115 research outputs found

    Creating Lasting Change through Collaboration and Engagement

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    Have you experienced difficulty moving a critical change forward and building the buy-in you need? Come learn how to get everyone moving forward with you. Real-life examples from a recent curriculum redesign project will be discussed and participants will apply organizational change concepts to a change initiative of their own

    Possible Worlds, Zombies, and Truth Machines

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    The subject of zombies is one of the most discussed and controversial topics of philosophy of mind. In this paper I will first examine the main argument of zombies, providing a summary of the current discussion. Then I will introduce a thought experiment, an epistemic window on a metaphysical scenario. By the thought experiment I will argue that zombies are logically impossible. Further I will discuss another recent epistemic window. Finally I will provide some other logical consideration to prove that intentionality is not reducible to the cognitive functional aspects of the mind and that, moreover, the subjective recognition of semantic contents is necessary in order to consider as sensical the verbal behavior of a zombie

    Projet de création d'une association d'aide aux réfugiés syriens à Genève

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    « Soyez le changement que vous voulez voir dans le monde » GANDHI Le conflit armé qui sévit en Syrie depuis plus de six ans à engendré une importante crise humanitaire qui force la population à fuir pour trouver un lieu où s’établir, sans avoir à craindre pour leur vie. Notre pays est connu pour le respect qu’il accorde aux Droits de l’Homme et pour sa politique en matière de réfugiés. C’est dans ce contexte que depuis de nombreuses années des victimes de guerre fuient leurs terres pour terminer leur voyage aux frontières suisses. Ayant moi-même été réfugiée et ayant fui mon pays pour des raisons similaires, c’est grâce à des institutions d’aides sociales que j’ai eu la chance de m’épanouir et d’évoluer dans cette terre d’accueil qu’est la Suisse. Motivée par l’envie de rendre à la société un peu de ce qu’elle m’a donné, je souhaite créer une association qui aura pour objectifs de faciliter l’intégration des jeunes Syriens et de leur offrir un encadrement de proximité. Grâce à une étude sur l’Hospice général de Genève, son SWOT et à une analyse macro-environnementale, j’ai pu relever une question pertinente : « Quel est le problème social que j’ai identifié et comment je vais faire pour améliorer la situation ? » C’est là que commencent les choses sérieuses ! Toute une réflexion sur la structure adéquate, les besoins, les actions et le concept de l’association s’est faite. C’est à travers des partenariats avec des grandes entités comme l’Hospice général ainsi que de plus petites associations comme « Meyrin Basket » et d’autres clubs sportifs que notre association « Ensemble Genève-Syrie » pourra mener à bien les deux missions principales qu’elle s’est fixées : l'intégration sociale rapide et naturelle des petits Syriens ainsi qu'un encadrement de proximité pour les enfants. L’esprit de l’association s’exprime à travers des valeurs sportives et d’acceptation. Elle devra principalement son efficience à la générosité et à la solidarité de la population locale ainsi qu’à celle de la communauté syrienne. « Tout groupe humain prend sa richesse dans la communication, l’entraide et la solidarité visant à un but commun : l’épanouissement de chacun dans le respect des différences » Françoise DOLT

    Genetski bazirana strategija re-planiranja modela crvotočine korištenjem neuronski naučenog vibracijskog ponašanja u robotskoj montaži

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    This paper investigates the genetic based re-planning search strategy, using neural learned vibration behavior for achieving tolerance compensation of uncertainties in robotic assembly. The vibration behavior was created from complex robot assembly of cogged tube over multistage planetary speed. Complex extensive experimental investigations were conducted for the purpose of finding the optimum vibration solution for each planetary stage reducer in order to complete the assembly process in defined real-time. However, tuning those parameters through experimental discovering for improved performance is a time consuming process. Neural network based learning was used to generate wider scope of parameters in order to improve the robot behavior during each state of the assembly process. As a novel modelling formalism of reactive hybrid automata, we propose the Wormhole Model with both learning and re-planning capacities (WOMOLERE). For our application, the states of hybrid automaton include amplitudes and frequencies of robot vibration module. The transition action is a function of minimal distance and uncertainty effects due to jamming during the assembly process. The results suggest that the methodology is adequate and could be recognized as an idea for designing of robot surgery assistance methods, especially in soft-robotics.Ovaj članak prezentira strategiju re-planiranja kretanja, baziranu na genetskom algoritmu, korištenjem neuronski naučenog vibracijskog ponašanja u cilju postizanja kompenzacije tolerancije neizvjesnosti u procesu robotske montaže. Vibracijsko ponašanje je kreirano iz kompleksne robotske montaže nazubljene cjevčice preko višestupanjskog planetarnog reduktora brzine motora. Provedeni su brojni eksperimenti s ciljem odre.ivanja optimalnih amplituda i frekvencija vibracijskog modula robota za svaki stupanj reduktora s ciljem završetka procesa montaže u definiranom realnom vremenu. Me.utim, podešavanje ovih parametara kroz eksperimente u cilju unaprje.enja perfomansi je vremenski zahtjevan proces. Učenje bazirano na neuronskim mrežama je korišteno za generiranje šireg opsega parametara stanja modela u cilju unaprje.enja robotskog ponašanja tijekom svake faze procesa montiranja. Kao novi formalizam modeliranja reaktivnog hibridnog automata, predložili smo model crvotočine, sa sposobnostima i učenja i re-planiranja (WOMOLERE). Za našu aplikaciju, stanja hibridnog automata sadrže amplitude i frekvencije robotskog vibracijskog modula. Akcija tranzicije je funkcija minimalne distance i učinaka neizvjesnosti uslijed zaglavljenja pri procesu montiranja. Rezultati pokazuju da je metodologija prikladna i kao ideja se može koristiti u dizajniranju metoda robotske asistencije pri operacijama, osobito u soft robotici

