23 research outputs found

    Geobacter sulfurreducens can protect 304L stainless steel against pitting in conditions of low electron acceptor concentrations

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    The effect of Geobacter sulfurreducens cells was studied on the electrochemical behaviour of 304L stainless steel, emphasizing the role of the soluble electron acceptor (fumarate). In fumarate-lacking media, the presence of G. sulfurreducens induced free potential ennoblement in a few hours. This ennoblement has already been observed in standard media that contained fumarate. Our previous studies have shown that G. sulfurreducens shifted the pitting potential toward the positive values. The pits induced by the presence of the bacteria were wider and deeper than in the absence of bacteria. Here, in fumarate-lacking media, similar shift in pitting potential was observed, but the repassivation phase was strongly improved. AFM analysis showed that pits were identical with those observed in the absence of bacteria at lower potential. In contrast with all the previous work where G. sulfurreducens enhanced corrosion, here at a low concentration of electron acceptor, the presence of the bacteria protected the steel against pitting

    Possible role of Geobacter sulfurreducens in anaerobic corrosion of steels

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    Geobacteraceae are the most widespread microorganisms in soils and sediments in which microbial reduction of Fe(III) is an important process, either in the natural degradation of organic compounds or in their bioremediation. Geobacter species have been shown to be predominant microorganisms on electrodes harvesting electricity from the sediments. They have the capability to oxidize organic electron donor to carbon dioxide transferring the electron directly to electrodes [1]. On the other side, the ability of Geobacter sulfurreducens to reduce nitrate to nitrite or fumarate to succinate with a graphite electrode serving as electron donor has also been demonstrated [2]. Direct electron transfer to solid electrodes is achieved through periplasmic and outer membrane c-type cytochromes [3]. Outer membranes proteins and even some kind of conductive pili that serve as biological nanowires are also involved in the electron transfer chains, mainly to Fe(III) and Mn(IV) oxides [4]. The aim of this study was to assess the possible influence of G. sulfurreducens on the occurrence of corrosion of steels. Experiments were performed with pure cultures of G. sulfurreducens on mild steel (XC45) and three different kinds of stainless steels (ferritic steel, 304L, 316L). In each case the free potential increased by 200 to 300 mV after the injection of the bacteria. On the contrary, control experiments performed with the injection of the sterile medium or the bacteria suspension after filtration on a 0.2 ”m filter did not induce any variation in the free potential. The presence of the cell was consequently directly responsible for the potential increase of the coupons. The occurrence or not of corrosion was discussed with respect to this potential increase and the nature of the medium. Besides, preliminary results allow assessing the possibility to use G. sulfurreducens to design protective biofilms

    Effect of hydrogenase on the corrosion of mild steel

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    Losses due to corrosion are evaluated at 4% of the GDP of industrialised countries and biocorrosion may be responsible for 10% of these costs [1]. Whereas the general mechanism of anaerobic corrosion, involving iron sulphur deposits, seems now well agreed, the detailed mechanism is still unclear and the implication of hydrogenase is very controversial. The influence of a [Fe] hydrogenase from C. acetobutylicum on mild steel corrosion was studied using a galvanic cell and measuring the current and the free potential. This hydrogenase seems to induce pitting corrosion. The mechanism is discussed using activated and deactivated enzyme and the possible influence of phosphate is highlighted. In the galvanic cell, the presence of hydrogenase on the surface of only one electrode induced a galvanic current up to 10”A and the potential decreased by 500mV in the presence of phosphate. MEB and EDX analysis confirmed the presence of a vivianite deposit which forms a protective barrier to corrosion [2]. It seems that either type of hydrogenase ([Fe] or [Ni-Fe]) has a significant role in initiating corrosion [3, 4]

    Effect of Geobacter sulfurreducens on the microbial corrosion of mild steel, ferritic and austenitic stainless steels

