10 research outputs found

    Voice Identification Using Classification Algorithms

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    This article discusses the classification algorithms for the problem of personality identification by voice using machine learning methods. We used the MFCC algorithm in the speech preprocessing process. To solve the problem, a comparative analysis of five classification algorithms was carried out. In the first experiment, the support vector method was determined—0.90 and multilayer perceptron—0.83, that showed the best results. In the second experiment, a multilayer perceptron with an accuracy of 0.93 was proposed using the Robust scaler method for personal identification. Therefore, to solve this problem, it is possible to use a multi-layer perceptron, taking into account the specifics of the speech signal

    Sürdürülebilir ontolojiler için idame.

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    In computer and information sciences, ontology based information systems have been seen as an opportunity to represent knowledge as to define and categorize digital reflections of physical entities, domains and relations between pairs of them. For these digital domains and entities, information oriented, ontology based structures have become popular for creation of knowledge structures for organizations. Based on this perspective, by using different ontology definitions, organizations have been building their own digital ontologies for a wide variety of reasons. However, construction of an ontology cannot be concluded with a single build; it requires maintenance, which is in parallel with organizational and organization’s environmental changes. The ontology maintenance idea arises to support this requirement. In this study, to answer this requirement, previously created and maintained SWEET, Galen and Public Finance Management ontologies were studied as cases by looking at implemented ontology tasks. After that, the findings were derived from these cases and these findings were compared with the BIHAP system ontology with implementation of questionnaire to the developers and end users of the system. The validation of the questionnaire was ensured by implementation of interviews to the previous questionnaire participants. The results revealed the implementation of ontology tasks for the ontology maintenance purposes.Ph.D. - Doctoral Progra


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    Tacit Knowledge Visualization through Organizational Explicit Knowledge Warehouses: A Proposal for Research Methodology Design and Execution

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    Tacit Knowledge Visualization through Organizational Explicit Knowledge Warehouses: A Proposal for Research Methodology Design and Executio


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    Knowledge extraction and visualization is becoming an important research area for the organizations in order to get and share the knowledge. Most important and useful part of the knowledge extraction and visualization is dedicated to tacit knowledge. There are already known methods to acquire the tacit knowledge. Yet, these methods are mostly general approaches applicable to all the areas in need of tacit knowledge extraction and become too abstract when applied to a specific domain. One such specific domain is the requirement specification process for the software project development. Our own experiences in the area as well as the scientific researches have shown that Software Requirement Specification (SRS) process has field-specific problems that need to be eliminated by using the suitable tacit knowledge extraction techniques. For example, the experts and/or users may not have a clear idea of their requirements. They may also be technically unsophisticated or have different vocabularies than the software developers. Benefiting from the existing body of academic literature in the related fields, as well as co-authors' experience from their domains of practice, this paper aims to find the concrete methods for extracting the tacit knowledge in the area of software project development with specific implications for these academic fields and practice domains, as well as more general suggestions for all related or concerned. To provide a base for future work, the paper also presents a proposal that aims to develop a tacit knowledge visualization framework to support know-where requirements of the organizational knowledge. With the implementation of our framework in a software application, it is aimed to create a virtual environment, where subject-based knowledge requirements will be answered by the visualized tacit knowledge of individuals and possibly the relations among individual members of the organization.&nbsp

    Amphorae Knowledge and Knowledge Amphorae for Cross-Cultural Knowledge Management

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    Based on questioning the link between knowledge and amphorae, this paper consists of two distinct parts. The first part presents an expert system which is built to use in the Archeology field, highlighting the need for the knowledge systems to reveal knowledge of anthropology. With this expert system we try to categorize Protogeometric Era Amphorae. We define some of the basics for Protogeometric Amphorae characteristics to build our expert system. Then we present our Protogeometric Amphorae Classifier as a candidate expert system. The second part theorizes a knowledge amphorae perspective for knowledge science, musing in an academic metaphoric way about knowledge. With a switch from archeology, we draw upon a set of concepts derived from geophysics for this knowledge amphorae perspective. As a result of such perspective, conceptualizations of reflection and refraction for knowledge are also developed. While these two distinct parts that represent the different approaches of the contributing authors are discussed together, we hope to present the importance of knowledge in anthropology, as well as the importance of anthropological and geophysical knowledge for knowledge science.The original publication is available at JAIST Press http://www.jaist.ac.jp/library/jaist-press/index.htmlProceedings of KSS'2007 : The Eighth International Symposium on Knowledge and Systems Sciences : November 5-7, 2007, [Ishikawa High-Tech Conference Center, Nomi, Ishikawa, JAPAN]Organized by: Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technolog

