22 research outputs found

    La crise de l’économie soudanaise dans les années 80

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    Le Soudan indépendant a connu la ruine de ses rêves ambitieux, le non-accomplissement de ses objectifs nationaux et l'échec total des programmes économique et politique qui visaient à sortir le pays de son héritage colonial. Les secteurs de production pour la consommation extérieure et l'exportation ont été et continuent d'être dépendants, n'enregistrant au mieux que des changements insignifiants. Les secteurs productifs et leurs structures restent faibles, sans liens les uns avec les autres,..

    La crise de l'enseignement au Soudan

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    L'éducation est en général considérée comme générant une part des conditions indispensables au fonctionnement et à la reproduction d'une société. Elle le fait d'abord en assurant les apprentissages minimaux nécessaires à la vie quotidienne dans les sociétés modernes (lecture, écriture, expression et rudiments d'arithmétique). Mais elle procure aussi une certaine familiarité avec les éléments de base de l'héritage culturel de la société d'appartenance, ainsi qu'avec ses rouages économiques, se..


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    Background: Evidently, Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) is increasingly a recognized medical practice that efficiently uses multiple treatment therapies and techniques in promoting the health and wellbeing of people as well as preventing and managing a variety of human disorders. Research in CAM, which courses exposure to diverse healthcare professionals, is important from many perspectives including improvement in teaching skills of faculty, enhancing capacity building, and innovative curriculum development. This pre- and post-design crosssectional study aimed to assess perceptions, training needs, personal usage, use in office practice, and knowledge of two batches of medical students toward CAM therapies in Majmaah University, Saudi Arabia. Materials and Methods: The second year medical students of the first (year 2012-13) and second (year 2013-2014) batch [n=26 & 39, respectively] were selected for this study. A reliable 16-item self-administered questionnaire was distributed among all students for answering before and after the 48-hour specific 19 CAM therapies course, in terms of CAM therapies are clearly conventional or alternative, training needs, effectiveness, personal use, use in practice, management of two clinical cases by CAM or conventional therapies, and views about which evidence based approach strongly support individual CAM modalities. Results: Medical students' knowledge and perceptions of CAM therapies significantly improved across some sub-items of CAM questionnaire with a positive trend in the rest of its items including their views about CAM therapies, need for further training, personal use of therapies and advising patients regarding CAM practices strongly supported by randomized clinical controlled trials and published case studies. Conclusion: CAM course tends to have positive impact on the knowledge and perceptions of medical students, in addition to need for further training, and personal use and use of CAM therapies in practice in line with strong evidence-based data regarding therapeutic efficacy. The preliminary results of this study call for further research in specific CAM modalities with a larger sample in academic settings across the nation

    The Global Financial Crisis and Developing Countries: Phase 2 Synthesis

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    When the global financial crisis broke out in earnest in September 2008, it quickly became clear that developing countries would also be affected, but that the impacts would vary markedly. The Overseas Development Institute (ODI) coordinated a multi-country study over January-March 2009 involving developing country teams in 10 countries. This showed that, while the transmission mechanisms were similar in each (trade, private capital flows, remittances, aid), the effects varied by country, and much was not yet visible. As such, further country-specific monitoring was required. Most findings suggested that, as a result of time lags, the worst effects were yet to come. This synthesis of the effects of the global financial crisis on developing countries updates the description of the economic and social situation during the course of the crisis in 11 countries

    Economic Growth and Social Development in the Sultanate of Oman

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    Classification of Different Types of Plants by their Chlorophyll Fluorescence Spectra Using Nitrogen Laser

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    Soudan 2

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    Les sept articles qui suivent forment le deuxième volet d’un ensemble consacré au Soudan contemporain et à ses problèmes ; le premier a fait l’objet de la partie « décrypter/l » de la livraison précédente d’Égypte/Monde Arabe (n° 15-16, pp. 5 à 279), qui portait sur les « Crises soudanaises des années 80 » et rendait compte essentiellement de recherches entreprises par des universitaires soudanais sur leur propre pays. La plupart des contributions à ce nouveau numéro ont pour auteurs des chercheurs français. […