35 research outputs found

    Soviet Constructivism as Social-reforming Way for a Life Reconstructing By Architectural Methods: The Reasons for the Forbidding

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    The aim of the study was to provide answers to a historical question that still remains a blank spot in Russian historiography - what are the reasons for the banning of the Soviet architectural avant-garde in 1932. The article gives an answer to the question of the reasons why the supreme bodies of Soviet power ceased the development of Soviet constructivism. Reveals the socio-political motives of this decision. Describes the features of the functioning of the totalitarian-command system of management of the nation-wide project complex. It shows that the prohibition of constructivism was a direct consequence of the transformation of the free profession of an architect into a public service. Characterizes the position of the party and state leadership of the USSR in relation to the Soviet architectural avant-garde in general. The result of the study is to prove the fact that, after its official prohibition, constructivism has not disappeared, but has changed. It turned into the so-called ”Soviet functionalism”, which was a response to the need for the management metric criteria for evaluating design decisions. Soviet functionalism took from Soviet constructivism only what ensured the exercise of administrative functions of leadership and control. He took only what was the ”materialization” of meanings, only that which could be felt and measured. At the same time, reasoning about the form, rhythm, plasticity and other ”aesthetic nonsenses” were discarded as unnecessary.   Keywords: Soviet architectural avant-garde, constructivism, Stalin’s empire, architect profession in the USS

    Stimulated wave of polarization in spin chains

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    Stimulated wave of polarization, triggered by a flip of a single spin, presents a simple model of quantum amplification. Previously, it has been found that such wave can be excited in a 1D Ising chain with nearest-neighbor interactions, irradiated by a weak resonant transverse field. Here we explore models with more realistic Hamiltonians, in particular, with natural dipole-dipole interactions. Results of simulations for 1D spin chains and rings with up to nine spins are presented.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Stimulated wave of polarization in spin chains

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    Stimulated wave of polarization, triggered by a flip of a single spin, presents a simple model of quantum amplification. Previously, it has been found that such a wave can be excited in a one-dimensional Ising chain with nearest-neighbor interactions, irradiated by a weak resonant transverse field. Here we explore models with more realistic Hamiltonians, in particular, with natural dipole-dipole interactions. Results of simulations for one-dimensional spin chains and rings with up to nine spins are presented

    Оптический спектроанализатор с расширенным динамическим диапазоном для фармакокинетических исследований флуоресцирующих препаратов в биотканях

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    Currently, the most promising method for the study of pharmacokinetics of drugs with fluorescent properties is the spectral-fluorescent method. In this article, we propose an algorithm for expanding the dynamic range of the spectrum analyzer by automatically monitoring the maximum spectral density in the recorded fluorescence spectrum and automatically controlled changes in the accumulation time depending on this value, followed by compensation of the output signal with regard to this change, as well as hardware circuit solutions that allow this algorithm.Testing of LESA-01-"Biospeс" spectrum analyzer, upgraded using the proposed approach, was carried out on photosensitizer dispersions based on tetra-3-phenylthiophthalocyanine hydroxyaluminium of various concentrations (from 0.01 mg/l to 50 mg/l), approximately corresponding to the concentrations realized in the process of studying pharmacokinetics in calibration samples and tissues of experimental animals.The proposed solutions that implement the algorithm for recording fluorescence spectra with automatic change of accumulation time depending on the signal level, ensured a significant expansion of the dynamic range of the spectrum analyzer (up to 3.5 orders of magnitude) and improved accuracy in pharmacokinetic studies.В настоящее время наиболее перспективным методом для исследования фармакокинетики препаратов, обладающих выраженными флуоресцентными свойствами, является спектрально-флуоресцентный метод. В этой статье мы предлагаем алгоритм расширения динамического диапазона спектроанализатора путем автоматического мониторинга максимального значения спектральной плотности в регистрируемом спектре флуоресценции и автоматического контролируемого изменения времени накопления в зависимости от этого значения с последующей компенсацией выходного сигнала с учетом этого изменения, а также схемные решения, позволяющие реализовать этот алгоритм.Тестирование спектроанализатора ЛЭСА-01-«Биоспек», модернизированного с использованием предложенного подхода, проводилось на дисперсиях фотосенсибилизатора на основе тетра-3-фенилтиофталоцианина гидроксиалюминия различной концентрации (от 0,01 мг/л до 50 мг/л), примерно соответствующих концентрациям, реализующихся в процессе исследования фармакокинетики в калибровочных образцах и тканях экспериментальных животных. Предложенные решения, реализующие алгоритм регистрации спектров флуоресценции с автоматическим изменением времени накопления в зависимости от уровня сигнала, обеспечили существенное расширение динамического диапазона спектроанализатора (до 3.5 порядков) и повышение точности при фармакокинетических исследованиях


