2,851 research outputs found

    Analisis faktor peringkat kedua terhadap prinsip-prinsip pengurusan kualiti

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    This empirical study uses second-order factor analysis to test whether a set of quality management principles, synthesised from quality gurus’ philosophies and prominent quality award and quality management system frameworks, together constitute a higher-order factor that may be termed Total Quality Management (TQM). Using survey data collected from educational departments selected randomly from 10 public universities in Malaysia, the LISREL 8 computer program (Jöreskog & Sörbom, 1993) was used to estimate and evaluate the goodness of fit of the proposed second order factor model. The results indicated that the proposed model fits the data adequately, and support the existence of second-order relationship among the quality management principles, adequately, and support the existence of second-order relationship among the quality management principles

    Hubungan antara kualiti pengajaran dan pembelajaran dengan kepuasan pelajar: satu tinjauan

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    This study investigates the impact of various teaching and learning factors on students satisfaction with their degree programme. It applies established theory from customer sutisfaction and educational psychology research to a sample of students. A total of 112 students undertaking undergraduate degree in Human Resource Management were involved in this study. Research results indicate that teaching and learning quality factors were strongly positive related to students satisfaction and explained 31.5 per cent of the variance in students degree programme satisfaction

    Amalan pengurusan kualiti menyeluruh dalam proses pengajaran pengajaran dan pembelajaran

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    TQM merupakan satu falsafah pengurusan yang berkembang secara berterusan berlandaskan idea beberapa orang guru kualiti seperti Deming, Juran, Feigenbaum , dan Ishikawa . Sejak kebelakangan ini, institusi pendidikan juga telah menunjukkan minat dan komitmen terhadap pelaksanaan TQM dalam bidang tertentu, namun penerapan prinsip TQM dalam bidang kurikulum terutama aspek pengajaran masih terhad. Kertas kerja ini bertujuan membincangkan beberapa prinsip TQM yang relevan dan sesuai diterapkan dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran dalam kelas seperti penglibatan secara menyeluruh, komitmen kepada kualiti, fokus kepada pelanggan, kepastian kualiti, mengurus berdasarkan fakta, ganjaran dan pengiktirafan serta kepimpinan pengurusan. Usaha penerapan ini penting untuk mewujudkan budaya kualiti di kalangan pelajar yang bakal memimpin dan mengurus organisasi masa hadapan

    Empowerment in the Caritas Federation for senior citizens

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    According to the Hong Kong population projection the proportion of the population aged 65 and over is projected to increase markedly, from 11.7% in 2003 to 27% in 2033. This increase is expected to be gradual between 2003 and 2015 (14.3%) and it will then be followed by a period of rapid growth to 27% in 2033 (Census and Statistics Department, 2004). Concomitant to the rise in elderly population, the demand for community and residential services that meet their specific needs is also expected to increase. The success of meeting these needs depend on the cooperation of various parties: individuals, non-government organizations, private sector and the government. In particular the leadership provided by the government is crucial in moving towards achieving active ageing. The Hong Kong Government has taken a proactive approach in creating and developing different types of services to meet the needs of the elderly. One of the strategies adopted by the government is through funding the activities and services of non-governmental organizations that benefit the elderly. Caritas is one of the organizations that benefited from this funding. In providing services to the elderly, Caritas Services for the Elderly has adopted empowerment, an approach that has been widely applied in different services under varying circumstances by service providers in Hong Kong. “Caritas Federation for Senior Citizens” is formed as a result of applying empowerment in elderly service. So far, the success is encouraging to users of services as well as staff serving the organization

    Site Improvements for Rogers Elementary School, Roger, Minnesota.

