160 research outputs found

    Image Inpainting by Hyperbolic Selection of Pixels for Two Dimensional Bicubic Interpolations

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    Image inpainting is a restoration process which has numerous applications. Restoring of scanned old images with scratches, or removing objects in images are some of inpainting applications. Different approaches have been used for implementation of inpainting algorithms. Interpolation approaches only consider one direction for this purpose. In this paper we present a new perspective to image inpainting. We consider multiple directions and apply both one-dimensional and two-dimensional bicubic interpolations. Neighboring pixels are selected in a hyperbolic formation to better preserve corner pixels. We compare our work with recent inpainting approaches to show our superior results

    Comparative Evaluation of Clinical and Radiographic Success of MTA and Propolis in Pulpotomy of Primary Molars

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    Introduction: In this study, the results of using MTA and propolis in the pulpotomy of primary molar teeth are evaluated clinically and radiographically. Methods and Methods: A total of 25 healthy 4 to 8 year old children each having two carious primary molar teeth in one arch, based on inclusion criteria were selected. In each child, random assignment of the pulpotomy medicaments was done as follows: Group I, MTA in one side; Group II, Propolis in another side. All the pulpotomized teeth were evaluated at 3, 6, and 9 month clinically and radiographically, based on the scoring criteria system. Finally data was analyzed using GEE analysis. Results: Results showed that the effects of treatment and time on two scores were tested. Based on the results of this model, the chances of having clinical score 2, versus score 1 are about 2.7 times higher in MTA treatment than in propolis (P=0.001). Similarly, the chance of having a clinical score 2 relative to its one, at 9th month is approximately 6.8 times higher than the 3th month (P=0.000) and at 6th month is approximately 2.8 times higher than the 3th month (P=0.005). The chance of having higher scores of radiographies in treatment of propolis is approximately 6.5 times than that of MTA (P=0.000). Also, the chance of having higher scores of radiographic index at 6th month is approximately 5 times and at 9th month is approximately 27 times more than the 3th month (P=0.00). Conclusions: Based on the results of this experimental study, teeth treated with MTA showed more suitable clinical and radiographic results as compared to propolis at 9 months follow-up.Keywords: Mineral Trioxide Aggregate; Primary Teeth; Propolis; Pulpotom

    Optimum Utilization of Rice Husk Ash for Stabilization of Sub-base Materials in Construction and Repair Project of Forest Roads

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    Forest roads play an important role in forest management, timber transportation and forest protection. However, minimum standards are considered for pavement materials due to the traffic volume and economic situation of forestry projects. Therefore, this paper aims to (a) evaluate the role of Rice Husk Ash (RHA) as a soil stabilizer of sub-base layer to improve the quality of materials and (b) determine the optimum utilization among 10 combinations of soil, lime and RHA regarding the environmental factors. The results of laboratory studies on soil A–6 (AASHTOO classification) indicates a general decrease in the maximum dry density (MDD) and an increase (21.9%) in optimum moisture content (OMC) with increase in RHA content. Adding RHA (9%) causes a decrease (13.3%) in liquid limit and plasticity index (PI) of soil. However, this improving effect is not as much as the influence of lime. The California bearing ratio (CBR) of stabilized soil in both saturated condition and optimum water content was 28% and 37.5% more than the natural soil, respectively. The maximum unconfined compressive strength (UCS) values were recorded for 9% RHA, 237 KN m-2 after 28 days curing time, which was 23 KN m-2 more than the natural soil. According to the results, the combination of Soil+4% Lime+9% RHA could be used as the optimum consumption of materials for stabilization of sub-base layer in construction of forest roads

    The role of exopolysaccharides from a chromate reducing Pseudomonas aeruginosa in resistance to hexavalent chromium and antibiotics