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    The influence of Geobacter sulfurreducens was tested on the anaerobic corrosion of four different steels: mild steel 1145, ferritic steel 403 and austenitic steels 304L and 316L. Within a few hours, the presence of cells induced a free potential (Eoc) ennoblement around +0.3 V on 1145 mild steel, 403 ferritic steel and 304L austenitic steels and slightly less on 316L. The kinetics of Eoc ennoblement depended on the amount of bacteria in the inoculum, but the final potential value depended essentially on the nature of the material. This effect was due to the capacity of G. sulfurreducens to create a direct cathodic reaction on steel surfaces, extracting the electrons directly from material. The presence of bacterial cells modified the corrosion features of mild steel and ferritic steel, so that corrosion attacks were gathered in determined zones of the surface. Local corrosion was significantly enhanced on ferritic steel. Potential ennoblement was not sufficient to induce corrosion on austenitic steels. In contrast G. sulfurreducens delayed the occurrence of pitting on 304L steel because of its capability to oxidize acetate at high potential values. The electrochemical behaviour of 304L steel was not affected by the concentration of soluble electron donor (acetate, 1–10 mM) or the amount of planktonic cells; it was directly linked to the biofilm coverage. After polarization pitting curves had been recorded, microscopic observations showed that pits propagated only in the surface zones where cell settlement was the densest. The study evidenced that Geobacter sulfurreducens can control the electrochemical behaviour of steels in complex ways that can lead to severe corrosion. As Geobacteraceae are ubiquitous species in sediments and soils they should now be considered as possible crucial actors in the microbial corrosion of buried equipment

    Role of direct microbial electron transfer in corrosion of steels

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    It has recently been discovered that many microbial species have the capacity to connect their metabolism to solid electrodes, directly exchanging electrons with them through membrane-bound redox compounds,nevertheless such a direct electron transfer pathway has been evoked rarely in the domain of microbial corrosion. Here was evidenced for the first time that the bacterium Geobacter sulfurreducens is able to increase the free potential of 304 L stainless steel up to 443 mV in only a few hours, which represents a drastic increase in the corrosion risk. In contrast, when the bacterial cells form a locally wellestablished biofilm, pitting potentials were delayed towards positive values. The microscopy pictures confirmed an intimate correlation between the zones where pitting occurred and the local settlement of cells. Geobacter species must now be considered as key players in the mechanisms of corrosion

    MĂ©canismes de transfert direct en corrosion microbienne des aciers : Application Ă  Geobacter sulfurreducens et Ă  l’hydrogĂ©nase de Clostridium acetobutylicum.