    Reflections on the Foundations of Russellian Physicalism

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    Russellian monism is the doctrine according to which physical properties, usually described as structural and dynamic, are grounded in categorical properties, often characterised as phenomenal or proto-phenomenal properties, of which physics leaves us ignorant, and therefore often called inscrutables or quiddities. Several authors claim that this doctrine derives its raison d’être from an attempt to overcome the insuperable difficulties posed to physicalism by the conceivability and knowledge arguments. There are several versions of this doctrine, the best known of which is panprotopsychism, but which has turned out to be affected by modified versions of the arguments against the competing doctrines. In this paper, after having introduced some main themes related to Russellian monism, I will discuss the reasons for understanding it as a form of physicalism

    Hybrid Automaton Based Vehicle Platoon Modelling and Cooperation Behaviour Profile Prediction

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    Autonomous cooperative driving systems require the integration of research activities in the field of embedded systems, robotics, communication, control and artificial intelligence in order to create a secure and intelligent autonomous drivers behaviour patterns in the traffic. Beside autonomous vehicle management, an important research focus is on the cooperation behaviour management. In this paper, we propose hybrid automaton modelling to emulate flexible vehicle Platoon and vehicles cooperation interactions. We introduce novel coding function for Platoon cooperation behaviour profile generation in time, which depends of vehicles number in Platoon and behaviour types. As the behaviour prediction of transportation systems, one of the primarily used methods of artificial intelligence in Intelligent Transport Systems, we propose an approach towards NARX neural network prediction of Platoon cooperation behaviour profile. With incorporation of Platoon manoeuvres dynamic prediction, which is capable of analysing traffic behaviour, this approach would be useful for secure implementation of real autonomous vehicles cooperation

    Neural network-based data-driven modelling of anomaly detection in thermal power plant

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    The thermal power plant systems are one of the most complex dynamical systems which must function properly all the time with least amount of costs. More sophisticated monitoring systems with early detection of failures and abnormal behaviour of the power plants are required. The detection of anomalies in historical data using machine learning techniques can lead to system health monitoring. The goal of the research is to build a neural network-based data-driven model that will be used for anomaly detection in selected sections of thermal power plant. Selected sections are Steam Superheaters and Steam Drum. Inputs for neural networks are some of the most important process variables of these sections. All of the inputs are observable from installed monitoring system of thermal power plant, and their anomaly/normal behaviour is recognized by operator’s experiences. The results of applying three different types of neural networks (MLP, recurrent and probabilistic) to solve the problem of anomaly detection confirm that neural network-based data-driven modelling has potential to be integrated in real-time health monitoring system of thermal power plant

    Hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck – En kvalitativ studie om skolkuratorers upplevelser i arbetet med elever på gymnasieskolor

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    The role for school curators in issues regarding honours related violent is very complex. There are few studies concerning professional experience of management in matters of honour related violent. The purpose of this paper is to examine how the professional school curator's role is described in honour violent cases. Furthermore, focus has been put on highlight the school counselor’s interaction with other participants in the issue. The school counselors face a lot of difficulties and challenges in the approach to not harm the student’s situation. Within the school curative work the professional curators experience difficulties in keeping a professional attitude and at the same time being able to act in accordance with the guidelines. In this study, a qualitative method is applied, where we made six semi-structured interviews with school counselors at various high schools. To analyze the results, we have used the profession- and role theory. Based on selected theories the result has shown that school curators did not have direct guidance in proceeding issues considering honour related violent cases. The results also indicated that the school counselor has an integrated function in relation to other cooperating actors of problems related to honour violent

    Institutionell design och etnisk uppdelning i Bosnien och Hercegovina- Hur pĂĄverkar konstitutionen etniska relationer i Bosnien och Hercegovina

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    Det som idag är Bosnien och Hercegovinas konstitution är en del av Daytonavtalet, fredsavtalet för kriget 1992-1995. I den här uppsatsen granskar vi konstitutionen utifrån hur den påverkar de etniska gruppernas interaktion. Bosnien och Hercegovinas politiska uppbyggnad har många likheter med consociational democracy. Därför kommer vi använda Donald L Horowitzs kritik av consociational democracy i vår analys. Vi granskar närmare skolsystemet, valsystemet och ansvarsfördelningen mellan entiteterna och den federala regeringen och analyserar hur de påverkar tolerans och interaktion mellan de etniska grupperna i landet. Detta är en teorikonsumerande fallstudie med granskande och analyserande inslag. Resultaten från vår studie pekar på att konstitutionen inte uppmuntrar till interaktion mellan de etniska grupperna genom bland annat väl omfattande regional autonomi
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