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    Department of Landscape Architecture, Center for Community Studies, College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, University of Minnesota

    Making L2 learners' reasoning skills visible : the potential of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Environments

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    AbstractThis paper explores the use of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Environments (CSCLE) as multimodal spaces for promoting critical thinking for English as Second Language Learning (L2) education from multiple perspectives (Technology, Thinking Skills and Interaction). The exploration focuses on the use of a multitouch tabletop, and an accompanying application called Digital Mysteries, as affordances in CSCLE’s for making reasoning skill-based thinking visible for L2 learning in Higher Education.Despite the worldwide promotion of teaching thinking in L2 education, it is not always easy for teachers to identify the types of thinking skills being targeted in L2 pedagogical tasks. To the authors’ knowledge, little empirical interactional evidence is available to demonstrate critical thinking in L2 learner talk during group work. This paper examines interactions among three groups of Chinese English Language learners at a higher education institution in a CSCLE. Video data were collected of students’ thinking-in-action whilst engaging in multimodal interactions in the environment. Results show that new technologies can provide innovative and empirically driven ways in which L2 learners’ thinking is externalised and how critical reasoning can be tracked, promoted, evaluated and self-regulated. The findings suggest that collaborations in a CSCLE can support the completion of tasks embedding high levels of cognitive complexity by L2 learners with effective use of limited cognitive resources. This leads to a number of recommendations about integrating the teaching of critical thinking skills into the L2 classroom using CSCLE technologies

    The Adsorption of CHS-1 Resin for Cr (VI) of Low Concentration from Electroplating Wastewater

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    AbstractThe adsorption property of CHS-1 resin for Cr (VI) was investigated by chemical analysis. Experiment results show that CHS-1 resin has the best adsorption ability for Cr (VI) at pH=2-3. The exchange adsorption rate of the resin for Cr (VI) at low concentration is controlled by liquid film diffusion and chemical reaction. The behavior obeys the Freundlich isotherm and Langmuir equation. Its saturated sorption capacity is 347.22mg/g at 298K. The thermodynamic adsorption parameters, enthalpy change ΔH and free energy change ΔG298 of the adsorption are 1.39kJ/mol and -5.3kJ/mol. Cr (VI) adsorbed on CHS-1 resin can be eluted by 5% NaOH -5% NaCl quantitatively without apparent decrease in sorption capacity

    Budaya organisasi: Konsep dan perspektif

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    Kertas kerja ini bertujuan mengupas konsep dan beberapa perspektif budaya organisasi.Sunguhpun bidang kajian berkaitan dengan budaya organisasi sudah lama diterokai, namun kefahaman tentang budaya organisasi masih lagi kabur.Ini telah menyukarkan penyelidik membuat perbandingan hasil kajian mereka

    Pengurusan sumber manusia dan pertumbuhan jualan organisasi pembuatan di Malaysia

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk meninjau sumbangan pengurusan sumber manusia (PSM) terhadap pertumbuhan jualan organisasi pembuatan Malaysia. Sejumlah 137 buah organisasi terlibat dalam kajian ini.Hasil analisis regresi berganda menunjukkan terdapatnya masalah multikekolinearan di kalangan pemboleh ubah PSM.Kaedah analisis komponen utama digunakan bagi mengatasi masalah tersebut.Model regresi linear mudah selanjutnya dibentuk bagi menganalisis sumbangan PSM terhadap pertumbuhan jualan organisasi.Hasil analisis regresi linear mudah menunjukkan model yang dibentuk mempunyai nilai F yang signifikan pada aras kebarangkalian 0.01.Selain itu, keputusan analisis regresi juga menunjukkan PSM secara kolektif dapat menyumbang 13.9% terhadap variasi dalam pertumbuhan jualan organisasi

    Negative Regulation Of T Cell Activation And Function By CIN85 Adaptor Protein

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    Antigen recognition by T cell receptor (TCR) induces intracellular signaling cascades leading to T cell activation, subsequently inducing cellular proliferation and various effector functions. Adaptor proteins play important roles in T cell signaling by creating nodes to recruit signaling proteins and form signal complexes to regulate the direction of signaling. Casitas B-lineage lymphoma (Cbl)-interacting protein of 85 kDa (CIN85) is an adaptor protein, originally identified as a Cbl-binding protein, and was suggested to be involved in the internalization and degradation of receptors and kinases. Nevertheless, the physiological function of CIN85 in T cells is unknown