3 research outputs found

    Talento humano y trabajo en equipo del personal directivo de las universidades del municipio Maracaibo

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    The intention of this research was to determine the relation between human talent and teamwork among directive personnel at universities in the Maracaibo Municipality, based on the theoretical approaches of Alles (2005), Dolan et al. (2003), Gubman (2000), Hayes (2002), Jeric贸 (2001), among others. Research was of the correlational, non-experimental, transversal type, using a population of 31 subjects pertaining to the administrative directors at the aforementioned public and private universities. Data was collected through observation using a survey, for which two (2) data collection instruments were designed, structured with five alternative answers on a Likert-type attitude scale; content was validated by the criteria of 10 experts, using furthermore, discriminating analysis of items, which allowed greater certainty in their designs. Reliability was calculated using the Cronbach Alpha coefficient, which produced a value of 0.99 for human talent and 0.91 for teamwork, showing high consistency. Results were analyzed using descriptive statistics with absolute and percentage frequencies, supported with central tendency measurements, also using inferential statistics with non-parametric tests. In conclusion, a correlation with a positive direction and strong magnitude between the variables with a Spearman rho index of 0.88 suggests a strong correspondence between the variables under the present conditions of this study.El prop贸sito de esta investigaci贸n fue determinar la relaci贸n entre talento humano y trabajo en equipo del personal directivo de las universidades del Municipio Maracaibo, sobre la base de los enfoques te贸ricos de Alles (2005), Dolan et al. (2003), Gubman (2000), Hayes (2002), Jeric贸 (2001), entre otros. La investigaci贸n se tipific贸 como correlacional, no experimental y transversal, utilizando una poblaci贸n de 31 sujetos pertenecientes a la planta directiva de administraci贸n de las referidas universidades p煤blicas y privadas. La t茅cnica de recolecci贸n de datos fue la observaci贸n mediante encuesta, para lo cual se dise帽aron dos (2) instrumentos de recolecci贸n de datos, estructurados con cinco alternativas de respuestas bajo una escala de actitud tipo Likert, utilizando una validez de contenido por el criterio de 10 expertos, utilizando adem谩s el an谩lisis discriminante de 铆tems, lo cual permiti贸 mayor certeza en sus dise帽os. La confiabilidad fue calculada por el coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach, el cual arroj贸 un valor de 0.99 para talento humano y 0.91 para trabajo en equipo, siendo altamente consistentes. Los resultados se analizaron mediante estad铆stica descriptiva con frecuencias absolutas y porcentuales, soportadas con medidas de tendencia central, haciendo uso adem谩s de la estad铆stica inferencial con pruebas no param茅tricas. Como conclusi贸n, se observ贸 una correlaci贸n con direcci贸n positiva y magnitud fuerte entre las variables con un 铆ndice rho de Spearman de 0.88, lo que sugiere que bajo las actuales condiciones de este estudio existe una fuerte concomitancia entre las variables

    Intelligent electronic tongue system for the classification of genuine and false honeys

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    ABSTRACTHoney quality is a global concern since this product is highly susceptible to adulteration, given its competitive price. As a reliable strategy for honey authenticity determination, this work introduces an intelligent classification system that considers the pattern recognition point of view to develop an economical and quick analytical method to identify and differentiate genuine from adulterated honey. This work used an electronic tongue composed of three working electrodes of carbon, platinum, and gold. The system used Cyclic voltammetry to obtain data from 50 genuine and 50 adulterated honey samples. Subsequently, the system used multivariate data analysis using a pattern recognition methodology composed of three big stages, including data organization and normalization, dimensionality reduction, and k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN) as a classification method. The process was validated with the Leave One Out Cross Validation technique (LOOCV), reaching a classification accuracy performance of 100%. The results show that it was possible the development of a combined methodology between analytical tools and chemometrics for an in-situ, quick and efficient authenticity honey evaluation