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    La corrosion induite par les micro-organismes (CIM) gĂ©nĂšre des pertes Ă©conomiques mondiales chiffrĂ©es en milliards d’euros par an. Il est communĂ©ment admis que les bactĂ©ries sulfato-rĂ©ductrices (BSR) jouent un rĂŽle clĂ© dans la CIM anaĂ©robie des aciers. MalgrĂ© cette unanimitĂ©, les essais en laboratoire peinent Ă  reproduire la corrosion des aciers observĂ©es en milieu naturel; bien plus, ils n’expliquent pas quel est l’élĂ©ment qui dĂ©clenche la corrosion, puisque les BSR prĂ©sentes dans de nombreux environnements naturels n’induisent pas systĂ©matiquement de corrosion. L’objectif de ce travail est d’évaluer la pertinence dans le domaine de la CIM de nouveaux mĂ©canismes de transferts Ă©lectroniques entre aciers et protĂ©ines ou cellules microbiennes. La premiĂšre partie de la thĂšse Ă©value l’effet d’une [Fe]-hydrogĂ©nase sur les processus de corrosion anaĂ©robie des aciers au carbone. L’hypothĂšse d’une catalyse directe de la rĂ©duction des protons par des hydrogĂ©nases adsorbĂ©es a souvent Ă©tĂ© suggĂ©rĂ©e dans la bibliographie, elle est ici clairement dĂ©montrĂ©e. L’hydrogĂ©nase de Clostridium acetobutylicum, qu’elle soit active, dĂ©sactivĂ©e ou dĂ©naturĂ©e accĂ©lĂšre la corrosion de l’acier au carbone. La prĂ©sence de phosphate dans le milieu rend les interprĂ©tations plus complexes mais ne modifie pas le mĂ©canisme. Une nouvelle hypothĂšse est avancĂ©e qui donne un rĂŽle essentiel aux centres fer-soufre de la protĂ©ine. La catalyse de la corrosion par les hydrogĂ©nases pourrait donc ĂȘtre rapprochĂ©e des mĂ©canismes bien connus de catalyse par le sulfure de fer. Dans ce cas l’état redox des centres fer-soufre serait une clĂ© essentielle de l’apparition ou non de la corrosion. La deuxiĂšme partie Ă©lucide le rĂŽle de Geobacter sulfurreducens sur la corrosion anaĂ©robie de trois types de matĂ©riaux : aciers au carbone (1145), ferritique (403) et austĂ©nitiques (304L et 316L). Les rĂ©sultats mettent en Ă©vidence pour la premiĂšre fois que des cellules bactĂ©riennes adhĂ©rĂ©es induisent un anoblissement du potentiel libre des aciers et accĂ©lĂšrent la corrosion des aciers faiblement alliĂ©s par un mĂ©canisme de transfert direct d’électrons. Suivant les concentrations d’accepteurs et de donneurs d’électrons en solution, G. sulfurreducens peut accentuer la propagation de la corrosion en catalysant directement la rĂ©duction cathodique ou, au contraire, en absence d’accepteurs et en excĂšs de donneurs, protĂ©ger contre la corrosion. L’apparition de la corrosion ne peut donc ĂȘtre induite que par la conjonction dĂ©favorable de plusieurs paramĂštres. Ces rĂ©sultats obtenus en laboratoire apportent de nouvelles voies d’investigations des phĂ©nomĂšnes de CIM qui doivent maintenant ĂȘtre confrontĂ©es aux milieux naturels. ABSTRACT : Microbially influenced corrosion (MIC) costs billions of euros per year. It is commonly agreed that sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB) play a key role in anaerobic MIC of steels. In spite of this, laboratory experiments have difficulty in reproducing the corrosion of steels that is observed in natural environments. Moreover, they do not explain what triggers corrosion since SRB, ubiquitous in natural environments, do not systematically induce corrosion. The aim of this work was to evaluate the relevance of new electron transfer mechanisms between steels and proteins or microbial cells in the domain of MIC. The first part of the thesis evaluates the impact of [Fe]-hydrogenase on the anaerobic corrosion of mild steels. The direct catalysis of proton reduction by hydrogenases has often been suggested in the literature; here, it is clearly demonstrated. Hydrogenase from Clostridium acetobutylicum, whether it is active, deactivated on denatured, can accelerate the corrosion of mild steel. The presence of a phosphate medium makes the interpretations more complex without modifying the mechanism. A new hypothesis implying the crucial role of iron-sulphur clusters contained in the protein is brought to light. Corrosion catalysis by hydrogenases could be compared with well-known mechanisms of corrosion catalysis by iron sulphide. In this case, the redox state of iron-sulphur clusters would play a key role in the occurrence of corrosion. The second part elucidates the role of Geobacter sulfurreducens in anaerobic corrosion of three types of steels: mild steel (1145), ferritic (403) and austenitic steels (304L and 316L). Results show, for the first time, that adherent bacterial cells induce open circuit potential ennoblement of steels and accelerate the corrosion of slightly alloyed steels by a direct electron transfer mechanism. Depending on the concentrations of the electron acceptors and donors in the medium, G. sulfurreducens could either enhance corrosion propagation by direct catalysis of proton reduction or, in the absence of acceptors and with an excess of donors, protect against corrosion. Thus the occurrence of corrosion relies on the unfavourable conjunction of many parameters. These results obtained in laboratory conditions open new paths for investigating MIC in natural environments

