97 research outputs found

    Recommendations of RILEM TC 260-RSC for using superabsorbent polymers (SAP) for improving freeze–thaw resistance of cement-based materials

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    This recommendation is focused on application of superabsorbent polymers (SAP) for the improvement of the resistance of cement-based materials to freeze—thaw attack with or without deicing salts. A simple approach to the determination of the amount and properties of SAP as well as methods to verify SAP effectiveness for frost resistance protection are presented

    Experimental and analytical analysis of the bond alteration of impregnated carbon fibre reinforcements embedded in alkali-activated concrete at elevated temperatures

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    The restricted operating temperature range of fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) systems for upgrading and retrofitting reinforced concrete structures is among the key limiting factors of this technology. Indeed, an alternative reinforcing system, known as Mineral-impregnated Carbon-Fibre (MCF), has recently emerged to address this issue. This paper presents an experimental investigation of the performance of MCF systems embedded in fine-grained, Alkali-Activated Concrete (AAC), which have been pre-heated at 100 °C (or 200 °C) and then tested in pull-out at the target temperature. For the purpose of assessing the bond quality against thermal exposure, results are compared with the control group (ambient temperature 20 °C), as well as with an epoxy-impregnated commercial roving. In addition, specimens are characterised at the fibre-to-matrix interface by microscopy and by physical–chemical analytical techniques. Experimental data are fitted onto a one-dimensional stress-and-friction analytical model to determine the characteristic properties of the temperature-dependent bond–slip behaviour of MCFs. Findings suggest enhanced chemical compatibility and reinforcing capabilities at elevated temperature for MCFs, primarily ascribed to the impregnation quality and to the AAC capacity to withstand thermal strain

    Employing limestone and calcined clay for preserving the strain-hardening response of PET fiber-reinforced cementitious composites

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    The degradation of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) fibers in alkaline environments limits their use in strain-hardening cementitious composites (SHCC). Prolonged PET exposure to alkaline environments has a detrimental effect on its mechanical performance, mainly due to the physicochemical transformation caused by alkaline hydrolysis. This study presents a tailored cementitious matrix design containing high amounts of limestone and calcined clay, replacing 75 wt% of Portland cement, to attain and maintain the strain-hardening response of composites incorporating PET fibers as dispersed reinforcement. Analytical and mechanical tests were carried out at different curing ages, ranging from 7 to 60 days, to study the effects of aging on virgin PET fibers, both within the matrix and outside it (in the pore solution). The results showed a pronounced degradation of the PET fibers in the test pore solution at pH 12.5, manifested by a progressive reduction in the load-bearing capacity of the individual fibers with prolonged immersion. Conversely, when the PET fibers were aged in-matrix under laboratory conditions and tested under tension, the performance of the corresponding composites showed resilience to aging, exhibiting reasonable tensile strength and remarkable strain capacities that exceeded 4 %

    Testing superabsorbent polymer (SAP) sorption properties prior to implementation in concrete: results of a RILEM Round-Robin Test

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    This article presents the results of a round-robin test performed by 13 international research groups in the framework of the activities of the RILEM Technical Committee 260 RSC "Recommendations for use of superabsorbent polymers in concrete construction''. Two commercially available superabsorbent polymers (SAP) with different chemical compositions and gradings were tested in terms of their kinetics of absorption in different media; demineralized water, cement filtrate solution with a particular cement distributed to every participant and a local cement chosen by the participant. Two absorption test methods were considered; the tea-bag method and the filtration method. The absorption capacity was evaluated as a function of time. The results showed correspondence in behaviour of the SAPs among all participants, but also between the two test methods, even though high scatter was observed at early minutes of testing after immersion. The tea-bag method proved to be more practical in terms of time dependent study, whereby the filtration method showed less variation in the absorption capacity after 24 h. However, absorption followed by intrinsic, ionmediated desorption of a specific SAP sample in the course of time was not detected by the filtration method. This SAP-specific characteristic was only displayed by the tea-bag method. This demonstrates the practical applicability of both test methods, each one having their own strengths and weaknesses at distinct testing times

    Assessing the stress-transfer capability of mineral impregnated PBO yarns in a limestone calcined clay cement-based (LC3) matrix

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    Technical textiles made of poly(p-phenylene-2,6-benzobisoxazole) (PBO) represent attractive candidates for strengthening and repairing damaged concrete and masonry structures, due to the outstanding durability and mechanical performance of PBO fibres. Similarly to their aramid counterparts, PBO fibres have proved very effective against dynamic and impact loading. In this contribution, the pull-out behaviour of PBO multifilament yarns embedded into a blended cement-based matrix is investigated, with particular reference to its stress-transfer capacity. In addition to the as-received PBO yarns, impregnation with a cement-based suspension, which can fully preserve the inorganic nature of the composite system, is also evaluated. Experimental results are presented and interpreted using a one-dimensional mechanical model. The findings indicate that mineral impregnation of the yarns provides a 40% increase in the stress-transfer capacity with the matrix, corresponding to a halving of the anchoring length. These performance gains are also supported by a transition in the failure mechanism which shifts from friction-based pull-out to fibre rupture

