231 research outputs found

    Capacity Improvement in Multi-User MIMO System using Dirty Paper Coding

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    The capacity of Gaussian broadcast MIMO cha nnel can be improved with Dirty Paper Coding. In this paper, the mean capacity for MU - MIMO (Multi - User Multiple Input, Multiple Output) is analyzed in terms of number of frames, available number of users at mobile station and number of packets. The analysis is done for 4x4 matrix. Dirty Paper Coding improves the degradation due to correlation and mutual coupling. In multi - user communication, multiple antennas allow users to transmit their data stream in the uplink and downlink

    The Hematological Assessment of Toxic Effects Induced by Bisphenol A (BPA) in Oreochromis mossambicus Fish Species

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    Bisphenol A (BPA) is a widely used industrial chemical that has been detected in various aquatic environments. BPA is known to have endocrine-disrupting effects on aquatic organisms, but its impact on the hematological system is not well understood. In this study, we exposed Oreochromis mossambicus, a freshwater fish species, to different concentrations of BPA (1.0, 2.5, 5.0, and 7.5 mg/L) for 20 days and measured the changes in their hematological parameters. We found that BPA exposure caused a significant decrease in red blood cell (RBC) count, white blood cell (WBC) count, hemoglobin (Hb) concentration, and packed cell volume (PCV) in the fish compared to the control and solvent control groups. The decrease in these parameters was dose-dependent, meaning that higher concentrations of BPA resulted in lower values. We also found that BPA exposure affected the mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), and mean corpuscular volume (MCV) of the fish, indicating that BPA altered the size and shape of the red blood cells. These results suggest that BPA has a negative impact on the blood system of the fish, affecting their oxygen transport, immunity, and hydration. The possible mechanisms of BPA-induced hematological alterations may involve oxidative stress, endocrine disruption, and immune suppression. Therefore, BPA poses a serious threat to the health and well-being of Oreochromis mossambicus and other aquatic organisms. The present study has concluded that the BPA exposure can cause anemia, oxidative stress, and immune dysfunction in Oreochromis mossambicus fish, depending on the dose and duration of exposure

    Clinico-epidemiological profile of cutaneous tuberculosis at a tertiary care teaching hospital of South Rajasthan

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    Background: Cutaneous tuberculosis represents only 1-2% of total tuberculosis cases but due to difficulty in diagnosis even with molecular methods and non-availability of such tests at resource poor set ups, actual burden of cutaneous TB remains under-estimated. The present study was performed to analyse the magnitude and clinico-epidemiological profile of cutaneous tuberculosis at our tertiary level referral centre. Methods: All the clinically suspected cases of cutaneous tuberculosis attending the dermatology and paediatric outpatient department during a period of 30 months (from October 2015 to March 2018) were enrolled in the study. All patients were subjected to routine blood tests, Chest X-ray, sputum for Ziehl-Neelsen staining, HIV-ELISA, Mantoux test and cutaneous punch biopsy of the lesions for further confirmation. Results: During the study period of 30 months, total 30 patients were recruited with male to female ratio of 1.5:1 and mean age of 27 years. Mean disease duration was 13 months with head and neck region (60%) being most commonly affected. Most common clinical type of cutaneous tuberculosis was scrofuloderma (60%), followed by lupus vulgaris (26.7%), tuberculosis verrucosa cutis (10%) and papulonecrotic tuberculid (3.3%). Mantoux test was positive in 56.7% patients. All the patients were put on antitubercular treatment as per guidelines of national tuberculosis control programme. Conclusions: Tuberculosis in developing countries is still an important cause of skin lesions which remains doubtful in most case scenarios even after years of its advent due to difficulty in diagnosis. Clinical diagnosis and therapeutic trials are still helpful in managing most of the cases

    Analysis of GF (2m) Multiplication Algorithm: Classic Method v/s Karatsuba-Ofman Multiplication Method

