4 research outputs found

    Measuring pH in the Arctic Ocean: Colorimetric method or SeaFET?

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    The suitability of the colorimetric method in a custom-made instrumental set-up and the commercial potentiometric SeaFET®electrode sensor to measure pH in surface oceanic water in the Arctic was investigated during the Chinese Arctic Research Expedition (CHINARE) in summer 2014. The instruments were set up in parallel on the on-board underway seawater supply for 65 days, enabling comparison in various conditions in the Arctic Ocean from the Chukchi Sea to the ice-covered high latitudes (81°N) and the open-water North-western Pacific Ocean. Overall, the instruments yielded pH datasets of similar high quality (method uncertainty ). Detailed comparison with the parallel colorimetric pH measurements indicated that the measurements with the SeaFET external electrode in the low salinity ice-covered area were problematical and that the internal reference electrode failed after almost 2 months of cruise. Reasons for discrepancies between the data from the two instruments and recommendations for the use of either instrument for pH measurements in the Arctic are discussed. Finally, the investigation yielded a reliable high-resolution pH dataset in surface waters along a transect from the Pacific to the Arctic Ocean. Large pH variations were observed in the ice-free Arctic surface waters, with pH ranging between 7.98 and 8.49. The highest pH values were observed at the ice edge, whereas a relatively invariable pH () was measured in under-ice seawater in the ice-covered Arctic Ocean. The high resolution surface seawater pH dataset obtained here could be used as reference to detect the on-going acidification rate in the Pacific Arctic

    Future sea ice conditions and weather forecasts in the Arctic: Implications for Arctic shipping

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    International audienceThe ability to forecast sea ice (both extent and thickness) and weather conditions are the major factors when it comes to safe marine transportation in the Arctic Ocean. This paper presents findings focusing on sea ice and weather prediction in the Arctic Ocean for navigation purposes, in particular along the Northeast Passage. Based on comparison with the observed sea ice concentrations for validation, the best performing Earth system models from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) program (CMIP5—Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 5) were selected to provide ranges of potential future sea ice conditions. Our results showed that, despite a general tendency toward less sea ice cover in summer, internal variability will still be large and shipping along the Northeast Passage might still be hampered by sea ice blocking narrow passages. This will make sea ice forecasts on shorter time and space scales and Arctic weather prediction even more important

    Phytoplankton distribution in the Western Arctic Ocean during a summer of exceptional ice retreat

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    International audienceA drastic ice decline in the Arctic Ocean, triggered by global warming, could generate rapid changes in the upper ocean layers. The ice retreat is particularly intense over the Canadian Basin where large ice free areas were observed since 2007. The CHINARE 2008 expedition was conducted in the Western Arctic (WA) ocean during a year of exceptional ice retreat (August-September 2008). This study investigates whether a significant reorganization of the primary producers in terms of species, biomass and productivity has to be observed in the WA as a result of the intense ice melting. Both pigments (HPLC) and taxonomy (microscopy) acquired in 2008 allowed to determine the phytoplanktonic distribution from Bering Strait (65° N) to extreme high latitudes over the Alpha Ridge (86° N) encompassing the Chukchi shelf, the Chukchi Borderland and the Canadian Basin. Two different types of phytoplankton communities were observed. Over the ice-free Chukchi shelf, relatively high chl-a concentrations (1-5 mg m-3) dominated by 80 % of diatoms. In the Canadian Basin, surface waters are oligotrophic (-3) and algal assemblages were dominated by haptophytes and diatoms while higher biomasses (~0.4 mg m-3) related to a deep Subsurface Chlorophyll Maximum (SCM) are associated to small-sized (nano and pico) phytoplankton. The ice melting onset allows to point out three different zones over the open basin: (i) the ice free condition characterized by deep and unproductive phytoplankton communities dominated by nanoplankton, (ii) an extended (78°-83° N) Active Melting Zone (AMZ) where light penetration associated to the stratification start off and enough nutrient availability drives to the highest biomass and primary production due to both diatoms and large flagellates, (iii) heavy ice conditions found north to 83° N allowing light limitation and consequently low biomass and primary production associated to pico and nanoplankton. To explain the poverty (Canadian Basin) and the richness (Chukchi shelf) of the WA, we explore the role of the nutrient-rich Pacific Waters, the bathymetry and two characteristics linked to the intense ice retreat: the stratification and the Surface Freshwater Layer (SFL). The freshwater accumulation induced a strong stratification limiting the nutrient input from the subsurface Pacific waters. This results in a biomass impoverishment of the well-lit layer and compels the phytoplankton to grow in subsurface. The phytoplankton distribution in the Chukchi Borderland and north Canadian Basin, during the summer of exceptional ice retreat (2008), suggested when compared to in-situ data from a more ice covered year (1994), recent changes with a decrease of the phytoplankton abundance while averaged biomass was similar. The 2008 obtained phytoplankton data in the WA provided a state of the ecosystem which will be useful to determine both past and future changes in relation with predicted sea ice decline