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    Cationic bacteriochlorins are promising as antibacterial photosensitizers (PS) for antibacterial photodynamic therapy. Current work is devoted to the study of properties of new nanostructured cationic photosensitizer based on cyclodextrin dispersion of bacteriochlorine derivative – 133-N-(N-methylnicotinyl)-bacteriopurpurinimide methyl ester, for optimization of dispersion composition and selection of time interval between administration of the PS and photodynamic ttherapy of infected septic wounds. Specifics of absorption and fluorescence of PS in dependence of its concentration and proportions of components in dispersion was assessed. Pharmacokinetics and biodistribution of PS were studies in vivo in organs and tissues of intact mice and septic wounds infected with P. аeruginosa or S. aureus. The preliminary studies have shown high efficiency of antimicrobial photodynamic therapy of septic wounds with cyclodextrin dispersion of 133-N-(N-methylnicotinyl)-bacteriopurpurinimide methyl ester. Results of study of absorption and spectral and fluorescence properties of its drug formulation depending on its composition allowed to recommend the use of weight ratio 133-N-(N-methylnicotinyl)bacteriopurpurinimide methyl ester : cyclodextrin about 1:200 and addition of 0,1% Tween 80 to reduce aggregation. The study showed that 133-N-(N-methylnicotinyl)-bacteriopurpurinimide methyl ester was rapidly cleared from mouse blood circulation: more than 70% – for 2 h, 95% – for 1 day, more than 99% – for 6 days. About 98% was cleared from skin and muscles for 6 days. The long-term (up to 24 h) persistence of PS were observed in liver and kidneys, however more than 99% was cleared for 6 days. Thus, it may be supposed that elimination of PS form mice body is through kidneys and liver. After 24 h partial PS aggregation in tissues, particularly in skin and muscles, was observed. Thus, it may be supposed that the reduce of fluorescence intensity after 24 hand later was associated not only with its elimination from body but with its aggregation. Spectral and fluorescence studies showed that 133-N-(Nmethylnicotinyl)-bacteriopurpurinimide methyl ester selectively accumulated in septic wounds, fluorescence contrast was in the range of 3–4. The highest values of concentration and selectivity of its accumulation were achieved at 1.5–3 h after intravenous injection. The irradiation 2 h after injection provided high efficacy of the therapy of septic wounds.Катионные бактериохлорины перспективны как антимикробные фотосенсибилизаторы для антибактериальной фотодинамической терапии. Настоящая работа посвящена изучению свойств нового наноструктурированного катионного фотосенсибилизатора на основе циклодекстриновой дисперсии производного бактериохлорина – метилового эфира 133-N-(N-метилникотинил)бактериопурпуринимида (КБХ), с целью оптимизации состава дисперсии и выбора интервала времени от введения фотосенсибилизатора до проведения фотодинамической терапии инфицированных гнойных ран. Оценены особенности поглощения и флуоресценции фотосенсибилизатора в зависимости от его концентрации и соотношения между компонентами дисперсии. Изучена фармакокинетика и биораспределение фотосенсибилизатора в органах и тканях интактных мышей и гнойных ранах, инфицированных P. аeruginosa или S. aureus. Предварительные исследования показали высокую эффективность антимикробной фотодинамической терапии инфицированных гнойных ран с циклодекстрированной дисперсией КБХ. Проведенные исследования поглощения и спектрально-флуоресцентных свойств его лекарственной формы в зависимости от ее состава позволили рекомендовать использование массового отношения КБХ : циклодекстрин около 1:200 и введение для уменьшения агрегации 0,1% Твин-80. Установлено, что КБХ быстро выводится из кровотока мыши: более 70% – за 2 ч, 95% – за 1 сут , более 99% – за 6 сут. Из кожи и мышц около 98% выводится за 6 сут. Фотосенсибилизатор накапливается и удерживается до 24 ч в печени и почках. Это позволяет предположить, что элиминирование фотосенсибилизатора из организма мышей происходит через почки и печень. Обнаружено, что в тканях, в частности, в коже и мышцах, через 24 ч наблюдается частичная агрегация фотосенсибилизатора. Это позволяет предположить, что уменьшение интенсивности его флуоресценции через 24 и более часа связано не только с его элиминацией из организма, но и с агрегацией. Спектрально-флуоресцентное исследования показали, что КБХ селективно накапливается в инфицированных ранах, флуоресцентная контрастность лежит в пределах 3–4. Наиболее высокие значения концентрации и селективности его накопления в инфицированных ранах были достигнуты через 1,5–3 ч после внутривенного введения. Облучение через 2 ч после введения обеспечило высокую эффективность терапии инфицированных гнойных ран