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    In recent years, finite field multiplication in GF(2m) has been widely used in various applications such as error correcting codes and cryptography. One of the motivations for fast and area efficient hardware solution for implementing the arithmetic operation of binary multiplication , in finite field GF (2m), comes from the fact, that they are the most time-consuming and frequently called operations in cryptography and other applications. So, the optimization of their hardware design is critical for overall performance of a system. Since a finite field multiplier is a crucial unit for overall performance of cryptographic systems, novel multiplier architectures, whose performances can be chosen freely, is necessary. In this paper, two Galois field multiplication algorithms (used in cryptography applications) are considered to analyze their performance with respect to parameters viz. area, power, delay, and the consequent Area×Time (AT) and Power×Delay characteristics. The objective of the analysis is to find out the most efficient GF(2m) multiplier algorithm among those considered

    Effect of laparoscopic ovarian drilling on serum anti-Mullerian hormone in clomiphene citrate resistant polycystic ovarian syndrome patients

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    Background: PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) is the most common cause of anovulatory infertility, the purpose of our study was to see the effect of laparoscopic ovarian drilling on the ovarian reserve (with AMH as an indicator of ovarian reserve) and its safety as 2nd line of treatment in patients resistant to clomiphene citrate.Methods: This was a prospective interventional study conducted on 40 clomiphene citrate resistant PCOS women attending the infertility OPD. This study was conducted over a period of 1 year May 2019 to May 2020. Laparoscopic ovarian drilling (LOD) was done and these subjects were studied preoperatively and postoperatively on day 7 and day 30 for change in AMH (anti-Mullerian hormone) levels.Results: There is a significant change in the AMH level post LOD day 7 and 30 but not so severe that it will lead to premature ovarian failure. The amount of drop in AMH (day 30) increases till 20 ng/ml beyond which it shows a decrease.Conclusions: If LOD is done in a proper manner in women with sufficient ovarian reserve (high AMH), it will not adversely affect the ovarian reserve (the fall is not enough to cause premature ovarian insufficiency).

    A comparative study of antenatal and fetal complications in pregnant women with and without history of polycystic ovary syndrome

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    Background: Polycystic ovary syndrome in the present generation is a very common reproductive disorder and the prevalence is on the rise. Aim of the current study was to compare the maternal outcome in normal and women with PCOS.Methods: This study was a case-control study conducted in Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, SMS Medical College and attached group of hospitals, Jaipur from May 2019 to August 2020. Pregnant women with history of PCOS were taken as cases and with no such history were controls.Results: 9.49% women developed gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) in cases as compared to 1.61% women in control group. The difference in the incidence of GDM in the two groups was statistically significant. When hypertensive disorders of pregnancy were considered, a statistically significant difference was observed as 11.2% cases and 2.42% controls showed HDP. Mean birth weight of neonate in cases was 2.43±0.31 kg and in control group was 2.71±0.29 kg. Mean APGAR score at 1 minute in cases was 6.21±1.23 and in controls was 7.21±0.24. APGAR score at 5 minutes in PCOS group was 7.89±1.40 and in control group was 8.12±0.21. 12 neonates from the cases group were admitted in NICU. The difference was statistically significant when comparedConclusions: With a detailed comparative analysis of this case-control study, it can be concluded that many antenatal and fetal complications are per se increased in women with a history of PCOS

    Gas Under Right Hemidiaphragm: A Rare Presentation of Unruptured Liver Abscess

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    A perforated liver abscess mimics hollow viscus perforations. It may be accompanied by pneumoperitoneum and peritonitis. A hollow viscus perforation appears to be the most common cause of gas under diaphragm. In about 10% of the cases, it can be due to rare abdominal and extra-abdominal causes. One of the causes could be intra-abdominal infection caused by gas-forming organisms. We are reporting a rare case of pneumoperitoneum resulting from an unruptured liver abscess in an old male with no comorbidity. An unruptured pyogenic right lobe liver abscess in a 70-year-old male was accompanied by X-ray flat plate abdomen features suggestive of free gas under the right hemidiaphragm. Culture of the pus drained from liver abscess grew Klebsiella sensitive to piperacillin and tazobactam, and antibiotic treatment was administered

