17 research outputs found

    Investigating the Impact of Modern Educational Technology on Improving Human Resources with the Mediating Role of Information Literacy of Physical Education Teachers in the 2nd District of Karaj

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    The aim of the research was the effect of modern educational technology on the improvement of human resources with the mediating role of information literacy of physical education teachers in the 2nd district of Karaj. The descriptive-analytical research method was field method. The current research community is 265 physical education teachers of Karaj District 2. The sample size of the present study was determined to be 265 people. The measurement tools included modern educational technology questionnaires (Yavuz, 2005), human resource improvement questionnaire (Volba & Jansen, 2010) and information literacy questionnaire (Siamak & Daverpanah, 2015). The content and form validity of the questionnaires were confirmed by the professors, and then Cronbach’s alpha reliability of the modern educational technology questionnaire was 0.70, Cronbach’s alpha reliability of the human resource improvement questionnaire was 0.81, and Cronbach’s alpha reliability of the information literacy questionnaire was 0.76. In order to analyze the data of the present research, structural equation modeling method was used. The entire process of analysis was done using spss19 and Amose23 software. The findings of the research showed that information literacy plays a mediating role in the impact of modern educational technology on the improvement of human resources. Therefore, it can be concluded that if human resources have sufficient information literacy, modern educational technology can create an environment that enriches the educational environment, skills, behavior, learning style and improvement of human resources

    Investigating the Impact of Modern Educational Technology on Improving Human Resources with the Mediating Role of Information Literacy of Physical Education Teachers in the 2nd District of Karaj

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    The aim of the research was the effect of modern educational technology on the improvement of human resources with the mediating role of information literacy of physical education teachers in the 2nd district of Karaj. The descriptive-analytical research method was field method. The current research community is 265 physical education teachers of Karaj District 2. The sample size of the present study was determined to be 265 people. The measurement tools included modern educational technology questionnaires (Yavuz, 2005), human resource improvement questionnaire (Volba & Jansen, 2010) and information literacy questionnaire (Siamak & Daverpanah, 2015). The content and form validity of the questionnaires were confirmed by the professors, and then Cronbach’s alpha reliability of the modern educational technology questionnaire was 0.70, Cronbach’s alpha reliability of the human resource improvement questionnaire was 0.81, and Cronbach’s alpha reliability of the information literacy questionnaire was 0.76. In order to analyze the data of the present research, structural equation modeling method was used. The entire process of analysis was done using spss19 and Amose23 software. The findings of the research showed that information literacy plays a mediating role in the impact of modern educational technology on the improvement of human resources. Therefore, it can be concluded that if human resources have sufficient information literacy, modern educational technology can create an environment that enriches the educational environment, skills, behavior, learning style and improvement of human resources

    Investigating the Impact of Neuromarketing on Consumer Purchase Intention (Case Study of Sports Goods Customers in Ardabil City)

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    The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of neuromarketing on consumer purchase intention (a case study of sports goods customers in Ardabil city). The current research is applied research in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of nature and content. Also, the present research is of causal modeling type or structural equation modeling type. The statistical population of this research includes all private sports clubs and sellers of sports goods in Ardabil city, which due to the unavailability of the study population, the statistical population was determined to be unlimited. Considering that the statistical population is unlimited, the sample size was determined to be 352 people. Also, the sampling method of the present study was clustered. The measurement tools include neuromarketing questionnaire (Azeimi et al., 2014) and consumer purchase intention questionnaire (Mahdavi, 2015). The content and form validity of the questionnaires were confirmed by the management professors and then Cronbach’s alpha reliability (AVE) was reported as 0.83 for the neuromarketing questionnaire and 0.88 for the consumer purchase intention questionnaire, respectively. The method of analyzing the information and data of this research is using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics and In order to analyze the hypotheses of the research, the method of structural equations was used using Imus version 23 and SPSS version 19 software. The findings of the research showed that neuromarketing has an effect on the purchase intention of sports goods consumers. Therefore, it can be concluded that the use of neuromarketing can affect the senses and minds of customers and prepare the minds of consumers for repeat purchases so that they intend to buy sports products again

    Investigating the Impact of Neuromarketing on Consumer Purchase Intention--Case Study of Sports Goods Customers in Ardabil City

