5 research outputs found

    Apresentação não usual de dois casos de uso de dispositivo Intrauterino hormonal - Mirena®

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    RESUMO: Os contraceptivos intrauterinos contendo levonorgestrel, Mirena®, amplamente utilizados na ginecologia contemporânea como método eficaz de contracepção e controle de distúrbios menstruais, mostrou reduzir as taxas de câncer de endométrio. Além disso, complicações como perfuração e migração são raras, exigindo intervenção rápida. Descrição: Dois casos atípicos acerca do uso de dispositivo intrauterino hormonal, o primeiro trata de migração do dispositivo para a cavidade abdominal, após 1 ano e 8 meses da inserção, sem perfuração, com retirada videolaparoscópica. O segundo é um caso de câncer primário de endométrio em paciente com 3 anos de uso de Mirena®. Discussão: A migração do dispositivo intrauterino é uma complicação rara, pouco relatada na literatura, a abordagem videolaparoscópica é a preferencial e foi realizada no caso em questão. O dispositivo intrauterino hormonal também está relacionado à diminuição das taxas de câncer de endométrio e, inclusive, é usado como método preventivo em mulheres de alto risco. Após revisão de literatura, apenas seis casos similares foram descritos. Conclusão: O dispositivo hormonal intrauterino, apesar de seguro, pode implicar apresentações raras, como migração e perfuração, que exigem conhecimento e agilidade da equipe profissional. O segundo caso apresentado é um evento raro, que faz atentar para mulheres com padrão hemorrágico incomum em uso do Mirena®.ABSTRACT:  Intrauterine contraceptives containing levonorgestrel, Mirena®, widely used in contemporary gynecology as an effective method of contraception and control of menstrual disorders, have shown to reduce rates of endometrial cancer. In addition, complications such as perforation and migration are rare, requiring rapid intervention. Description: Two atypical cases about the use of intrauterine hormonal device, the first deals with migration of the device to the abdominal cavity, after 1 year and 8 months of insertion, without perforation, with videolaparoscopic withdrawal. The second is a case of primary endometrial cancer in a patient with 3 years of use of Mirena®. Discussion: Migration of the intrauterine device is a rare complication, little reported in the literature, the videolaparoscopic approach is the preferred one and was performed in the case in question. The hormonal intrauterine device is also related to the decreased rates of endometrial cancer and is also used as a preventive method in high-risk women. After reviewing the literature, only six similar cases were described. Conclusion: The intrauterine hormonal device, although safe, may imply rare presentations, such as migration and perforation, which require knowledge and agility of the professional team. The second case presented is a rare event, which makes it aware for women with an unusual hemorrhagic pattern to use Mirena®


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    Introdução: Apresentamos um caso fatal de criptococose disseminada em homem jovem cujo diagnóstico de HIV foi feito no momento da admissão na emergência.Relato de caso: O paciente, de 23 anos, sexo masculino, tinha história de febre diária de um mês de duração, associada à diarreia, perda de peso, cefaleia, vômitos e convulsões generalizadas. Tinha ainda história de diabetes mellitus, alcoolismo e drogadição. Ao exame físico havia palidez, desorientação e períodos de agitação. Os exames laboratoriais mostraram 3.440 leucócitos/mm3(5% linfócitos), hemoglobina de 10 g/dL, 83,000 plaquetas/mm3, creatinina de 0,7mg/dL, ureia de 19 mg/dL, Na, K e enzimas hepáticas dentro dos limites da normalidade. A lactato desidrogenase era 494 UI/L. Análise do líquor revelou 10 leucócitos/mm3 (58% neutrófilos, 31% linfócitos, 11% monócitos) e 2 hemácias/mm3, glicose de 122 mg/dL e proteína de 36 mg/dL. A análise com tinta da Índia revelou seis blastoconídeos de Cryptococcus/mm³. O VDRL foi negativo e o anti-HIV positivo. Foi iniciado tratamento com hidratação venosa, insulina, fenitoína, fluconazol, pirimetamina, sulfadiazina, ácido folínico e anfotericina B. O paciente não apresentou melhora e evoluiu com obnubilação e hipotensão, sendo intubado e iniciada ventilação mecânica. Foram administradas drogas vasoativas, e o paciente evoluiu a óbito menos de 24h após a admissão. A autópsia revelou criptococose disseminada, com grave envolvimento renal.Conclusão:A criptococose é via-de-regra, doença sistêmica que afeta principalmente indivíduos imunocomprometidos, especialmente com AIDS, e quando diagnosticada tardiamente apresenta alta mortalidade.Introduction: We present a fatal case of disseminated cryptococcosis in a young man whose diagnosis of HIV infection was made at the time of admission to the emergency room.Case report: The patient was a twenty-three-year-old man, with a history of daily fever during one month associated with diarrhea, weight loss, headache, vomiting and generalized seizures. He also had a history of diabetes mellitus, alcoholism and drug addiction. Upon physical examination the patient was pale, disoriented and had periods of agitation. White blood cells count was 3,440/mm3 (5% lymphocytes), hemoglobin was 10g/dL, platelets were 83,000/ mm3. Creatinine was 0.7 mg/dL; urea 19 mg/dL; Na, K, and liver enzymes were within normal limits. Lactic dehydrogenase was 494 IU/L. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis revealed 10 white blood cells/mm3 (58% neutrophils, 31% lymphocytes, 11% monocytes) and 2 red blood cells/mm3. India ink test revealed six Cryptococcusyeasts/mm3. CSF glucose was 122 mg/dL and protein was 36 mg/ dL. VDRL test was negative and anti-HIV test was positive. Intravenous hydration, insulin, phenytoin, fluconazole, pyrimethamine, sulfadiazine, folinic acid, and amphotericin B were started. The patient did not improve and became obtunded and hypotensive. He was intubated and put on mechanical respiration. He received vasoactive drugs and died less than 24 hours after admission. A postmortem examination was performed and revealed disseminated cryptococcosis, with severe involvement of the kidneys.Conclusion:Cryptococcosis, as a rule, is a systemic disease that affects mostly immunocompromised individuals, especially patients with AIDS. When diagnosed late in its course it has a very high mortality

    Radiological characterization of cerebral phenotype in newborn microcephaly cases from 2015 outbreak in Brazil

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    <p>Brazil is facing, since October of 2015, an outbreak of microcephalic fetuses. This outbreak is correlated with the beginning of circulation of Zika virus (ZIKV) in the country. Although it is clear that the size of the head is diminished in these fetuses, the brain phenotype associated with these malformations is unknown. We collected computed tomography images of the microcephaly cases from the region of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, from September 2015 to February 2016. The CT acquisition was performed by a multidetector equipment, Philips Brilliance 64 (Philips Medical Systems; Cleveland, EUA), with tomographic section thickness of 1.0 mm, without administration of iodinated contrast. The protocol for this study was reviewed and approved by the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte Ethics Committee, certificate of approval CAAE 53111416.7.0000.5537. Role of funding source: The funding agencies had no participation in this work. The microcephalies derived from the current outbreak are associated with intracerebral calcifications, malformation of the ventricular system, migratory disorders in the telencephalon and, in a lower frequency, malformation of the cerebellum and brainstem. The characteristics here described are not usually found in other types of microcephaly. We suggest that this work can be used as a guideline to identify microcephaly cases associated to the current outbreak. </p