    Towards registration of optical and MR signal changes in subcutaneous tumor volume in vivo after optical skin clearing

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    The goal of this research was in testing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) pulse sequences for monitoring local changes of proton relaxation times after the local application of skin optical clearing (OC) compositions in vivo. We used xenograft mouse models of cancer, i.e. nu/nu mice bearing subcutaneous tumors expressing endogenous TagRFP red fluorescent protein marker and tested the changes in fluorescence intensity and lifetime (FL) of the subcutaneous tumor foci after OC application (70% glycerol, 5% DMSO, 25% water) onto the skin. By using time-correlated single photon counting within 20-30 min after the OC we observed: 1) 30-40% increase in the overall photon numbers output; 2) 50 ps increase in the median FL of TagRFP. We subsequently performed tracking of MR signal intensity changes within selected regions of interest (ROI) located close to the skin surface before, during and after OC. The analysis of 1T MR T2-weighted (T2w) fast spin-echo images showed significant quantitative differences between Gaussian noise-normalized MRI signal intensities (Mann-Whitney test, p<0.05). Our results suggest that the application of OC may cause: 1) a transient change of the peripheral tumoral microenvironment and as a consequence, FL increase and shortening of mean proton relaxation times within the voxels of subcutaneous tumor (i.e. T2w hypointensity increase); 2) potential microviscosity change due to the permeability for the OC components resulting in shortening of tissue water proton relaxation times. The results suggest that T2w 1T MRI was useful for semi-quantitative monitoring of MR signal intensity longitudinal changes in the subcutaneous space during and after OC thereby enabling registration of optical and MR signal fluctuations in the same voxels of live tissue

    Optical spectroanalyzer with extended dynamic range for pharmacokinetic investigations of photosensitizers in biotissue

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    Currently, the most promising method for the study of pharmacokinetics of drugs with fluorescent properties is the spectral-fluorescent method. In this article, we propose an algorithm for expanding the dynamic range of the spectrum analyzer by automatically monitoring the maximum spectral density in the recorded fluorescence spectrum and automatically controlled changes in the accumulation time depending on this value, followed by compensation of the output signal with regard to this change, as well as hardware circuit solutions that allow this algorithm.Testing of LESA-01-"Biospeс" spectrum analyzer, upgraded using the proposed approach, was carried out on photosensitizer dispersions based on tetra-3-phenylthiophthalocyanine hydroxyaluminium of various concentrations (from 0.01 mg/l to 50 mg/l), approximately corresponding to the concentrations realized in the process of studying pharmacokinetics in calibration samples and tissues of experimental animals.The proposed solutions that implement the algorithm for recording fluorescence spectra with automatic change of accumulation time depending on the signal level, ensured a significant expansion of the dynamic range of the spectrum analyzer (up to 3.5 orders of magnitude) and improved accuracy in pharmacokinetic studies

    Magnetic resonance contrast agents in optical clearing: Prospects for multimodal tissue imaging

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    Skin optical clearing effect ex vivo and in vivo was achieved by topical application of low molecular weight paramagnetic magnetic resonance contrast agents. This novel feature has not been explored before. By using collimated transmittance the diffusion coefficients of three clinically used magnetic resonance contrast agents, that is Gadovist, Magnevist and Dotarem as well as X-ray contrast agent Visipaque in mouse skin were determined ex vivo as (4.29 +/- 0.39) x 10(-7) cm(2) /s, (5.00 +/- 0.72) x 10(-7) cm(2) /s, (3.72 +/- 0.67) x 10(-7) cm(2) /s and (1.64 +/- 0.18) x 10(-7) cm(2) /s, respectively. The application of gadobutrol (Gadovist) resulted in efficient optical clearing that in general, was superior to other contrast agents tested and allowed to achieve: (a) more than 12-fold increase of transmittance over 10 minutes after application ex vivo; (b) markedly improved images of skin architecture obtained with optical coherence tomography; (c) an increase of the fluorescence intensity/background ratio in TagRFP-red fluorescent marker protein expressing tumor by five times after 15 minutes application into the skin in vivo. The obtained results have immediate implications for multimodality imaging because many contrast agents are capable of simultaneously enhancing the contrast of multiple imaging modalities