7,175 research outputs found

    Sex Differences in Attributions to Positive and Negative Sexual Scenarios in Men and Women With and Without Sexual Problems: Reconsidering Stereotypes

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    People with sexual problems are more likely to attribute negative sexual experiences to themselves, in contrast to sexually functional individuals who attribute negative sexual experiences to external factors such as the circumstance or partner. We investigated attribution patterns in 820 men and 753 women, some of whom reported an orgasmic problem, to assess differences between the sexes and those with and without an orgasmic difficulty. Specifically, using an Internet-based approach, we compared attribution responses to four sexual scenarios, one representing a positive sexual experience and three representing negative sexual experiences. Women were more likely to attribute positive outcomes to their partner than men. Women were also more likely to attribute negative outcomes to themselves than men, but they more readily blamed their partner and circumstances for negative outcomes than men as well. Those with orgasmic problems were less willing to take credit for positive outcomes and more willing to accept blame for negative outcomes. Interaction effects between sex and orgasmic problems further highlighted differences between men’s and women’s attribution patterns. These results are interpreted in the context of traditional notions that men’s attributions tend to be more self-serving and women’s attributions more self-derogatory

    Blow-up analysis of conformal metrics of the disk with prescribed Gaussian and geodesic curvatures

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    This paper is concerned with the compactness of metrics of the disk with prescribed Gaussian and geodesic curvatures. We consider a blowing-up sequence of metrics and give a precise description of its asymptotic behavior. In particular, the metrics blow-up at a unique point on the boundary and we are able to give necessary conditions on its location. It turns out that such conditions depend locally on the Gaussian curvatures but they depend on the geodesic curvatures in a nonlocal way. This is a novelty with respect to the classical Nirenberg problem where the blow-up conditions are local, and this new aspect is driven by the boundary condition.Comment: 31 pages, 1 figur

    Making it in America: Parental Language Retention, English Proficiency, and Academic Aspirations among Immigrant Children

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    The larger share of immigrants in America today has important implications in American society. How immigrants can achieve their American dream and how they become integrated in American society remains unclear. What is clear is that these immigrants typically live in the lower rung of the socioeconomic ladder, but many come here so their children will have better opportunities and exceed them in socioeconomic status. Children’s educational achievement and aspirations are essential for their success. It is for this reason that the determinants of educational aspirations are so important. I use data from the Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Study (CILS) to determine the relationship between parental language retention and educational aspirations. I include in my analyses three ethnic groups: Cubans, Filipinos, and Mexicans. The initial results reveal that speaking parental language at home increases children’s college aspirations. However, this relationship is reversed when both peer and frequency of language use is taken into consideration. This relationship takes yet another turn as it is demonstrated that immigrant children are most likely to have college aspirations if they are able to speak parental language and are proficient in English. In contrast, immigrants who are proficient in English but are poor in parental language have lower level of college aspiration compared to the bilingual children. I discuss these general findings and some anomalies among ethnic groups using the theories of classical and segmented assimilation

    Dynamics of Price Adjustments: Evidence From Micro Level Data for Chile

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    This paper characterizes the dynamics of price adjustments in Chile using data at the establishment level of goods in the CPI basket. Our results show that nominal rigidities are lower when measured at micro-level compared to estimates based on macro data. The frequency of price adjustments appears to be relatively stable over the sample period 1999-2005. On the other hand, if we decompose price adjustments in upward and downward changes, we observe that these frequencies of adjustments for some groups of products are correlated with the level of aggregate inflation. Thus, the data shows that the intensive and extensive margins of price adjustment play a role in determining price dynamics. Finally, we find a considerable degree of synchronization in price adjustments across establishments and a moderate increase in price dispersion since 1999

    Neighborhood Change within New Jersey: The Evolutionary History that Led to the New Newark

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    As Newark lies 10 miles west of Manhattan, there is an increased encroachment from investors and gentrifies as surrounding cities such as Hoboken and Jersey City become too expensive and overcrowded. Known as the “Brick City”, Newark has history dating back to 1666. Leading up to World War II Newark was thriving, until an increase in suburban development and white flight that altered the race demographic. After years of racial stigma, the history of Newark is at risk as gentrification and neighborhood change looms over the city and its 282,862 residents, many of which are minorities

    Unit 1: Labour Law

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    Versión en inglés de la Lección 1ª y de materiales complementarios (diapositivas Pwp y cuestionario) de la asignatura Derecho del Trabajo I del Grado en Derecho.Concepto de Derecho del Trabajo y factores de aparición histórica del Derecho del Trabajo

    Unit 3: Collective Bargaining

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    Versión en inglés de la lección 3ª y materiales complementarios (diapositivas Pwp y cuestionario) correspondientes a la asignatura Derecho del Trabajo I (grupo ARA) del Grado en Derecho.El derecho a la negociación colectiva en el ordenamiento jurídico español

    Conciliación de la vida laboral y familiar en la reforma laboral de 2012

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    La reforma de la legislación laboral, acometida por la Ley 3/2012, de 6 de julio, ha afectado a la regulación jurídica de determinados e importantes derechos relacionados con la conciliación de la vida laboral, personal y familiar. El presente trabajo discurre en torno al alcance de las reformas introducidas por el legislador de 2012 en relación con cuatro importantes derechos en este ámbito. Se trata del derecho al permiso y a la reducción de jornada por lactancia del artículo 37.4 del ET, el derecho de reducción de jornada por razones de cuidado de terceros (art. 37.5 ET), el derecho de concreción horaria y determinación del periodo de disfrute de los anteriores derechos (art. 37.6 ET), y, por último, del derecho de vacaciones (art. 38 ET). En términos generales, las novedades introducidas por el texto legal son, ciertamente, relativas en tanto, en la mayoría de las ocasiones, el legislador, bien ha emprendido ligeras mejoras técnicas en las normas, bien ha incorporado criterios de la doctrina jurisprudencial del Tribunal Supremo y del propio Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea. Desde este punto de vista, la reforma, aun sin merecer el calificativo de exhaustiva, pues diversos son todavía aspectos en este ámbito pendientes de revisión, sí que ha contribuido en parte a la seguridad jurídica y ha representado cierta mejora de la regulación preexistente. Sin embargo, en relación con determinados derechos, como ocurre singularmente con el derecho de reducción de jornada del artículo 37.5 del ET, la reforma no ha resultado tan inocua. El legislador, en este sentido, parece haber apostado por la seguridad jurídica a costa de la práctica neutralización de un derecho cuya operatividad, en relación con la satisfacción de las necesidades de conciliación, antes era notoriamente mayor

    Unit 2: Sources of Labour Law

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    Versión en inglés de la lección 2ª y materiales complementarios (diapositivas Pwp y cuestionarios) correspondientes a la asignatura Derecho del Trabajo I (grupo ARA), del Grado en Derecho.Las fuentes del ordenamiento laboral