1,180 research outputs found

    Three-body problem in a two-dimensional Fermi gas

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    We investigate the three-body properties of two identical "up" fermions and one distinguishable "down" atom interacting in a strongly confined two-dimensional geometry. We compute exactly the atom-dimer scattering properties and the three-body recombination rate as a function of collision energy and mass ratio m_up/m_down. We find that the recombination rate for fermions is strongly energy dependent, with significant contributions from higher partial waves at low energies. For m_up < m_down, the s-wave atom-dimer scattering below threshold is completely described by the scattering length. Furthermore, we examine the "up-up-down" bound states (trimers) appearing at large m_up/m_down and find that the energy spectrum for the deepest bound trimers resembles that of a hydrogen atom confined to two dimensions.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Clinical profile of children with Fanconi anemia from a tertiary center in Southern India

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    Objectives: The aim of this study is to observe the clinical spectrum of presentation of Fanconi anemia (FA) in children presenting&nbsp;to the Hematology Department of Victoria Hospital, Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute. Materials and Methods:&nbsp;This observational study was carried out from February 2010 to December 2016 on all the 16 consecutive children &lt;18 years of&nbsp;age, with FA. Those with high frequency of chromosomal breakage in G-banded metaphases from mitomycin-treated cultures were&nbsp;considered as positive cases. Results: The mean age at presentation was 6.79±1.34 years, but for those with dysmorphic featureson examination, it was 4.77±0.98 years. Symptoms of anemia were seen in 14 (87.5%) and of bleeding in 8 (50%) cases. There&nbsp;was a history of prolonged fever at presentation in 5 (31.2%) cases. Dysmorphic features on examination were seen in 10 (62.5%)&nbsp;cases. Short stature and microcephaly and microphthalmia were the most common features. Pancytopenia was seen in 68.7% of the&nbsp;subjects at presentation and anemia in 87.5% of cases while thrombocytopenia was universal (100%). The mean hemoglobin was&nbsp;5.33±0.36 g/dL, mean white blood cell count was 3429.37±477.65/mm3, and mean platelet count was 28156.25±4199.44/mm3. The&nbsp;bone marrow was hypoplastic in 14 (87.5%). Pelvic kidney seen in 5 (31%) was the most common ultrasound finding. Parentalconsanguinity was seen in 50% of cases. Conclusion: Parental consanguinity was common, and there was a male preponderance&nbsp;in our study. The most common presenting manifestations were anemia followed by bleeding. Two-third of the patients had&nbsp;pancytopenia at diagnosis while thrombocytopenia was universal (100%). In the presence of a family history and/or dysmorphic&nbsp;features, even mono- or bi-cytopenias should be evaluated for inherited bone marrow failure syndromes.&nbsp

    Maternal risk factors and perinatal outcome in meconium stained amniotic fluid: a cross sectional study

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    Background: Meconium staining of amniotic fluid has long been regarded as a sign of fetal distress and fetal asphyxia. Although exact cause is unknown, meconium is thought to be passed from fetal gastro-intestinal tract as a response to hypoxia, mesenteric vasoconstriction induced gut hyper peristalsis, vagal stimulation and normal physiologic function of a mature fetus. Overall frequency has ranged from 5 to 24.6%. Present study is undertaken to detect incidence, mode of delivery, fetal heart rate variability and neonatal outcome in neonates born through MSAF. The objective of the study was to maternal risk factors, mode of delivery and perinatal outcome in labors complicated with meconium stained amniotic fluid.Methods: This is a cross sectional study done at Government Medical College, Thrissur on term, singleton pregnancies complicated with meconium stained amniotic fluid satisfying the inclusion criteria. Patients detailed history, gestational age, per abdominal examination, per speculum and per vaginal examination, admission tests including intrapartum cardiotocography (CTG) was recorded in a predesigned proforma.Results: The age of the patients varied between above 19 and 30 years. Majority of the study population were 69.3% Primi gravidas. Out of 130 cases, 56.2% were grade 2 meconium stained liquor, 30.7% were grade 3 meconium stained and 13.1% were grade 1 meconium stained. Association between neonatal complications in relation to grades of meconium was found to be statistically significant (p = 0.001). NICU admission was 24.7% in grade 2 meconium group. Hypoxic Ischemic encephalopathy was high in grade 3 meconium group, 45%. Majority of babies born through grade 1 meconium were asymptomatic and 10% of babies in grade 3 meconium groups were asymptomatic. Meconium aspiration syndrome, Respiratory distress were more in babies born through deliveries complicated with grade 3 meconium.Conclusions: The study indicated meconium stained amniotic fluid during labour increases the prevalence of abnormal intrapartum CTG, Caesarean section, lower Apgar score, increased duration of NICU and hospital stay, poor perinatal outcome and non-significant difference in incidence of lower birth weight in babies

