5,533 research outputs found

    Implicit Auctioning on the Kontek Cable: Third Time Lucky?

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    Cross-border capacities in Europe are currently inefficiently used. Implicit auctioning is about eliminating these cross-border trade inefficiencies by internalizing the arbitrage into the auction procedures of the Power Exchanges that are organizing trade nationally. On the Kontek Cable, implicit auctioning has been implemented without price coordination between the involved Power Exchanges. This implementation, referred to as “volume or dome coupling” as opposed to “price coupling”, has been argued to be institutionally easier to implement. The Kontek Cable experimented with three different implicit auctioning implementations whose performance we analyze empirically in this paper. We find that the third implementation is significantly outperforming the previous two implementations, but in this third implementation stakeholders partly abandoned the volume coupling approach they initially believed to be a viable alternative to price coupling.electricity, transmission, congestion management, market coupling

    Why (and how) to regulate Power Exchanges in the EU market integration context?

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    Power Exchanges (PXs) are key market institutions in open and market-based electricity industries. This paper aims at contributing to the ongoing debate on why and how to regulate Power Exchanges in the EU market integration context. . The paper starts by stating that two different types of PXs have to be distinguished, i.e. "Merchant" PXs and the "Cost of Service Regulated" PXs. The paper continues by comparing the typical incentives of these two types of PXs to perform the basic PX tasks in an isolated national market and in a market integration context. The paper concludes by deriving from this analytical frame the most relevant regulatory actions..Regulation, Exchanges, Grid access, Power Markets.

    Mobilizing Cities towards a Low Carbon Future: Tambourines, Carrots and Sticks

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    In the transition towards a decarbonized energy system, we need city authorities to lead by example as public actors, to govern the actions of the private urban actors as local policy makers, and to conceive and manage the implementation of an integrated approach as coordinators, which we introduce in this paper as three levels of city smartness. Local governments however have institutional disincentives to act, and if they do act, they are confronted with urban actors that are reluctant to follow. This paper analyzes how city pioneers in Europe have been able to overcome these disincentives thanks to a combination of local circumstances and interventions by higher levels of government. We categorize the state of the art instruments that have been used by higher levels of government into “tambourines”, “carrots”, and “sticks”, and reflect on how the state of the art could be improved.cities; climate change; governance

    Personal identity processes from adolescence through the late 20s : age trends, functionality, and depressive symptoms

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    Personal identity formation constitutes a crucial developmental task during the teens and 20s. Using a recently developed five-dimensional identity model, this cross-sectional study (N = 5834) investigated age trends from ages 14 to 30 for different commitment and exploration processes. As expected, results indicated that, despite some fluctuations over time, commitment processes tended to increase in a linear fashion. Exploration in breadth and exploration in depth were characterized by quadratic trends, with the highest levels occurring in emerging adulthood. Further, the functionality of these identity processes, and especially of exploration, changed over time. Exploration in breadth and exploration in depth were strongly related to commitment processes especially in adolescence and emerging adulthood, but these exploration processes became increasingly associated with ruminative exploration and depressive symptoms in the late 20s. Theoretical implications and suggestions for future research are outlined

    Fast algorithms for matching CCD images to a stellar catalogue

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    Two new algorithms are described for matching two dimensional coordinate lists of point sources that are signifcantly faster than previous methods. By matching rarely occurring triangles (or more complex shapes) in the two lists, and by ordering searches by decreasing probability of success, it is demonstrated that very few candidates need be considered to find a successful match. Moreover, by immediately testing the suitability of a potential match using an efficient mechanism, the need to process the entire candidate set is avoided, yielding considerable performance improvements. Triangles are described by a cosine metric that reduces the density of triangle space, permitting efficient searches. An alternative shape characterization method that reduces computational overhead in the construction phase is discussed. The algorithms are tested on a set of 10 063 wide-field survey images, with fields-of-view up to 4.8 x 3.6 deg, successfully matching 100% of the images in a mean elapsed time of 6 ms (2.4 GHz Athlon CPU). The elapsed time of the searching phase is shown to vary by less than 1 ms for list sizes between 10 and 200 points, demonstrating that fast, robust searches may be completed in nearly constant time, independent of list size.Comment: Accepted for publication in Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australi

    Israeli acute paralysis virus infection leads to an enhanced RNA interference response and not its suppression in the bumblebee Bombus terrestris

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    RNA interference (RNAi) is the primary antiviral defense system in insects and its importance for pollinator health is indisputable. In this work, we examined the effect of Israeli acute paralysis virus (IAPV) infection on the RNAi process in the bumblebee, Bombus terrestris, and whether the presence of possible functional viral suppressors could alter the potency of the host's immune response. For this, a two-fold approach was used. Through a functional RNAi assay, we observed an enhancement of the RNAi system after IAPV infection instead of its suppression, despite only minimal upregulation of the genes involved in RNAi. Besides, the presence of the proposed suppressor 1A and the predicted OrfX protein in IAPV could not be confirmed using high definition mass spectrometry. In parallel, when bumblebees were infected with cricket paralysis virus (CrPV), known to encode a suppressor of RNAi, no increase in RNAi efficiency was seen. For both viruses, pre-infection with the one virus lead to a decreased replication of the other virus, indicating a major effect of competition. These results are compelling in the context of Dicistroviridae in multi-virus/multi-host networks as the effect of a viral infection on the RNAi machinery may influence subsequent virus infections

    When none of us perform better than all of us together: the role of analogical decision rules in groups

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    During social interactions, groups develop collective competencies that (ideally) should assist groups to outperform average standalone individual members (weak cognitive synergy) or the best performing member in the group (strong cognitive synergy). In two experimental studies we manipulate the type of decision rule used in group decision-making (identify the best vs. collaborative), and the way in which the decision rules are induced (direct vs. analogical) and we test the effect of these two manipulations on the emergence of strong and weak cognitive synergy. Our most important results indicate that an analogically induced decision rule (imitate-the-successful heuristic) in which groups have to identify the best member and build on his/her performance (take-the-best heuristic) is the most conducive for strong cognitive synergy. Our studies bring evidence for the role of analogy-making in groups as well as the role of fast-and-frugal heuristics for group decision-making

    Metal-rich T-dwarfs in the Hyades cluster

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    We present the results of a search for brown dwarfs (BDs) and very low mass (VLM) stars in the 625 Myr-old, metal-rich ([Fe/H]=0.14) Hyades cluster. We performed a deep (I=23, z=22.5) photometric survey over 16 deg2^2 around the cluster center. We report the discovery of the first 2 BDs in the Hyades cluster, with a spectral type T1 and T2, respectively. Their optical and near-IR photometry, as well as their proper motion, are consistent with them being cluster members. According to models, their mass is about 50 Jupiter masses at an age of 625 Myr. We also report the discovery of 3 new very low mass stellar members and confirm the membership of 15 others
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