17 research outputs found

    Extra-legal factors in International court of justice case law

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    Le droit peut rencontrer le non-droit. Ceci est possible et avĂ©rĂ© car  le processus judiciaire de l’adĂ©quation d’une solution juridique abstraite Ă  un cas concret d’espĂšce impose au juge nĂ©cessairement une adaptation au droit applicable. Ceci est particuliĂšrement vrai en droit international car l’adaptation du droit en vue de son application l’amĂšne Ă  glisser vers une ouverture vers des Ă©lĂ©ments Ă©trangers au droit.Cette Ă©tude vise Ă  fournir une systĂ©matisation thĂ©orique de la qualification et de l’utilisation par le juge international du facteur extra-juridiqueLa rĂ©flexion doit alors dĂ©buter par une premiĂšre identification des facteurs extra-juridiques dans le raisonnement judiciaire, et cela, Ă  travers une lecture exĂ©gĂ©tique de la jurisprudence consultative et contentieuse. L’identification de tels Ă©lĂ©ments Ă©trangers au droit permettra ainsi la dĂ©termination et l’analyse des critĂšres utilisĂ©s par le juge international et l’existence d’une Ă©ventuelle taxinomie entre les diffĂ©rents facteurs.Si le juge international accepte le recours au non-droit, une telle ouverture n’est pas sans signification. La portĂ©e des facteurs extra-juridiques sur la jurisprudence de la Cour doit alors ĂȘtre recherchĂ©e. Il s’agit d’une portĂ©e double, d’une part normative, et d’autre part substantielle. Les facteurs extra-juridiques ont en effet un rĂŽle de structuration du discours juridique international, lorsqu’intĂ©grĂ©s au droit, car ils facilitent le travail d’individualisation des diffĂ©rentes espĂšces Ă  travers leur rĂŽle adjuvant dans l’interprĂ©tation des faits et car ils facilitent Ă©galement le travail de contextualisation des dĂ©cisions Ă  travers leur façonnage de la norme internationale. Les facteurs extra-juridiques disposent Ă©galement d’un rĂŽle dans l’évolution de la norme internationale car ils contribuent Ă  la diversitĂ© culturelle des juges de la Cour, et de ce fait, sont eux-mĂȘme vecteurs d’interdisciplinaritĂ©, tout en permettant une interprĂ©tation Ă©volutive de la norme international et en contribuant Ă  l’ouverture vers de tendances nouvelles.Law can meet non-law. This is possible and true since the judicial process of adequacy of an abstract judicial solution to a concrete case imposes an adaptation to the applicable law. This is particularly correct in international law field because the law adaptation to its application brings it to open itself to foreign element of the law.This study intends to provide a theoretical systematization of the qualification and the use of extra-legal factor by the international judge.Reflexion must begin with a first identification of extra-legal factors in the legal thinking through an exegetic lecture of advisory proceedings and contentious cases. The identification of these elements strangers to law will allow the determination and the analysis of the criteria used by international judge(s) and the existence of an eventual classification between such different factors.If international judge accepts to have resort to lawlessness, this opening is not meaningless. Extra-legal factors’ scope on case law must be researched. It’s about a double scope, firstly normative and secondly substantial. Extra-legal factors do have indeed a role in the structuration of international law speech, once integrated to law, because they facilitate the different cases’ individualisation work through their helping role in facts’ interpretation and because they facilitate the decisions’ contextualization work as well, through an international rule shaping. They also have a role in the evolution of international rule since they contribute to the cultural diversity of the ICJ’s judges and, thereby, they become vectors of interdisciplinarity, while they allow an evolutive interpretation of international rule and they contribute to the opening to new tendances

    Blockchain come esempio di tecnologia per il miglioramento aziendale nel sud Italia

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    Scopo del presente lavoro Ăš quello di esporre le caratteristiche della tecnologia blockchain e le relative potenzialitĂ  nelle applicazioni a case study aziendali. Nel paper viene presentato nel dettaglio un esempio di implementazione di blockchain permissioned ed altri esempi di blockchain (anche di tipologia semantica) applicata alla certificazione temporale di processi aziendali di alcune brillanti realtĂ  del sud Italia

    Catatonia in 26 patients with bipolar disorder: Clinical features and response to electroconvulsive therapy

