444 research outputs found


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    In the spring of 1946, J. Allison Glen announced a public inquiry into Canada\u27s federal administration of Indian Affairs and the Indian Act. In Parliament on 13 May 1946 this minister of Mines and Resources responsible for Indian Affairs moved That a joint committee of the senate and house of commons be appointed to examine and consider the Indian Act ... with authority to investigate and report upon Indian administration in general including treaty rights, band membership, enfranchisement of Indians, Indian schools, and any other matter or thing pertaining to the social and economic status of Indians and their advancement. ! This much-awaited announcement led numerous members of Parliament to rise to their feet and congratulate the minister on his motion that day. Following lengthy discussions, both sides of the House enthusiastically endorsed the proposal. For once, concern with Indian peoples seemed deep and widespread in Canada

    The Nanaimo and Charles Camsell Indian Hospitals: First Nations’ Narratives of Health Care, 1945 to 1965

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    First Nations’ perspectives on health and health care as delivered by doctors, nurses, and Canada’s former Indian hospital system form a significant part of Canada’s medical history, as well as a part of First Nations people’s personal histories. Oral histories collected in Alberta and British Columbia suggest that First Nations people who experienced the Nanaimo and Charles Camsell Indian hospitals between 1945 and 1965 perceive the value of their experiences to be reflected in their survivance, a concept recalled through narratives emphasizing both humour and pain, as well as past and present personal resilience. Les perspectives des Premières nations sur les services et les soins de santé dispensés par les médecins, les infirmières et l’ancien réseau d’hôpitaux indiens du Canada sont un pan important de l’histoire médicale du Canada et de l’histoire personnelle des membres des Premières nations. Les histoires orales qui ont été recueillies en Alberta et en Colombie-Britannique semblent indiquer que les gens des Premières nations qui ont fait l’expérience des hôpitaux indiens de Nanaimo et Charles Camsell entre 1945 et 1965 estiment que la valeur de leurs expériences se reflète dans leur survie, un concept repris par des récits mettant l’accent à la fois sur l’humour et la douleur, et dans leur résilience personnelle passée et présente

    Theatrale zelfmoord:De eigenhandige dood op het Nederlandse toneel

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    Anna de Haas, Theatrale zelfmoord. De eigenhandige dood op het Nederlandse toneel 1670-1780 (Hilversum; Verloren, 2014, 224 pp., isbn 9 789087 044244).</p

    'Providential Discourse' Reconsidered:The Case of the Delft Thunderclap (1654)

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    Scholarly research has described religious reactions to early modern disasters as 'providential discourse', in line with the theological term Divine Providence, and has claimed that the so-described 'peccatogenic' perception (from the Latin word 'peccatum' or sin) prevails in this discourse. This article reconsiders the concept of providential discourse in two respects. Firstly, its diversity is highlighted. Secondly, it argues that providential discourse, rhetorically charged as it was, often aimed to evoke collective emotions in its audiences, such as compassion with those affected. This reconsideration is based on the analysis of narratively framed responses to the Delft Thunderclap (1654)

    De bosvegetatie van de Achterhoek en enkele aangrenzende gebieden

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    The tree, shrub, herb and moss vegetation of woodland in the Achterhoek and neighbouring areas was analysed. It was described according to the concepts of the French and Swiss school of Braun-Blanquet. The study was confined to woodland whose composition approached the natural state. Experimental areas were of different form from 150 to 300, sometimes 800 m 2. The sociological survey was supplemented by data on habitat, growth and age of the stand and the vegetation layers. The descriptions of the different plots were combined into tables, indicating the characteristic species of the association, the higher sociological units, the companion species and the accidental species, while subassociations were separated according to differentiating species. The descriptions and tables refer to plant communities belonging to Alnion glutinosae, Alneto-Fraxinion, Quercion and various degeneration stages.These chapters are preceded by a discussion of different climax theories. The work closes with an attempt to reconstruct the original vegetation

    Historische letterkunde deel 1: historische literatuur

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    Historische letterkunde omvat (de studie naar) oudere teksten ofwel historische literatuur en de literatuurgeschiedenis van die oudere teksten, waar we in deel 2 op ingaan. Daarnaast is er de didactiek van de historische letterkunde, die in deel 3 aan de orde zal komen. Dit eerste deel gaat over historische literatuur. Wat houdt deze term in? Welke praktijken zijn er te onderscheiden in het doorgeven van historische literatuur aan nieuwe generaties lezers
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