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    The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of neuromarketing on consumer purchase intention (a case study of sports goods customers in Ardabil city). The current research is applied research in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of nature and content. Also, the present research is of causal modeling type or structural equation modeling type. The statistical population of this research includes all private sports clubs and sellers of sports goods in Ardabil city, which due to the unavailability of the study population, the statistical population was determined to be unlimited. Considering that the statistical population is unlimited, the sample size was determined to be 352 people. Also, the sampling method of the present study was clustered. The measurement tools include neuromarketing questionnaire (Azeimi et al., 2014) and consumer purchase intention questionnaire (Mahdavi, 2015). The content and form validity of the questionnaires were confirmed by the management professors and then Cronbach’s alpha reliability (AVE) was reported as 0.83 for the neuromarketing questionnaire and 0.88 for the consumer purchase intention questionnaire, respectively. The method of analyzing the information and data of this research is using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics and In order to analyze the hypotheses of the research, the method of structural equations was used using Imus version 23 and SPSS version 19 software. The findings of the research showed that neuromarketing has an effect on the purchase intention of sports goods consumers. Therefore, it can be concluded that the use of neuromarketing can affect the senses and minds of customers and prepare the minds of consumers for repeat purchases so that they intend to buy sports products again

    El impacto del ejercicio de pilates en el trabajo sobre la satisfacción laboral entre las empleadas de Urmia Electricity Distribution Company

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    This study intends to investigate the effect of on-the-job pilates exercise on job satisfaction. The study follows a quasi-experimental design with a pre-test and post-test method with a focus on control and experimental groups. The statistical population comprises of all female employees working at Urmia Electricity Distribution Company. The experimental group received 8 weeks of exercise doing sessions (3 sessions per week, 30 minutes per session) in Electricity Distribution Company gym while the control group did not receive any treatment.  According to the results obtained, one can conclude that on-the-job Pilates exercise as sports technology had an effect on the job satisfaction of female employees at Urmia Electricity Distribution Company.Este estudio intenta investigar el efecto del ejercicio de pilates en el trabajo sobre la satisfacción laboral. El estudio sigue un diseño cuasiexperimental con un método previo y posterior a la prueba con un enfoque en el control y los grupos experimentales. La población estadística se compone de todas las empleadas que trabajan en Urmia Electricity Distribution Company. El grupo experimental recibió 8 semanas de ejercicio haciendo sesiones (3 sesiones por semana, 30 minutos por sesión) en el gimnasio de Electricity Distribution Company, mientras que el grupo de control no recibió ningún tratamiento. Según los resultados obtenidos, se puede concluir que el ejercicio de Pilates en el trabajo como tecnología deportiva tuvo un efecto en la satisfacción laboral de las empleadas de Urmia Electricity Distribution Company

    Investigating the Impact of Neuromarketing on Consumer Purchase Intention (Case Study of Sports Goods Customers in Ardabil City)

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    The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of neuromarketing on consumer purchase intention (a case study of sports goods customers in Ardabil city). The current research is applied research in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of nature and content. The statistical population of this research includes all private sports clubs and sellers of sports goods in Ardabil city, the sample size was 352 people considering that the statistical population is unlimited and the sampling method was clustered. The measurement tools include neuromarketing questionnaire (Azeimi et al., 2015) and consumer purchase intention questionnaire (Mahdavi, 2015). The content and form validity of the questionnaires were confirmed by the management professors and then Cronbach’s alpha reliability (AVE) was reported as 0.83 for the neuromarketing questionnaire and 0.88 for the consumer purchase intention questionnaire, respectively. The structural equation method was used for analysis using Imus version 23 and SPSS version 19 software. The findings of the research showed that neuromarketing has an effect on the purchase intention of sports goods consumers. Therefore, it can be concluded that the use of neuromarketing can influence the senses and minds of customers and make consumers’ minds ready for repeat purchases

    Factors Influencing the Development of Educational and Sport Places in Physical Education Schools

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    Physical education schools play an important role in the physical and mental progress of students as well as having a great impact on the international success of the athletes. Therefore, the architecture and educational sport settings are of high importance. Hence, the present study was carried out with the aim of developing the educational and sport spaces of physical education schools. The current research is phenomenological based on a qualitative method. The research population consisted of academic faculty members of the art and architecture departments, sport management department; experts of constructing and equipping sport places; physical education school principals, teachers, and students. Fifteen participants were selected through a purposeful sampling. The Data collection tool was a semi-structured interview and for the final validation, the validity and reliability criteria were applied. Factors affecting the development of educational and sport places of physical education schools included 68 sub-themes classified under nine main themes: spatial diversity, space function improvement, linkage of the places, light-related factors, color-related factors, design standards, design enhancement, safety factors, and health factors. Therefore, it is essential for relevant managers to take into account the standards of construction and design of physical education schools

