46 research outputs found

    Characterization of color cross-talk of CCD detectors and its influence in multispectral quantitative phase imaging

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    Multi-spectral quantitative phase imaging (QPI) is an emerging imaging modality for wavelength dependent studies of several biological and industrial specimens. Simultaneous multi-spectral QPI is generally performed with color CCD cameras. However, color CCD cameras are suffered from the color crosstalk issue, which needed to be explored. Here, we present a new approach for accurately measuring the color crosstalk of 2D area detectors, without needing prior information about camera specifications. Color crosstalk of two different cameras commonly used in QPI, single chip CCD (1-CCD) and three chip CCD (3-CCD), is systematically studied and compared using compact interference microscopy. The influence of color crosstalk on the fringe width and the visibility of the monochromatic constituents corresponding to three color channels of white light interferogram are studied both through simulations and experiments. It is observed that presence of color crosstalk changes the fringe width and visibility over the imaging field of view. This leads to an unwanted non-uniform background error in the multi-spectral phase imaging of the specimens. It is demonstrated that the color crosstalk of the detector is the key limiting factor for phase measurement accuracy of simultaneous multi-spectral QPI systems.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    Influence of laser spot size at diffuser plane on the longitudinal spatial coherence function of optical coherence microscopy system

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    Coherence properties and wavelength of light sources are indispensable for optical coherence microscopy/tomography as they greatly influence the signal to noise ratio, axial resolution, and penetration depth of the system. In the present letter, we investigated the longitudinal spatial coherence properties of the pseudo-thermal light source (PTS) as a function of spot size at the diffuser plane, which is controlled by translating microscope objective lens towards or away from the diffuser plane. The axial resolution of PTS is found to be maximum ~ 13 microns for the beam spot size of 3.5 mm at the diffuser plane. The change in the axial resolution of the system as the spot size is increased at the diffuser plane is further confirmed by performing experiments on standard gauge blocks of height difference of 15 microns. Thus, by appropriately choosing the beam spot size at the diffuser plane, any monochromatic laser light source depending on the biological window can be utilized to obtain high axial-resolution with large penetration depth and speckle-free tomographic images of multilayered biological specimens irrespective of the source temporal coherence length. In addition, PTS could be an attractive alternative light source for achieving high axial-resolution without needing chromatic aberration corrected optics and dispersion-compensation mechanism, unlike conventional setups.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1810.0199

    Effect on the longitudinal coherence properties of a pseudothermal light source as a function of source size and temporal coherence

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    © 2019 Optical Society of America. Users may use, reuse, and build upon the article, or use the article for text or data mining, so long as such uses are for non-commercial purposes and appropriate attribution is maintained. All other rights are reserved.In the present Letter, a synthesized pseudothermal light source having high temporal coherence (TC) and low spatial coherence (SC) properties is used. The longitudinal coherence (LC) properties of the spatially extended monochromatic light source are systematically studied. The pseudothermal light source is generated from two different monochromatic laser sources: He–Ne (at 632 nm) and DPSS (at 532 nm). It was found that the LC length of such a light source becomes independent of the parent laser’s TC length for a large source size. For the chosen lasers, the LC length becomes constant to about 30 μm for a laser source size of ≥3.3  mm ≥3.3  mm . Thus, by appropriately choosing the source size, any monochromatic laser light source depending on the biological window can be utilized to obtain high axial resolution in an optical coherence tomography (OCT) system irrespective of its TC length. The axial resolution of 650 nm was obtained using a 1.2 numerical aperture objective lens at a 632 nm wavelength. These findings pave the path for widespread penetration of pseudothermal light into existing OCT systems with enhanced performance. A pseudothermal light source with high TC and low SC properties could be an attractive alternative light source for achieving high axial resolution without needing dispersion compensation as compared to a broadband light source

    Progress in Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Perovskite Solar Cells: Architecture, Efficiency and Stability

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    367-376In recent years, it has been established that solar cells based on organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite materials have substantial potential for the development of highly efficient photovoltaic devices and offers robust opportunities for research to the scientific community and industry. Power conversion efficiency (PCE) of perovskite solar cells (PSCs) have already surpassed 24.8 % within a decade, which is now third highest efficiency among single-junction photovoltaic materials. This report briefly introduces hybrid-halide perovskite materials, their structural properties, various possible device architectures and a comparative study of photo-voltaic performance. For commercialization, high stability of devices is must and here we have thoroughly discussed possible degradation mechanisms of PSCs, that is, moisture; oxygen; heat; structural stability; UV-light effect; defect-states, ion-migration and various approaches to passivity based upon recent reports. A proper encapsulation with optimized chemical composition (enhanced interaction between organic/inorganic cation and BX6 octahedron) PSCs could possess superior stability for long-run while maintaining optoelectronic properties

    High-throughput spatial sensitive quantitative phase microscopy using low spatial and high temporal coherent illumination

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    High space-bandwidth product with high spatial phase sensitivity is indispensable for a single-shot quantitative phase microscopy (QPM) system. It opens avenue for widespread applications of QPM in the field of biomedical imaging. Temporally low coherence light sources are implemented to achieve high spatial phase sensitivity in QPM at the cost of either reduced temporal resolution or smaller field of view (FOV). In addition, such light sources have low photon degeneracy. On the contrary, high temporal coherence light sources like lasers are capable of exploiting the full FOV of the QPM systems at the expense of less spatial phase sensitivity. In the present work, we demonstrated that use of narrowband partially spatially coherent light source also called pseudo-thermal light source (PTLS) in QPM overcomes the limitations of conventional light sources. The performance of PTLS is compared with conventional light sources in terms of space bandwidth product, phase sensitivity and optical imaging quality. The capabilities of PTLS are demonstrated on both amplitude (USAF resolution chart) and phase (thin optical waveguide, height ~ 8 nm) objects. The spatial phase sensitivity of QPM using PTLS is measured to be equivalent to that for white light source and supports the FOV (18 times more) equivalent to that of laser light source. The high-speed capabilities of PTLS based QPM is demonstrated by imaging live sperm cells that is limited by the camera speed and large FOV is demonstrated by imaging histopathology human placenta tissue samples. Minimal invasive, high-throughput, spatially sensitive and single-shot QPM based on PTLS will enable wider penetration of QPM in life sciences and clinical applications