    Türk Üniversitelerinin Aday Öğrenci Web Sayfalarının Erişilebilirlik, Kullanılabilirlik ve Güvenlik Açısından Değerlendirilmesi

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    Üniversitelerin aday öğrenci web sayfaları sosyal ve akademik anlamda paydaşlarına bilgi sağlama konusunda önemli bir iletişim kaynağıdır, bu sebeple bu sayfaların kullanımının kolay, güvenli ve erişilebilirlik standartlarına uygun olması beklenir. Bu makale, Türkiye’deki üniversitelerin aday öğrenci web sayfalarının erişilebilirlik, kullanılabilirlik ve güvenlik değerlendirmesini sunmaktadır. Bu amaçla, üniversitelerin aday öğrencilerine yönelik 147 adet web sayfası tespit edilmiş ve çeşitli otomatik test araçları ile değerlendirilmiştir. Ayrıca, değerlendirme sonrası üniversitelerin benzer davranış kalıplarının belirlenmesi amacıyla kümeleme analizi yapılmıştır. Sonuçlar, devlet ya da vakıf fark etmeksizin üniversitelerin büyük çoğunluğunun erişilebilirlik ve kullanım kalitesine daha az dikkat ettiğini göstermiştir. Değerlendirilen web sayfalarının WCAG 2.0 yönergesine göre düşük uyumluluk seviyesine sahip olduğu görüldü. Güvenlik açısından kritik bir sorun tespit edilmemiştir ancak geliştirilmesi gereken belirli noktalar bulunmuştur. Ayrıca bu çalışma, web sayfalarının erişilebilirlik, kullanılabilirlik ve güvenlik ihlallerin çözülebilmesi için geliştiricilere ve yöneticilere bazı değerli öneriler sunmaktadır

    Accessibility, usability, and security evaluation of universities' prospective student web pages: a comparative study of Europe, North America, and Oceania

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    Universities' prospective student web pages aim to disseminate information about their academic and social opportunities to their stakeholders; therefore, they must be accessible, of high quality of use and reliable. This article presents the accessibility, usage performance, and security analysis of prospective student web pages of 330 universities from three continents, namely Europe, North America, and Oceania. For this purpose, university websites were selected based on the Webometrics ranking, and online automated test tools were used. The results showed that websites at universities in North America paid more attention to accessibility and quality of use on prospective student web pages, followed by Oceanian and European websites. Evaluated websites had low compliance levels according to the WCAG 2.0 guideline. No major problems were identified in terms of usability and security, but there were certain points for improvement. Moreover, we present and discuss recommendations to developers and administrators for websites to resolve accessibility, usability, and security breaches and provide information equally to all stakeholders. Hence, this analysis report provides feedback to web developers to improve accessibility, quality of use, and security issues of university websites and their prospective student web pages

    Green ICT (Information and Communication Technologies): A Review of Academic and Practitioner Perspectives

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    Green ICT (Information and Communication Technologies): A Review of Academic and Practitioner Perspective

    A Novel Behavioral Strategy for RoboCode Platform Based on Deep Q-Learning

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    This paper addresses a new machine learning-based behavioral strategy using the deep Q-learning algorithm for the RoboCode simulation platform. According to this strategy, a new model is proposed for the RoboCode platform, providing an environment for simulated robots that can be programmed to battle against other robots. Compared to Atari Games, RoboCode has a fairly wide set of actions and situations. Due to the challenges of training a CNN model for such a continuous action space problem, the inputs obtained from the simulation environment were generated dynamically, and the proposed model was trained by using these inputs. The trained model battled against the predefined rival robots of the environment (standard robots) by cumulatively benefiting from the experience of these robots. The comparison between the proposed model and standard robots of RoboCode Platform was statistically verified. Finally, the performance of the proposed model was compared with machine learning based-customized robots (community robots). Experimental results reveal that the proposed model is mostly superior to community robots. Therefore, the deep Q-learning-based model has proven to be successful in such a complex simulation environment. It should also be noted that this new model facilitates simulation performance in adaptive and partially cluttered environments