    Study of Push, Pull, and Restraint Factors of Sports Tourism in North-West Iran

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    Abstract: Sports tourism is a combination of two important industries of sports and tourism and in order to expand this industry, its corresponding factors must be identified and noted. These factors, according to most researchers are classified as pull, push, and restraint factors. The goal of this research is to study these factors with regards to sports tourisms in north-west Iran. The research method used is field-descriptive, using a Persian self-designed questionnaire with acceptable validity and reliability (Alpha=95%). The statistical population and sample of this research include sports and tourism managers and active tourism centers of the relative provinces (n=260, N=500). In order to analyze the data after Bartlett and KMO tests and in order to determine sample size and suitability, we used exploratory data analysis. The results of Bartlett and KMO tests showed that the samples were sufficient for the current research and that questions were appropriate. The derived factors were named using research literature. F1: Push factors of sports tourism. F2: Pull factors of sports tourism. F3: Restraint factors of sport tourism Using these factors in coordination with the government, private sector and people can play an important role in promoting sports tourism of the region

    Порядок в умовах хаосу в спортивних організаціях

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    Цель : В настоящее время ученые считают мир как совокупность некоторых систем, которые работают самоорганизующимся образом и результат, таким образом, непредсказуем от случайного состояния. Обязательные природные правила аффективны в таких условиях. Также известно, что системы работают в кругообороте и в какой последовательности заканчивается беспорядок и в такой он начинается. Идея мира как чего-то простого уже заменена сложным и противоречивым миром. Цель исследования состоит в обследовании хаордической организации символов спортивных организациях. Материалы и методы : Для этой цели мы использовали стандартную анкету с соответствующей надежностью и валидностью. Статистической выборкой исследования является весь персонал спортивных и молодежных штаб-квартир в провинции Азейбарджан, всего 89 человек. Мы использовали тест Холмогорова-Смирнова для изучения нормальности распределения данных. В отношении нормального распределения данных в тестовой гипотезе мы использовали t-тест. Также использовали описательные статистические методы, такие как среднее и стандартное отклонение. Обработку проводили через SPSS 18. Анкеты были заполнены на весь персонал спортивных и молодежных штаб-квартир западной Азербайджанской провинции. Результаты : Результаты этого исследования, которые получены через Т-тест, показывают, что спортивные организации имеют шесть характеристик: приверженность к инновациям, согласованности, неуверенности, нелинейности, непредсказуемости и уродливые структуры. Это своего рода степень характеристик подбора компетентных штатов спортивных организаций, которые многим не понравятся. Выводы : По результатам этого исследования и t-таблицы можно сделать вывод, что спортивные организации являются хаордическими организациями.Purpose: Nowadays, scientists consider the world as a combination of some systems that work in a self -organizing way and the result of such a way is unpredictable and accidential states. Compulsory Natural rules are affective in such circumstances. Also it is known that systems work in a circular form in which order ends in disorder and vice versa. The idea of world as something simple has already replaced by a complicated and contradictory world. The study aim is to survey chaordic organizations characters of sport organizations. Materials and methods : For this purpose we used a standard questionnaire with appropriate reliability and validity. The statistical population of the study are whole staff of sport and youth head-quarter of west Azarbaijan province that are 89 (sample number is equal to the population's). We used Kolmogrov- Smirnov test to study data normal distribution, and in respect of normal distribution of data to test hypothesis we used sample t test and also descriptive statistical methods like mean and standard deviation, through SPSS 18. Questionnaires were filled out by whole staff of sport and youth head-quarters of west Azarbaijan province. Results: Results of this study, which have got through a single-sample t-test, show that sport organizations have six characteristics of welcoming to innovation, coherence, uncertainty, non-linearity, unpredictability, and ugly structure. It’s just the grade of the characteristic of recruiting competent staffs that is low in sport organizations; in fact they don’t enjoy it. But, within assessing the main hypothesis of the research that was around the feature of chaos-order, it was resulted that sport organizations have characteristics of a chaos-order organization and they can be considered as a chaos-order organization. Conclusions: According to the results of this study and t-table we can deduce that sport organizations are chaordic organization.Мета : В даний час учені вважають світ як сукупність деяких систем, які працюють як самоорганізуюча система і таким чином результат є непередбачуваним від випадкового стану. Обов'язкові природні правила афективні за таких умов. Також відомо, що системи працюють в кругообігу і в якій послідовності закінчується безлад і в такий він починається. Ідея світу як чогось простого вже замінена складним і суперечливим світом. Мета дослідження полягає в обстеженні хаордичної організації символів спортивних організаціях. Матеріали і методи : Для цієї мети ми використовували стандартну анкету з відповідною надійністю і валідністю. Статистичною вибіркою дослідження є весь персонал спортивних та молодіжних штаб-квартир в провінції Азейбарджан, всього 89 осіб. Ми використовували тест Холмогорова-Смирнова для вивчення нормальності розподілу даних. Відносно нормального розподілу даних в тестовій гіпотезі ми використовували t -тест. Також використовували описові статистичні методи, такі як середнє і стандартне відхилення. Обробку проводили через SPSS 18. Анкети були заповнені на весь персонал спортивних та молодіжних штаб-квартир західної Азербайджанської провінції. Результати : Результати цього дослідження, які отримані через Т -тест, показують, що спортивні організації мають шість характеристик: прихильність до інновацій, узгодженості, невпевненості, нелінійності, непередбачуваності і потворні структури. Це свого роду ступінь характеристик підбору компетентних штатів спортивних організацій, які багатьом не сподобаються. Висновки : За результатами цього дослідження і t - таблиці можна зробити висновок, що спортивні організації є хаордичними організаціями

