8 research outputs found

    Transkriptionelle Regulation von pipe und dessen Einfluss auf die dorsoventrale Musterbildung in Drosophila melanogaster

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    Zusammenfassung Die PolaritĂ€t der dorsoventralen (DV-) Achse in Drosophila melanogaster wird schon wĂ€h-rend der Oogenese festgelegt. Im Bereich des am anterioren Kortex lokalisierten Oozyten-kerns wird der EGFR-Ligand Gurken in den Perivitellinspalt (PVS) sezerniert und aktiviert den EGF-Signalweg in umliegenden Follikelzellen. In diesen, nun als dorsal determinierten, Zellen wird ein Transkriptionsfaktor (TF) aktiviert, der die Expression von pipe auf den ven-tralen Bereich der Eikammer beschrĂ€nkt. Die dorsale Repression wird von dem Repressor-element Motiv B vermittelt, das innerhalb des 1,5 kb langen essentiellen pipe-Promotors liegt. Unter Kontrolle dieses Promotors wurde ein EGFP-Pipe-Fusionsprotein exprimiert, mit dem die PrĂ€senz des Pipe-Proteins in ventralen Follikelzellen und dessen subzellulĂ€re Loka-lisation im Golgi-Kompartiment visualisiert werden konnte. Außerdem konnte mit diesem Konstrukt gezeigt werden, dass die Deletion des Motiv B oder weiterer Promotorsequenzen (Motiv 69) nicht zur vollstĂ€ndigen Derepression von pipe fĂŒhrt. Durch Reportergenanalysen in Drosophila Schneider 2-Zellkulturen und in vivo wurde auch verifiziert, dass Motiv B oder dessen Erweiterung Motiv 69 allein nicht ausreichen die dorsale pipe-Repression zu vermitteln. Im pipe-Promotor konnten noch weitere stark konservierte Sequenzen, die möglicherweise als zusĂ€tzliche Repressorelemente dienen, identifiziert werden. Deren Funktion wurde aber noch nicht untersucht. Stattdessen wurde geprĂŒft, ob die unvollstĂ€ndige Derepression von pipe durch post-transkriptionelle Regulation bedingt wird. Zwar fĂŒhrte die Deletion potentieller Bindestellen fĂŒr microRNAs zu einer Erhöhung der EGFP-Pipe-Expression, dessen rĂ€umliche Verteilung in Eikammern wurde dadurch aber nicht verĂ€ndert. Mittels DNA-AffinitĂ€tschromatographie, Promotoranalysen sowie RNAi-Experimenten wurde versucht den Transkriptionsfaktor zu finden, der die identifizierten Repressorelemente bindet. Ein ETS-verwandtes Gen wurde als potentieller Regulator des pipe-Repressors ausgemacht, der Repressor selbst konnte aber nicht identifiziert werden. Inzwischen ist Mirror von zwei Arbeitsgruppen parallel als EGF-abhĂ€ngiger transkriptioneller Repressor von pipe bestĂ€tigt worden. Die auf die ventralen 40% der Follikelzellen begrenzte Expression von pipe fĂŒhrt zur asym-metrischen Modifikation von Komponenten der EihĂŒlle wie dem Vitelline membrane-like (VML) Protein. Hierdurch wird die proteolytische Aktivierung des Toll-Liganden SpĂ€tzle ventral initiiert. Die lokale Produktion und Diffusion von aktiviertem SpĂ€tzle etabliert den intranukleĂ€ren Dorsal-Gradienten im Embryo. Durch die Analyse ektopischer VML-RFP markierter pipe-exprimierender Klone wurde bestĂ€tigt, dass der Dorsal-Gradienten von der Diffusion eines Faktors im PVS abhĂ€ngt und durch laterale Inhibition etabliert und stabilisiert wird. Die Beobachtung, dass trotz uniformer pipe-Expression DV-PolaritĂ€t zu beobachten ist, deutet darauf hin, dass neben der notwendigen enzymatischen Funktion von pipe ein weiterer Faktor an der Initiierung des ventralen Achsen-Pols beteiligt ist

    identifying demand for support by recording stroke patients’ and carers’ needs in different phases after stroke