    Geabacter species enhances pit depth on 304L stainless steel in a medium lacking with electron donor

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    Geobacter sulfurreducens bacteria increased the open circuit potential of 304L stainless steel by around 320 mV in only a few hours after inoculation. This represents a significant increase in the corrosion risk. In contrast, the oxidation of acetate, which is catalysed by well-established biofilms, shifted the pitting potential towards positive values. In acetate-lacking media, pitting occurred with and without bacteria in the same range of potential values, but the presence of bacteria drastically increased the size of pits. AFM showed pits more than 10 times broader and deeper due to the presence of bacteria. In the absence of acetate, the masking effect due to acetate oxidation disappeared and the full corrosive effect of the biofilm was revealed. This also fully explains why pitting was predominantly observed close to surface areas where bacterial settlement was the densest

    Amino acids: inhibitors or promoters of anaerobic biocorrosion of steels?

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    Various authors have shown that some amino acids can act as corrosion inhibitors, which has generated an increasing interest in these compounds as substitutes to conventional corrosion inhibitors that are usually toxic [1,2]. Nevertheless, in the field of biocorrosion amino acids have been demonstrated to be able to enhance the corrosion process. Their role in biocorrosion is considered to be of two types: an acidifying role at the vicinity of the metal, or a chelating role that binds the metal ions issued from the corrosion process and can result in the formation of ion concentration cells, causing further corrosion on the metal surface [3,4]. The present study proposed another possible role of amino acids in anaerobic biocorrosion of steels. Voltammetric and potentiometric experiments were carried out with 316L stainless steel in solutions containing leucine or lysine at different concentrations and pH. The results demonstrated that the cathodic reaction was enhanced by the presence of amino acids, certainly because of the reduction of the hydrogen atoms linked to the amine or carboxylic acid groups. A so-called deprotonation mechanism, which produces molecular hydrogen, has already been demonstrated with phosphate ions and weak acids [5,6]. It introduces a new reversible cathodic reaction that may enhance the corrosion process, particularly when a downstream reaction of hydrogen consumption occurs

    In vitro evaluation of the color stability and surface roughness of a new composite flow

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the color stability and the surface roughness of a bulk-fill composite flow (SDRÂź Plus) by comparison to an ORMOCER-based composite (Ceram.xÂź Universal SphereTEC?) in order to confirm the validity of using SDRÂź Plus

    Direct electron transfer mechanisms in microbial corrosion of steels : application to Geobacter sulfurreducens and hydrogenase from Clostridium acetobutylicum.