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    Objectives: We describe the clinical characteristics and short-term outcomes of a sample of inpatients with bipolar disorder with severe catatonic features resistant to pharmacological treatment. Methods: The study involved 26 catatonic patients, resistant to a trial of benzodiazepines, and then treated with electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). All patients were evaluated prior to and one week following the ECT course using the Bush-Francis Catatonia Rating Scale (BFCRS) and the Clinical Global Impression (CGI). Results: In our sample, women were over-represented (n = 23, 88.5%), the mean (± standard deviation) age was 49.5 ± 12.5 years, the mean age at onset was 28.1 ± 12.8 years, and the mean number of previous mood episodes was 5.3 ± 2.9. The mean duration of catatonic symptoms was 16.7 ± 11.8 (range: 3-50) weeks, and personal history of previous catatonic episodes was present in 10 patients (38.5%). Seventeen (65.4%) patients showed abnormalities at cerebral computerized tomography and/or magnetic resonance imaging and neurological comorbidities were observed in 15.4% of the sample. Stupor, rigidity, staring, negativism, withdrawal, and mutism were observed in more than 90% of patients. At the end of the ECT course, 21 patients (80.8%) were classified as responders. The BFCRS showed the largest percentage of improvement, with an 82% reduction of the initial score. The number of previous mood episodes was significantly lower and the use of anticholinergic and dopamine-agonist medications was significantly more frequent in non-responders than in responders. Conclusions: Our patients with bipolar disorder had predominantly retarded catatonia, frequent previous catatonic episodes, indicating a recurrent course, and high rates of concomitant brain structure alterations. However, ECT was a very effective treatment for catatonia in this patient group that was resistant to benzodiazepines

    Blockchain come esempio di tecnologia per il miglioramento aziendale nel sud Italia

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    Scopo del presente lavoro Ăš quello di esporre le caratteristiche della tecnologia blockchain e le relative potenzialitĂ  nelle applicazioni a case study aziendali. Nel paper viene presentato nel dettaglio un esempio di implementazione di blockchain permissioned ed altri esempi di blockchain (anche di tipologia semantica) applicata alla certificazione temporale di processi aziendali di alcune brillanti realtĂ  del sud Italia

    Electroconvulsive therapy in catatonic patients: Efficacy and predictors of response

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    Recent evidence favors the view of catatonia as an autonomous syndrome, frequently associated with mood disorders, but also observed in neurological, neurodevelopmental, physical and toxic conditions. From our systematic literature review, electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) results effective in all forms of catatonia, even after pharmacotherapy with benzodiazepines has failed. Response rate ranges from 80% to 100% and results superior to those of any other therapy in psychiatry. ECT should be considered first-line treatment in patients with malignant catatonia, neuroleptic malignant syndrome, delirious mania or severe catatonic excitement, and in general in all catatonic patients that are refractory or partially responsive to benzodiazepines. Early intervention with ECT is encouraged to avoid undue deterioration of the patient's medical condition. Little is known about the long-term treatment outcomes following administration of ECT for catatonia. The presence of a concomitant chronic neurologic disease or extrapyramidal deficit seems to be related to ECT non-response. On the contrary, the presence of acute, severe and psychotic mood disorder is associated with good response. Severe psychotic features in responders may be related with a prominent GABAergic mediated deficit in orbitofrontal cortex, whereas non-responders may be characterized by a prevalent dopaminergic mediated extrapyramidal deficit. These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that ECT is more effective in "top-down" variant of catatonia, in which the psychomotor syndrome may be sustained by a dysregulation of the orbitofrontal cortex, than in "bottom-up" variant, in which an extrapyramidal dysregulation may be prevalent. Future research should focus on ECT response in different subtype of catatonia and on efficacy of maintenance ECT in long-term prevention of recurrent catatonia. Further research on mechanism of action of ECT in catatonia may also contribute to the development of other brain stimulation techniques

    Lipase and Laccase Encapsulated on Zeolite Imidazolate Framework: Enzyme Activity and Stability from Voltammetric Measurements

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    Lipase (Pseudomonas fluorescens) and laccase (Trametates versicolor) were encapsulated on two zeolite imidazolate framework, ZIF‐8 and ZIF‐zni, materials using a one‐pot synthesis‐immobilization method in aqueous solution at room temperature. The synthesized immobilized biocatalysts (Lip@ZIF‐8, Lip@ZIF‐zni, Lac@ZIF‐8, and Lac@ZIF‐zni) were characterized by X‐ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and thermogravimetric analysis. The enzymatic activities of the four immobilized biocatalysts were characterized via the electrochemical detection of the substrates, p‐nitrophenyl butyrate and 2,2‐azinobis‐3‐ethylbenzthiazoline‐6‐sulfonic acid. For Lip@ZIF‐8 the specific activity was 91.9 U mg−1 and 123.1 U mg−1 for Lip@ZIF‐zni, while for Lac@ZIF‐8 and Lac@ZIF‐zni, the activity was 51 U mg−1 and 163 U mg−1, respectively, confirming that laccase retains a higher level of activity when immobilized onto ZIF‐zni than on ZIF‐8. Lac@ZIF‐8 was the most stable system on storage (15 days at 5 °C), retaining 94 % of initial activity, while Lip@ZIF‐zni biocatalyst had the optimal level of reusability, retaining 40 % of initial activity after five reaction cycles