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    زمینه و هدف: کروم شش ظرفیتی (VI) یکی از اکسید کننده های بسیار قوی و جز عناصر سرطان زای گروه A است که در پساب صنایع مختلف وجود دارد. اگزو پلی ساکاریدهای (EPS) ترشح شده توسط باکتری های موجود در این پساب ها می تواند نقش موثری در افزایش مقاومت باکتری ها به این عامل نامساعد ایفا نماید. این تحقیق با هدف بررسی نقش EPS باکتری های مقاوم به کرومات در احیای کروم VI و مقاومت آنتی بیوتیکی آن ها صورت گرفته است. روش بررسی: این مطالعه مقطعی- آزمایشگاهی بر روی باکتری های مقاوم به کرومات موجود در انواع مختلف پساب صورت گرفت. حداکثر غلظت قابل تحمل کرومات (MTC)، مقدار ترشح EPS، احیای کرومات توسط EPS و مقاومت آنتی بیوتیکی جدایه انتخابی به روش کیربی- بائر تعیین گردید. یافته ها: جدایه موثر که واجد بالاترین MTC ( mM128) و حداکثر توان ترشح EPS ( mg.ml-1117/0) بود، بر اساس نتایج تست های بیوشیمیایی گونه ای از سودوموناس آئروژینوزا تشخیص داده شد. مقایسه راندمان 61 درصدی احیای کرومات توسط EPS با راندمان 78 درصدی احیای سلولی کرومات حاکی از نقش قابل توجه EPS در احیای کرومات بود. این باکتری به طیف وسیعی از آنتی بیوتیک ها نیز مقاومت نشان داد. نتیجه گیری: افزایش کروم VI در محیط منجر به افزایش مقاومت باکتری ها با به کارگیری انواع مکانیسم های سازشی چون افزایش ترشح EPS می گردد و به موازات آن مقاومت آنتی بیوتیکی نیز افزایش می یابد. این مقاومت توام از لحاظ پزشکی بسیار مهم بوده و می تواند اطلاعات ارزشمندی در ارتباط با مکانیسم مقاومت آنتی بیوتیکی، ژنتیک پلاسمید و اکولوژی جدایه مورد نظر در اختیار ما قرار دهد

    The clinical impact of exosomes in cardiovascular disorders: from basic science to clinical application

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    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the major cause of death globally; therefore, there is a need for the identification of valid biomarker that accurately predict the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, and novel therapeutic approaches for its treatment. Exosomes are very small extracellular vesicles containing protein, lipid, transcription factors, mRNAs, non-coding RNA and nucleic acid contents, that are important players in intercellular communication, and that act via long-range signals or cell-to-cell contact. The discovery of exosomes provides potential strategies for the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular disease. In the current review, we have explored the potential impact of exosomes on cardiovascular physiology, and their therapeutic potential in cardiovascular disorders with a emphasize on the existing preclinical studies

    Physiologic Effects of Intra-nasal Sedation with Midazolam and Ketamine in 3-6 Years old Uncooperative Children

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    Objective: Several medications have been used for sedation in children in dentistry and intra-nasal route has been reported to be an efficient way regarding patient cooperation. The aim of the present study was to compare the changes in physiologic parameters following intra-nasal midazolam and ketamine administration.Methods: In this randomized cross-over double-blind trial, 17 uncooperative 3-6 years old children requiring at least two dental treatments were selected randomly and received intra-nasal ketamine (0.5 mg/kg) and midazolam (0.2 mg/kg) prior to the treatment using the other drug in the next visit. Physiologic parameters including blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate and O2 saturation were measured and compared during the different time intervals using two way repeated measure ANOVA.Results: The patients showed higher blood pressure and heart rate following ketamine administration compared to midazolam (p<0.001). No significant difference was found between the drugs at different time intervals regarding respiratory rate and O2 saturation. (p>0.05)Conclusion: In spite of significant differences between midazolam and ketamine regarding heart rateand blood pressure, both drugs can b e used as effective sedative medications without treatment interruption in children

    Dvogodišnje serološko istraživanje virusa goveđe virusne dijareje, goveđeg alfa-herpesvirusa 1 i virusa goveđe parainfluence tipa 3 na farmama mliječnih krava u Qazvinu, sjeverozapadni Iran

