80 research outputs found

    Omental and pleural milky spots: different reactivity patterns in mice infected with Schistosoma mansoni reveals coelomic compartmentalisation

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    In vertebrate animals, pleural and peritoneal cavities are repositories of milky spots (MS), which constitute an organised coelom-associated lymphomyeloid tissue that is intensively activated by Schistosoma mansoni infection. This study compared the reactive patterns of peritoneal MS to pleural MS and concluded from histological analysis that they represent independent responsive compartments. Whole omentum, lungs and the entire mediastinum of 54 S. mansoni-infected mice were studied morphologically. The omental MS of infected animals were highly activated, modulating from myeloid-lymphocytic (60 days of infection) to lymphomyeloid (90 days of infection) and lymphocytic or lymphoplasmacytic (160 days of infection) types. The non-lymphoid component predominated in the acute phase of infection and was expressed by monocytopoietic, eosinopoietic and neutropoietic foci, with isolated megakaryocytes and small foci of late normoblasts and mast cells. Nevertheless, pleural or thoracic MS of infected mice were monotonous, consisting of small and medium lymphocytes with few mast and plasma cells and no myeloid component. Our data indicate that compartmentalisation of the MS response is dependent on the lymphatic vascularisation of each coelomic cavity, limiting the effects or consequences of any stimulating or aggressive agents, as is the case with S. mansoni infection

    Knowledge of ghostwriting and financial conflicts-of-interest reduces the perceived credibility of biomedical research

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>While the impact of conflicts-of-interest (COI) is of increasing concern in academic medicine, there is little research on the reaction of practicing clinicians to the disclosure of such conflicts. We developed two research vignettes presenting a fictional antidepressant medication study, one in which the principal investigator had no COI and another in which there were multiple COI disclosed. We confirmed the face validity of the COI vignette through consultation with experts. Hospital-based clinicians were randomly assigned to read one of these two vignettes and then administered a credibility scale.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>Perceived credibility ratings were much lower in the COI group, with a difference of 11.00 points (31.42%) on the credibility scale total as calculated through the Mann-Whitney U test (95% CI = 6.99 - 15.00, <it>p </it>< .001). Clinicians in the COI group were also less likely to recommend the antidepressant medication discussed in the vignette (Odds Ratio = 0.163, 95% CI = .03 = 0.875).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In this study, increased disclosure of COI resulted in lower credibility ratings.</p

    Die 4-Strang Bunnell Naht zur primären Beugesehnenrekonstruktion - eine biomechanische ex vivo Untersuchung

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    Mittelfristige Ergebnisse nach mediokarpaler Teilarthrodese mit kortikospongiösem Beckenkammspan bei SLAC/SNAC-wrist Grad II/III

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    Purpose: The four-corner-fusion is an option for grade II/III SNAC-/SLAC-wrists. The case-control study evaluates the results of a four-corner-fusion with a screw-fixed iliac crest cortical chip. Methods: Ten patients with SNAC/SLAC-wrist >= grade II were treated. The evaluation occurred after 24 months using a standard study protocol. Results: The mean postoperative active range of motion were 46% (extension/flexion) and 52% (radial/ulnar deviation) of the contralateral wrist respectively. The postoperative mean grip strength was 43% of the contralateral side, and 84% compared to the preoperative values. The mean Cooney-Bussey Score was 63 and the mean DASH score was 25 (p<=0.05). Four of the patients (40%) had to undergo a partial removal of the osteosynthetic material because of radiodorsal impingement. Conclusions: The four-corner fusion using an iliac crest cortical chip represents an alternative operating procedure for treatment, even though the period of immobilisation cannot be reduced.Hintergrund: Die mediokarpale Teilarthrodese stellt eine anerkannte Behandlungsmethode bei karpalen Kollaps nach Skaphoidpseudarthrose (SNAC-wrist) oder nach Ruptur des skapholunären Bandes (SLAC-wrist) dar. Anhand der vorliegenden Fall-Kontrollstudie wurden die Ergebnisse nach mediokarpaler Teilarthrodese unter Verwendung eines kortikospongiösen Beckenkammspanes evaluiert. Material und Methoden: Zehn Patienten wurden 24 Monate nach mediokarpaler Teilarthrodese bei mit SLAC/SNAC-wrist Grad II/III mit einem kortikospongiösen Beckenkammspan nachuntersucht. Ergebnisse: Das mittlere postoperative Bewegungsausmaß des Handgelenkes betrug für Extension/Flexion 46% und für Radial-/Ulnaradduktion 52% im Vergleich zur unbehandelten Gegenseite. Die postoperative Griffstärke betrug im Mittel 43% der Gegenseite und 84% der präoperativen Werte. Der mittlere Cooney-Bussey-Score lag bei 63, der mittlere DASH-Score bei 25 (p<=0.05). Bei vier Patienten (40%) erfolgte eine partielle Entfernung des Osteosynthesematerials aufgrund eines radiodorsalen Impingements. Schlussfolgerung: Die mediokarpale Teilarthrodese mit einem kortikospongiösen Beckenkammspan stellt eine mögliche Behandlungsalternative dar, obwohl die Dauer der Immobilisation nicht reduziert werden kann

    Pilon digitale Frakturen - eine Herausforderung für den Handchirurgen

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    Die Monteggia Verletzung: Charakterisierung, OP-Strategie und Outcome von 28 Patienten

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