    Thermoelectric energy harvesting from single-walled carbon nanotube alkali-activated nanocomposites produced from industrial waste materials

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    A waste-originated one-part alkali-activated nanocomposite is introduced herein as a novel thermoelectric material. For this purpose, single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) were utilized as nanoinclusions to create an electrically conductive network within the investigated alkali-activated construction material. Thermoelectric and microstructure characteristics of SWCNT-alkali-activated nanocomposites were assessed after 28 days. Nanocomposites with 1.0 wt.% SWCNTs exhibited a multifunctional behavior, a combination of structural load-bearing, electrical conductivity, and thermoelectric response. These nanocomposites (1.0 wt.%) achieved the highest thermoelectric performance in terms of power factor (PF), compared to the lower SWCNTs’ incorporations, namely 0.1 and 0.5 wt.%. The measured electrical conductivity (σ) and Seebeck coefficient (S) were 1660 S·m−1 and 15.8 µV·K−1, respectively, which led to a power factor of 0.414 µW·m−1·K−2 . Consequently, they have been utilized as the building block of a thermoelectric generator (TEG) device, which demon-strated a maximum power output (Pout ) of 0.695 µW, with a power density (PD) of 372 nW·m−2, upon exposure to a temperature gradient of 60 K. The presented SWCNT-alkali-activated nanocomposites could establish the pathway towards waste thermal energy harvesting and future sustainable civil engineering structures

    The role of zinc in metakaolin-based geopolymers

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    Geopolymers are low-calcium, sustainable cementitious materials. The role of Zn, a known retardant used in Portland cement, in geopolymer systems is not well understood. This study scrutinises the effect of Zn on metakaolin-based geopolymer reaction mechanisms and kinetics, and investigates the incorporation mechanism of Zn in geopolymer gels. Isothermal calorimetry and X-ray diffraction analyses show that substitution of ZnO (20 mol% c.f. metakaolin) significantly hinders reaction, likely due to preferential formation of a Na/K-Zn containing phase. Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy shows that Zn2+ partially substitutes for Na+/K+ in charge-balancing sites within the geopolymer gel. Setting time and leaching tests show that the retarding effect of Zn on reaction kinetics is significantly greater in Na-activated geopolymers compared with K-activated geopolymers, whereas Na-activated geopolymers exhibit superior fixation capacity to Zn. A lab-scale experiment demonstrates that metakaolin-based geopolymers are promising candidates for the stabilisation/solidification of Zn-rich hazardous waste

    Strategies towards large-scale 3D printing without size constraints

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    Three-dimensional (3D) printing has been profoundly changing the production mode of traditional industries. However, this technique is usually limited to metre-scale fabrication, which prevents large-scale 3D printing (LS3DP) applications such as the manufacturing of buildings, aircraft, ships, and rockets. LS3DP faces great challenges, particularly, it not only requires confronting problems not yet solved by conventional 3D printing, such as the inability to print functional structures due to limitations by single-material manufacturing, but also needs to overcome the size effect limitation of large-scale printing. Here, we systematically review the state of the art in the integration of materials and technologies in LS3DP. We also demonstrate some disruptive engineering cases of LS3DP in the field of construction. The challenges and strategies for overcoming size constraints to achieve LS3DP of functional structures are discussed, including multifunctional 3D printing processes from nano- to large-scale and large-scale 4D printing processes, diverse printable materials and sustainable structures, horizontal and vertical size-independent printers, collaborative and intelligent control of the entire process, and extreme environment printing. These strategies can provide tremendous opportunities for the fully automated, intelligent, and unmanned production of these different material megastructures and internal multiscale multifunctional components such as buildings/structures, aerospace vehicles, and marine equipment


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    Recently, in the framework of H2020, the European Commission has funded the project ReSHEALience (www.uhdc.eu), whose main goal is to develop an Ultra High Durability Concrete (UHDC) and a Durability Assessment-based Design (DAD) methodology for structures, to improve durability and predict their long-term performance under Extremely Aggressive Exposures. The project, coordinated by Politecnico di Milano, gathers 14 partners from 8 different countries (Italy, Spain, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Malta), including 6 academic and research institutions together with 8 industrial partners, which cover the whole value chain, from producers of concrete constituents to construction companies to stake-holders and end-users. A key activity of the project will consist in the development of a theoretical model to evaluate ageing and degradation of UHDC structures, extending the modelling to predict the lifespan, and its incorporation in a Durability Assessment-based Design (DAD) methodology, which will be validated against experimental tests performed in the same project and the monitored performance of six full-scale pilots in real exposure conditions. The paper, starting from a review of the current state of art on the modelling of advanced cement based materials in extremely aggressive environments (EAE), will address the approach pursued in the project
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