692 research outputs found

    Measurement of NO<inf>2</inf> indoor and outdoor concentrations in selected public schools of lahore using passive sampler

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    Higher levels of NO2 are a danger to human health especially for children. A seven day study was carried to find out the ambient concentrations of NO2 in 27 schools of Lahore with the help of passive samplers. In each school three sites were selected, viz: laboratory, corridor and outdoors. After 7 days exposure the tubes were subjected to spectrophotometric analysis. Results showed that the maximum values measured in laboratory, outdoor and corridors were 376μg/m3, 222μg/m3 and 77μg/m3. Minimum values for laboratory, outdoor and corridors were 10μg/m3, 20μg/m3 and 8μg/m3. Factors affecting these values were laboratory activities and proximity to main roads. These values were significantly higher than the standard values defined by EPA. Therefore children in schools were at risk of developing health complications

    A Robust Regression-Based Stock Exchange Forecasting and Determination of Correlation between Stock Markets

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    Knowledge-based decision support systems for financial management are an important part of investment plans. Investors are avoiding investing in traditional investment areas such as banks due to low return on investment. The stock exchange is one of the major areas for investment presently. Various non-linear and complex factors affect the stock exchange. A robust stock exchange forecasting system remains an important need. From this line of research, we evaluate the performance of a regression-based model to check the robustness over large datasets. We also evaluate the effect of top stock exchange markets on each other. We evaluate our proposed model on the top 4 stock exchanges—New York, London, NASDAQ and Karachi stock exchange. We also evaluate our model on the top 3 companies—Apple, Microsoft, and Google. A huge (Big Data) historical data is gathered from Yahoo finance consisting of 20 years. Such huge data creates a Big Data problem. The performance of our system is evaluated on a 1-step, 6-step, and 12-step forecast. The experiments show that the proposed system produces excellent results. The results are presented in terms of Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE)

    Learning the Repair Urgency for a Decision Support System for Tunnel Maintenance

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    The transport network in many countries relies on extended portions which run underground in tunnels. As tunnels age, repairs are required to prevent dangerous collapses. However repairs are expensive and will affect the operational efficiency of the tunnel. We present a decision support system (DSS) based on supervised machine learning methods that learns to predict the risk factor and the resulting repair urgency in the tunnel maintenance planning of a European national rail operator. The data on which the prototype has been built consists of 47 tunnels of varying lengths. For each tunnel, periodic survey inspection data is available for multiple years, as well as other data such as the method of construction of the tunnel. Expert annotations are also available for each 10m tunnel segment for each survey as to the degree of repair urgency which are used for both training and model evaluation. We show that good predictive power can be obtained and discuss the relative merits of a number of learning methods

    Comparison of Fatty Acid Composition, Phytochemical Profiles and Antioxidant Activities in Four Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) Varieties

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    Abstract The present study was intendant to evaluate variations among flaxseed varities in terms of fatty acid composition, phytochemical profiles, and antioxidant activities determined by oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC), 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and ferrous ion reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) assays. Significant variations in the fatty acid composition, phenolic acids and lignan were observed in flaxseed varieties from different countries. Among these flaxseed verities, the unsaturated fatty acids accounted over four fifths of total fatty acid contents. The highest ratio of linolenic acid of total fatty acid was observed in USPEA, whereas the lowest one was found in Yexiao. USPEA showed the most contents of total phenolics, as well as flaxseed lignans. In general, total phenolics appeared to be the main contributors in the antioxidant capacity of flaxseed, which presented significant positive correlation. Our study revealed that both cultivar and origin of seeds significantly affect fatty acid composition, phenolic acids, lignans and subsequent antioxidant activities in flaxseed. The results provide new aspects of breeding resources of flaxseed cultivars by presenting their quality specification and possible commercial value

    Exposure to NO<inf>2</inf> in occupationalbuilt environmnets in urban centre in Lahore

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    Increased economic growth, urbanisation and substantial rise in automobile vehicles has contributed towards the elevated levels of air pollution in major cities in Pakistan. Aone week study was conducted by using passive samplers to assess NO2 concentration in occupational built environments at two most congested and populated sites of Lahore. Both sites were locatedon the busy roads of Lahore. At Site-I the highest concentration was in outdoors followed by corridor and indoor. While at Site II all the sampling location wereindoors and level were comparable to that of outdoor levelsat Site I. The results suggest the likely contribution of ambient sources in exposure to indoor NO2 in educational and other occupational built environments in urban centres

    Concurrent Infection with Dengue and Malaria: An Unusual Presentation

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    Dengue and malaria are both endemic in South Asia and represent a major public health burden in this region. Though there have been some case reports of concurrent infection with dengue and malaria, yet there are only few cases of such infections reported from South Asia. Here, we present a case of a young male returning from a dengue endemic area who tested positive for the virus along with Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum. In view of the severity of coinfection (Epelboin et al., 2012), overlapping symptoms, and a challenging obscurity of diagnosis, a multidimensional diagnostic approach is suggested

    Effect of compost addition on arsenic uptake, morphological and physiological attributes of maize plants grown in contrasting soils

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    Contamination of soils with arsenic (As) represents a global environmental and health issue considering the entrance of toxic As in the human food chain. Although partially understood, addition of compost for the remediation of As-contaminated soils may result in distinct effects on plant growth and physiological attributes depending on compost-mediated potential mobility/sequestration of As in soils. This study explores the role of compost addition (C; 0, 1 and 2.5%) on morphological and gas exchange attributes and photosynthetic pigments (chlorophyll contents) of maize plants under As stress (0, 40, 80, 120 mg kg− 1), as well as soil As immobilization/mobilization in a pot experiment, using two contrasting soils. Results revealed that, in Narwala (sandy loam) soil, the addition of compost decreased shoot As concentration of maize plants (p < 0.05; 4.01–13.7 mg kg− 1 dry weight (DW)), notably at C2.5 treatment, with significant improvement in shoot dry biomass, gas exchange attributes and chlorophyll (a and b) contents, i.e., 1.33–1.82, 1.20–2.65 and 1.34–1.66 times higher, respectively, over C0 at all As levels. Contrastingly, in Shahkot (clay loam) soil, C2.5 treatment increased shoot As concentration (p < 0.05; 7.02–17.3 mg kg− 1 DW), and as such reduced the shoot dry biomass, gas exchange attributes and chlorophyll contents, compared to the control – rather C1 treatment was more effective and exhibited positive effect than C2.5. Considerably, at C2.5 treatment, phosphate extractable (bioavailable) soil As concentration was also found to be greater in the (post-experiment) Shahkot soil than that of Narwala soil (0.40–3.82 vs. 0.19–1.51 mg kg− 1, respectively). This study advanced our understanding to resolve the complex compost-As interactions in As-contaminated soils, which are imperative to understand for developing the effective and soil-specific remediation strategies
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