    Роль факторів реклами в розвитку індустрії спорту і туризму провінції Фарс

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    Цель : Целью данного исследования является изучение роли рекламных факторов в развитии индустрии спорта и туризма провинции Фарс. Материалы и методы : Данное исследование носит описательный и функциональный характер. Мы использовали маркетинговые показатели опросника для сбора данных. Статистическая выборка - 170 ответственных руководителей и специалистов в области туризма и спорта, которые целенаправленным методом неслучайной выборки были выбраны в качестве респондентов. Для расчета надежности использован коэффициент Cronbach's Alpha. В экспериментальном исследовании (40 человек) маркетинговые факторы составили α = 0,82. После сбора данных была проанализирована гипотеза с использованием Chi 2 теста. Результаты : Результаты исследования показывают, что руководители и специалисты относят к наиболее эффективным факторам развития рекламны индустрию спорта и туризма соответственно: деятельность в переписке; исследование и понятие мотиваций туристов с целью обеспечения их потребностей; содействие развитию провинциальных парков и зеленых зон через создание центров охраны здоровья; развитие спортивно- культурных центров для реализации творческих планов, связанных с отечественной и региональной культурой. Эти факторы рекламы с уровнем значимости 0,000 признаны эффективными для спортивной индустрии и туризма провинции Фарс. Выводы : необходимы методы пропаганды для эффективного маркетинга спортивного туризма. Следует отметить тесную взаимосвязь с развитием туризма и экономического продвижения провинции. Важная роль принадлежит процессу развития туризма как части производственной структуры экономики. Ее развитие способствует увеличению доходов и созданию рабочих мест в развивающихся странах.Purpose: The aim of this study is to investigate the role of advertisement factors in development of sport tourism industry of Fars province. Materials and methods : Present study is descriptive and functional. We used marketing indices questionnaire for collecting data. Statistical population was all the responsible managers and experts in tourism and sport which through purposeful non-random sampling method 170 of them were selected as samples. To calculate reliability by Cronbach's Alpha in a pilot study on a 40 people sample, marketing factors were α=0.82. Data were analyzed after collecting in respect of study hypotheses through Chi 2 tests. Results: Study findings show that from managers and experts views the most effective advertisement factors to develop sport tourism industry are respectively: written activities, investigate and understand tourists motivations to provide their requirements, promote the province parks and green fields by making health stations, develop sport-cultural centers for doing creative plans related to native and regional culture; all of advertisement factors with significance level of 0.000 are effective in developing of Fars province sport tourism industry. Conclusions: Propaganda methods necessary for effective marketing for sports tourism. It should be noted that closely tied to tourism development and promotion each other in a specified process, Because the tourism development process, part of the production structure of the economy that can income generation and job creation in developing countries have a major role.Мета : Метою даного дослідження є вивчення ролі рекламних факторів у розвитку індустрії спорту і туризму провінції Фарс. Матеріал і методи : Дане дослідження носить описовий і функціональний характер. Ми використовували маркетингові показники опитування для збору даних. Статистична вибірка - 170 відповідальних керівників і фахівців у галузі туризму та спорту, які цілеспрямованим методом невипадково] вибірки були обрані як респонденти. Для розрахунку надійності використаний коефіцієнт Cronbach's Alpha. В експериментальному дослідженні ( 40 осіб) маркетингові фактори склали α=0,82. Після збору даних була проаналізована гіпотеза з використанням Chi2 тесту. Результати : Результати дослідження показують, що керівники і фахівці відносять до найбільш ефективних факторів розвитку рекламної індустрії спорту і туризму відповідно: діяльність у листуванні; дослідження і поняття мотивацій туристів з метою забезпечення їх потреб; сприяння розвитку провінційних парків і зелених зон через створення центрів охорони здоров'я; розвиток спортивно-культурних центрів для реалізації творчих планів, пов'язаних з вітчизняною та регіональної культурою. Ці фактори реклами з високим рівнем значущості визнані ефективними для спортивної індустрії і туризму провінції Фарс. Висновки : необхідні методи пропаганди для ефективного маркетингу спортивного туризму. Слід відзначити тісний взаємозв'язок розвитку туризму та економічного просування провінції. Важлива роль належить процесу розвитку туризму як частини виробничої структури економіки. Її розвиток сприяє збільшенню доходів і створенню робочих місць в країнах, що розвиваються