    Thermal Spray High-Entropy Alloy Coatings: A Review

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    High-entropy alloys (HEAs) are a new generation of materials that exhibit unique characteristics and properties, and are demonstrating potential in the form of thermal spray coatings for demanding environments. The use of HEAs as feedstock for coating processes has advanced due to reports of their exceptional properties in both bulk and coating forms. Emerging reports of thermal sprayed HEA coatings outperforming conventional materials have accelerated further exploration of this field. This early-stage review discusses the outcomes of combining thermal spray and HEAs. Various synthesis routes adopted for HEA feedstock preparation and their properties are discussed, with reference to the requirements of thermal spray processing. The HEA feedstock is then compared and correlated with coating microstructure and phase composition as a function of the thermal spray processing route. Subsequently, the mechanical behavior of thermal spray HEA coatings is summarized in terms of porosity, hardness, and tribological properties, along with their oxidation and electrochemical properties, followed by their potential applications. The thermal spray methods are contrasted against laser cladding and surface alloying techniques for synthesizing thick HEA coatings. Furthermore, HEAs that have displayed excellent properties via alternative processing routes, but have not been explored within the framework of thermal spray, are recommended. © 2020, The Author(s)

    Microwave Assisted Synthesis, characterization and biological studies of isonicotinoylhydrazones and their Manganese (II) complexes

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    Among the most promising cleaner and energy efficient technologies, microwave-assisted technique has been popularly used for organic and inorganic synthesis. The use of microwave ovens in chemical synthesis has increasingly grown, due to its ability to dramatically reduce reaction times, improve yields, and simplified procedures. It is, therefore planned to synthesize some new Mn (II) Schiff base complexes using microwave irradiation technique. The Schiff base ligands 1-(2-furanyl) ethanone isonicotinoylhydrazone (L5H), 1-(2-thienyl) ethanone isonicotinoylhydrazone (L6H), 1-(2- pyridyl) ethanone isonicotinoylhydrazone (L7H), 1-(2-naphthyl) ethanone isonicotinoylhydrazone (L8H), were prepared by the condensation reaction of isonicotinic acid hydrazide with corresponding ethanons in 1:1 molar ratio, respectively, in ethanol under microwave exposure. The Mn (II) complexes have been prepared by mixing MnCl2.4H2O in 1:1 and 1:2 molar ratios with monofunctional bidentate ligands. The structure of the ligands and their transition metal complexes were confirmed by the elemental analysis, molecular weight determinations, IR, electronic and EPR spectral studies. On the basis of these studies it is clear that the ligands coordinated to the metal atom in a monobasic bidentate mode, by O∩N donor system. Thus a tetrahedral environment around the Mn (II) ionhas been proposed. The antimicrobial activity of Schiff base ligands and their respective Mn (II) complexes were tested against some of pathogenic bacterial and fungal strains. The results indicated that the complexes showed higher activity than the parent ligands

    Microwave-assisted synthesis of nitrogen-doped ZnO nanoparticles: Characterization and its comparative study on sonocatalytic, photocatalytic and sonophotocatalytic degradation of amido black 

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    Nano rods like N-doped ZnO structures have been prepared using microwave-assisted method. Synthesized nanoparticles have been characterized by Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX), Fourier-transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) spectroscopy. The N-doped ZnO catalyst has been further used for the degradation of amido black-10B (a non-biodegradable azo dye) using photocatalysis and sonocatalysis systems, separately and simultaneously. The experimental kinetic data followed the pseudo-first order model in photocatalytic, sonocatalytic and sonophotocatalytic processes but the rate constant of sonophotocatalysis has been found higher than the rate constants of photocatalysis and sonocatalysis processes due to the formation of more reactive radicals as well as active surface area of the catalyst.