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    Background Previous studies examining social work interventions in stroke often lack information on content, methods and timing over different phases of care including acute hospital, rehabilitation and out-patient care. This limits our ability to evaluate the impact of social work in multidisciplinary stroke care. We aimed to quantify social-work-related support in stroke patients and their carers in terms of timing and content, depending on the different phases of stroke care. Methods We prospectively collected and evaluated data derived from a specialized “Stroke-Service-Point” (SSP); a “drop in” center and non-medical stroke assistance service, staffed by social workers and available to all stroke patients, their carers and members of the public in the metropolitan region of Berlin, Germany. Results Enquiries from 257 consenting participants consulting the SSP between March 2010 and April 2012 related to out-patient and in-patient services, therapeutic services, medical questions, medical rehabilitation, self-help groups and questions around obtaining benefits. Frequency of enquiries for different topics depended on whether patients were located in an in-patient or out-patient setting. The majority of contacts involved information provision. While the proportion of male and female patients with stroke was similar, about two thirds of the carers contacting the SSP were female. Conclusion The social- work-related services provided by a specialized center in a German metropolitan area were diverse in terms of topic and timing depending on the phase of stroke care. Targeting the timing of interventions might be important to increase the impact of social work on patient’s outcome

    Social work after stroke: identifying demand for support by recording stroke patients' and carers' needs in different phases after stroke.

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    BACKGROUND: Previous studies examining social work interventions in stroke often lack information on content, methods and timing over different phases of care including acute hospital, rehabilitation and out-patient care. This limits our ability to evaluate the impact of social work in multidisciplinary stroke care. We aimed to quantify social-work-related support in stroke patients and their carers in terms of timing and content, depending on the different phases of stroke care. METHODS: We prospectively collected and evaluated data derived from a specialized "Stroke-Service-Point" (SSP); a "drop in" center and non-medical stroke assistance service, staffed by social workers and available to all stroke patients, their carers and members of the public in the metropolitan region of Berlin, Germany. RESULTS: Enquiries from 257 consenting participants consulting the SSP between March 2010 and April 2012 related to out-patient and in-patient services, therapeutic services, medical questions, medical rehabilitation, self-help groups and questions around obtaining benefits. Frequency of enquiries for different topics depended on whether patients were located in an in-patient or out-patient setting. The majority of contacts involved information provision. While the proportion of male and female patients with stroke was similar, about two thirds of the carers contacting the SSP were female. CONCLUSION: The social-work-related services provided by a specialized center in a German metropolitan area were diverse in terms of topic and timing depending on the phase of stroke care. Targeting the timing of interventions might be important to increase the impact of social work on patient's outcome

    Molecular mechanisms of EGF signaling-dependent regulation of pipe, a gene crucial for dorsoventral axis formation in Drosophila

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    During Drosophila oogenesis the expression of the sulfotransferase Pipe in ventral follicle cells is crucial for dorsoventral axis formation. Pipe modifies proteins that are incorporated in the ventral eggshell and activate Toll signaling which in turn initiates embryonic dorsoventral patterning. Ventral pipe expression is the result of an oocyte-derived EGF signal which down-regulates pipe in dorsal follicle cells. The analysis of mutant follicle cell clones reveals that none of the transcription factors known to act downstream of EGF signaling in Drosophila is required or sufficient for pipe regulation. However, the pipe cis-regulatory region harbors a 31-bp element which is essential for pipe repression, and ovarian extracts contain a protein that binds this element. Thus, EGF signaling does not act by down-regulating an activator of pipe as previously suggested but rather by activating a repressor. Surprisingly, this repressor acts independent of the common co-repressors Groucho or CtBP