345 research outputs found

    The Effect of Infrastructure Sharing in Estimating Operations Cost of Future Space Transportation Systems

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    NASA and the aerospace industry are extremely serious about reducing the cost and improving the performance of launch vehicles both manned or unmanned. In the aerospace industry, sharing infrastructure for manufacturing more than one type spacecraft is becoming a trend to achieve economy of scale. An example is the Boeing Decatur facility where both Delta II and Delta IV launch vehicles are made. The author is not sure how Boeing estimates the costs of each spacecraft made in the same facility. Regardless of how a contractor estimates the cost, NASA in its popular cost estimating tool, NASA Air force Cost Modeling (NAFCOM) has to have a method built in to account for the effect of infrastructure sharing. Since there is no provision in the most recent version of NAFCOM2002 to take care of this, it has been found by the Engineering Cost Community at MSFC that the tool overestimates the manufacturing cost by as much as 30%. Therefore, the objective of this study is to develop a methodology to assess the impact of infrastructure sharing so that better operations cost estimates may be made

    A Clinicopathological study and Treatment of Masses in Sinonasal Cavity

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    INTRODUCTION: Sinonasal malignancies, a highly heterogeneous group of cancers, account for less than one percentage of the cancers and less than three percentage of all digeastive system tumors. These lesions may originate from any of the histopathologic components of the sinonasal cavities, including Schneiderian mucosa, minor salivary glands, neural tissue, and lymphatics. 60% of these tumors arise in the maxilla, but twenty percentage come from cavity of nose, five percentage come from sinus of ethimoid, three percentage from the sinus of frontal, sinus of sphenoid. Squamous cell carcinomas are more common within the nasal cavity or maxillary sinus, whereas tumors of the ethmoid sinus and superior nasal vault are usually adenocarcinomas. Mucosal melanoma frequently originates within the nasal cavity, particularly along the lateral nasal side wall and inferior turbinates. Although traditional risk factors for sinonasal cancers have included exposure to nickel, wood dust, and tobacco, no predisposing factors are identified in most patients. Recent reports suggest that HPV promotes the development of some sinonasal squamous cancers. Thus the key to the diagnosis and management of sinonasal malignancies lies in the eliciting of proper history, clinical features and investigation protocol to detect the tumour at the early stage and provide the appropriate treatment for the patient,thereby increasing the survival rate. This study was conducted to assess the importance of detecting the clinical features, detecting the lesion through histopathology and imaging to arrive at the diagnosis at an earlier stage and evaluating the treatment protocol. AIMS OF STUDY In sinonasal tumours, 1. To correlate the symptoms, signs with the clinical staging. 2. To correlate the clinical features with the pathological staging. 3. To study the incidence of age and sex of the tumour. 4. To study the incidence of TNM staging and broder’s staging among the patients. 5. To correlate the histological diagnosis and treatment plan. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study was done in Government Rajaji Hospital,Madurai medical college, Madurai, from October 2010 to October 2012. Out of the patients who attended the outpatient department during the period, those with symptoms and signs suggestive of sinonasal masses were screened further. After thorough clinical examination, the patients were subjected to Endoscopy into the nasal cavity and computed tomography scan for the sinonasal area were performed. Those with histologically confirmed benign and malignant tumors were selected for the study. The total number of 50 patients were selected for the study and their surgical and non surgical outcomes were noted. CONCLUSION: The work up, management and follow up of sinonasal tumours is complicated by the multiple potential sites and stages of development. Various array of options of management of tumours are radical surgery alone, surgery followed by radiotherapy, chemoradiotherapy and stereotactic gamma knife surgery. This study was performed because of the high incidence of the sinonasal tumours in Government Rajaji Hospital, Madurai. Combined modality approach was entitled for the patients under study which included otolaryngologist, radiotherapist, neurosurgeon, medical oncologist, surgical oncologist, psychiatrist, psychologist, radiologist, pathologist, dentist, nutritionist, social worker. This approach had an advantage of earlier diagnosis of the tumours, accurate delineation of the tumour, precise and appropriate treatment. All these factors improved the prognosis and thus extended the survival rate of the patients. The role of surgery followed by radiotherapy played a pivotal role in the stage I and stage II tumours where a complete cure was almost possible. The role of radiotherapy in stage III and stage IV played a good palliative role in inoperable cases. Complete tumour removal was very much possible both through open and endoscopic methods. The role of chemotherapy combine with radiotherapy was efficient in preventing recurrence and residual tumour rates. Induction chemotherapy followed by maintenance therapy reduced the side effects of chemotherapeutic agents, The goals of treatment can be attained by multidisplinary and multi modality approach

    A Novel Method for Fruit Detection and Calorie Estimation using CNN

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    Dietary food consumption has become significant these days as the patients need to deal with food admission without fail. Picture-based organic product calorie assessment is critical to different versatile applications for recording ordinary feast. In any case, some of them would need manual support for calories assessment, and regardless of whether it is computerized, organic product classifications are frequently restricted or pictures from numerous perspectives are required. It isn't yet accomplished to gauge organic product calorie with functional precision and assessing natural product calories from an organic product photograph is a perplexing issue. Along these lines, in this paper, we propose assessing natural product calorie from an organic product photograph by synchronous learning of organic product pictures and calories utilizing profound learning. We present a framework which can perceive the organic product picture, and afterward foresee its dietary substance, like calories. We would present CNN based ways to deal with these issues, with favourable primer outcomes

    Recent progress in understanding protein and lipid factors affecting hepatic VLDL assembly and secretion

