12 research outputs found

    The Anatomy of the Pion Loop Hadronic Light by Light Scattering Contribution to the Muon Magnetic Anomaly

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    This thesis investigates the Hadronic Light by Light (HLL) scattering contribution to the muon g2g-2, which is one of the most important low energy hadronic effects and consists mainly of the quark loop, the pion pole and the charged pion and kaon loops. In this work the charged pion loop has been investigated more closely. After reviewing the subject a preliminary introduction to Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT), Hidden Local Symmetry (HLS) model and the full Vector Meson Dominance (VMD) model is given, and they are used to calculate the pion loop HLL scattering contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment. The momentum regions where the contributions of the bare pion loop, the VMD model, and the HLS come from, have been studied, to understand why different models give very different results. The effects of pion polarizability and charge radius on the HLL scattering, which appear at order p4p^4 in ChPT, from L9 L_9 and L10 L_{10} Lagrangian terms and their momentum regions have been studied.Comment: 47 pages, Master thesis supervisor Johan Bijnen

    The hadronic light-by-light contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment and renormalization group for EFT

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    We give a short overview of the theory of the muon anomalous magnetic moment with emphasis on the hadronic light-by-light and the pion loop contribution. We explain the difference between the hidden local symmetry and full VMD pion loop and discuss leading logarithms in the anomalous sector of 2-flavour chiral perturbation theory.Comment: 6 pages, Invited talk presented by JB at MESON2012 - 12th International Workshop on Meson Production, Properties and Interaction, Krakow, Poland, 31 May -- 5 June 201

    On the minimality of the order p^6 chiral Lagrangian

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    A method to find relations between the operators in the mesonic Lagrangian of Chiral Perturbation Theory at order p^6 is presented. The procedure can be used to establish if the basis of operators in the Lagrangian is minimal. As an example, we apply the method to the two-flavour case in the absence of scalar and pseudo-scalar sources (s=p=0), and conclude that the minimal Lagrangian contains 27 independent operators.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure

    Some aspects of Chiral Perturbation Theory and Neutrino Physics

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    En la primera parte de la tesis hemos trabajado en la física de ChPT. Debido al hecho de que los quarks y los gluones están confinados en el interior de los hadrones, son los hadrones los grados de libertad asintóticos que se observan en la física macroscópica. Por lo tanto, los estados inicial y final en nuestros experimentos de bajas energías no van a ser quarks y gluones sino hadrones sin carga de color. Todavía no se sabe una transformacion del lagrangiano de QCD y sus pará- metros y las propiedades de los hadrones. Un método ampliamente utilizado de afrontar el problema ha sido a través de teorías efectivas. En el caso de QCD, se llama ChPT. Como ChPT es la teoría efectiva de QCD, su lagrangiano debe satisfacer las mismas simetrías. Es decir, invariancia bajo paridad, conjugación de carga, inversión temporal e invariancia bajo transformaciones, SU (3)L × SU (3)R . El lagrangiano de O(p6 ) para 2(3) sabores introduce 53(90) nuevos términos y 4(4) términos de contacto, que en comparación con los Lagrangianos de orden inferior es un gran número y los patrones muestran que al ir a órdenes superiores, este número aumentará aún más. Por completitud hemos mostrado los términos de lagrangiano O(p6 ) en el Apéndice. La cuestión es, ahora que uno tiene que lidiar con un número tan grande de términos, ¿se sabe con seguridad que no hay redundancia en la base del lagrangiano? El objetivo del primer trabajo es presentar un método para encontrar rela- ciones entre los operadores del lagrangiano mesónico de la Teoría de Perturbación Quiral de orden p6 . El procedimiento se puede utilizar para establecer si la base de los operadores en el Lagrangiano es mínima. Como ejemplo, aplicamos el método al caso de dos sabores en ausencia de fuentes escalares y pseudo-escalares (s = p = 0), y concluimos que el Lagrangiano mínimo contiene 27 operadores independientes. Resultados: Hemos concluido que la base original de 27 términos medibles más 2 términos de contacto, tiene 25 + 2 términos independientes En la segunda parte de la tesis hemos trabajado en la física de los neutrinos. Aunque el SM es muy exitoso, sabemos que no puede ser la descripción final de la naturaleza. A pesar de sus predicciones muy precisas, hay una serie de observaciones que no entran dentro del alcance de lo que el SM puede describir. El problema más abrumador del SM es el hecho de que no contiene gravedad. Otro tema que es más relevante para nuestro trabajo es que no hay masas de neutrinos en el modelo. Por otra parte, es necesario dar masas a los neutrinos para describir las oscilaciones. Hay dos maneras de dar masa a los neutrinos, dependiendo de si son partículas de Majorana o Dirac. Hemos hecho dos proyectos suponiendo que los neutrinos son majorana y el otro suponiendo que los neutrinos son partículas dirac Resultados: 1-Hemos propuesto y estudiado la hipótesis HSMR que es más general que la hipótesis HSMU. 2- La hipótesis de HSMR ofrece una explicación muy simple de los parámetros de la mezcla de neutrinos observada. Los actuales y futuros experimentos con neutrinos pueden fácilmente probar las predicciones de nuestro trabajo. Si nuestras predicciones son confirmadas por experimentos, como GERDA, sería un buen indicio de unificación de quark-lepton a gran escala

    Current Density of Majorana Bound States

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    It is known that a non-local complex fermion can be written in terms of two Majorana fermions. We exploit this fact to explain the system of two Majorana zero modes bound to a vortex and an anti-vortex, on the surface of a topological insulator in contact with an s-wave superconductor, as a non-local complex fermion. Although the current density of a single zero mode vanishes, by starting with a wave packet consisted of the positive and negative energy complex fermions, we specify that a time-dependent oscillatory motion emerges in the system. We also show that the amplitude and frequency of the oscillations depend on the relative distance of those two zero modes. Therefore, the observation of this oscillatory motion can be considered as a signature of the Majorana zero modes. Also, as the frequency of such an oscillatory motion depends on the distance between the two zero modes, it can be adjusted to bring this frequency within the resolution of observations. Furthermore, we indicate that the predicted oscillatory current is the reminiscent of the zitterbewegung effect

    Precise predictions for Dirac neutrino mixing

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    The neutrino mixing parameters are thoroughly studied using renormalization-group evolution of Dirac neutrinos with recently proposed parametrization of the neutrino mixing angles referred to as 'high-scale mixing relations.' The correlations among all neutrino mixing and CP violating observables are investigated. The predictions for the neutrino mixing angle θ23 are precise, and could be easily tested by ongoing and future experiments. We observe that the high-scale mixing unification hypothesis is incompatible with Dirac neutrinos due to updated experimental data

    Zitterbewegung in External Magnetic Field: Classic versus Quantum Approach

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    We investigate variations of the Zitterbewegung frequency of electron due to an external static and uniform magnetic field employing the expectation value quantum approach, and compare our results with the classical model of spinning particles. We demonstrate that these two so far compatible approaches are not in agreement in the presence of an external uniform static magnetic field, in which the classical approach breaks the usual symmetry of free particles and antiparticles states, i.e. it leads to CP violation. Hence, regarding the Zitterbewegung frequency of electron, the classical approach in the presence of an external magnetic field is unlikely to correctly describe the spin of electron, while the quantum approach does, as expected. We also show that the results obtained via the expectation value are in close agreement with the quantum approach of the Heisenberg picture derived in the literature. However, the method we use is capable of being compared with the classical approach regarding the spin aspects. The classical interpretation of spin produced by the altered Zitterbewegung frequency, in the presence of an external magnetic field, are discussed.Comment: 16 pages, no figure