9 research outputs found

    A 62-minute orbital period black widow binary in a wide hierarchical triple

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    Over a dozen millisecond pulsars are ablating low-mass companions in close binary systems. In the original ‘black widow’, the eight-hour orbital period eclipsing pulsar PSR J1959+2048 (PSR B1957+20)1, high-energy emission originating from the pulsar2 is irradiating and may eventually destroy3 a low-mass companion. These systems are not only physical laboratories that reveal the interesting results of exposing a close companion star to the relativistic energy output of a pulsar, but are also believed to harbour some of the most massive neutron stars4, allowing for robust tests of the neutron star equation of state. Here we report observations of ZTF J1406+1222, a wide hierarchical triple hosting a 62-minute orbital period black widow candidate, the optical flux of which varies by a factor of more than ten. ZTF J1406+1222 pushes the boundaries of evolutionary models5, falling below the 80-minute minimum orbital period of hydrogen-rich systems. The wide tertiary companion is a rare low-metallicity cool subdwarf star, and the system has a Galactic halo orbit consistent with passing near the Galactic Centre, making it a probe of formation channels, neutron star kick physics6 and binary evolution

    A Highly Active Molybdenum Phosphide Catalyst for Methanol Synthesis from CO and CO<sub>2</sub>

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    Methanol is a major fuel and chemical feedstock currently produced from syngas, a CO/CO2/H2 mixture. Herein we identify formate binding strength as a key parameter limiting the activity and stability of known catalysts for methanol synthesis in the presence of CO2. We present a molybdenum phosphide catalyst for CO and CO2 reduction to methanol, which through a weaker interaction with formate, can improve the activity and stability of methanol synthesis catalysts in a wide range of CO/CO2/H2 feeds

    The type Icn SN 2021csp: implications for the origins of the fastest supernovae and the fates of Wolf–Rayet stars

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    We present observations of SN 2021csp, the second example of a newly identified type of supernova (SN) hallmarked by strong, narrow, P Cygni carbon features at early times (Type Icn). The SN appears as a fast and luminous blue transient at early times, reaching a peak absolute magnitude of −20 within 3 days due to strong interaction between fast SN ejecta (v ≈ 30,000 km s−1) and a massive, dense, fast-moving C/O wind shed by the WC-like progenitor months before explosion. The narrow-line features disappear from the spectrum 10–20 days after explosion and are replaced by a blue continuum dominated by broad Fe features, reminiscent of Type Ibn and IIn supernovae and indicative of weaker interaction with more extended H/He-poor material. The transient then abruptly fades ∼60 days post-explosion when interaction ceases. Deep limits at later phases suggest minimal heavy-element nucleosynthesis, a low ejecta mass, or both, and imply an origin distinct from that of classical Type Ic SNe. We place SN 2021csp in context with other fast-evolving interacting transients, and discuss various progenitor scenarios: an ultrastripped progenitor star, a pulsational pair-instability eruption, or a jet-driven fallback SN from a Wolf–Rayet (W-R) star. The fallback scenario would naturally explain the similarity between these events and radio-loud fast transients, and suggests a picture in which most stars massive enough to undergo a W-R phase collapse directly to black holes at the end of their live

    A Systematic Study of Ia-CSM Supernovae from the ZTF Bright Transient Survey

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    Among the supernovae (SNe) that show strong interaction with the circumstellar medium, there is a rare subclass of Type Ia supernovae, SNe Ia-CSM, that show strong narrow hydrogen emission lines much like SNe IIn but on top of a diluted over-luminous Type Ia spectrum. In the only previous systematic study of this class (Silverman et al. 2013), 16 objects were identified, 8 historic and 8 from the Palomar Transient Factory (PTF). Now using the successor survey to PTF, the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF), we have classified 12 additional objects of this type through the systematic Bright Transient Survey (BTS). In this study, we present and analyze the optical and mid-IR light curves, optical spectra, and host galaxy properties of this sample. Consistent with previous studies, we find the objects to have slowly evolving light curves compared to normal SNe Ia with peak absolute magnitudes between -19.1 and -21, spectra having weak Hβ\beta, large Balmer decrements of ~7 and strong Ca NIR emission. Out of 10 SNe from our sample observed by NEOWISE, 9 have 3σ3\sigma detections, along with some showing a clear reduction in red-wing of Hα\alpha, indicative of newly formed dust. We do not find our SN Ia-CSM sample to have a significantly different distribution of equivalent width of He I λ5876\lambda5876 than SNe IIn as observed in Silverman et al. 2013. The hosts tend to be late-type galaxies with recent star formation. We also derive a rate estimate of 29−21+27^{+27}_{-21} Gpc−3^{-3} yr−1^{-1} for SNe Ia-CSM which is ~0.02--0.2 % of the SN Ia rate. This work nearly doubles the sample of well-studied Ia-CSM objects in Silverman et al. 2013, increasing the total number to 28

    Le méristème caulinaire des Angiospermes: nouveaux outils, nouvelles interprétations

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