    Bound states in a quasi-two-dimensional Fermi gas

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    We consider the problem of N identical fermions of mass M and one distinguishable particle of mass m interacting via short-range interactions in a confined quasi-two-dimensional (quasi-2D) geometry. For N=2 and mass ratios M/m<13.6, we find non-Efimov trimers that smoothly evolve from 2D to 3D. In the limit of strong 2D confinement, we show that the energy of the N+1 system can be approximated by an effective two-channel model. We use this approximation to solve the 3+1 problem and we find that a bound tetramer can exist for mass ratios M/m as low as 5 for strong confinement, thus providing the first example of a universal, non-Efimov tetramer involving three identical fermions.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    A critical review on Chardighna Eladi Churna

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    Eladi Churna is a poly herbal formulation which has wide variety of applications. Most of the pharmaceutical companies are manufacturing with respect to Varnya aspect, while the Chardighna Eladi Churna is sparely available in the market. In the rise of gastro-intestinal issues in the society, a potent formulation like Eladi Churna is expected by the common people to ward off their GIT ailments. There are total 11 Eladi Churna mentioned in Bharatha Bhaishajya Ratnakara. Different Granthas have varied ingredients in this formulation, and their therapeutic efficacies also differ depending upon condition of the patient and disease. Some Yogas even have mineral composition. Chardi is a Vata Pradhana Tridosha Vyadhi in which there will be an act of expulsion of gastric contents through the oral cavity. So, the drugs having properties of Pritvi and Ap Mahabhoota and Karmas like Stambhana, Ama Pachana, Deepana are needed to pacify the Chardi. An attempt is made here to give new insights on the synergic action of phytochemicals in Eladi Churna to revalidate the clinical evidences in the aspect of Chardi


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    Objective: The present study was aimed at establishing the antioxidant, free radical scavenging, anti-lipid peroxidative and antimicrobial properties of the plant Pyrrosia heterophylla (L.) M. G. PRICE.Methods: Standard protocols were used to estimate the antioxidant potential of the hexane, ethyl acetate and methanolic extracts of the plant. Radical scavenging ability of the extracts was assayed for 2, 2'-azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonicacid) (ABTS), 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazil (DPPH) and hydroxyl radicals. Total antioxidant activity assay was done following the phospho- molybdenum method. The reductive potential was measured by ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) assay. Lipid peroxidation assay was done in vitro. Total phenolic content was measured by the Folin-Ciocalteu method. Antimicrobial activity was identified by well diffusion method, and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was determined by serial dilution method.Results: Results revealed that the ethyl acetate extract (PHE) exhibited the highest antioxidant capacity followed by the methanolic extract (PHM) whereas the hexane extract (PHH) had the lowest activity. The percentage radical scavenging by PHE was found to be 86.63±0.85, 89.48±2.08 and 70.89±1.46 for DPPH, ABTS and hydroxyl radicals respectively, at a concentration of 800μg/ml. The total antioxidant activity of PHE, PHM and PHH was found to be 538.33±3.51, 283.33±7.57and 13.76±3.95 ascorbic acid equivalents/g of extract respectively. Phenolic content of PHE was the highest (207.22±1.95 gallic acid equivalents (GAE)/g of extract), followed by PHM and PHH (197.92±2.00 and 37.50±2.18 GAE/g respectively). Total reducing power was also found to be the highest in PHE followed by PHM and PHH as per the FRAP assay. All the extracts were found to possess inhibitory activity against the tested microorganisms. MIC50 value of all the extracts was below 40 µg/ml.Conclusion: The results of this study confirmed the antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-lipid peroxidation potentials of the plant P. heterophylla (L.) M. G. PRICE

    "A Comparitive Study on the Assessment of Neuro Protective Effect of Citicoline Vs Citicoline with Piracetam and Health Related Quality of Life in Post Stroke Patients"

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    AIM: To assess the neuroprotective effects of Citicoline versus Citicoline with Piracetam combination and health related quality of life in post stroke patients. METHODS: A hospital based prospective observational study was done at a tertiary care hospital located in Thiruvananthapuram over a period of 6 months. The neuroprotective effect of citicoline against a combination of drugs, citicoline with piracetam was compared by the use of two groups. One group of patients treated with citicoline and the other group with citicoline and piracetam combination. The neuroprotective effect was compared by the use of National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS). The quality of life of the patients was evaluated before and after the treatment by using Barthel Index Scale (BIS) to detect whether the QOL has improved.The treatment with citicoline and piracetam combination gives better neuroprotection than that of individual treatment with citicoline.The result shows that the treatment with the combination of citicoline and piracetam gives better neuroprotective effect and also shows superiority in upgrading the quality of life

    Influence of protein deficiency on 19S antibody-forming cells in rats and mice

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    Influence of protein deficiency on immune response to sheep red blood cells was investigated in rats and mice with Jerne's plaque-forming cell technique. Protein deficiency resulted in a reduction in the number of antibody-producing cells consequent upon a prolongation of cell generation time in rats. Injection of syngeneic thymocytes brings about better improvement in the immune response of the X-radiated protein-deficient mice as compared to the controls. It is suggested that depressed immunity in malnutrition may be partly due to a disturbance in thymic function
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