background Third-generation aromatase inhibitors are more effective than tamoxifen for preventing recurrence in postmenopausal women with hormone-receptor-positive invasive breast cancer. However, it is not known whether anastrozole is more effective than tamoxifen for women with hormone-receptor-positive ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). Here, we compare the efficacy of anastrozole with that of tamoxifen in postmenopausal women with hormone-receptor-positive DCIS. Methods In a double-blind, multicentre, randomised placebo-controlled trial, we recruited women who had been diagnosed with locally excised, hormone-receptor-positive DCIS. Eligible women were randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio by central computer allocation to receive 1 mg oral anastrozole or 20 mg oral tamoxifen every day for 5 years. Randomisation was stratified by major centre or hub and was done in blocks (six, eight, or ten). All trial personnel, participants, and clinicians were masked to treatment allocation and only the trial statistician had access to treatment allocation. The primary endpoint was all recurrence, including recurrent DCIS and new contralateral tumours. All analyses were done on a modified intention-to-treat basis (in all women who were randomised and did not revoke consent for their data to be included) and proportional hazard models were used to compute hazard ratios and corresponding confidence intervals. This trial is registered at the ISRCTN registry, number ISRCTN37546358. Results Between March 3, 2003, and Feb 8, 2012, we enrolled 2980 postmenopausal women from 236 centres in 14 countries and randomly assigned them to receive anastrozole (1449 analysed) or tamoxifen (1489 analysed). Median follow-up was 7·2 years (IQR 5·6–8·9), and 144 breast cancer recurrences were recorded. We noted no statistically significant difference in overall recurrence (67 recurrences for anastrozole vs 77 for tamoxifen; HR 0·89 [95% CI 0·64–1·23]). The non-inferiority of anastrozole was established (upper 95% CI <1·25), but its superiority to tamoxifen was not (p=0·49). A total of 69 deaths were recorded (33 for anastrozole vs 36 for tamoxifen; HR 0·93 [95% CI 0·58–1·50], p=0·78), and no specific cause was more common in one group than the other. The number of women reporting any adverse event was similar between anastrozole (1323 women, 91%) and tamoxifen (1379 women, 93%); the side-effect profiles of the two drugs differed, with more fractures, musculoskeletal events, hypercholesterolaemia, and strokes with anastrozole and more muscle spasm, gynaecological cancers and symptoms, vasomotor symptoms, and deep vein thromboses with tamoxifen. Conclusions No clear efficacy differences were seen between the two treatments. Anastrozole offers another treatment option for postmenopausal women with hormone-receptor-positive DCIS, which may be be more appropriate for some women with contraindications for tamoxifen. Longer follow-up will be necessary to fully evaluate treatment differences

    Anastrozole versus tamoxifen for the prevention of locoregional and contralateral breast cancer in postmenopausal women with locally excised ductal carcinoma in situ (IBIS-II DCIS): A double-blind, randomised controlled trial

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