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    La corrosion induite par les micro-organismes (CIM) gĂ©nĂšre des pertes Ă©conomiques mondiales chiffrĂ©es en milliards d’euros par an. Il est communĂ©ment admis que les bactĂ©ries sulfato-rĂ©ductrices (BSR) jouent un rĂŽle clĂ© dans la CIM anaĂ©robie des aciers. MalgrĂ© cette unanimitĂ©, les essais en laboratoire peinent Ă  reproduire la corrosion des aciers observĂ©es en milieu naturel; bien plus, ils n’expliquent pas quel est l’élĂ©ment qui dĂ©clenche la corrosion, puisque les BSR prĂ©sentes dans de nombreux environnements naturels n’induisent pas systĂ©matiquement de corrosion. L’objectif de ce travail est d’évaluer la pertinence dans le domaine de la CIM de nouveaux mĂ©canismes de transferts Ă©lectroniques entre aciers et protĂ©ines ou cellules microbiennes. La premiĂšre partie de la thĂšse Ă©value l’effet d’une [Fe]-hydrogĂ©nase sur les processus de corrosion anaĂ©robie des aciers au carbone. L’hypothĂšse d’une catalyse directe de la rĂ©duction des protons par des hydrogĂ©nases adsorbĂ©es a souvent Ă©tĂ© suggĂ©rĂ©e dans la bibliographie, elle est ici clairement dĂ©montrĂ©e. L’hydrogĂ©nase de Clostridium acetobutylicum, qu’elle soit active, dĂ©sactivĂ©e ou dĂ©naturĂ©e accĂ©lĂšre la corrosion de l’acier au carbone. La prĂ©sence de phosphate dans le milieu rend les interprĂ©tations plus complexes mais ne modifie pas le mĂ©canisme. Une nouvelle hypothĂšse est avancĂ©e qui donne un rĂŽle essentiel aux centres fer-soufre de la protĂ©ine. La catalyse de la corrosion par les hydrogĂ©nases pourrait donc ĂȘtre rapprochĂ©e des mĂ©canismes bien connus de catalyse par le sulfure de fer. Dans ce cas l’état redox des centres fer-soufre serait une clĂ© essentielle de l’apparition ou non de la corrosion. La deuxiĂšme partie Ă©lucide le rĂŽle de Geobacter sulfurreducens sur la corrosion anaĂ©robie de trois types de matĂ©riaux : aciers au carbone (1145), ferritique (403) et austĂ©nitiques (304L et 316L). Les rĂ©sultats mettent en Ă©vidence pour la premiĂšre fois que des cellules bactĂ©riennes adhĂ©rĂ©es induisent un anoblissement du potentiel libre des aciers et accĂ©lĂšrent la corrosion des aciers faiblement alliĂ©s par un mĂ©canisme de transfert direct d’électrons. Suivant les concentrations d’accepteurs et de donneurs d’électrons en solution, G. sulfurreducens peut accentuer la propagation de la corrosion en catalysant directement la rĂ©duction cathodique ou, au contraire, en absence d’accepteurs et en excĂšs de donneurs, protĂ©ger contre la corrosion. L’apparition de la corrosion ne peut donc ĂȘtre induite que par la conjonction dĂ©favorable de plusieurs paramĂštres. Ces rĂ©sultats obtenus en laboratoire apportent de nouvelles voies d’investigations des phĂ©nomĂšnes de CIM qui doivent maintenant ĂȘtre confrontĂ©es aux milieux naturels.Microbially influenced corrosion (MIC) costs billions of euros per year. It is commonly agreed that sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB) play a key role in anaerobic MIC of steels. In spite of this, laboratory experiments have difficulty in reproducing the corrosion of steels that is observed in natural environments. Moreover, they do not explain what triggers corrosion since SRB, ubiquitous in natural environments, do not systematically induce corrosion. The aim of this work was to evaluate the relevance of new electron transfer mechanisms between steels and proteins or microbial cells in the domain of MIC. The first part of the thesis evaluates the impact of [Fe]-hydrogenase on the anaerobic corrosion of mild steels. The direct catalysis of proton reduction by hydrogenases has often been suggested in the literature; here, it is clearly demonstrated. Hydrogenase from Clostridium acetobutylicum, whether it is active, deactivated on denatured, can accelerate the corrosion of mild steel. The presence of a phosphate medium makes the interpretations more complex without modifying the mechanism. A new hypothesis implying the crucial role of iron-sulphur clusters contained in the protein is brought to light. Corrosion catalysis by hydrogenases could be compared with well-known mechanisms of corrosion catalysis by iron sulphide. In this case, the redox state of iron-sulphur clusters would play a key role in the occurrence of corrosion. The second part elucidates the role of Geobacter sulfurreducens in anaerobic corrosion of three types of steels: mild steel (1145), ferritic (403) and austenitic steels (304L and 316L). Results show, for the first time, that adherent bacterial cells induce open circuit potential ennoblement of steels and accelerate the corrosion of slightly alloyed steels by a direct electron transfer mechanism. Depending on the concentrations of the electron acceptors and donors in the medium, G. sulfurreducens could either enhance corrosion propagation by direct catalysis of proton reduction or, in the absence of acceptors and with an excess of donors, protect against corrosion. Thus the occurrence of corrosion relies on the unfavourable conjunction of many parameters. These results obtained in laboratory conditions open new paths for investigating MIC in natural environments