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    Excess lipid induced metabolic disorders are one of the major existing challenges for the society. Among many different causes of lipid disorders, overproduction and compromised catabolism of triacylglycerol-rich very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) have become increasingly prevalent leading to hyperlipidemia worldwide. This review provides the latest understanding in different aspects of VLDL assembly process, including structure-function relationships within apoB, mutations in APOB causing hypobetalipoproteinemia, significance of modulating microsomal triglyceride-transfer protein activity in VLDL assembly, alterations of VLDL assembly by different fatty acid species, and hepatic proteins involved in vesicular trafficking, and cytosolic lipid droplet metabolism that contribute to VLDL assembly. The role of lipoprotein receptors and exchangeable apolipoproteins that promote or diminish VLDL assembly and secretion is discussed. New understanding on dysregulated insulin signaling as a consequence of excessive triacylglycerol-rich VLDL in the plasma is also presented. It is hoped that a comprehensive view of protein and lipid factors that contribute to molecular and cellular events associated with VLDL assembly and secretion will assist in the identification of pharmaceutical targets to reduce disease complications related to hyperlipidemia

    Intentional Ploys in Outsourcing Provisions: The Need for Familiarizing Competence in Conveying Enduring Results

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    Adjustment is frequently observed as a key upper hand for outsourcing merchants. Outsourcing research has frequently accepted that merchant abilities are static. In any case, subsequently of instabilities and additionally changes in the customer condition, merchants should have the capacity to adjust their outsourcing abilities. The point of our examination is to look at two differentiating outsourcing approaches and represent how a versatile approach may convey better outcomes for customers in the long haul. The discoveries show that rearranging first and outsourcing a while later adds to a more controlled usage, which brings about a more characterized and stable arrangement of merchant outsourcing capacities that added to here and now achievement. Conversely, outsourcing first and revamping later shows a less controlled upgrade of the customer's hierarchical structure, which requires a pliable arrangement of outsourcing capacities to oblige future change. The last key ploy brings about an amplified adjustment period, as a few capacities should be created after some time. Be that as it may, it might enhance accomplishment after some time as ensuing changes in the customer condition can be provided food for superior manner. The paper utilizes a mix of writing and contextual investigation look into. A review contextual investigation approach was received, utilizing meetings, perceptions and examination of reports. Two contextual analyses using differentiating customers methodologies were researched and looked at. In one of the contextual investigations, the customer redesigned exercises first and after that outsourced them, while in the other, the customer did the turnaround outsourced first and afterward revamped

    Reliable Broadcast to A User Group with Limited Source Transmissions

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    In order to reduce the number of retransmissions and save power for the source node, we propose a two-phase coded scheme to achieve reliable broadcast from the source to a group of users with minimal source transmissions. In the first phase, the information packets are encoded with batched sparse (BATS) code, which are then broadcasted by the source node until the file can be cooperatively decoded by the user group. In the second phase, each user broadcasts the re-encoded packets to its peers based on their respective received packets from the first phase, so that the file can be decoded by each individual user. The performance of the proposed scheme is analyzed and the rank distribution at the moment of decoding is derived, which is used as input for designing the optimal BATS code. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme can reduce the total number of retransmissions compared with the traditional single-phase broadcast with optimal erasure codes. Furthermore, since a large number of transmissions are shifted from the source node to the users, power consumptions at the source node is significantly reduced.Comment: ICC 2015. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1504.0446

    Convolution Neural Network Based Prediction for Eye Gaze Estimation

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    Levels of progress in progress have truly made it possible to get various kinds of biometric information from individuals, enabling bases on assessment of human conditions in cure, auto prospering, advancing, and various zones. These evaluations have particularly featured eye improvement as a convincing marker with respect to human conditions, and assessment on its applications is adequately being pursued. The contraptions as of now for the most part used for assessing eye overhauls rely on the video-oculography (VOG) procedure, wherein the course of look is outlined by managing eye pictures crushed a camera. Applying convolutional neural network (ConvNet) to the getting ready of eye pictures has been seemed to enable exact and unprecedented look assessment. Ordinary picture overseeing, in any case, is begun on execution using a PC, making it difficult to finish consistent look. We hence propose another eye picture overseeing framework that cycles look assessment and event disclosure starting with one fulfillment then onto the accompanying using a self-governing engineered lightweight ConvNet. This paper evaluates the course of action of the proposed lightweight ConvNet, the frameworks for learning and appraisal used, and the proposed methodology's ability to meanwhile see look heading and event occasion using a truly unassuming memory and at lower computational complex nature than standard ways of thinking


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    Plants have been used since ancient times to heal and cure diseases and to improve health and well being. Sida cordifolia Linn belonging to family Malvaceae is widely distributed throughout the plains of India. The various parts of Sida cordifolia possess different biological perspectives such as antidiabetic, anti stress, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, hepatoprotective and anticancer activity. This plant has great potential for development of ayurvedic and modern medicines. The present study is focused on pharmacological review of Sida cordifolia L


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    Nardostachys jatamansi is a flowering plant of the Valerianaceae family, which is a native plant of the Indian and Nepal Himalaya. It is found from 2200m to 5000m asl. in random forms. It is also called as spikenard, nard, nardin, or muskroot used in the formulation of traditional Ayurvedic medicines as well as modern herbal preparations for curing various ailments. The plant abounds in sesquiterpenes predominantly; jatamansone and nardostachone. Nardostachys jatamansi possesses biological properties such as antioxidant, antimicrobial, anticholinesterase, oxidative stress, antidepressant and anti-inflammatory activities. It is also useful in the management of insomnia and CNS disorders. This study has detailed information regarding the various activities and mainly focuses on the pharmacological activity of Nardostachys jatamansi.Â
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