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    Infections with bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV), bovine alphaherpesvirus 1 (BoHV-1), and bovine parainfluenza virus type 3 (BPIV-3) cause diseases in cattle with serious economic consequences worldwide. The objective of the present study was to determine of herd-level and animal-level BVDV, BoHV-1, and BPIV-3 seroprevalence, and evaluate some of the associated risk factors on farms in Qazvin province, Northwestern Iran. A total of 1036 cattle in 16 herds were randomly selected, and their serum samples were tested to detect antibodies to these viruses in a cross-sectional study over 2 years. The results showed the seroprevalence of BVDV, BoHV-1, and BPIV-3 was 100%, 56.3%, and 100% at herd-level and 55.1%, 5.1%, and 95.2% at animal-level, respectively. Statistical analysis revealed that the farm was a strong risk factor for all the studied viruses, while the year was determined as a risk factor for only BVDV (P<0.001). The seroprevalence of BVDV and BPIV-3 was significantly (P<0.01) affected by season. The proportion of seropositive cows increased with age for BVDV and BoHV-1 (P<0.001). Concurrent infection was the highest in mixed infections with BVDV and BPIV-3 (53.2%), and there was a positive correlation between BVDV and BoHV-1 seropositivity (R2= 0.106, P<0.001). The present study shows that infections of BVDV and BPIV-3 are common in cattle in Northwestern Iran and which implies the need to implement control programs to reduce the risk of the spread of these viruses.Infekcije virusom goveđe virusne dijareje (BVDV), goveđeg alfa-herpesvirusa 1(BoHV-1) i virusa goveđe parainfluenze tipa 3 (BPIV-3) uzrokuju pobol u goveda širom svijeta, sa znatnim ekonomskim posljedicama. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je odrediti seroprevalenciju BVDV-a, BoHV-1 i BPIV-3, na razini stada i na razini životinje, te procijeniti rizične čimbenike povezane s tim virusima na farmama u pokrajini Qazvin u sjeverozapadnom Iranu. U presječnom istraživanju, koje je trajalo više od dvije godine, nasumično je odabrano ukupno 1036 goveda iz 16 stada čiji su uzorci seruma testirani kako bi se pronašla antitijela na tri navedena virusa. Rezultati su pokazali da je seroprevalencija BVDV-a 100 %, BoHV-1 56,3 %, a BPIV-3 100 % na razini stada, dok je na razini životinje seroprevalencija BVDV-a bila 55,1 %, BoHV-1 5,1 %, a BPIV-3 95,2 %. Statistička je analiza pokazala da je farma znatan rizični čimbenik za sve istraživane viruse, dok se kombinacija godine i sezone pokazala rizičnim faktorom samo za BVDV (P < 0,001). Na seroprevalenciju BVDV-a i BPIV-3 znakovito je utjecala sezona (P < 0,01). Omjer seropozitivnih krava za BVDV i BoHV-1 znakovito je rastao s dobi (P < 0,001). Najčešća je koinfekcija bila virusima BVDV i BPIV-3 (53,2 %), a ustanovljena je i pozitivna korelacija između seropozitivnosti BVDV-a i BoHV-1 (R2 = 0,106, P < 0,001). Ovo je istraživanje pokazalo da su infekcije BVDV-om i BPIV-3 česte u goveda u sjeverozapadnom Iranu što upućuje na potrebu uvođenja programa nadzora kako bi se smanjio rizik od širenja ovih virusa

    Seroprevalence and Risk Factors for Infection with Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus, Bovine Parainfluenza Virus-3, and Bovine Adenovirus-3 in Dairy Cattle Farms of Fars Province, Southern Iran

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    The seroprevalences of BRSV, BPIV-3, and BAV-3 were studied in the dairy cattle of Fars Province in the south of Iran and their associated risk factors were determined. Serum samples (n = 420) were collected from 36 cattle herds in the northern, central, and southern regions of the study area. Commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kits were used to detect antibodies against these viruses. The Chi-square test and logistic regression were used to identify potential risk factors. Antibodies were estimated 100% for all the studied viruses at the herd level and 76.43%, 76.90%, and 92.62% at the animal level for BRSV, BPIV-3, and BAV-3, respectively. In logistic regression analysis, age for all the viruses, season for BPIV-3 and BAV-3, and region and farming type for BAV-3 were significantly related to seroprevalence at the animal level. A significant association of dual infections with studied viruses was identified. The present study demonstrated that BRSV, BPIV-3, and BAV-3 are very prevalent in the dairy herds of southern Iran and highlighted the necessity to establish a control program